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Assignment Sheet, MCQ, CLASS X


Q1. Coal,petroleum are example of
a) biotic b)abiotic c) renewable
Q2) Which one of the following is used to identify older and newer alluvium
a) Khadar and bhangar b) tarai and bhangar c) khadar and tarai
Q3) Which one of the following soil is best for cotton cultivation
a) red soil b) regur soil c) yellow soil
Q4) Which type of soil develops due to high evaporation and temperature
a) red soil b) yellow soil c) desert soil
Q5) Which one of the following resources can be acquired by a nation
a) Potential resource b) International resource c) National resource
Q6) Which one of the following is responsible for sheet erosion.
a) Water b) glacier c) Wind
Q7) Which one of the following is developed to break the force of wind
a) shelter belt b) strip cropping c) terrace farming
Q8) Khadar is a type of
(a) Black Soil (b) Alluvial Soil (c) Lattrite Soil
Q9) Soil can be Conserved by:-
(a) Cutting of Trees (b) Over Grazing (c) Planting of Trees
Q.10) Land degradation due to over irrigation can be seen in the state of:-
(a) Punjab and Haryana (b) Assam (c) Orissa
Q.11) Which one of the following is an example of Biotic Resource:-
(a) Rock (b) Mountain (d) Flora
Q.12) They are Gifts of Nature which satisfy Human wants:-
(a) A Commodity (b) a Thing (c) Resources
Q.13) Which one of the following is an example of non- renewable resources
(a) Solar Energy (b) Tidal Energy (c) Petroleum
Q.14) On the Basis of ownership resources can be classified into:-
(a) Two Types (b) Three Types (c) Four Types
Q.15) Soil is a:-
(a) Renewable Resource (b) Potential Resource (c) Non- Resource
Q.16) In which one of the following states is terrace cultivation practised?
(a) Punjab (b) Haryana (d) Uttarakhand
Q.17) Which one of the following is responsible for gully erosion?
(a) Underground water (b) Wind (d) Water
Q.18) Which one of the following statements refers to the sustainable development?
(a) Overall development of various resources
(b) Development should take place without damaging the environment.
(c) Economic development of people.
(d) Development that meets the desires of the members of all communities.
Q19) What is needed for judicious use of resourceas
a) Resource Planning b) Resource Exploitation c) Resource Modification
Q20) There is interdependence between
a) humans, institutions and technology b) resources, technology and institutions
c) none of the above
Q1) Which among the following is more likely to be the developmental goal of a landless
a) to be able to visit abroad b) more dys of work with better wages c) to buy expensive clothes
Q2)Identify the criteria used by the World Bank to classify countries.
a) Household income b) Individual income c) Average income
Q3) Which of the following states has the highest per capita income?
a) Punjab b) Bihar c) Tamil Nadu
Q4) PCI refers to
a) Per capital income b) Per capita income c) Proper capital income
Q5) World Bank uses the indicator
a) Income b) Per capita income c) public facilities
Q6) UN takes into account
a) only income b) other facilities to people c) both
Q7) IMR refers to
a) Infant marginal rate b) Infant mortality rate c) Infant migration rate
Q8) In which state IMR is the lowest
a) Kerala b) Maharashtra c) Madhya pradesh
Q9) Which one has prepared the HDI report
a) UN b) WHO c) UNDP
Q10) Which state has lowest literacy rate
a) Bihar b) Gujarat c) Tamilnadu
Q.1) 59 per cent of the country’s total population who speaks Dutch, lives in
(a) Wallonia region (b) Brussels (c) Flemish region
Q.2) Why did the Sri Lankan Tamils launch parties and struggle?
(a) to adopt majoritarianism b) to recognise Sinhalese as the only official language
c) to recognise Tamil as an official language
Q.3) Main significance of Belgium Model of Power Sharing
(a) Majoritarianism b) power shared in all ethnic groups according to their
population c) on the basis of adult franchise
Q.4)What is a coalition government?
(a) power shared among different social group b) power shared among different
levels of government c) power shared among different political parties
Q.5) Which of the following community is in majority in Sri Lanka?
(a) Tamil (b) Sinhala (c) Buddhist
Q.6) Which one of the following is the 3rd tier of government in India?
(a) Community Government (b) State Government (c) Panchayati Raj Government
Q.7) Federalism is:
(a) a form of unitary government (b) a government with two or multi levels of
government (c) a form of autocratic government
Q.8) Which of the following is an example of holding together federation?
(a) Spain (b) Australia (c) India
Q.9) How many languages are scheduled in the Indian Constitution?
(a) 22 (b) 21 (c) 18
Q.10) How many subjects are enlisted in the Concurrent List?
(a) 66 (b) 62 (c) 47
Q.11) Which of the following is very important factor for better understanding between
Centre and State’s Government?
(a) No regional political party (b) the beginning of the era of coalition government
(c) when a single party got a clear majority
Q.12) Why is there a need for third level of government in India?
(a) a large number of problems and issues which are best settled at the local level
(b) Indian states stand against each other c) Central govt governs different set of
Q.13) How many people speak French and Dutch in the capital city of Brussels?
(a) 60 percent French 40 percent Dutch (b) 50% Dutch 50% French
(c) 80% French 20% Dutch
Q.14) How many times the leaders of Belgium amended their constitution?
(a) Two times (b) Three times (c) Four times
Q.15) Which one of the following is correct regarding power sharing?
A. It leads to conflict between different groups.
B. It ensures the stability of the country.
C. It helps to reduce the conflict between different groups.
(a) Only B is true b) Both A and B are true c) Both B and C are true
Q.16) Which is the only official language of Sri Lanka?
(a) Tamil (b) Malyalam (c) Sinhala
Q.17) Which religion was promoted by State in belgium
a0 Christianity b) budhism c) hinduism
Q18) Horizontal power sharing in India is between
a) Legislature, executive and judiciary b) centre, state and local govt c) centre,
state and community govt
Q19) Vertical power sharing in India is at
a) legislature, executive and judiciary level b) centre, state and local govt c) centre,
state and community govt
Q20) Moral reason for power saring is
a) It is Valuable b) It is profitable c) It is mandatory
Q.1) What was Taverns?
a. Restaurants b. Small buildings c. Places where people gathered
Q.2) What was Protestant Reformation?
a. A challenge to the authority of Rome b. Movement to reform the Catholic Church c. A new
Q.3) In the 19th century, who became an important category of readers?
a. Children b. Women c. Workers
Q.4) Which is not an innovation of the 20th century?
a. Cheap paperback editions b. The dust cover c. Important novels were serialised
Q.5)What was the ‘Bengal Gazette’?
a) English Hindi mixed magazine b) A weekly Hindi magazine c) A weekly English
Q.6) Who was the writer of the book ‘Chote Aur Bade Ka Sawal’?
a. Kalidas b. Kabir c. Kashibaba
Q.7) Who was the writer of ‘Gulamgiri’?
a. Bamkin Chandra b. Jyotiba Phule c. Mahatma Gandhi
Q.8) What was the first book printed by Gutenberg?
a. Bible b. Ramayana c. Chapbook
Q.9) Who was known for an art form called ukiyo?
a. Chinz ho b. Kitagawa Utamaro c. Gutenberg
Q.10) What do you mean by the term ‘Calligraph’?
a. The art of beautiful printing b. The art of beautiful hand printing c. The art of beautiful and
stylised writing
Q.11) In which countries the earliest kind of print technology was developed?
a. China b. Japan c. Korea
Q.12) How did the production of manuscripts became possible in Europe?
a. Paper reached Europe via the Arab world b. Chinese paper reached Europe via the silk route
c. The Europeans discovered paper
Q.13) Who was the first to use wood-block printing?
a. Indian b. French c. Spaniards
Q1) What was the cause for business classes to participate in Civil Disobedience Movement?
a. Protection against import of foreign goods b. To buy foreign goods without any restrictions
c. To sell Indian goods without any restrictions
Q.2) Which one of the following leaders headed Oudh Kisan Sabha?
a. Jawahar Lal Nehru b. Mahatma Gandhi c. Subhash Chandra Bose
Q.3- What was the main reason behind the start of the Non- cooperation movements?
a. To fulfill the demand for Swaraj. b. To oppose the arrival of Prince of Wales.
c. To boycott the civil services, army, police, courts and legislative councils.
Q.4- When did Gandhiji travelled to Champaran in Bihar?
a. 1916 b. 1920 c.1925
Q.5- Why did General Dyer open fire at Jallianwala Bagh on 13th April 1919?
a. He wanted to enforce martial law very strictly in Amritsar.
b. He wanted to create feeling of terror and awe in the minds of Satyagrahis.
c. He wanted to gain prominence in the eyes of British government.
Q.6- What was the reason behind clash between Gandhi Ji and Dr Ambedkar?
a. Separate electorates would create division in the society.
b. With separate electorates, Dalit’s would gain respect in society.
c. The condition of Dalit’s would become better.
Q.7 Who was the author of the famous novel ‘Anandamath’?
a. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay b. Abanindranath Tagore d. Rabindranath Tagore
Q.8) Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa in which year?
a. 1920 b. 1913 d. 1915
Q.9) The Non-Cooperation Movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi in support of which
a. Khilafat b. Swaraj c. Khilafat and Swaraj
Q10) Identify the incidence that happeened as a respone to Rowlatt Act
a) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre b) ahmedabad workers strike c) Dandi March

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