Second Periodic Test (2018-2019)

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It Republic of the Philippines

Region V ( Bicol)
Schools Division Office of Albay
Pili- Ilawod, Bacacay, Albay

Second Periodic Test
S.Y. 2018 – 2019
Learning Competencies/ No. of No. Understanding Applying Creating
Skills tested Days Percent of of Remembering Analyzing
Item Item Evaluating
1. Discuss that understanding the
intensity and differentiation of 1 5 3 1, 2, 3
emotions may help in communicating
emotional expressions.
2. Explore one’s positive and negative 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
emotions and how one expresses or 2 10 6 48
hides them.
3.Demonstrate and create ways to 4, 5, 6
manage various emotions. 1 5 3
4. Discuss an understanding of teenage
relationships, including the acceptable 2 10 6 7, 8.9,10,11,12
and unacceptable expressions of
5. Express his/her ways of showing 1 5 3 13, 14, 15
attraction, love and commitment.
6. Distinguish the various roles of 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
different individuals in society and how 3 15 9 39, 40, 41, 42
they can influence people through their
leadership or followership.
7. Appraise one’s family structure and the 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
type of care he/she gives and 3 15 9 31, 32, 33
receives, which may help in
understanding himself/herself better.
8. Make a genogram and trace certain 55, 56,57
physical, personality or behavioral 1 5 3
attributes through generations.
9. Prepare a plan on how to make the 58, 59, 60
family members firmer and gentler 1 5 3
with each other.
10. Explain that through understanding of 16, 17, 18, 19,
the concepts of career and life goals 3 15 9 20, 21, 22, 23,
can help in planning his/her career.
11. Identify the personal factors that can 2 10 6 49, 50, 51, 52,
influences career choices. 53, 54
TOTAL 20 100% 60 21 33 6

Prepared by:

Maricel B. Ubaldo
Teacher I


Secondary School Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Region V ( Bicol)
Schools Division Office of Albay
Pili- Ilawod, Bacacay, Albay


S.Y. 2018 – 2019

Name: _____________________________________________________ Section: ______________________________

Date: _________________________________ Teacher: MARICEL B. UBALDO Score: ____________________

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read and follow the directions carefully. Write your answers legibly and correctly.
I. Read and analyze the questions below and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The ability to understand, use and manage our emotions.
A. Intelligence B. Emotions
C. Emotional Intelligence D. Skills
2. This helps us care about others and build good friendships and relationships.
A. Emotional reactions B. Moods
C. Empathy D. Intelligence
3. Opposite with emotional intelligence that predicts success and emotional situations, this is responsible for predicting top test scores.
A. Emotional Intelligence B. Intellectual quotient
C. Emotions D. Moods
4. Means not expressing your own needs and feelings or expressing them so weakly that they will not be addressed.
A. Aggressive response B. Assertive response
C. Passive response D. Reponses
5. It is asking for what you want or saying how you feel in threatening, sarcastic or humiliating way that may offend the other persons.
A. Assertive response B. Passive response
C. Aggressive response D. Emotions
6. This is asking for what you want or saying how you feel in an honest and respectful way that does not infringe on another person’s rights
or put the individual down.
A. Passive response B. Aggressive response
B. Emotional Intelligence D. Assertive response
7. A state of connectedness between people especially an emotional connection.
A. Love B. Relationship
C. Commitment D. Attraction
8. The social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force.
A. Attraction B. Commitment
C. Responsibility D. Personal Relationships
9. Strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personalities.
A. Commitment B. Responsibility
C. Love D. Attraction
10. The act, power or property of attracting.
A. Responsibility B. Relationship
C. Love D. Attraction
11.The act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action.
A. Love B. Responsibility
C. Commitment D. Personal Relationship
12. It is the relationships between people, especially those between friends, lovers and family members.
A. Relationship B. Commitment
C. Attraction D. Personal relationships
13. Which of the following are signs that you may be in an abusive relationship?
A. Bruises, scratches and other signs of injuries.
B. Avoiding friends
C. Apologizing for your partner’s behavior
D. All of the above
14. What skills do you need to make healthy decisions in a relationship?
A. Intelligence, memory, ability to do public speaking.
B. Assertive communication, active listening and negotiation skills.
C. Ability to persuade others love
D. Passive communication
15. What should you consider when making decisions around sex and sexual limits?
A. Your values
B. Your friends
C. Your family
D. All of the above
16. Defined as the combination and sequences of roles played by a person during a course of a lifetime
A. Job B. Occupation
C. Career D. Personality
17. A position an individual holds doing specific duties.
A. Occupation B. Career
C. Job D. Personality
18. This is defined as the similar work for which people have similar responsibilities and for which they develop a common set of skills and
A. Job B. Occupation
C. Opportunity D. Skills
19. John Holland, a popular career counselor proposed a theory that strongly believe that certain careers require ____________________.
A. Skills and abilities B. Life roles
C. Personality and interests D. Family
20. This is considered as a strong influence in our career decisions.
A. Friends B. Family
C. Peers D. Teachers
21. _______________ also possess and opportunities for us when choosing a career.
A. Race * B. Gender
C. Culture D. Personality
22. These are professionals that will assist you with career assessments and additional resources and theories in career development.
A. Career counselors B. Parents
C. Peers D. Family
23. Age where development of self-concept, attitudes, needs and general world of work is seen according to Super’s Career Development
A. 25-44 B. 30
C. 15-24 D. birth-14
24. ______________________________ needs to fit the demands of a particular career field.
A. race and ethnicity B. life roles
C. personality and interests *D. Skills and abilities.

II. A. Matching Type: Match the type of family structures in column A to the definition written in column B.
Column A Column B
________25. Nuclear Family a. this can be a father or mother singly responsible for a child.
________26. Extended family b. a family unit consisting of at most a father, mother and dependent
________27. Step Families children. Considered as traditional family.
________28. Single parent family c. two families brought together due to divorce, separation and remarriage.
________29. Conditionally separated family d. a family consisting of parents and children, along with grandparents,
________30. Foster family grandchildren, aunts or uncles, cousins etc.
________31. Gay or Lesbian family e. a family member is separated from the rest of the family due to job etc.
________32.Blended family f. a family where one or more of the children has been adopted.
________33. Adoptive family g. consists of members from two (or more) previous families.
h. a family where one or more of the children is legally a temporary member
of the household.
i. a family where one or both of the parents sexual orientation is
gay or lesbian.
B.True or False. Write True if the following statement is correct and False if it is not.
________34. Leaders can follow their whims and fancies.
________35. Leaders are capable to do anything they like.
________36. Leaders are to serve others.
________37. Leaders should follow ethical principles.
________38. Leaders don’t need to mind their subjects.
________39. Leaders should not be responsible in what they do.
________40. Servant leadership means to serve falseone self-first before other people.
________41. A servant leader puts others’ concerns first and foremost above own self-interests and motives.
________42. Anyone can be a leader if they want to.
C.Identify what was happening when the following emotions were felt. Choose your answer from the box below.

___________43. Afraid
___________44. Depressed
___________45. Jealous
___________46. Proud
___________47. Relaxed
___________48. Excited

a.feeling fear and worry

b. feeling sad, blue, discouraged and unhappy
c. feeling tense, tired, uneasy and overwhelmed
d. feeling pleased for doing well
e. feeling at ease and without worry, calm
f. feeling upset when someone has something that you would like to have
g. feeling happy and aroused

D. Enumeration: Give the factors that can influence people in choosing a career.
49. ____________________________________________________________
50. ____________________________________________________________
51. ____________________________________________________________
52. ____________________________________________________________
53. ____________________________________________________________
54. ____________________________________________________________
IV. A. Draw a sample genogram about the member of the family inside your house. Write your answer below. (55-57)

B. Essay. For three (3) points write your plan on how to make your family members firmer and gentler with each other. (58-60).

“That in all things God may be Glorified”

Good luck and God Bless…
Key to correction:
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. C
18. C
19. A
20. B
21. B
22. A
23. D
24. D
25. B
26. D
27. C
28. A
29. E
30. H
31. I
32. G
33. F
34. False
35. False
36. True
37. True
38. False
39. False
40. False
41. True
42. False
43. A
44. B
45. F
46. D
47. E
48. G
49. Skills and abilities
50. Interest and personality type
51. Life roles
52. Previous experiences
53. Culture
54. Gender, social and economic condtions, and childhood fantasies.
5. It is needed to be identified and then developed to be used in a particular subject area.
A. Talents B. Experience
C. Knowledge D. Self-worth
6. In personal effectiveness, this determine whether real actions are performed in accordance with the plan.
A. Experience B. Skills
C. Knowledge D. Talents
7. One skill that will allow you to focus only on achieving a specific goal without being distracted by less important things or
spontaneous desires.
A. Persistence B. Managing stress
C. Creativity D. Determination
8. This is required for setting goals, defining an action plan to achieve them and risk assessment.
A. Self-knowledge B. Persistence
C. Knowledge D. Skills
9. This includes knowledge and skill that we acquire in the process of cognitive and practical activities.
A. Persistence B. Experience
C. Skills D. Talents
10. Represented by several aspects of the self.
A. Actual self B. Ideal self
C. Self-image D. Self-concept
11. Part of aspect of self that pertains to height, weight, facial appearance or the tangible aspects of self.
A. Intellectual self B. Physical self
C. Sensual self D. Interactional self
12. Individual is composed of __________ basic, but very different aspects of the self.
A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four
13. This connects the spinal cord and the brain.
A. Neurons B. Cerebrum
C. Brain stem D. Occipital

14. The basic functional units of the nervous system, are three part units and are key to brain function.
A. Cerebellum B. Neurons
C. Cerebrum D. Parietal lobe
15. Is the largest of the three brain sections, accounts for about 85 percent of the brain’s weight and has four lobes.
A. Left side of the brain B. Brain stem
C. Neurons D. Cerebrum
16. Consider as the critical age for the development of brain.
A. Five B. Ten
C. First three years of life C. from two-four
17. This is the region of the brain that controls voluntary movements.
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum
C. Neurons D. temporal lobe.
18. Consider as the powerful thinking tool.
A. Books B. Mind Mapping
C. Reading D. Listening to popular music
19. A part of cerebrum that helps people understand what they see and feel.
A. Occipital lobe B. Temporal lobe
C. Parietal lobe D. Frontal lobe
20. Because so little recovery occurs to brains damaged after age 3, the effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain might be lasting,
the following statement is ______________.
A .False B. Somehow true
C. True D. Totally false
21. One of the effect of using marijuana to our brain is _____________________________________.
A. Having a feeling of excitement B. Develops focus and concentration on the work we do.
C. Helps us to learn more new things D. Hinders memory and learning.
22. This is all about how much you feel you are worth and how much you feel other people value you as a person.
A. Body image B. Puberty
C. Anorexia D. Self-Esteem
23. This is how you view your physical self-including whether you feel attractive and whether others like your looks.
A. Self-esteem B. Body-image
C. Depression D. Eating Disorders
24. It is the way your thoughts, feelings and behaviors affect your life.
A. Media messages B. Mental Health
C. Self-image D. Self-esteem
25. A kind of eating disorder which have a real fear of weight gain and distorted view of their body size and shape.
A. Bulimia B. Eating disorder
C. Anorexia C. Self-esteem
26. Mental health challenge that makes people feel very sad all the time.
A. Anorexia B. Bulimia
C. Schizophrenia D. Depression
27. A kind of disorder that changes the way the brain understand the world.
A. Anxiety B. Autism Spectrum Disorder
C. Bi-Polar Disorder D. ADHD
28. This is similar to anorexia but with this, people might binge eat (eat to excess) and then try to compensate in extreme ways.
A. ADHD B. Body image
C. Self-Esteem D. Bulimia
29. Pretty common and can make it hard to focus and sit still.
A. Bi-Polar Disorder B. Autism
C. ADHD D. Autism
30. A kind of disorder where it changes the way people feel emotions.
A. Autism B. Bi-Polar Disorder
C. Panic disorder D. Post-traumatic Stress disorder
31. This makes it hard for people to know what is real and what is not real.
A. Eating disorder B. Depression
C. ADHD D. Schizophrenia
32. A mental health challenge that makes people feel very sad all the time.
A. Anorexia B. Depression
C. Eating Disorders D. Anxiety
33. When dealing with mental health or emotional problems, it is important not to go at it alone. The following statement is:
A. Somehow true B. True
C. False D. I have no idea

II. A. Below are the Developmental tasks according to developmental stages. Give the developmental stage based from the tasks given.
Write your answer on the line before each number.

____________________34. Learning to walk and learning to take solid food

____________________35. Achieving mature relations with both sexes.
____________________36. Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games.
____________________37. Selecting a mate and learning to live with a partner.
____________________38. Helping teenage children to become happy and responsible adult.
____________________39. Adjusting to decreasing strength and health.
____________________40. Preparing for marriage and family life
____________________41. Learning an appropriate sex role.
____________________42. Learning sex differences and sexual modesty,

B. Arrange the steps in making a mind map

_____________43. Start in the centre of a blank page turned sideways.
_____________44. Make your branches curved rather than straight lines.
_____________45. Use an image or picture for your central idea.
_____________46. Use one key word per line.
_____________47. Connect your main branches to the central image and connect your second and third level branches
to the first and second level, etc.
_____________48. Use colours throughout.

III. A. True or false. Write the word True if the statement is correct and write the word False if it is not.
_____________49. Stress is the body’s response to anything that makes us feel threatened or pressured.
_____________50. From the time you wake up until you go to sleep, you may not be confronted with a succession of stressful situation.
_____________51. A common cause of stress is dealing with life’s transition.
_____________52. Managing your personal finances can be another stressful experience.
_____________53. The other major causes of stress are problems with drugs and alcohol abuse, domestic violence and chronic
mental disease.
_____________54. Stress is not a serious health problem in a life of every person.

B. Give the practical reasons in writing a journal. Write your answer on the space provided after each number.

55. _____________________________________________________________________
56. _____________________________________________________________________
57. _____________________________________________________________________

IV. Essay. As a student what are the things you do in coping with the stress. Be it at school, home and the community where you belong.
Write and explain your answer below for 3 points. (58-60).

“That in all things God may be Glorified”

Good luck and God Bless…
Republic of the Philippines
Region V ( Bicol)
Schools Division Office of Albay
Pili- Ilawod, Bacacay, Albay

First Periodic Test
S.Y. 2018 – 2019
Learning Competencies/ No. of No. Understanding Applying Creating
Skills tested Days Percent of of Remembering Analyzing
Item Item Evaluating

1. Describes characteristics, strengths, 3 15 9 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

weaknesses and kinds of quantitative 7, 8, 9
2. Illustrates the importance of quantita- 58, 59, 60
tive research across fields. 1 5 3

3. Differentiates kinds of variables and 3 15 9

their uses.
4. Designs a research useful in daily life.
1 5 3
5. Writes a research title. 1 5 3

6. Describes background of research. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

2 10 6
7. States research questions. 7, 8, 9
1 5 3
8. Indicates scope and delimitation of
study. 2 10 6

9. Cites and benefits and beneficiaries

of study. 1 5 3
10. Selects relevant literature
2 10 6
11. Cites related literature using standard
style (APA,MLA or Chicago Manual 2 10 6
of style.
12.Synthesizes information from relevant
literature. 1 5 3
13. Follows ethical standards in
writing related literature. 1 10 6

TOTAL 20 100% 60

Prepared by:

Maricel B. Ubaldo
Teacher I


Secondary School Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Region V ( Bicol)
Schools Division Office of Albay
Pili- Ilawod, Bacacay, Albay


S.Y. 2018 – 2019

Name: _____________________________________________________ Section: ______________________________

Date: _________________________________ Teacher: MARICEL B. UBALDO Score: ____________________

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read and follow the directions carefully. Write your answers legibly and correctly.

I. On the space before the number, write T if the statement is true and F if false.

___________1. Research is advantageous not only to students but to life as whole.

___________2. Research can be done even informally.

___________3. Research requires no step-by-step procedure for as long as results are obtained.

___________4. Empirical data should be gathered and analyzed before arriving at a conclusion.

___________5. Correlational research is also called ex post facto.

___________6. A fewer number of respondents is needed in a study to minimize the error.

___________7. A variable may not vary in a study.

___________8. Longitudinal survey covers a single period of time.

___________9. In quantitative research, respondents are given very limited opportunity to elaborate their responses.
Give at least three characteristics of Quantitaive Research.





On the space before the number, write I if the variable is Interval, N if Nominal, R if Ratio and O if Ordinal.

___________Temperature in degree Celsius

___________Clothing such as hat, shirt, shoes

___________ A score in 5-item quiz in Math

___________Feeling for today

__________ Year level

__________ Means of transportation to school

__________ How internet is used at home

__________Favorite type of music

_________Military Title

Give at least three sources of topics or problems.




IV. A. Cite some possible problems (think of those that can be measured quantitatively) you may encounter in the following setting: Personal
(family and social life), School, Community and Government. Choose only one setting and from the possible problems, write a research
problem. (55-57)
B. In two –three sentences, write the importance of quantitative research in different fields. (58-60).

____________________Describes the coverage of the study.

____________________Variables that are not to be included and the boundary in terms of time frame, number of subjects, participants or
respondents who are excluded.

____________________Refers to the topic of investigation and the variables included.

____________________ The venue or the setting of the research

____________________ The time frame by which the study was conducted

____________________Pertains to the general objectives of the research

1. Part of research that includes information which would focus attention on the importance and validity of the problem.
I. A. Read the sentences below carefully that distinguish Informal from Formal report. Draw if the statement is true and

if the statement is false.

__________1. Informal report focused more on description and based only on personal experience and opinion.
__________2. There is a need of data, statistics and facts in writing formal report.
__________3. Skills in listening and speaking is not necessary in delivering a report.

B. Choose the word/s being referred to by the following statements. The terminologies are provided in the box. Choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer and write it on the blank.

A. Concept paper B. Definition

C. to stipulate the meaning of the term by limiting, extending or redirecting
the reference in which the term is commonly understood.
. D. Explanation

_________4. Defines an idea or a concept and explains its essence to clarify the “whatness” of that idea or concept.
_________5. This is where a concept paper starts and proceeds with an expanded definition and analytic description of
the aspects of the concept.
_________6. This refers to another purpose in writing a concept paper.

II. Read the sentences comprehensively and answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
7.This is the first thing that you must do when you build your position on a certain topic.
A. Brainstorm B. explore C. gather the evidence D. Crete assertions
8. With this process, they say that two heads are better than one” that is why this is important especially when it comes to
the construction of arguments.
A. Gather the evidence B. Create assertions C.Prepare for the opposition D. brainstorm
9. An argument is made up of three elements, they are: assertion, evidence and _________________.
A. opposition B. explanation C. evidence D. assertions
10. This refers to the negation of that same position and in doing research it is imperative to read their opinion to
refute them in your position paper.
A. assertion B. opposition C. evidence D. explanation
11. The best sources of information are from:
A. books, newspapers, bills, laws and entries from encyclopedia and dictionaries
B. Twitter, Facebook statuses and threads in chat rooms
C. Wikipedia website
D. articles and information from internet.
12. These are opinions that people may or may not agree with.
A. evidence B. opposition C. assertion D. explanation
13. Is using Wikipedia website a good practice in writing position paper?
A. Yes, for they have all the information we need in writing a position paper
B. No, because anyone can edit and create articles in Wikipedia, which means that it is open to mischief and
the spread of errors and lies.
C. Yes, because they are a credible resource of information
D. No, because they don’t have the articles and news I need in my research.
14. Evidence can be any of the following:
A. Information from the Bible or Koran
B. facts, statistics and interviews with experts
C. opinions from different types of people
D. articles and text from internet
15. Three parts of position paper are: Introduction, your research and _________________.
A. Evidence B. Assertion C. Conclusion D. explanation.
16. It is a kind of data that is dependent on observation, textual analysis and interviews.
A. Quantitative B. Qualitative C. Conclusion D. Explanation
17. This refers to the last part of the report which give way to insights about what you have seen.
A. Description of the subject involved B. Introduction C. Conclusion D. facts or data
18. Another kind of data that is dependent on number, facts, statistics, surveys and experiments that use numbers to prove
their conclusions.
A. Qualitative B. Quantitative C. facts or data D. Surveys
19. In writing an effective report, it is best to maintain an objective tone in the report while maintaining a sense of humanity;
the following statement is _____________.
A. False B. True C. Somehow true D. Totally false
20. The best reports have a combination of this two data, and they are:
A. Introduction and conclusion
B. Facts, survey and interviews
C. Qualitative and Quantitative data
D. Explanation from the person who write the report.
21. There are two types of report, the Informal report and the ________________________.
A. Survey B. Formal report C. Narrative report D. Interviews and observations.
III. A. Identification. Give the correct answer to the following questions. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
______________________ 22. A kind of survey that is taken only once or is administered several times with different
sample group each time.
______________________ 23. Is a poll used to collect quantitative answers from sample population.
______________________ 24. This is used when a researcher asks the poll questions in conducting interview.
______________________ 25. A survey that involve administering surveys to a group of participants and then
administering the same survey after a specific period
______________________ 26. Refers to when the researcher hands out poll questions, collects written and recorded
______________________ 27. In a way, similar to longitudinal survey however this can have variant periods of time
between survey administrations.
______________________28. One of the advantage of using survey wherein the researcher can ask any question.
______________________29. This refers to the exact same question can be asked and a specific set of possible
responses can be provided, making statistical testing easier
______________________30. Instrument use to interpret data and information gather from surveys.
B. Matching type: Try to match the different techniques in defining a meaning of the word in A with its correct answer in B. Remember to
write the letters only.
____________31. A common type of definition in which A. Formal definition
you are given a term to be defined B. Definition by Etemology
____________32. Origin of the word is used in defining the C. Extended definition
meaning of the word. D. Antonym
____________33. Allows you to broaden your definition by E. Synonym
using analogy, metaphors comparison F. Definition by analogy
and contrast, Etymology, analysis and G. Definition by function
semantic origin of the word. H. Definition by negation
____________34. The word is defined using opposites I. Definition by example
____________35. Techniques that involves using similar word J. Usual definition
or phrase to define a word.
____________36. With this technique, the term is compared to
another object/concept/ idea that shares the
same characteristics as the term being defined.
____________37. A kind of definition where we state what the term is for.
____________38. Defining the term by stating what is not.
____________39. A technique where we give examples in defining the
meaning of a word.

C. Organizing Ideas. Arrange the steps on how to build a position in chronological order:
________ 40. Brainstorm
________ 41. Explore
________ 42. Gather the evidence
________ 43. Write the position paper
________ 44. Refine the argument
________ 45. Prepare for the opposition.
D. Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of using survey in conducting a research.

46. _____________________________________________________________
47. _____________________________________________________________
48. _____________________________________________________________
49. _____________________________________________________________
50. _____________________________________________________________
51. _____________________________________________________________

IV. A. Write a short descriptive blog about the place you have seen. Describe it using your senses and try to use the most effective words
Possible. (for 6 points) 52-57.

B. In conducting academic research, write your own opinion on the importance of conducting a survey. (for 3 points) 58-60.


“That in all things God may be Glorified”

Good luck and God Bless…


A. 1.
B. 4. A
5. B
6. C

7. B 16. B
8. D 17. A
9. B 18. B
10. B 19. B
11. A 20. C
12. C 21. B
13. B
14. B
15. C
A. 22. Cross-Sectional surveys
23. Survey
24. Interview
25. Longitudinal survey
26. Questionnaire
27. Time-series survey
28. Flexible
29. Standardized
30. Pie graph and bar graph

B. 31. Formal definition

32. Definition by Etemology
33. Extended definition
34. Antonym
35. Synonym
36. Definition by analogy
37. Definition by function
38. Definition by negation
39. Definition by Example

C. _____2_____ 40. Brainstorm

_____1_____ 41. Explore
_____3_____ 42. Gather the evidence
_____6____ _43. Write the position paper
_____4_____ 44. Refine the argument
_____5_____ 45. Prepare for the opposition

D. Advantages and disadvantages of using survey in conducting a research.

46. They are easy to administer and very flexible
47. Standardized
48. Less expensive
49. Disadvantage is most notably survey suffer from response rate
50. Another disadvantage is the participants’ responses may be affected by variants that
do not contribute to the question.
51. Lack of honesty for the respondents may subconsciously try to give answers that please


A. 52 – 57: Write a short descriptive blog about the place you have seen. Describe it using your senses
and try to use the most effective words possible.

B. 58-60: Write your insights on the importance of conducting a survey in writing your research.
No of days divided by total number of days times 100 = percent
2 divided by 20 times 100= 10 percent
0.1 times 60 items=
0.05times 60

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