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Childhood lmmunizati a Schedule 2018
22 )1214161820 46 8l0t2t4

Hep B lep
(DTwP - Hib
- Hep B.) and
other DTaP Tdap/Td

combinations DTaP-IPV-HiB




Hep A

*Primary doses are given at least 4 weeks apaft

I Range of Reommended Age # catch Up tmmunization

The Childhood lmmunization.Schedule presents recomlnendalions lor immunization lor children and ad0lescents based on updaled lileratule review, experience
and premises current at the time ol.publication. The PPS, PIDSP and PFV acknowledge thal individual circumstances may werranl a decision dillering lr'om the
recommendalions given here. Physicians musl Ieqularly update their knowledge about specific vaccines and their use because inlormation aboul salety and
etlicacy ol vaccines and rec0mmendations relative to their administration conlinue to develop aller a vaccine is licensed.

Vaccines in lhe Philiopine National lmmunization Prooram (NlP)

The following vaccines are n the 2018 NIP:
. BCG, monovalent Hep B, Pentavalent vaccine (DTwP-Hib-HepB) bivalent 0PV, lPV, PCV, IVIVR, t\4R Td and HPV.
Recommended Vaccines
ThesearevaccinesnotincludedintheNlPwhicharerecommendedbythePhilippinesPediatricSociety(PPS) PediatriclnfectiousDiseaseSocietyofthePhilippines
(PIDSP) and the Philippine Foundati0n for Vaccination (PFV),

Bacille Calmette-Gu6rin (BCG) . Children 6 months to 8 years recetving influenza vaccine for the 1st time
. Given intradermally (lD) should receive 2 d0ses separated by at least 4 weeks
. The dose of BCG is 0.05 ml for children < 12 months of age and 0.1 mlfor . l{ only one dose was given during the previous influenza season. give 2 doses
chi dren > 12 months ol age of the vaccine then one dose yearly thereafter
. Given at the earliest possible age after bifih preferably within the first 2 . Children aged 9 to 1 8 years should recetve one dose of the vaccine yearly
months of life . Annual vaccination should begin tn February but may be given throughout the
. For healthy infants and children > 2 months who were not given BCG at birth, year
PPD prior to BCG vaccination is not necessary. However, PPD is
recommended prior to BCG vaccinati0n if any of the following is present: Measles Vaccine
Congenital TB . Given subcutaneously (SC)
- History of close c0ntact to known or suspected infectious TB cases . Given at the age of 9 months, but may be given as early as 6 months of age in
- Clinical findings suggestive of TB and/or chest x-ray suggestive of TB cases 0f outbreaks as declared by public health authorities
ln the presence of any of these conditions, an induration of > 5mm is considered . lf monovalent measles is not available, IVIIVR may be given
positive and BCG is no longer recommended.
Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine (JE)
Hepatitis B Vaccine (HBV) . Given subcutaneously (SC)
. Given intramuscularly (llVl) . Given at a minimum age of 9 months
. Administerthe first dose of monovalent HBVto all newborns >2kgs within 24 . Children I months to 17 years of age should receive one primary dose
hours of life. followed by a booster dose 1 2-24 months after the primary dose
. A 2nd dose is given 1 -2 months after the birth dose . lndividuals 1B years and older should receive a single dose only
. The final dose is administered not earlier than 24 weeks of age. Another dose
is needed if the last dose was given at age <24 weeks, Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Vaccine
For infants born to HBsAg (+) mothers: . Given subcutaneously (SC)
. Administer HBV and HBIG (0.5m1) within 12 hours of life. HBIG should be . Given at a minimum age of 12 months
administered n0t laterthan 7 days of age if not immediately available. . 2 doses of t\4lt/R vaccine are recommended
For inlanls born to mothers with unknown HBsAg slatus: . The 2nd dose is usually given from 4-6 years of age but may be given at an
. with birth weight >2kgs, administer HBV within 12 hours of birth and earlier age with a minimum of 4 weeks interval between doses.
determine the mother's HBsAg as s00n as possible. lf HBsAg (+). administer
also HBIG not later than 7 days of age, Varicella Vaccine
. with birlh weight <2kgs, administer HBIG in addition to HBV r,lthin I2 nours . Given subcutaneously (SC)
of life. . Givcn at a minimrrm enc nf '1 2 monthq
F3.:--t. t:t'.: -.1

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. A A[ oosE 6 grttl 1-2 nutUts afier tre tiril dce ' --,:-j t---;., - j-- -- -: ;-:-: -::a,i r ),-!;CC;e:4,
. Tir firni dme 's administered not earlier than 24 weeks of age. Another dose
is need€d if the last dose was given at age <24 weeks. Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Vaccine
Fn ilffib bom b llBsflg (+] mothen: . Given subcutaneously (SC)
. AdministerHBV and HBIG (0.5m1) within 12 hours of life. HBIG should be . Given at a minimum age of l2 months
administered not later than 7 days of age if not immediately available. . 2 doses of t\41\4R vaccine are recommended
Fr iJanb hom to mothers with unknown HBsAg status: . The 2nd dose is usually given from 4-6 years 0f age but may be given at an
. wift birth weight >2kgs, administer HBV within I2 hours of birth and earlier age with a minimum of 4 weeks interval between doses.
determinethe mother's HBsAg as soon as possible. lf HBsAg (+), administer
aho HBIG not later than 7 days of age. Varicella Vaccine
. with birth weight <2kgs, administer HBIG in addition to HBV within 12 hours . Given subcutaneously (SC)
of life. . Given at a minimum age of 12 months
Ir preterm inlants: . 2 doses of varicella vaccine are recommended
. If bom to HBsAg (-) mothers and medically stable, the 1st dose of HBV maybe . The 2nd dose is usually given at 4-6 years of age, but may be given earlier at
given at 30 days of chronological age regardless of weight, and this can be an interval of 3 months from the first dose.
counted as part of the 3-dose primary series. . If the 2nd dose was given 4 weeks from the first dose, it is considered valid.
. For those <2 kgs, the 1 st dose received at birth is not counted as part of the . For children l3 years and above, the recommended minimum interval between
yaccine series. Additional 3 HBV doses are needed.
doses is 4 weeks.

Haemophilus inlluenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine (Hib) Hepatitis A Vaccine (HAV)

. 3 , er ntramuscularly (llV) . Given intramuscularly (ll\4)
. L er as a 3-dose primary series with a minimum age of 6 weeks and a . Given at a minimum age of 12 months
- ' r-irum lnterval of 4 weeks .2 doses of the vaccine are recommended
.- rOoster dose is given between 1 2-] 5 months of age with an interval of 6 . The 2nd dose is given at least 6 months f rom the l st dose
*lntls from the 3rd dose
?rie: !.) \"!;iccines fer Specia! Groups fot Hib recommendatian in high risk llieasles-lEumps-Bubelia,Variceila Vaccine (MMRV)
:' ,cryn . Given subcutaneously (SC)
. Given at a minimum age of 12 months
Diphtheria and Telanus Toxoid and Pertussis Vaccine (DTP) .l\4lvlRV may be given as an alternative t0 separately administered I\4lVIR and
. : .:-
i-tramuscularly (llvl) Varicella vaccines
. .=- at a mrnimum age of 6 weeks with a minimum interval of 4 weeks
I . The maximum age is 12 years
., --:
:te a 5-dose series at ages 2, 4, 6, 15 through 18 months, and 4 . The recommended minimum interval between doses is 3 months
.----3- 6 years. The recommended interval between the 3rd and 4th dose is 6
-: -:'s but a minimum interval of 4 months is valid Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV)
. --: ::'
cose of DTaP vaccine may not be given if the 4th dose was . Given intramuscularly (llVl)
- s::red at age 4 years or older. . For ages 9-14 years, a 2-dose series is recommended
- Bivalent HPV (2vHPV), quadrivalent (4vHPV) or nonavalent (9vHpV) given
lnactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (lPV) at0and6months
. . ':'amuscularly (llV)
. =^ ., gr,.en n combinati0n with DTaP and Hib, with orwithout Hep B - lf the interval between the 1 st and 2nd dose
is less than 6 months a 3rd
. .:- a: a minrmum age of 6 weeks with a minimum interval of 4 weeks
dose is needed. The minimum interval between the 2nd and Brd dose is 3
, months.
. --: :'-ar_i series consists 0f 3 doses . For ages 15 years and older, a3-dose series is recommended,.
. ::: s::' dose should be given on or after the 4th birthday and at least 6
- Bivalent HPV (2vHPV), quadrivalent (4vHPV) or nonavalent (gvHpV) at 0, 2
^.:':-s 'rom the previous dose and 6 months.
* The minimum interval between the 1st and the 2nd dose is 1 month and
Rotavirus Vaccine (RV) the minimum interval between the 2nd and 3rd dose is 3 months. The 3rd
. .:- rer orem (P0) dose should be given at least Gmonths from the 1st dose.
. ,:- ai a min mum age of 6 weeks with a minimum interval of 4 weeks
: For males 9-18 years of age, a 4vHPV and 9vHPV can be given for the prevention
:::,',.:. doses. The last dose should be administered not later than 32 weeks of anogenital warts and anal cancer
- a-=
. --: -trorralent human rotavirus vaccine (RV1)is given as a 2-dose series fetanus and Diphtheria Toxoid (Td)/ Telanus and Diphtheria Toxoid and
,- r :': centavalent human bovine rotavirus vaccine (RV5) is given as a Acellular Pertussis Vaccine (TdaP)
:-::>: Sgf gS. . Given intramuscularly (lM)
. For children who are fully immunized, Td booster doses should be given every
Pneumococcal Conjugale Vaccines (PCV) 1 0 years.
. : ,.-'tramuscularly (llV) . For children aged > 7 years old, a single dose of Tdap can be given and can
. ,.- ,i a m nimum age of 6 weeks {or PCV10 and PCV 13
; replace due Td. lt can be administered regardless of the interval since the last
. -'-?': .'acc nation consists of 3 doses with an interval 0f at least 4 weeks tetanus and diphtheria toxoid containlng vaccine. Subsequent doses are given
:::,' :.- Coses plus a booster dose given 6 months after the 3rd dose. as Td
. -::.^., :r
dren 2 t0 5 years old who do not have previous PCVvaccination -Fully
immunized is defined as 5 doses of DTP or4 doses of DTp if the 4th dose
-':., :. I',:n l dose of PCV 13, or 2 doses of PCV 10 at least 8 weeks apart was given on or after the 4th birthday
:.-=' :-- . :cc,nes f ar Special Groups for Pneumococcal Vaccine reclmmendatiln For prggnant adolescents
- - :--' :" cl,tdren. . Fully immunized:
- administer I dose of Tdap vaccine during 27 to 36 wks AOG regardless of
Inti! e nza Vaccine (Trivalent/Ouadrivalent lnlluenza Vaccine) previous Td or Tdap vaccination
. - ,: -i renza vaccine (TlV) given intramuscularly (lN/l) or subcutaneously
:-: . Unimmunized:
(SC) - administer a 3 dose tetanus-diphtheria containing vaccine (Td) following a
Ouadrivalent influenza vaccine (0lV) given intramuscularly (ll\4) 0-l-6 month schedule. Tdap should replace one doSe ofTd given during
Given at a minimum age of 6 months 271o36 wks AOG
The dose of influenza vaccine is 0.25 ml for children 6 months to 35 months
and 0.5 ml for children 36 months to 18 years
Pneumococcal Coniugate Vaccine (PGV)/ Pneumococcal polysaccharide Meningococcal Vaccines
Vaccine (PPSV23) . Tetravalent meningococcal (ACYW-135) con jugate vaccine I\ICV4-D, IVICV4-
. Given intramuscularly (ll\I) TT, IVICV4-CRIVI given ntram uscu larly ( IVI)
i I

- All recommended PCV doses should be given prior to ppSV23 if possible. . lndicated for those at high risk for invasive disease:
The two vaccines should not be co-administered. lf a dose of ppSV23 is Persistent complement comp0nent deficiencies (including those with inherited
inadvertently given earlier than the recommended interval, the dose need or chronic de{iciencies in C3, C5-9, properdin, factor D, factor H), anatomic/
not be repeated functional asplenia (including sickle cell disease), HlV, travelers to or
- The following tables summarizes the indication and schedule of pCV/ppSV resident of areas where meningococcal disease is hyperendemic or epidemic.
administration to children with high risk conditions according to age group: including countries in the African meningitis belt or the Hajj, or belonging to
a defined risk group during a community or institutional meningococcal-
Dosing schedule:
Age: 24 mos to 5 years .Ghronic heart disease, particularly
.Administer 1 dose of PCV13 if any .l\4CV4-D: minimum age is g months. For children g-23 m0nths give
cyanotic congenital heart disease and 2 doses 3
incomplete schedule of 3 doses of cardiac failure
months apart. For children 2 years and above give one dose, except in cases
PCV13 was received previously. .Chronic lung disease, including asthma if of asplenia, HIV and persistent complement c0mponent def iciency where 2
.Administer 2 doses of PCV13 at least treated with high-dose oral corticosteroid doses, 8 weeks apart are recommended.
8 weeks apart if unvaccinated or any therapy .lVCV4-TT given t0 children 12 months and above as a
single dose
incomplete schedule of fewer than 3 .Diabetes mellitus . N/lCV4-CRIVI given to children 2 years and above as a single dose
doses of PCV1 3 was received .Cerebrospinal f luid leaks . Revaccinate with a N/CV4 vaccine every 5 years as long as the person remains
previo usly. .Cochlear implant(s)
.The minimum interval between doses at increased risk of infection
.Sickle cell disease and other
. Co-administration of lVlCV4 and other vaccines
of PCVl3 is 8 weeks. hemaglobinopath ies
.For children with no historv of .Congenital or acquired asplenia, or l\,1CV4-D and PCVI3
PPSV23 vaccination, adm inister splenic dysfunction - lf lvlCV4-D is administered to a child with asplenia (including sickle cell
PPSV23 at least B weeks after the .HlV infection disease) 0r HIV infecti0n, do not administer N/CV4-D until age 2 years and
most recent dose of PCV1 3. .Chronic renal failure and nephrotic at least 4 weeks after the completion of all pCV13 doses
sVndrome IVCV4-D and Tdap
.Diseases associated with treatment with
Age:6yrstolSyears - lf [/CV4-D is to be administered to a child at high risk for meningococcal
.Administer 1 dose of PCV13 if they have immunosuppresive drugs or radiation disease, it is recommended that IVCV4-D be given either before oratthe
not previously received this vaccine, Ihelapy, including malignant neoplasms, same time as DTaP.
leukemias, lymphomas, and Hodgkin
regardless of whether the previous vac- IVICV4-TT with Tetanus toxoid (TT) containing vaccines
disease; or solid organ transplantation
cine received was PCVT or PPSV 23 .Congenital immunodeficiency (includes - Whenever feasible, IVICV4-TT should be co-administered with TT-
Children aged 2 years to 64 years old, with containing vaccines, or administer [/CV4-TT 1 month before the other
B- (humoral) or T-lymphocyie'deficiency,
any 1 of the listed chronic medical TT- containing vaccines
complement deficiencies (particu
conditions should get 1 dose of PPSV23
larly Cl , C2, C3, and C4 deficiencies),
and phagocytic disorders (excluding Rabies Vaccine
chronic granulomatous didease) . Given intrarnuscularly (llVl) or intradermally (lD)
. Recommended regimens for pre-exposure prophylaxis:


- lntramuscular regimen (llVl):
Purified Vero Cell Rabies (PVRV) 0 5 mt 0R
Purified Chick Embryo CellVaccine (pCECV) 1 ml given on days 0,7,21
Ch ldren aged 2 years t0 64 years old, with .Chronic heart heart or 28
anv 1 of the listed chronic medical condi- faiiure and
tions should get 1 dose of PPSV23
- lntra.dermal regimen (lD): PVRV or pCECV 0.1 ml given on days 0, 7, 21
ch ro ni c or 28
. A repeat dose should be given if the vaccine is inadve rtently given
-;=:1+> : - -:-==:-
. :--=
.Cerebrospinal f luid leaks ne shouid never be given in the gluteal area since absorption is
.Cochlear implant(s) unpredictable
.Alcoholrsm . ln the event of subsequent exp0sures, those who have completed 3 doses
.Chronic liver disease pre-exposure prophylaxis regardless of the interval between exposure and last
dose of the vaccine will require only booster doses given on day 0 and 3.
Children 2 years t0 64 years old, with O-oggs may be given lll4 (0.5 mt pVRV or 1 mt pCECV) or tD (0.1 mt of
Congenital or acquired immunodeficien- !9.99]er
any 1 of the listed immunocompromising cies includes B- (humoral) or T-lympho- PVRV or PCECV). There is no need to give rabies immune glo'bulin.
conditions should get 2 doses of PPSV23 cyte def iciency, complement def iciencies
5 years apart (particularly C1, C2, C3, and C4 deficien- Typhoid Vaccine
cies), and phagocytic disorders (excluding . Given intramuscularly (llV)
chronlc granulomatous disease) . Given at a minimum age of 2 years old with revaccination every 2-3 years
. HIV infection . Recommended for travelers t0 areas where there is a risk for exposure and
. Chronic renal failure or nephrotic
for outbreak situations as declared by public health authorities
. Leukemia or lymphoma
. Hodgkin's disease Gholera Vaccine
. Generalized malignancy . Given per orem (P0)
. latrogenic immunosuppression (diseases . Given at a minrmum age of 12 months as a 2-dose series two weeks
requiring treatment with immunosuppres . Recommended for outbreak situations and natural disasters as declared
sive drugs, including long-term systemic public health authorities
corticosterords and radiation therapy)
. Solid organ transplant
Hepalitis A Vaccine
. IVultiple myeloma . Given intramuscularly (llVl)
. Administer 2 doses 0f Hepatitis A vaccine at least 6 m0nths
apart t0
Hemophlus inlluenzae Type b Coniugate Vaccine (Hib) unvaccinated irdividuals who are at increased risk for infection:
. Given intramuscularly (ll\4)
. lndications for children with the following high risk conditions: - Travelers to 0r are w0rking in countries with intermediate or high
endemicity of infection,
- Chemotherapy recipients, anatomic/f unctional asplenia including sickle - IVlen having sex with men (lVlSIl4)
cell disease. HIV infection, immunoglobulin or early component
complement deficiency
- Users of injection and non-injection irliclt drugs,
. Children aged 12-59 months: - working with HAV infected primates 0r with HAV in research raboratories,
- With clotting factor disorders and chronic liver disease
- Unimmunrzed- or u/ith one Hib vaccine dose received before aoe I2
months, give 2 additional doses B weeks apart Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HpV)
- With > 2 H b vacc ne doses received before age 12 months give 1 . Given intramuscularly (llV)
addlt oral dose . Give 3 doses of HPV vaccine following the 0. 1-2, and 6 m0nth
. Fc,:r r't':n s 5 ,'ears :lC ,,,,
li rece,,ed a H b .iacc 1e dosels) durrno 0r,.,,,ih n rpn:rdlocc ,da ,l r/r.^ino ini+l.ti^n +^ +h^ +^ll^,.,i^^.
. Grwn nt-anusurEry (lHt
. Adminisbr 2 dmes of Hepalitis A vaccine at least 6 monfis apart to
Hemophlus influenzae Type b Conjugale Vacc ne iHibt nnraecinded indMdudsrtlo are at increased risk for infection:
- Travelers to or are working in countries with intermediate or high
. -: ::.1--.':' :- a'a' :-:': - ,,'=- ." :^ :,-:.--s endemicity ol inlection,
"-.' " -: -: -l: - Men having sex with men (MSM)
=^ : -':
_-, .: j i.-
- , a -. : :. - :

.: . :-. - - Users of iniection and non-inlection illicit drugs,


-:-0 ar!':::'C a-a-, -Working with HAV infected primates or with HAV in research laboratories,
. Ci c'.r aEec I 2-59 nontIs -With clotting factor disorders and chronic liver disease
- !n i-nTirr. tac- 0r,',,:h oie ! b .acc ne csse rec:',:O lefo': age'1 :
.noT11S. E ,, e 2 aca t c'ra coses B .'',eeks apad Human Papillomavirus Yaccine (HPV)
!t/ tn > 2 H c r'acc ne doses rece r,'ed berore aEe 12 rnorths glre l
. Given intramuscularly (lM)
- . Give 3 doses of HPV vaccine following the 0, 1-2, and 6 month schedule,
acdit ona Ccse
. For chlldren < 5 ljears 0 d i,'ho rece led a l-llb',acc ne dOse(sl during or t'iith n regardless of age at vaccine initiation to the following:
14 days of starting chem0therapy or rad ati0n treatment. repeat the dose(st of - Children with history ol sexual abuse or assault starting at age 9 years
H b',accine at east 3 m0nths afler complet 0n 0f therap]' - lmmunocompromised children including those with HIV infection
. For ch dren',','h0 are nematopoet c stem ce itransplant recipients . HPV vaccination is not recommended during pregnancy. lf HPV vaccine
re\.'accination uith 3 doses 0f b vacc n0 Q 're 0 '1 ''reeks aparl start ng 6-12 is inadvertently given during pregnancy, delay the remaining doses until after
m0nths after transplant. ls recommended regardless o{ l'accinatlon histol" pregnancy. Pregnancy testing is not necessary before initiating HPV
. Unimmunrzed- children > l5 months 01 age and undergoin0 elective vaccination.
splenect0rny shou d be given 1 dose of Hrb-containing \'/accine at east l4 days
before the procedure Dengue Yaccine
. Unimmunized- chiLdren 5-18 years old and .'','ith either anatomic or iunct ona -Recommendation under review, pending re-labelling of the product
asplenia (lnc uding s cke cell d seasel or HIV n{ect0n should be glven 1
dose of Hib vacclne
' lJninmunized children are those vtithout a primary serres and booster dose or
those v/ithout at least lne dose of the vaccine after 1 4 months of age

SUMMARY TABLE 2018: lmmunization 0l

Pre-Adolescents and Adolescents (7 to 18 yrs.old)
Range ol 0ose(s) Schedule ol Route ol Precautions &
Vacc i ne lmmunization Administration Co ntrad iction
Recommended Age Needed
Selere al ergLC react on to vaccine component
ll nvaccinated
3 0,1 6 months I t\,4
N4od€rlt€ to severe i n€ss
Hep B Vaccine 7-1 8 yrs old
2nd dose Olven at l€ast 6 moiths
. Sever€ al eTqic react on to vacc fe component
Hep A Vaccine IJnvacclnated 7-1 B yrs. o d 2 lrom the lst dose
I t\,1 . f\,4oderate to severe i lfess

Severe a erg c reacton to vacc ne componenl

Unvacc nated 7 18 yrs. o d 2 4 weeks interva between doses Preqnancy
SC lmmunosrppresslon
I\i]MR 2nd dose qlven anvt me but at least 4 weeks Recent recelpt of blood oroducts
lncompLetely vaccinated
7-1 I yrs old front 1 st dose

l\,4inimum interva between d0ses is 3

lJnvaccinated 7-1 2 yrs. old 2
. ;evere allerOic reactiof to vaccine compofent
lllinimum nlerval between doses is . Pr€grancy
Unvaccinated > 13 yrs. old 2
one month SC
. mmunosupptess of
Varicella . Receit rece pt of b ood products
Given ar!{ m€ 7 1 2 yrs. old at easl 3 mos from
. I!,loderate to se!ere lL ness
lncompletely vaccinated th€ lsl dose 13 yas.old al east 1 month from the
7-1 B yrs. old Jst dose

SeveTe a eTq c reacton to vacc ne component

Nlloderate to s€vere L lness
lnfluenza 9-1 I yrs. old 1 G ve annrally beginning February 1N//SC Hlstory of Gli aif Baffe syndlome lol o[r' nq a
Vaccine pre! ous dose

0,1 and 6 mofths Tdap prelerably as the 1st dose

Unvacc nated 7-1 8 yrs. old 3 then Td lorthe remalnjng doses

lncompletely vaccinated . SeveTe aleTq c reaction to vacc ne

1-2 0ne dose Tdap then Td for remaining dose
7-1 8 yrs. old IVI component
TdlTdap . [,,loderaie to severe i liess
Fu lv vacclfated
7-i8 v6. o d
(Ful / varc nat€d def nPd as 5 doses of 1 1 dose Tdap ther Td every 1 0 years
DTdP oi 4 doses of DTap T the 41h dos€ ris
admifistered on or after the 4th b dhday)

HPV: yrs old 3 0,i,6 months

Females: 15-18 Severe al ergic react on to vacc ne component
Bivalent HPV (2vHPV) \,4oderate lo severe i liess
N/ l1 loufd to be pregnant after staft nq immunizat on

de ay remainifg doses !nl I comp et on ol

Fema es: pregrancy
0audrlvalent HPV yrs. oid J 02and6months
1 5-'1 8
(4vH PV)/Nonavalent HPV (9vHPV) l\,'lales: 1 5-1 8 yrs.old

For Females: (2vHPV)/ . Selere a lerg c reaction t0 vaccine comDofent

. l\,4oderate to severe lness
Ouadrivalent HPV (4vHPV/)/
g-1 4 0.6-1 2 months M . ll fo!nd ro b€ pregnait alter slartifq mmun zat on,
Nonavalent HPV (9vHPV) yrs. old 2
delay remainrnq doses !nt! comp etion ol
For l\,4ales: 4vH PV/9vH PV preqnafcy

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