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Ordinary table salt is sodium chloride. What is baking soda?

A. Potassium chloride
B. Potassium carbonate
C. Potassium hydroxide
D. Sodium bicarbonate
Answer: Option D


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Ozone hole refers to
A. hole in ozone layer
B. decrease in the ozone layer in troposphere
C. decrease in thickness of ozone layer in stratosphere
D. increase in the thickness of ozone layer in troposphere
Answer: Option C


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Pine, fir, spruce, cedar, larch and cypress are the famous timber-yielding plants
of which several also occur widely in the hilly regions of India. All these belong
A. angiosperms
B. gymnosperms
C. monocotyledons
D. dicotyledons
Answer: Option B


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Pollination is best defined as
A. transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
B. germination of pollen grains
C. growth of pollen tube in ovule
D. visiting flowers by insects
Answer: Option A


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Plants receive their nutrients mainly from
A. chlorophyll
B. atmosphere
C. light
D. soil
Answer: Option D

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Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called
A. osmosis
B. active transport
C. diffusion
D. passive transport
Answer: Option B


Active transport, this is the only transport method that can move species against
their concentration gradient (from low to high concentration). Facilitated
diffusion only moves species down their concentration gradient from high to low

Photosynthesis generally takes place in which parts of the plant?
A. Leaf and other chloroplast bearing parts
B. stem and leaf
C. Roots and chloroplast bearing parts
D. Bark and leaf
Answer: Option A


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Most fish do not sink in water because of the presence of
swim bladder
air bladder
air sacs
air in spongy bones
A. I and II are correct
B. II and III are correct
C. III and IV are correct
D. I, II, III and IV are correct
Answer: Option A


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Plants synthesis protein from
A. starch
B. sugar
C. amino acids
D. fatty acids
Answer: Option C


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Plants absorb dissolved nitrates from soil and convert them into
A. free nitrogen
B. urea
C. ammonia
D. proteins
Answer: Option A


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Out of 900 reported species of living gymnosperms, conifers are represented by
about 500 species, About 2,50,000 species of angiosperms (flowering plants) have
also been reported in the world. The vast and dominant woodlands in Europe, Asia,
North America and mountains such as Himalayas are wooded with
Answer: Option C


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One of the following is not a function of bones.

Answer: Option C


Plants absorb most part of water needed by them through their

Answer: Option C


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Photo-oxidation is
Answer: Option D

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Answer: Option C


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Most highly intelligent mammals are
Answer: Option B


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Plant development is influenced by
Answer: Option D


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Answer: Option D

Photosynthesis takes place faster in
Answer: Option B

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Answer: Option B


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Primary phloem develops from

Answer: Option D


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Other than spreading malaria, anopheles mosquitoes are also vectors of
Answer: Option B


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Plants that grow in saline water are called

Answer: Option A


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Pyorrhoea is a disease of the
Answer: Option B


Pyorrhoea, or periodontal disease, to give it a proper medical term, is a disease

of the gums, it is one of the most widely prevalent diseases. It affects the
membrane surrounding the roots of the teeth and leads to loosening of the teeth,
pus formation, and shrinkage of the gum. This disease is the primary cause for
tooth loss among adults.

O2 released in the process of photosynthesis comes from
Answer: Option B


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Plants hormone that induces cell division is
Answer: Option C


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Neurospora is used as genetic material because
Answer: Option A


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Phloem is a tissue found in
Answer: Option B


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N2 content is kept constant in the biosphere due to
Answer: Option C

out of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates present in a cell membrane, what is true?
Answer: Option B


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Potato is a modified form (outgrowth) of
Answer: Option B


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Of the following taxonomic categories which is the most inclusive (i.e. is the
highest in hierarchy)?
Answer: Option C


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Prothrombin which helps in clotting of blood is released by
Answer: Option D


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Myopia is connected with
B. eyes
C. lungs
D. None of these
Answer: Option B


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Most of the red, blue and purple colours of plants are due to a pigment called
Answer: Option A


Anthocyanin - A blue, violet, or red flavonoid pigment found in plants.

Plants developing in dry conditions are
Answer: Option A


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Plants growing on sand are called as
Answer: Option D


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Our skin, when exposed to excess sunlight, becomes dark. This is because our skin
pigments called
Answer: Option B


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Ramapithecus and Cro-Magnon man are considered
Answer: Option A


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Normal adult human male has
Answer: Option B


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Plants wilt due to excess of
Answer: Option A

Monotremes are unique mammals because they
Answer: Option D


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Poison glands of snakes are homologous to
Answer: Option D


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Radical vascular bundles are those in which
Answer: Option D


With the help of examples, explain the various types of vascular bundles.

In angiosperms the vascular bundles are mainly of three types (i) radial (ii)
conjoint (iii) concentric.

(i) Radial : Presence of radial vascular bundles is the characteristic feature of

roots. Those vascular bundles in which xylem and phloem are present on different
radii are known as radial vascular bundles. In between xylem and phloem bundles
parenchymatous cells are present.

(ii) Conjoint : In these vascular bundles xylem and phloem are present on the same
radii. Conjoint vascular bundles may be collateral (phloem is present only outer to
xylem) or bicollateral (phloem is present on both sides of xylem). If cambium is
present between xylem and phloem then the vascular bundle is known as open,
otherwise it is called closed.

(iii) Concentric : Those vascular bundles in which one type of vascular tissue is
surrounded by another type are known as concentric vascular bundles. These bundles
may be amphivasal or leptocentric(phloem is completely surrounded by xylem) or
amphicribal or hardocentric (xylem is completely surrounded by phloem). Amphivasal
bundles are found in Dracaena and Yucca. Amphicribal bundles are found in stamens
of many dicots etc.

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Plant bends towards the source of light on account of the movement of curvature
known as
Answer: Option D


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Plant have ____ while animals lack it.
Answer: Option B


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Osmosis is the flow of solution from higher concentration to a solution of lower
concentration through a semi permeable membrane. What is incorrect in this
Answer: Option C

Photosynthesis is a process
Answer: Option D


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On which of the following plants did Gregor Mendal perform his classical
Answer: Option C


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Pigmentation of skin is due to
Answer: Option D


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Norepinephrine increases
A. respiration
B. urine production
C. saliva production
D. blood pressure
Answer: Option D


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Night blindness is cause by lack of which vitamin?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D
Answer: Option A


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Monocot root differs from dicot root in having
A. open vascular bundles
B. scattered vascular bundles
C. well developed pith
D. radially arranged vascular bundles
Answer: Option C

Radioactivity is a phenomenon of the spontaneous emission of
A. protons (alpha particles)
B. electrons (beta particles)
C. gamma rays (short wave electromagnetic waves)
D. All of the above
Answer: Option D


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Organic Substances which, in very small amounts, control growth and development
A. vitamins
B. hormones
C. enzymes
D. None of the above
Answer: Option B


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Our major foods, fibres, spices, fruits and beverage crops are
A. flowering plants
B. gymnosperms plants
C. pteridophytes
D. bryophytes
Answer: Option A


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Movements due to light are shown by
A. flowering plants
B. lower plants
C. all land plants
D. all the plants
Answer: Option A


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Outer covering of virus made up of protein is
A. capsid
B. coat
C. virion
D. viriod
Answer: Option A


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Radish is a
A. bulb
B. conn
C. modified root
D. tuber
Answer: Option C

Most common disease of poultry in India is
A. fowl pox
B. tick fever
C. ranikhet
D. coryza
Answer: Option C


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Most abundant tissues of our body are
A. muscular
B. connective
C. epithelial
D. nervous
Answer: Option B


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Mumps is a disease caused by
A. fungus
B. bacterium
C. virus
D. None of these
Answer: Option C


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Rain water helps to increase the ____ to some extent.
A. phosphorous contents
B. nitrogen contents
C. calcium contents
D. potash contents
Answer: Option C


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Number of chromosomes in Down's syndrome is
A. 46
B. 47
C. 48
D. 49
Answer: Option B


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Plants are killed in winter by frost
A. because of desiccation and mechanical damage to the tissues
B. because no photosynthesis takes place at such low temperature
C. because respiration ceases at such low temperature
D. because there is no transpiration
Answer: Option A

One of the following is most suitable for study of mutations
A. Haploids
B. Diploids
C. Tetraploids
D. Polyploid
Answer: Option A


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Pulses are a good source of
A. carbohydrates
B. fats
C. proteins
D. vitamins
Answer: Option C


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Oxygen in our blood is transported by a protein named
A. haemoglobin
B. keratin
C. collagen
D. myoglobin
Answer: Option A


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Nymph is the name of young one of
A. butterfly
B. beetle
C. housefly
D. cockroach
Answer: Option D


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One day you wake with a sore throat and a runny nose. Your doctor takes a swab from
your throat, sends it to a lab, and telephones you the next day to say that
antibiotic will not help you get better. Which of the following is the most likely
reason for the doctor's statement?
A. Having waited a day, it is too late to take an antibiotic
B. You need an antiseptic, not an antibiotic
C. You need to be vaccinated instead of taking an antibiotic
D. You are infected by a virus
Answer: Option D

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Plants that grow under average temperature and moisture are called
A. halophytes
B. hydrophytes
C. mesophytes
D. xerophytes
Answer: Option C

Oxyreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases and ligases are all
classes of
A. hormones
B. enzymes
C. proteins
D. vitamins
Answer: Option B


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Mutation is
A. a factor responsible for plant growth
B. a change which affects the offspring of F2 generation only
C. a change that is inherited
D. a change which affects the parents
Answer: Option C


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Pollination by wind is called
A. anemophily
B. hydrophily
C. zoophily
D. entomophily
Answer: Option A


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Pollen grains in plants are produced in
A. roots
B. leaves
C. flower
D. stem
Answer: Option C

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Nitrogen is fixed in ecosystems in ways stated below. Which one of the statements
below is false?
A. By cyanobacteria
B. By electrical discharges in the atmosphere
C. By industrially synthesised fertilizer
D. By denitrification
Answer: Option D


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Ptyalin is an enzyme produced in the
A. salivary glands
B. pituitary glands
C. thyroid glands
D. pancreas
Answer: Option A

Mycobacterium leprae causes leprosy, Corynebacterium diphtheria causes diphtheria
and Vibrio comma causes
A. tetanus
B. influenza
C. cholera
D. typhoid
Answer: Option C


Vibrio cholerae (also Kommabacillus) is a gram negative comma-shaped bacterium with

a polar flagellum that causes cholera in humans

1. Refrigeration is a process in which ________

A. Bacteria are destroyed

B. Growth of bacteria reduced
C. Bacteria become in active
D. Cytoplasm of bacteria contract

2. Souring of milk is due to ________

A. Protozoa
B. Bacteria
C. Virus
D . Nematode

3. Nitrogen fixing bacteria is useful in growing which crop ___________

A. Wheat
B. Paddy
C. Legume
D. Maiz

4. Function of Leghemoglobin in nitrogen fixation ______________

A. Absorption of oxygen
B. Nutrion of bacteria
C. Absorption of light
D. All

5. Which one of the following disease caused by bacteria ____________

A. Tuberculosis
B. Mumps
C. Small pox
D. Rabies

6. Which communicable disease is caused by bacteria _______________

A. Small Pox
B. Mumps
C. Leprosy
D. Asthma

7. Which one of the following type of microorganism is most widely used in


A. Bacteria
B. Bacteria and fungi
C. Bacteria and algae
D. Bacteria, microalgae and fungi

8. The disease AIDS is caused by __________

A. Bacteria
B. Fungi
C. Virus
D. Protozoan

9. HIV is related to _____________

A. Cancer
B. Plague
C. Hepetities

10. Aids virus contain ____________

A. Single stranded RNA

B. Double stranded RNA
C. Single stranded DNA
D. Double stranded DNA

Answers: 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A
5. A 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. D
10. A
The nematodes are–
(A) Monoblastic (B) Duoblastic
(C) Triploblastic✓ (D) All of these

2. Bacterial cell division mainly by

(A) Binary fission✓ (B) Fragment
(C) Budding (D) None of these

3. Rice blast pathogen perfect stage is–

(A) Pyricularia oryzae (B) Magnaporthe grisea✓
(C) Helmiuthosporium (D) Rhizoctonia

4. Downy mildew of pea caused by–

(A) Perenospora pisi✓ (B) Albugo candida
(C) Erfsiphae polsjgoni (D) None of these

5. Black heart is a physiological disorder of

(A) Tomato (B) Chilli
(C) Potato✓ (D) Cabbage

6. The major storage fungi that effects the food grain is–
(A) Rhizobium (B) Mucor
(C) Cercospora (D) Aspergillus✓

7. Which one of the following microbial agents is being commercially exploited as

biocontrol agent ?
(A) Bacillus subtilis (B) Penicillium notatunt
(C) Sclerotium rolfsi (D) Trichoderma viride✓

8. Which Penicillium species used in 'Cheese' making ?

(A) Penicillium notatunt (B) Penicillium roqueforti ✓
(C) Penicillium diuaricatum (D) Penicillium crysogemum

9. Application of potash increases

(A) Resistance to water logging (B) Frost resistance in plants
(C) Disease resistance in plants✓ (D) None of these

10. Viruses contain–

(C) Both RNA and DNA (D) Either RNA or DNA, never both✓

11. Select the nematicides group which are non-fumigant in nature–

(A) Methyl bromide (B) Nemagon (DBCP)
(C) Vapam (D) Aldicarb and Phorate✓

12. The causal organism of bunchy top of banana is transmitted by–

(A) Peutalonia nigroneruosa✓ (B) Bemisia tabaci
(C) Lipaphis erisimi (D) Pollen

13. Sulphur dioxide is toxic to plant at or above–

(A) 0.1-0.3ppm (B) 0.3-0.5ppm✓
(C) 0.5-0.7ppm (D) 1 ppm

14. Damping off and leaf blights are very effectively checked by–
(A) Bordeaux mixture (B) Burgundy mixture
(C) Thirarn (D) Copper oxychloride✓

15. Yon Schmeling and Kulka first time demonstrated the systemic activity of
fungicides in–
(A) 1956 (B) 1966✓
(C) 1972 (D) 1976

16. Dinocap (methyl heptyl dinitrophenyl crotonate) is sold in market as–

(A) Bravo (B) Dexon
(C) Botron (D) Karathane✓

17. Which one of the following is a single cell fungi?

(A) Yeast✓ (B) Aspergillus
(C) Penicillium (D) Alternaria

18. Loose smut of wheat is–

(A) Internally seed borne✓ (B) Externally seed borne
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Not clearly defined

19. Loose smut of barley is/are–

(A) Internally seed borne✓ (B) Externally seed borne
(C) Soil borne (D) All of these

20. Stem galls of coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is caused by

(A) Protonujces macrosporus✓ (B) Plasmopara viticola
(C) Peronospora pisi (D) None of these

21. The causal organism Enjsiphe graminis sp. tritici produces–

(A) Apothecia (B) Cleistothecia✓
(C) Perithecia (D) Telia

22. The bacterial colony is known as–

(A) Spore (B) Mycelium
(C) Ooze✓ (D) Hypha

23. The spores which are produced typically by the binucleate mycelium and mainly
function as repeating spores for the spread of rust disease in wheat is called
(A) Aeciospores (B) Basidiospores
(C) Urediospores✓ (D) Teleutospores

24. Plasmodiophora brassicae causes the club root disease of crucifers can be
controlled by–
(A) Raising pH of soil✓ (B) Decreasing pH of soil
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these

25. Leaf spot or tikka disease of groundnut is/are caused by–

(A) Cercospora arachidicola (B) Cercosporidium personatum
(C) Both (A) and (B)✓ (D) Drechslera graminea

26. 'Fungi and Plant Diseases' was written by–

(A) BB Mundakur (B) JF Dastur
(C) G Rangaswami✓ (D) KC Mehta

27. Who described the first plant nematode disease, the seed gall caused by
Anguilla tritiei in 1743 AD ?
(A) Berkeley (B) Kuhn
(C) Needham✓ (D) NA Cobb
28. The adjacent cells of the same fungal hypha brought into communication with
each other by means of loops is known as–
(A) Transduction (B) Transformation
(C) Clamp connection✓ (D) Conjugation

29. The Downey mildew of bajra is caused by–

(A) Sclerospora sorghi (B) Sclerospora sacchari
(C) S. grantinicola✓ (D) Perenospora parasitica

30. The organo-mercurials fungicides used I for dry seed treatment usually contain
I mercury–
(A) 0.5 % (B) 1.0 %✓
(C) 2.0 % (D) 4.0 %

31. Who advanced the gene for gene concept of disease resistance and susceptibility
in 1946 ?
(A) Flor✓ (B) Vanderplank
(C) Gaumann (D) Muller

32. In uredinales (rust fungi) basidia usually bearing how many numbers of
basidiospores ?
(A) 2 (B) 4✓
(C) 6 (D) 8

33. When plant showed the partial resistance against all the races of pathogen then
it is a type of ?
(A) Horizontal resistance✓ (B) Vertical resistance
(C) Induced resistance (D) Non-host resistance

34. The black wart disease of potato specially confined to Darjeeling hills is
caused by pathogen
(A) Synchytrium eudobioticum✓ (B) Plasmodiophora brassicae
(C) Sclerospora sorglti (D) Plasmopora oiticola

35. A bacteria which have a large number of flagella all over the cell is
categorized in–
(A) Atrichous (B) Amphitrichous
(C) Lophotrichous (D) Peritrichous✓

36. The rust fungi completing their life cycle on one host are called–
(A) Polymorphic (B) Autoecious
(C) Heteroecious✓ (D) None of these

37. The disease ergot of rye produces sclerotia is caused by–

(A) Claviceps pllrpurea✓ (B) C. fusiformis
(C) Clauiceps sativae (D) All of these

38. The optimum temperature for the attack of foot rot of papaya (PythiulII
aphanidermatumi is–
(A) 22°C (B) 28°C
(C) 32°C (D) 36°C✓

39. Which type of spores of Puccinia graminis tritici infect the barberry plant ?
(A) Teliospores (B) Urediospores
(C) Aeciospores (D) Basidiospores✓
40. Who is the father of plant pathology in India?
(A) EJ Butler✓ (B) KC Mehta
(e) BB Mundakur (D) R Prasad

41. Wilt disease of sugarcane was first time reported in India from–
(A) Punjab (B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Bihar✓ (D) Uttar Pradesh

42. The rust of linseed and flax can be completely controlled by spray of–
(A) Borax✓ (B) Dithane M-45
(C) Vitavax (D) Agrosan GN

43. In 1943, Bengal had faced a serious famine which cause a great loss in rice
yield was caused by–
(A) Hehnintltosporium oryzae✓ (B) Pyrielliaria oryzae
(C) Colletotrichum falcatum (D) Fusarium tulum

44. Which genus of nematodes has special types of nurse cell systems which serve as
source of continuous supply of nutrients to the nematodes ?
(A) Meloidogune (B) Heterodera
(C) Globodera (D) All of these✓

45. For - the first time who reported that a plant disease (fire blight of pear)
was caused by a bacterium (Erwillia amylovora) in 1882–
(A) Robert Koch (B) EF Smith
(C) Kuhn (D) TJ Burill✓

46. Major genes contributes disease resistance in the form of

(A) Vertical resistance✓ (B) Horizontal resistance
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these

47. Albugo candida causes white blisters or white rust of crucifers is a/an–
(A) Obligate parasite✓ (B) Obligate saprophite
(C) Facultative parasites (D) Facultative saprophite

48. For the effective control of early blight of potato, which fungicide is most
(A) Zineb (B) Dithane MAS✓
(C) Blitox-50 (D) Difolatan

49. For the effective control of wilt, pigeonpea should be intercropped with–
(A) Maize (B) Pearlmillet
(C) Sorghum✓ (D) Mung

50. Which antibiotic was first time demonstrated by Fleming (1929) ?

(A) Penicillin✓ (B) Streptomycin
(C) Tetracycline (D) Gliotioxin

Founder of modern bacteriology is–

(A) Leeuwenhoek (B) Pasteur✓
(C) Robert Koch (D) None of the above

2. Braun's lipoprotein is present. in–

(A) Gram+ve bacteria (B) Gram-ve bacteria✓
(C) Bacteriophage (D) Yeast

3. Pseudomorein is an organism?
(A) Archaebacteria✓ (C) Eukaryote present in which
(B) Eubacteria (D) Fungi

4. The most resistant form of microbial life in the bacteria is–

(A) Cyst (B) Endospore✓
(C) Vegetative stage (D) None

5. Species of Mycoplasma are inhibited by–

(A) Penicillin (B) Tetramycin✓
(C) Both (D) None of the above

6. Example for microaerophilic N 2 fixer–

(A) Rhizobium (B) Azotobacter
(C) E. Coli (D) Frankia✓

7. First" Antifungal antibiotic–

(A) Cycloheximide (B) Aureofungin
(C) Neomycin (D) Nystatin✓

8. In general, an ideal antimicrobial chemical agenthase a spectrum activity–

(A) Limited (B) Broad✓
(C) Narrow (D) None

9. The term Mycorrhiza is coined by–

(A) Frank✓ (B) Hartig
(C) De bary (D) Winogradasky

10. Which of the following insecticides ?

(A) Bacillus thuringiensis (B) Bacillus popilliae
(C) Both (A) and (B)✓ (D) None of the above

11. A substance that can elicit an immune response only when combined with another
(A) O antigen (B) Haptan✓
(C) Adjent (D) Immunogen

12. Factor which does not affect legume root nodulation ?

(A) Temperature (B) Light✓
(C) Combined N 2 (D) H + ion cone.

13. In leghaemoglobin the heme portion is specified by

(A) Plantgenes (B) Bacterial genes✓
(C) Both (D) None of these

14. Cell - Cell interaction and differentiation is mostly studied on–

(A) Arabidopsis thaliana (B) Cenorabditis elegens
(C) Escherichia coli (D) Dictyostlium discodeum✓

15. Bacteria which can ferment sugar faster than yeast is–
(A) Oostridium (B) Zygomonas✓
(C) Thiobacillus (D) Bacillus

16. First antifugal antibiotic is–

(A) Nystatin✓ (B) Cycloheximide
(C) Aureofungin (D) None of these

17. Virus quantification in a given sample is done by–

(A) End point efflux (B) End point dilution✓
(C) End point titration (D) All of these

18. The phenomenon of inhibiting the growth of bacteria without killing them
(A) Bactericidal (B) Bacteriostatic✓
(C) Both (D) None

19. In gram staining the alcohol acts on–

(A) Teichoic acids (B) Peptidoglycan
(C) Periplasm (D) Membrane lipids✓

20. In cocoa fermentation, the microbial inoclumn used is of–

(A) Aspergillus niger (B) Candida Krusei✓
(C) Rhizopus oryzae (D) None of the above

21. Number of the chromosome in bacteria is–

(A) 0 (B) 1✓
(C) 2 (D) Many

22. Fungi used for bioassay of biotin–

(A) Neurospora✓ (B) Yeast
(C) Aspergillus (D) Penicillium

23. An agent which frees from infection by killing the vegetative cells of
(A) Surfactant (B) Disinfectant✓
(C) Antiseptic (D) None of these

24. A fluorescent dye used in fluorescent microscopy is–

(A) Acridine orange (B) Phosphotungstic acid
(C) Ethidium bromide✓ (D) Luciferin

25. Bacteria are commonly seen in soils such as–

(A) acidic (B) neutral✓
(C) alkaline (D) saline

26. Protein coat of a virus–

(A) Capsule (B) Capsid✓
(C) Envelope (D) Coat

27. 'P' solubilizing bacteria–

(A) Bacillus megatherium✓ (B) Clostridium pasteurianum
(C) A. Niger (D) Micrococcus sp

28. In autoclave which form of heat is used ?

(A) dry heat✓ (B) moist heat
(C) vacuum heat (D) both a and-b

29. Virus - "Contangium viuum fluidum" was given by–

(A) A. Mayer (B) Beijerinck✓
(C) Iwanoski (D) None of these

30. Principal sites for CO2 fixation in autotrophic prokaryotes–

(A) Chromosomes (B) Carboxysomes✓
(C) Both (D) None of these

31. Number of flagella in Cyanobacteria are–

(A) Zero✓ (B) One
(C) Two (D) Three

32. Father of bacteriology is–

(A) Leewenhoek✓ (B) Pasteur
(C) Koch (D) None of these

33. Test organism for phenol coefficient–

(A) Salmonella tyagi (B) Staphylococcus aureus
(C) Both✓(D) None of these

34. Which of the following does not produce any enzyme?

(A) Amoeba (B) Virus✓
(C) Bacteria (D) Fungi

35. In Archaebacteria which one is present in the cell wall ?

(A) Murein (B) Pseudomurein✓
(C) Both (D) None of these

36. A virus that may not destroy the host–

(A) Virulent phage (B) Temperature phage✓
(C) Cyanophage (D) Lytic cycle

37. Fermenting organism involved in Yoghurt

(A) Streptococcus✓ (B) Aspergillus
(C) Podiococcus (D) None of these

38. An aminoglycoside antibiotic–

(A) Penicillin (B) Streptomycin✓
(C) Tetracycline (D) None of these

39. Type of relationship between Acetobacter diazotrophicus and sugarcane is–

(A) Symbiotic (B) Associative
(C) Endophytic✓ (D) Free living

40. Red pigment produced by–

(A) Serratia✓ (B) Micrococcus
(C) Both (D) None of these

41. Rhizosphere was coined by–

(A) Hiltner✓ (B) Beijernick
(C) Winogradsky (D) None

42. Test organism for pasteurization is–

(A) Coxicella bumetti✓ (B) Clostridium pasteurizanum
(C) Bacillus subtilis (D) Bacillus steareothermophillus

43. Gram staining was discovered by Gram in the year–

(A) 1762 (B) 1932
(C) 1884✓ (D) 1890

44. Example of pleomorphic bacteria is–

(A) Acetobacter (B) Azotobacter
(C) Achromobacter (D) Arthrobacter✓

45. Acid fast staining used for which bacteria–

(A) Mycobacterium✓ (B) Rhizobium
(C) Bacillus sp. (D) Clostridium
46. Bacitracin is produced by–
(A) Bacillus subtillis✓ (B) Aspergillus niger
(C) E. Coli (D) Yeast

47. Name of the bacterium producing endospore is–

(A) Bacillus✓ (B) Agrobacterium
(C) Xanthomonas (D) E. Coli

48. Ultraviolet light is most germicidal at the wavelength of–

(A) 245 nm (B) 255 nm
(C) 265 nm✓ (D) None

49. Phosphorus solubilizing microorganism–

(A) VAM✓ (B) Mucor
(C) Rhizopus (D) E. Coli

50. Which of the following genera is most likely to contain organisms capable of
surviving high temperature?
(A) Oostridium✓ (B) Penicillium
(C) Torula (D) Pseudomonas

Stem is modified into cladode :

(A) Casuarina (B) Asparagus (C) Opuntia (D) Euphorbia

2. Verticillaster type of inflorescence is found in :

(A) Cotton (B) Datura (C) Lilium (D) Ocimum

3. A simple one seeded fruit in which pericarp is fused with seed coat is :
(A) Achene (B) Caryopsis (C) Cypsela (D) Nut

4. The portion of DNA which contains information for an entire polypeptide is

called :
(A) Cistron (B) Muton (C) Recon (D) Operon

5. Bicarpellary, syncarpous ovary with axile placentation is seen in :

(A) Solanaceae (B) Caesalpinaceae (C) Asteraceae (D) Malvaceae

6. Alburnum is also called :

(A) Autumn wood (B) Heart wood (C) Sap wood (D) Spring wood

7. The entry of pollen tube into the ovule through micropyle is called :
(A) Porogamy (B) Mesogamy (C) Anisogamy (D) Chalazogamy

8. Type of pollination in Commelina is :

(A) Chasmogamy (B) Geitonogamy (C) Xenogamy (D) Cleistogamy

9. The process of embryo formation without fertilization is known as :

(A) Apospory (B) Apogamy (C) Parthenocarpy (D) Polyembryony

10. Which of the process Cholodny-Went theory is concerned with ?

(A) Photomorphogenesis (B) Photoperiodism (C) Phototropism (D) Photorespiration

11. The hormone present in the liquid endosperm of coconut is :

(A) Cytokinin (B) Gibberellin (C) Ethylene (D) Auxin

12. The phytohormone which influences apical dominance growth is :

(A) IAA (B) ABA (C) GA3 (D) C2H4
13. An example of short day plant is :
(A) Wheat (B) Maize (C) Chrysanthemum (D) Radish

14. The ovary after fertilization is converted into :

(A) Embryo (B) Endosperm (C) Fruit (D) Seed

15. The molecular formula of Chlorophyll ‘a’ is :

(A) C55H72O5N4Mg (B) C55H70O5N4Mg
(C) C55H72O6N4Mg (D) C50H72O5N4Mg

16. The first compound that accepts CO2 during dark phase is :
(A) NADP (B) Ferrodoxin (C) RUBP (D) Cytochrome

17. Initiation codon for methionine is :


18. The deficiency of this micronutrient results in little leaf disease :

(A) Copper (B) Zinc (C) Boron (D) Iron

19. Kranz anatomy is a morphological diversity in the leaves of :

(A) C3-plants (B) C4-plants (C) C3 and C4-plants (D) CAM plants

20. Prechilling treatment to break seed dormancy is :

(A) Scarification (B) Stratification (C) Impaction (D) Vernalization

21. The pyruvic acid formed during glycolysis is oxidized to CO2 and H2O in a cycle
called :
(A) Calvin cycle (B) Nitrogen cycle (C) Hill reaction (D) Krebs cycle

22. Respiratory quotient (RQ) is one in case of :

(A) Fatty acids (B) Nucleic acids (C) Carbohydrates (D) Organic acids

23. An example of free living nitrogen fixing aerobic bacteria is :

(A) Clostridium (B) Rhizobium (C) Azotobacter (D) Rhodospirillum

24. Identify the plant belonging to the Reed-Swamp stage in hydrarch succession :
(A) Juncus (B) Sagittaria (C) Salix (D) Trapa

25. A gas produced by paddy fields and connected with global warming is :
(A) CO2 (B) Chlorine (C) H2S (D) Methane

26. If the strong partner is benefited and the weak partner is damaged, it is known
as :
(A) Predation (B) Allelopathy (C) Symbiosis (D) Commensalism

27. Acid rain is mainly caused due to increase in the levels of the gas(es) :
(A) SO2 only (B) CO2 only (C) SO2, CO2 (D) NO2 and SO2

28. The flow of energy among various trophic levels of an ecosystem is :

(A) Unidirectional (B) Bidirectional (C) Multidirectional (D) Circular

29. Increase in atmospheric temperature due to CO2 is called :

(A) Pasteur effect (B) Green-house effect
(C) Blackman effect (D) Emerson effect

30. The protective-ozone layer is present in :

(A) Ionosphere (B) Stratosphere (C) Troposphere (D) Lithosphere
31. Decomposition of organic matter is brought about by :
(A) Protozoa (B) Plants (C) Micro-organisms (D) None of these

32. The smallest taxon is called :

(A) Class (B) Order (C) Genus (D) Species

33. Which one of the following is the first National Park in India ?
(A) Kanha National Park (B) Periyar National Park
(C) Corbett National Park (D) Bandipur National Park

34. Which one of the following is having ssRNA ?

(A) TMV (B) T2-bacteriophage (C) Polio Virus (D) CMV

35. In Whittaker’s system of classification, prokaryotes are placed in the

kingdom :
(A) Protista (B) Monera (C) Plantae (D) Animalia

36. Virus consists of :

(A) Nucleic acid and protein (B) Nucleic acid (C) Orotein (D) None of these

37. This substance is present in the cell walls of Gram Positive bacteria only :
(A) Peptidoglycan (B) Lipopolysaccharides (C) Teichoic acids (D) None of these

38. Highest degree of polymorphism is found in :

(A) Protozoa (B) Cnidaria (C) Platyhelminthes (D) Arthropoda

39. Sea mouse belongs to phylum :

(A) Mollusca (B) Cnidaria (C) Arthropoda (D) Annelida

40. One of the following animal belongs to Cyclostomata :

(A) Channa (B) Loris (C) Dodo (D) Petromyzon

41. An egg laying mammal is :

(A) Delphinus (B) Macaca (C) Ornithorhynchus (D) Macropus

42. In sharks, one of the following is absent :

(A) Claspers (B) Placoid scales (C) Cartilaginous endoskeleton (D) Air bladder

43. The devil fish and sea hare are :

(A) Molluscs (B) Crustaceans (C) Coelenterates (D) Marine fish and mammal

44. Endothelium of blood vessels is made up of :

(A) Simple cuboidal epithelium (B) Simple squamous epithelium
(C) Simple columnar epithelium (D) Simple non-ciliated columnar

45. In humans, sphincter of Oddi is associated with the opening of :

(A) Common hepatopancreatic duct (B) Pyloric stomach (C) Oesophagus (D) Colon

46. In human beings, the duration of cardiac cycle is :

(A) 0•08 second (B) 0•5 second (C) 0•8 second (D) 8•0 second

47. In which part of nephron, reabsorption is minimum from filtrate ?

(A) Henle’s loop (B) Proximal convoluted tubule
(C) Distal convoluted tubule (D) Collecting duct

48. Which hormone level reaches peak during luteal phase of menstrual cycle ?
(A) Luteinizing hormone (B) Progesterone (C) Follicle stimulating hormone (D)
49. The largest subunit of prokaryotic ribosomes is :
(A) 30S (B) 40S (C) 50S (D) 60S

50. Which of the following is a part of endomembrane system of eukaryotic cell ?

(A) Peroxisomes (B) Chloroplasts (C) Mitochondria (D) Golgi complexes

51. Inflammation of joints due to accumulation of uric acid crystals is called as :

(A) Gout (B) Myasthenia gravis (C) Osteoporosis (D) Osteomalacia

52. Chromosomes are visible with chromatids at this phase of mitosis :

(A) Interphase (B) Prophase (C) Metaphase (D) Anaphase

53. Inheritance of ABO blood grouping is an example of :

(A) Dominance (B) Codominance (C) Incomplete dominance (D) All of these

54. In a dihybrid cross between RRYY and rryy parents, the number of RrYy genotypes
in F2 generation will be :
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1

55. Identify a 47, + 21 disorder from the following :

(A) Down’s syndrome (B) Turner’s syndrome
(C) Phenylketonuria (D) Klinefelter’s syndrome

56. Uracil is present in RNA at the place of :

(A) Adenine (B) Guanine (C) Cytosine (D) Thymine

57. Copying genetic information from one strand of DNA into RNA is :
(A) Translation (B) Transcription (C) Transformation (D) Transduction

58. S. L. Miller’s closed flask contained :

(A) CH4 (B) H2 (C) NH3 and Water vapour (D) All of these

59. Change of frequency of alleles in a population results in evolution is proposed

in :
(A) Darwin’s theory (B) Lamarck’s theory
(C) Hardy-Weinberg principle (D) De Vries theory

60. One of the following is the vestigial organ in human beings :

(A) Nictitating membrane (B) Spleen (C) Femur (D) Tibia

61. The golden age of reptiles is :

(A) Cenozoic era (B) Palaeozoic era (C) Mesozoic era (D) Silurian period

62. The theory of use and disuse of organ was proposed by :

(A) Darwin (B) Lamarck (C) De Vries (D) Hooker

63. One of the following theories were proposed by Weissman :

(A) Law of inheritance (B) Theory of inheritance of acquired characters
(C) Theory of natural selection (D) Theory of germplasm

64. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny—

this theory is called :
(A) Biogenetic law (B) Law of embryology
(C) Law of acquired characters (D) Law of Bridges

65. The brain capacity of Homoerectus is :

(A) 800 cc (B) 900 cc (C) 1200 cc (D) 1400 cc

66. An example of Innate immunity is :

(A) PMNL-neutrophils (B) T-lymphocytes (C) B-lymphocytes (D) TH cells

67. Cocaine is extracted from :

(A) Erythroxylum coca (B) Cannabis sativa
(C) Papaver somniferum (D) Atropa belladonna

68. The enzyme that cuts DNA is :

(A) DNA-polymerase (B) DNA-ligase
(C) DNA-lyase (D) Restriction endonuclease

69. In the association between two organisms, if one organism is benefited and the
other is not benefited, this relationship is known as :
(A) Symbiotism (B) Mutualism (C) Commensalism (D) Parasitism

70. Opiate narcotics drugs are :

(A) Antianxiety (B) Analgesic (C) Hypnotic (D) Antihistamine

71. The drug useful to increase cardiovascular effects in human beings is :

(A) Cocaine (B) Barbiturate (C) Benzodiazetine (D) Insulin

72. In echolocation, the animal that produces high frequency sounds is :

(A) Monkey (B) Butterfly (C) Squirrel (D) Bat

73. Two kingdoms constantly figured in all biological classifications are :

(A) Plantae and Animalia (B) Monera and Animalia
(C) Protista and Animalia (D) Protista and Plantae

74. The dioecious animal is :

(A) Liverfluke (B) Hookworm (C) Tapeworm (D) Earthworm

75. Comb plates are found in :

(A) Adamsia (B) Aurelia (C) Nereis (D) Pleurobrachia

Answers with Hints

1. (B) Cladode is a type of phylloclade consisting of one internode only. These are
cylindrical (not fleshy) and are mistaken for leaves.
2. (D) Verticillaster is a complex inflorescence found in the Ocimum sanctum, a
member of family Labiatae.
3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (A)
8. (D) Cleistogamy is seen in underground flowers of Commelina bengalensis which
are small and inconspicuous. This plant also bears chasmogamous blue flowers above.
9. (B) 10. (C) 11. (A) 12. (A)
13. (C) Short day plant (SDP) requires a relatively short day light period (usually
8-10 hrs.) and a continuous dark period of about 14–16 hours for subsequent
14. (C) 15. (A) 16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (B)
19. (B) Kranz anatomy—It is a typical structure in the leaves of plants that have a
C4–pathway of CO2 fixation. The leaves contain a ring of mesophyll cells,
containing a few chloroplasts surroundings a sheath of bundle sheath cells having
large chloroplasts involved in the Calvin cycle.
20. (B) 21. (D) 22. (C) 23. (C) 24. (B) 25. (D) 26. (A)
27. (D) Acid rain results from the emission into the atmosphere of various
pollutant gases in particular sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NO2),
which originate from the burning of fossil fuels and from motor-car exhaust fumes,
28. (A) 29. (B) 30. (B) 31. (C) 32. (D)
33. (C) The first National Park in India was set up in 1935 in the foot hills of
Himalayas and was known as Hailey National Park. It is now known as Corbett
National Park.
34. (A) Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a rigid rod-shaped ssRNA-containing virus
that causes distortion and blistering of leaves in a wide range of plants.
35. (B) Kingdom Monera includes all prokaryotes. They are basically unicellular but
can be mycelial, colonial and filamentous.
36. (A) 37. (A)
38. (B) A striking feature of cnidarians is the high degree of polymorphism often
seen in a single species. Two basic types—sessile polyp and free-swimming medusa–
39. (D) 40. (D) 41. (C)
42. (D) Members of Elasmobranchii subclass have no swim (air) bladders.
43. (D) 44. (B) 45. (A) 46. (C) 47. (C) 48. (B) 49. (C)
50. (D) Golgi complex is a part of endomembrane system, which is the system of
internal membranes within eukaryotic cells that divide the cell into functional and
structural compartments, or organelles.
51. (A) 52. (B)
53. (B) AB blood group in human is an example of codominance in which both the
alleles IA IB are equally expressed. It means IA IB individuals have a phenotype
that is essentially a combination of those shown by individuals with A and B blood
54. (A)
55. (A) A small autosome, chromosome 21, added to the normal complement (47, + 21)
causes Down syndrome. This is a trisomic for chromosome 21.
56. (D) 57. (B) 58. (D) 59. (C) 60. (A)
61. (C) The Mesozoic era is often known as the “Golden Age of Reptiles” as these
animals, which included the dinosaurs and ichthyosaurs, became dominant lifeform.
62. (B) 63. (D) 64. (A) 65. (B) 66. (A) 67. (A)
68. (D) Restriction enzyme is a class of nucleases originally extracted from the
E . coli. Type I restriction enzymes bind to a recognition site of duplex DNA,
travel along the molecule and cleave one strand only. Type II cleaves the duplex at
specific target site at or near the binding site.
69. (C) 70. (B) 71. (A) 72. (C) 73. (A) 74. (B) 75. (D)

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