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Iman Fatima

Roll # 18
BS. Zol 17(A)
Assignment # 1
Course Instructor: Prof. Naveed Ali
Definition of Geography
According to IGC (1908)
According to IGC (International
Congress 1908)
“Geography as a branch of
knowledge has for its object the
description of the surface of the
earth as evidence of man’s
relationship with the earth
surface, the home of man”
“Geography as whole, is regarded as the
department of knowledge which studied the varied
features of the earth’s surface as the environment
of mankind”
(By Ritter, Paschel and Ratzal)
“Study of human ecology; adjustment of man to
natural surrounding”
(By Prof. Harland Brrows, 1923)
“Geography is the science concerned with the
formulation of the laws governing the spatial
distribution of certain features on the surface of the
earth” (By Fred Schaefer, 1953)

“Geography is the study of earth as the home of

(By Yi- Fu Tuan, 1991)
Other Definitions
“The study of physical features of the earth and its
atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is
affected by these, including the distribution of
populations and resources and political and
economic activities”

“The science dealing with the areal differentiation of

the earth’s surface, as shown in character,
arrangements, and interrelations of such elements as
climate, elevation, vegetation, population and the
use of land”

“The topographical features of a given region”

Branches of Geography

Physical Geography Human Geography

Geomorphology Historical Geography

Climatology Political Geography
Glaciology Economic Geography
Regional Geography
Hydrology Behavioral Geography
Ocean Geography Settlement Geography
Environmental Geography Strategic Geography
Landscape Ecology Tourism Geography
Metrology Language Geography
Biogeography Population Geography
Physical Geography:
Geography is one of the two major sub-fields of
geography. Physical geography is the branch of
natural science which deals with the study of
processes and patterns in the natural
environment. The main purpose of physical
geography is to explain the spatial
characteristics of the various natural phenomena
associated with the Earth’s hydrosphere,
biosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere.
Human Geography:
geography is the branch of geography that deals
with the study of people and their communities,
cultures, economics, and interactions with the
environment by studying their relations with and
across space and place.
Scope of Physical
Scope of Physical
• Study of Mountains
• Study of Landscapes
• Study of Climate
• Study of Sea/Ocean
• Study of Rocks
• Study of Vegetation
• Study of Atmosphere
• Study of Animals
• Study of Deserts
• Study of Plains
• Study of River
• Study of Glaciers
• Study of Solar System
1 .Study of Mountains:
Mountain research
or Mont ology, traditionally also known
as Orology, is a field of research that
regionally concentrates on the Earth’s
surface’s part covered by mountain

2 .Study of Climate:
Climatology or
Climate science is the scientific study of
climate, scientifically defined as weather
conditions averaged over a period of
Climate means the usual condition of the
temperature, humidity, atmospheric
pressure, wind, rainfall, and other
meteorological elements in an area of the
earth’s surface for a long time.

3 .Study of deserts:
Desert ecology is the
study of interactions between both biotic
and biotic components of desert
ecosystem. A desert ecosystem is defined
by interactions between organism
populations, the climate in which they live,
and any other non-living influences on the
habitat. Eremology is the branch of
geography that deals with the study of
4 .Study of atmosphere:
science is the study of the earth’s
atmosphere, its processes, the effects
other systems have on the atmosphere,
and the effects of the atmosphere on
these other systems. Meteorology
includes atmospheric chemistry and
atmospheric physics with a major focus on
weather forecasting.

5 .Study of Rocks:
Rocks or stones is a
natural substance, a solid aggregate of one
or more minerals or mineraloids. For
example, granite, a common rock, is a
combination of the minerals quartz,
feldspar and biotite. The Earth’s outer solid
layer, the lithosphere, is made of rocks.
Rocks has been used by humankind
throughout history. Petrology is the
branch of geography that deals with the
study of Rocks.
6 .Study of Animals:
geography is defined as the study of “the
complex entangling’s of human-animal
relations with space, place, location,
environment and landscape” or “the study
of where, when, why and how non-human
animals intersect with human societies”.

7 .Study of Glaciers:
Glaciology is
the scientific study of glaciers, or more
generally ice and natural phenomena that
involve ice. Glaciers are the important
indicators of the global warming and
climate change in several ways.
8 .Study of Rivers:
Potamology is
the scientific study of rivers, while
limnology is the study of inland waters in

9 .Study of Oceans\seas:
oceanographer studies the Ocean.
Oceanography is the study that deals
with all aspects of Earth’s oceans and
seas. Marine geology focuses on the
structure, features and evolution of ocean
basins. Marine ecology, also called
biological oceanography, involves the
study of the plants and animals of the
seas, including life cycles and food

10 .Study of Solar System:

Planetary science or, more rarely,
Planetology, is the scientific study of
planets, moons and planetary systems
and the processes that form them.

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