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CHAPTER 3 Pulse Modulation Problem 3.1 Let 2W denote the bandwidth of a narrowband signal with carrier frequency f,. The in-phase and quadrature components of this signal are both low-pass signals with a common bandwidth of W. According to the sampling theorem, there is no information loss if the in-phase and quadrature ‘components are sampled at a rate higher than 2W. For the problem at hand, we have fe = 100 kHz 2W= 10 kHz Hence, W = 5 kHz, and the minimum rate at which it is permissible to sample the in-phase and quadrature components is 10 kHz. From the sampling theorem, we also know that a physical waveform can be represented over the interval -0 << 00 by 8 = YD 4,0, (0) co) where {@,(f)} is a set of orthogonal functions defined as sin{nf,(¢-n/f,)} 8) = FWA where 1 is an integer and f, is the sampling frequency. If g(#) is a low-pass signal band-limited to W Hz, and f, > 2W, then the coefficient a, can be shown to equal g(n/f,). That is, for f, > 2W, the orthogonal coefficients are simply the values of the waveform that are obtained when the waveform is sampled every L/f, second, As already mentioned, the narrowband signal is two-dimensional, consisting of in-phase and quadrature components. In light of Eq. (1), we may represent them as follows, respectively: gilt) = DY an/F.)0,(2) 143 solt) = DY soln/F)0,(0) Hence, given the in-phase samples af +) and quadrature samples sf?) . We may reconstruct oi fe the narrowband signal g() as follows: 8(1) = g(t)cos(27f,t) — go(t)sin(2nf,0) => [s{F) cos(2nf,t) - go sin(2nf0)]0,(8) where f, = 100 kHz and f, > 10 kHz, and where the same set of orthonormal basis functions is used for reconstructing both the in-phase and quadrature components. 144 Problem 3.2 (a) Consider a periodic train o(f) of rectangular pulses, each of duration T. The Fourier series expansion of et) (assuming that a pulse of the train is centered on the origin) is given by ct) = YO f, sindinf, TexpGzmnf,t) where f, is the repetition frequency, and the amplitude of a rectangular pulse is assumed to be 1/T (ie., each pulse has unit area). The assumption that f,T>>1 means that the spectral lines (ie., harmonics) of the periodic pulse train e(t) are well separated from each other. Multiplying a message signal g(t) by c(t) yields s(t) = o(t)g(t) = Ef, sine(nf,T) g(t) expG2enf,0) os ‘Taking the Fourier transform of both sides of Eq.. (1) and using the frequency-shifting property of the Fourier transform: EG | oy eee ra @ nese where Gif) = Flg(t)]. Thus, the spectrum S(f) consists of frequency-shifted replicas of the original spectrum G(f), with the nthreplica being scaled in amplitude by the factor f,sine(nf,T). 145

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