How To Approach Women PDF 2017

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How to Approach Women (21   
 dating tips) | Conquer & Win

How to approach a woman 2017 guide

If you’ve ever wondered what to say when approaching an attractive girl, this is your

Learn how to:

Approach women
Get more dates
Start conversations
What to say and talk about
Build your confidence
Avoid being “creepy”
Approach girls for  relationships
Talk to women at work

and more!

Keep reading to change your love life. Skip ahead for the approach tips you want.

Also check out: How to meet women everywhere

Part 1 

How to walk up to a girl and start a conversation

This is what to say and how to talk to a girl walking in the street.

First, attempt to make eye contact. It’s not a deal breaker if she doesn’t notice you, but
if you make eye contact first it can warm up the approach.
Walk up to her and say “excuse me” as if you were asking for directions.
Stop walking and expect her to follow your lead. If she doesn’t stop then let her go.
You should always leave an ‘exit’ for any woman you approach.
Now tell her why you walked up to her. Usually a simple compliment is good, but
don’t overdo it or dwell on her looks.

Tweet: “Guys don’t realize women think about things like exit routes. If you corner us
in some way, we’ll feel frightened, not receptive.”

How to make it better:

Smile when you first get her attention

If she doesn’t stop you can keep talking. Many women will stop if you hold your
ground and go right into it. It’s also important that she follows your lead from the
beginning. Otherwise, now you’re following her lead, and women are not attracted to
men who can’t lead. Her stopping when you stop is the beginning.
Use a “mini story” (see below) immediately after opening. Usually, just jumping into a
compliment isn’t good enough to hold a woman’s attention. She’s still thinking about
where she’s going and isn’t completely focused on you. Blurting out a compliment will
often put up a woman’s defenses, and the automatic reaction is to walk away. With a
‘mini story’ you’ll have her full attention and interest.

The ‘mini story’

The mini story is all about painting a picture and getting a ‘hook point’ or drawing her
in. It creates curiosity, eliminates distractions, and will avoid any conditioned reactions.

Tell her exactly what was happening right before you came up to talk to her. One of
my coaching students called it “the hero’s journey”. It would go something like this,
“Excuse me, I was going to lunch and wasn’t sure if I should do this. I’m already late,
but I noticed you walk by. So I ran back across the street, dodging traffic and a small
chihuahua to come say hi. I thought you look great!”

While you’re explaining the story she’s going to want to know the conclusion. Now
you have her full attention, and can start a conversation.

Part 2 

What do you talk about when you approach a girl?

OK, so you’ve approached her, used the mini story and gave her a compliment.

Now what?

As one man put it;

“You really have to learn to go with the flow and not plan things out. Say
exactly what your thinking and don’t second guess yourself.”

Don’t try to script out an entire conversation with a woman you haven’t even met yet.
You don’t know anything about her.  It’s impossible to plan for every possible answer,
question, and counter she might have. You’ll also get stuck in your head and not talk
to her at all.

There’s precious few seconds to “say hi” when an attractive woman appears. If you’re
already thinking about the entire conversation then it’s not going to happen.

Worse yet, trying to script a conversation makes us look like robots. Last I heard, most

women aren’t in the market for a robot.

The best kind of conversation is going to be organic. That doesn’t mean to be a leaf in
the wind though. Instead, learn conversation structure; the snow ball technique.

The basic format is: 1. A ‘what’ question 2. A ‘why’ question

Talk about her: Don’t worry about coming up with a topic, it’s standing in front of you.
People like talking about themselves so use this psychology to your advantage.
Ask a question: There’s lots of flexibility here but I always start with, “What do you
Repeat back to her: When she answers, repeat back to her what she said, but in your
own words.
Find out “Why”: Now ask her ‘why’ she does what she does. This part is crucial. It will
help you to avoid topic hopping. Superficial conversations won’t create a connection.
Repeat: When you find out “why” she does what she does, all sort of other topics will
open up. Not only will this keep the conversation going, but you’ll also learn a lot
about her.

How to make it better:

 Do a cold read: Make your opening question more conversational by making a cold
read. This is something you can inject humor into, or even tease her, but that’s not
necessary. Instead of saying, “What do you do?” Add, “You look like a Yoga teacher;
what do you do?” When you get good at this you’re guesses will become accurate.
Preventing an ‘interview’ by adding your opinion: If you keep asking questions it will
turn into an interview. When she tells you what she does, first add your opinion on the
topic, “Wow, you’re a nurse? I’ve heard it can be stressful. Nurses always have to do
weird split shifts, working four days and then four nights. That would ruin my sleep
pattern.” Then finish with your ‘why’ question; “So why did you get into nursing?”

Why it works:

When people open up, it creates feelings of trust and connectedness.  The deeper you
go into someones life, the more they have to open up. That creates vulnerability.
When we make ourselves vulnerable to others we often feel “chemistry”.

One of the biggest problems I’ve seen with my clients is topic hopping. That prevents

any connection because the conversation is superficial. She hasn’t opened up, and
won’t feel anything as a result.

Tweet: Trying to script a conversation makes us look like robots. Last I heard, most
women aren’t in the market for a robot.

Part 3 

How to approach a lady for relationship

Whether it’s for sex, dating or a long term relationship, your basic approach is going to
be the same. Thinking too far ahead and worrying about a relationship cause
hesitation. Don’t worry about all the details, just talk to her first. Sexual chemistry is
always going to be first. All relationships develop out of attraction for one another.

Part 4 

How do I start a conversation with a girl at work?

This is one area I’d recommend against. Most guys will go for girls at work because
they don’t feel like they have other options. This can this create an awkward situation
if she’s not into it. If you do go out and things go bad, now you’re stuck together. Not
to mention the risk of sexual harassment claims which can ruin a man’s career.

The best thing you can do is get good with women, plural. You’ll have so many more
options once you know how to confidently talk to women. You won’t be bound by
whomever happens to be nearby.

Having said that, it’s your choice.

If you still want to talk to that girl at work here is one way to go about it:

From Quora:

1) Pick a spot where you regularly meet her (e.g. lift, corridor, kitchen)

2) Make a mental note about something around you that both of you would get. The
more specific the better. Lifts taking too long, aircon not working, cheap coffee etc.

3) When you see her, say “Hey” and when she answers, throw your observation in

4) Ask her how long she’s been there

5) Say “I’ve got to run, but it’d be great to catch up again for a coffee or something”

6) If she says yes, give her your phone and ask her to put her contact in

Part 5 

How to approach a girl at HER work

You saw her working at the local coffee shop, a girl in an office, or while you were
grocery shopping. She was cute, damn cute, but you didn’t know how to ask her out
while she’s working.

Here are some different ways to pick up a girl at her work.

1. Coffee shop

This is one I’ve done many times and it works great.

There are different ways to go about it in a cafe. I’ve gotten numbers while ordering
my drink on the go. Sometimes after getting to know the baristas by being a regular.
Also by pulling the girl of interest aside and going direct.

While ordering coffee:

I met a hot Japanese girl this one morning before work. She was a barista and took my
order. I was instantly attracted to her and didn’t want to leave with nothing but coffee.

So I engaged her in a conversation about where she is from, right away. Yeah, not
exciting. But my eyes did most of the talking. It’s the intent behind the eyes which
matters the most.

I kept my eyes on her. The intent behind my eyes, or the ‘feeling’ was pure attraction.
She turned me on. Her eyes were beautiful, and acted like magnets for mine.

This is an area which will take practice. Many guys hide the intent behind their eyes
because they don’t want to expose their sexual feelings. Don’t mask it, let it free.

You don’t have to be too overt. Let your feelings through instead of acting like her

So, I had little time to seal the deal. I asked for her number directly, “What’s your

The entire trick in this situation is to create attraction, fast. It’s going to take practice.
Even if you don’t have all of the pieces together give it a shot. Just ask for her number
directly after getting into a ‘mini conversation’.

Getting to know her by being a regular:

I’d recommend against this method unless you’re a regular because you like the
coffee. It takes way too much time. That time could be spent meeting other girls.

But if you frequent a coffee shop (or other place) and you’re attracted to someone
there, this works like a charm.

Get into regular conversations with everyone: Don’t make your interest stand out too
much. Get to know everyone by name and talk with everyone. After all, you’re a social
Make direct eye contact: As soon as you walk in, make a point of connecting your eyes
with hers. Add a bit of smile too, but don’t stare. Remember to allow your feelings to
come through your eyes.
Compliment: Not only the girl you like, but anyone who works there. You’ll gain a
reputation for being charming. Keep your compliments low key. You can say things
like; looks nice, pretty, good style, nice for the summer, stands out, or looks good on
you. It can be about a piece of jewelry, a new haircut, perfume, or a girls nails. After
you make the compliment don’t dwell on it, move on. It should be casual.
Ask out: When you get into one of your regular conversations pop the question. It
should always be phrased as “we should” or “let’s” grab a coffee sometime. Never ask
a girl if she “wants to” “Would like to” “Is it OK” or other submissive language. It’s not

polite, it looks as if you’re expecting a ‘no’. Assume a ‘yes’ and ask confidently.
Pulling her aside:

If the pressure of a bunch of people watching is too much then this is for you. It takes
a lot of assertiveness though. If you’re not used to being assertive then practice is
going to be crucial.

Find your chance: She may be dealing with customers, so wait until things calm down
a bit.
Take her aside: Go up to her and say, “Hey, come here for one second.” She’ll most
likely think you need a table cleaned. When you she comes around to your spot, be
direct. There’s no beating around the bush on this one. “I think you’re cute, you have a
great sense of style. We should have a coffee sometime.” Then wait for her answer. If
there’s silence don’t jump in to break it. If she says ‘yes’ then ask for her number.

Approaching an office girl:

Many years ago I took another guys social bootcamp. I needed the help because I was
struggling for months and not making much progress.

While on the bootcamp we went in a mall. At this point my confidence was pretty high
because of the momentum that was built.

I saw this girl working at a dental office.

Cute, Asian, and looking down at her computer at the reception desk.

I went direct.

“Hey, I was walking by and couldn’t take my eyes off you. You look great.”

A smile came over her face, and she giggled.

The conversation was very short. Before I left I asked her for a coffee, and she said yes.
That turned onto a NSA relationship which ended up lasting 6 months.

Here’s how you can do it:

Approach: Pick your time to go talk to her. It can be difficult if she’s dealing with clients

or coworkers, so come back during a slow time if you have to.

Go direct: Tell her exactly why you’re talking to her. You can say, “I noticed you and
thought you look nice. I had to come say hi.”
Conversation: As long as she’s OK with the approach, then you can go into

conversation. Focus on her, and ask why she got into her field of work. The ‘why’ is
important because people feel a connection when they share personal information. If
she likes and trust you, she’ll open up. If she’s guarded and resist telling you anything
then that might be your cue to leave. If so, wish her a good day.
Ask her out: You were bold and went direct, had a conversation, and now it’s time to
get going. Approaching a girl who’s working isn’t ideal for long conversations so keep
it short. Say, “We should have a coffee sometime” then grab her number if she says

Part 6 

How to approach a lady on the phone

If you see a girl talking on her phone that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. I normally
don’t do it unless I’m really interested.

The alternative is you lose your chance, and you only get one chance. Of course, there
are plenty of other fish in the sea, but you won’t get this chance again.

Here’s how you can do it:

Approach boldly: There’s no room for error here; she’s talking on the phone and you
need to get her full attention. Walk up along side her and say, “Excuse me”.
Urgency: Now that you have her attention you’re going to express some urgency. Your
approach has to come across as more important than her call or she’ll keep walking.
Tell her, “This is important, put down your phone for  a minute.”
Go direct: Tell her your ‘mini story” (paint a picture) and then tell her exactly why you
stopped her. I might use a stronger compliment for this approach since it was made
out to be important. She has to feel what you feel.

How to make it better:

When you approach, make sure you give her plenty of room. Jumping into someones
personal space is a bad way to make an introduction. I usually allow about an arm and
half’s length of distance. If I can reach out and there’s still an extra half arm length of
distance, then that’s enough room. It will prevent freaking her out.

When you tell her to put her phone down make sure you have a smile on your face.
You don’t want to come across as a danger, and smiles are always disarming. Be
Simple compliments are usually best. Since you made a fuss about this being
“important”, it’s ok to go a little over the top with your compliment. You be the judge,
but make sure she feels what you feel.

Part 7 

How to approach a girl on the street and get her

Getting a woman’s number is the simplest part of the whole dating process.

The problem is that numbers will turn to flakes she didn’t feel something from your

Doing a good follow up text message  is also important.

In this section we’ll stick with the mechanics of getting a girls number. The rest you
can get by reading the rest of this post.

Ask her out: This works much better than asking for the number directly. I eliminated
a lot of flakes by asking for coffee first. After a good conversation, I always say, “We
should grab a coffee sometime.”
Get the number: She said yes, so now get her number. There are a couple ways to ask.
a) Give her your phone and say, “Put your number here”. Make sure the address book
is ready for a new number. b) Keep talking as you pull your phone out, then ask,
“What’s your number?”

How to make it better:

To make sure you have the right number, always text her while she’s standing in front
of you.

Add her name so you know who she is, and add your name so she knows who you
are. That way, when you text again later you won’t have to remind her.

Part 8 

How to get a woman interested in you

There are some easy signs a woman is interested.

The biggest one is that she sticks around. It’s important not to complicate the whole

First I’ll go into some of the methods or strategies you can use to get a girl to like you.
Next, we’ll cover lifestyle and character. When trying to improve your dating life
always look at the big picture, and work on the whole man. Not  superficial qualities.

Eye contact: If your eyes are darting around or looking down, you’ll come off as
insecure. Strong eye contact will demonstrate that you’re confident man. Not a
confident man yet? You might want to try coaching.
Body language: Next to eye contact, the way you hold your posture can make or break
an approach. Hands should be out of your pockets, back straight, chin tilted slightly

upwards, and stand square facing her.

Voice: You don’t have to yell, but speak to be heard. Many guys will lower their voices
when approaching a woman. Make sure you speak from your diaphragm, and raise
the volume so you’re load and clear. How can you tell? If she has to lean forward to
hear you, says “what?”, or if you lean forward to speak, then you’re too quiet.
Style: Wear clothing that fits. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just has to be clean and form

fitting. Some clothing like shorts might be a little looser.

Fitness: If you don’t feel good about yourself then chances she won’t feel good about
you neither. Get in the gym and lift. Not only will you look better, you’ll project your
feelings to everyone you meet.
Social skills: Learning how to approach is just one skill you’re going to need. Practice
your conversational skills by getting into conversations everywhere you go. The more
you talk, the more you’ll learn, and the easier it will be to get a girl to like you.

Lifestyle and character:

Express your opinion: Don’t pander to the women you meet. Express your true opinion
and people will respect you more. That doesn’t mean you should be a bull in a china
shop, but let others know where you stand.
Actually be who you are: “Be yourself” is the worst advice to never die. Usually, guys
who put on an act have deep seeded insecurities which need to be worked on. So
being themselves isn’t much of an option when there’s not a lot of man to be. If that’s
not you, then relaxing, putting your guard down and dropping the act is going to be
When you can be yourself, other people will tend to drop their guards too. You’ll be
able to gain more trust from women because they’ll see that you’re not putting on an
act. Part of this is acceptance about where you’re at right now. Another part is building
yourself into a better man.
Become a better man: It’s a lot easier to be yourself when you’re proud of who you
are. Get coaching, take classes, help other people, work on your career, and develop
your personalty. If you always challenge yourself, you will grow. Especially if you focus
on the things that you’re afraid of.
Become interesting: If you work your 9-5 job then go home and watch YouTube, your
life isn’t going to be very interesting. Having a great life and becoming a more
interesting man means new experiences. Travel to new countries, live there, learn a
new language, explore new cultures, go on mini adventures, and do things that make
you uncomfortable. Experience life and don’t live it through other people on your
computer screen.
Create a great life: Whatever a great life means to you, pursue it.
Be bold: Learning assertiveness will prevent the quiet frustration of never expressing
yourself. You’ll be able to communicate exactly what you want to others, and get what
you want too. If you can’t say it, you wont get it.
Have something big in your life: Working on something just for you, something bigger

than yourself, is one of the best ways to get girls interested in you. A man on a mission
is always attractive. It’ll also bring countless other benefits into your life. When you
have something big to focus on, you’ll be less needy, and more attractive.
Get good with women: Learning how to get good with women will open up your
relationship options, and create more interest from women. How? People are naturally
attracted to things which are in demand. By having more options you’ll create more

Part 9 

How to pursue a woman without being creepy

For most of us, not “being creepy” is pretty important. After all, who wants to be that

A lot of this comes down to mindset. Creepiness is something that I don’t worry about
because I’m not creepy.

If you’re worrying about being a creep at has a lot to do with insecurity. It’s a reflection
of how you feel inside, and a worry about projecting creepy behavior at the women
you meet.

Although it’s a long term project to change insecurity, here are some ways to avoid
being creepy:

Speak up: It can creep out a lot of women when a guy shows up and starts
whispering. Would never happen to you, right? Well, this is one of the most common
things I see with new clients. As soon as they approach a woman, their voices lower.
It’s a submissive gesture, and insecurity about other people hearing. Don’t become the
‘girl whisperer’.
Eye contact: Looking at the ground or away from someones eyes will project
insecurity. It can also look creepy when you’re trying to have a conversation with a girl.
Don’t lean forward: This is often compensating for speaking too quietly. One of the
negatives is that it looks weird. Unless you have some sort of back problem, stand tall
and don’t lean forward.
Don’t enter her personal space: Everyone has a sort of imaginary bubble around them.

When strangers enter that bubble it can be very uncomfortable, even seen as a threat.
When you approach a woman give her some space. As she becomes more
comfortable she’ll close the gap, or you can inch forward a bit if it feels right. I always
allow about an ‘arm and a half’ of distance when approaching. That means I can reach
straight out, and my arm would have to be 50% longer to reach her. It’s a comfortable
distance to start a conversation.
Don’t touch before she see’s you: An important one. I’ve seen guys run up and tap girls
on the shoulder from behind, and it rarely get’s a good reception. Avoid physical
contact until you get to the handshake. Once things warm up you can start building up
with light physical contact. That might be a brief touch on the hand, shoulder or
elbow. Doing this well takes some care, so if you’re not comfortable learn from an

Part 10 

Texting a girl for the first time

The main trick here is to keep it simple and to the point. When you text a girl for the
first time, set up the date. Don’t worry about “gaming” her or getting into a

If you did a good job when you approached her then she’ll be happy to hear from you.
If not, nothing you say by text will get her interest.

1. Text her the same day: Don’t wait a few days to text her. The “three day rule”
doesn’t work. The longer you wait the more she will cool down and forget about
1. Set up the date: No reason to beat around the bush. She knows why you’re
messaging her, so ask her out.
2. The message: This is the message I use to set up all dates. “Hey Cindy, was good
meeting you today. Let’s grab a coffee later in the week, which day is good for
you”. I leave out the question mark on purpose. It’s makes it a bit more casual.
Don’t get so casual that you end up looking like a teenager though. Good spelling
and punctuation is important.

More on texting girls.

Part 11 

How can I get rid of my shyness and approach


“I just saw the most ideal girl standing right in front of me staring, and I
was speechless. I stared at her for a couple of minutes and I just did not
know what to say.”.

If you want to find the guts to talk to, and feel more confident approaching women it
can be a struggle. Getting rid of shyness is straight forward, but takes time.

A lot of guys will chicken out because they get intimidated, or don’t want to bother
the women they like. Here’s the good news; the women you like want to be

I can’t count how many women I’ve talked to who complain about not being
approached. That’s huge. Many women are open to it but we lose the chance to talk to
them because of social anxieties getting in the way.

“I smile but don’t get much response so I don’t pursue them as I feel like I
would be bothering them. I feel helpless in this a lot and worry that I may
have missed my chance in life at falling in love.”

 Here’s the basic steps to get rid of shyness to approach women:

1. Eye contact drill: You’re going to need to develop your eye contact skills to get rid
of shyness. Not only that, eye contact is crucial for attracting women too. When
you go out, instead of looking at the ground look into peoples eyes instead. You
can do this with both men and women.
2. Be around people: A lot of  shy guys isolate themselves. Go to social places like
cafes to do your work instead of sitting at home or in an office.
3. Say “Hi”: You can add this to the eye contact drill. In the morning say “good
morning” as you pass people. This will normalize talking to strangers.
4. Comment: Normalize commenting so that you get used to starting conversations.
It can be as simple as commenting on the weather, a piece of jewelry, or
complimenting a nice suite. Do it while waiting for a light to change, in a cafe line
up, or while shopping.
5. Go to a pub…by yourself: This is going to feel awkward as FU**, but will help get
rid of shyness. If someone ask why you’re there alone, just say you were feeling
social. Chat up the waitress, bartender, and anyone who is standing nearby. If
you’re really shy then you might have to start by getting used to going alone. This
may seem counter intuitive, but if you go with friends you won’t chat up strangers.
Let go of the safety net so you can get social. Start conversations by commenting.
6. Indirect approach: This is the same as commenting, but in this case you’ll be able to
get dates. In a cafe, you can comment on the book she’s reading, or anything else
you see. “I didn’t know people still read paper books.” If she’s interested she’ll
respond and talk about her book. Learn about her then close the conversation by
asking her for a coffee (on another day).
7. Train your mindset: This will take some time but will pay off for life. Get mindset
books, focus on the outcomes you want, write down your goals. Connecting with
people who are already doing what you want will also change your mind. If you
want to approach women then connect with other guys who already do this.
Alternatively, get professional help.
8. Public speaking: If there was ever anything to bring out shyness, it’s public
speaking. Approaching women is like public speaking, but one on one. Take public
speaking training to work through your anxiety in a supportive environment. You’ll
learn valuable speaking skills which apply in all face to face chats.

Part 12 
How can I overcome my shyness to approach
women who are checking me out?
Use the above steps to get confident and deal with your shyness in general. If you
notice women checking you out, here’s what you can do.

1. Approach
2. Open with; Hey, I noticed you checking me out!
3. Introduce yourself: “My name is Bob”.

 The fact that she’s checking you out is your opener.

Download this guide as a PDF: Click here!

Part 13 

How to approach older women

Many guys fantasize about experiencing an older women. An older woman’s
experience or ‘take charge’ personality can appeal to many men. Those same qualities
can also be intimidating.

Approaching older women is the same as approaching any woman. Being bold, direct,
and charming works with women of all ages.

The most important thing to keep in mind when approaching an older woman is to
treat her the same as any other woman. Idolizing or putting older women on
pedestals is a sure way to kill attraction.

Even though a woman might be older, the same things which made men attractive to
her while younger apply. Your confidence being number one.

Before approaching an older woman get your mindset in check. Remember, she’s
older but she’s still a woman. She still has the need for attention, love, sex, and
When you show up boldly, without apology, you’ll be fulfilling many of her needs. It’s
a win win.

“But what if she says I’m too young?”

No problem. Ignore that statement and stay in the conversation. Don’t give it
credibility by trying to argue or rationalize. If she goes for you it’ll be because you
turned her on.

Rational considerations like age often fall by the wayside when emotions take over. So
don’t get logical, keep your eyes on hers and chat.

Part 14 

How can I overcome approach anxiety when it

comes to talk to women I like?
Approach anxiety, like shyness, has to be overcome through social training. You can do
this on your own or take a social bootcamp, public speaking course, or dating

The best ways to approach and overcome shyness can be found in this guide. But here
are couple mind-tricks you can use to overcome approach anxiety:

1. Focus on the opening: Don’t think about what you’re going to talk about, if she’s
single, in a hurry, or nice. Your one mission is to open, period. As soon as you think
about any other detail you’ll kill your approach. It’s important to keep it simple
when approaching. So cut distractions. Focus on opening and you’ll have a chance.
2. Focus on what turns you on: She has great cleavage, an amazing body or tight
jeans which caught your attention. Focus on that. By focusing on what turns you
on you can overcome anxiety which is going to make you second guess yourself.
Follow your desire, it’ll guide your actions more than trying to rationalize.
3. Do it: Nothing is going to diminish your approach anxiety more than approaching.
You have to get in the game if you want the prize. This is basically exposure
therapy; doing the thing you fear until you don’t fear it anymore. I know a lot of
guys want a magic pill but it all comes down to exposure and effort. You can cut
1. the struggle by finding like minded guys and going out with them. Another way is
to get a coach so you’re held accountable.

Part 15 

How do I approach an attractive women in college?

I never went to college, and even if I had I would have been terrible at meeting
women. Why? Because back then I was full of shyness and social anxiety. It was hard
to meet anyone.

Download this guide as a PDF: Click here!

Direct approaches work in college, but many guys find success with indirect openings.

Here’s one way to connect with girls in college, Via Reddit:

“You already have something in common with these women in your

classes – use that to your advantage.
Just sit next to somebody and talk to them before or after – not during,
because nobody likes that guy/gal.
“Gosh that lecture was boring”, “Do you know what the professor meant
when he said X last time?”, “Do you know of a study group for this
upcoming exam/quiz/assignment?”,
“Man the reading for today was brutal, I couldn’t finish it. Do you know
what it was about?”, “Are you an X major? I found today’s lecture very
interesting, could you recommend any other classes like this in X
“These chairs are so goddamn uncomfortable”.
Any of these can start a conversation with anyone in your class –
regardless of gender. Just start a conversation in a semi-professional tone
treating the other person as a colleague in your learning and then
introduce yourself when the opening arises.” – LawlAbx via Reddit

Part 16 

16 How to overcome fear of rejection and approach

women in clubs?
Clubs, bars, parties and pubs can be great places to meet women for one night stands.
I wouldn’t recommend them for meeting your future wife, but it’s OK to have fun too.

My experience in clubs is limited because I never liked clubs. Even then, I’ve still
managed to take women home in Vancouver clubs.

On one night, nothing was going right. I made eye contact with a few women but it
didn’t go anywhere. Then I approached a mixed table where a hot Asian girl was
sitting. Her male friends were on the other side of the table, so I put my drink down
and sat beside her.

I wasn’t drunk, but I Knocked my drink over and spilled it on her. Not great. Then the
glass rolled off the table and shattered right under her.

Not only did she look annoyed, but her friends were laughing hysterically. Not my best
approach ever, but it was entertaining (for them). After a failed attempt at chatting her
up I left the table, defeated.

The night wasn’t over though:

It had been a long night. I was standing with a buddy when I noticed a cute girl getting
ready to leave. I commented, “Nice scarf”. That’s not a great compliment or opener,
but sometimes opening is enough.

Her friends showed up and noticed we were talking together.

They invited me to take off with them, so I did. After her friends left I took her home
where she stayed the night.

Even though most of the night was rocky it still turned out well.

Having said that, I’m no expert at clubs. Here’s a suggestion from the web:
“Ask if the seat is taken next to us. Sit if we invite you. Make small talk. Ask
what I’m drinking. Engage others in conversation, even if it’s only me and
the bartender there. Make comments on what’s on tv, the weather,
Fake the confidence if you have to. Make an effort even if you fuck up.
Women are just as scared of you as you are of them.” – SubmissiveKitte814
via Reddit

Have a better way to approach women in bars? Let me know here and I’ll publish it.

Part 17 

17 How to approach women in the gym?

I know guys who’ve done well picking up in the gym. One of my buddies picked up a
girl at a gym when he was travelling. They ended up in a long term relationship and it
looks like it’s going somewhere.

The thing here is that he did it while traveling. Personally, I don’t like the gym to pick
up women. Not because it can’t be done, but because the gym is sacred territory for

I want to workout, then get out. Not be distracted by the women there.

This Redditor put it well:

“Best move is usually not to. Takes a lot of approaches to meet a woman
you hit it off with. You’re asking for advice about how to approach on
Reddit, which strongly implies that you’ll do it somewhat poorly.
If you go to the gym regularly and try to meet women there, there’s a good
chance you’ll rapidly develop a reputation as “that weird guy who tries to
pick up girls in the gym”.
An alternate outcome would be if you find success; this can be just as bad,
and if you can find it in the gym you could have found it in another setting
that won’t ruin your ability to get a decent workout without running into
multiple past flings.
Cold approach pickup is for anonymous settings, not your territory.” – lodro
via Reddit

If you’re not put off, then you can still go for it. Try a conversational approach. Open by
making a comment. You can ask if she’s training for a competition or sporting event.

That’s how I got to know and go out with one girl who worked at my old gym.

I also invited one other out. In both cases these girls worked there. And in both cases
they we’re on their way out because they found a new job. That’s why I made these

Yes, I’m only human. Distractions happen, but I minimize them.

Part 18 

What are the odds that a girl will harshly reject me

if I approach her in a public space?
A big eye openers for guys who learn how to approach women is that harsh rejections
are rare.

 Few women will respond rudely to a sincere approach. When you become confident
in your approach, it’ll almost never happen.

The worst reaction is getting ignored. They’ll just keep walking, or say they’re busy.
That’s nothing, especially considering it only last a few seconds. There are no negative

The worst approaching experience I ever had was two girls in a Chipotle (restaurant).
They were at the back of the line, so I walked in and introduced myself.

They both gave each other the eyes and then ignored me. I was standing there like an
idiot while they had a conversation. I didn’t stay long; my assistant coach and a
student were both standing outside, laughing.

I don’t blame them, it was funny.

That was the worst, and it was nothing. It would have felt worse for a guy with no
experience. I was OK with it because I’ve developed a thick skin from repetition, and
you can too.

Don’t worry about rejections, focus on your goal. Too many guys try not to lose,
instead of trying to win. That mindset shift will make or break you. You can’t win if
you’re always focused on how you might lose.

Part 19 

19 How to approach women at parties?

Parties are great places to approach women with casual conversation. Because you’re
all part of the same party, you already have some ‘credibility’ or social proof. This
means that the women there are going to be open to meeting you.

Try these suggestions from Reddit:

1. “Who is hosting the party, is it a friend? Ask them to introduce you to

people there. Make sure you remember their names. After you can circle
back and open anyone there with the line “so how do you know [name of
party host].
Is it just a general party and you don’t know to many people, start
introducing yourself to people you are standing near and engage in group
conversation if there is a girl you are interested in as part of the convo
direct questions at her and make sure you keep her included in the convo.
Run out of things to say? No worries, “I’m going to grab another drink,
food, see if I know anyone here. It was great meeting you guys I’ll be back
in a few”.
Go scope the party, see any cute girls? Introduce yourself, does she know a
lot of people here? No, introduce her to the people you just met. Yes, ask
her if she can introduce you because you don’t know to many people. Mix
and mingle and then go back to the girl you are into and initiate normal
2. “Asking how people know each other tends to work really well. Start a
conversation, exchange pleasantries, a (genuine) compliment, and ask who
they know at the party, tell them to introduce you.
Be friendly and smile.
I typically ask the initial person what the other persons best quality is. It
creates a better atmosphere and give you something to remember the
persons name with. Also, girls tend to compliment each other’s butts
when you ask that so it’s a good segue into more playful sexual talk.”
– via Reddit

Part 20 

How do Asian and black women like to be

approached by white men?
The same as white women, Latinas, Indian, and every other woman. Regardless of
race, women appreciate confident men.

I know a lot of guys who’ve grouped different women based on limited experiences.
Asians are easy, Asians are difficult, blondes are difficult and on and on.

As soon as we give a label to a certain group of women, we’ve decided our own limits.
Avoid these kind of classifications and your own options will open up.

It’s important to treat individuals as individuals. You never know what might happen
until you try. Have faith in your own personality and ability to attract women.

Part 21 
What is the best way to approach women in
Approaching a group of women can be the ultimate intimidation for guys. Instead of
dealing with one hot girl, you’ve got her friends staring at you too.

Even though the pressure can be high, chatting up a group can be a great thrill.

It’s like juggling since you have to talk to the group, but your social skills can get a
major boost. Not to mention your tolerance for pressure.

Here’s how I approach groups of girls (2 or more):

1. Get their attention: Just like stopping one girl, start with “excuse me”. Make eye
contact with each girl in the group (briefly).
2. Focus on the girl you want: Put your attention on the girl you want. Glance at her
friend(s) too to keep their attention.
3. Go direct: Use a compliment opener like, “I saw you walk by and liked your style. I
had to come back and say hi.”
4. Acknowledge her friends: Look back at her friends to acknowledge their presence.
A smile helps here. If her friends don’t feel included they may try to end the
5. Conversation: Learn about her and what she does, then why she does it. Always go
deeper than a superficial conversation. Questions like “What are you doing?”
usually don’t go anywhere, and won’t create the connection you need to get her

How to make it better:

There are a lot of variables here, so I’ve only skimmed the surface with the steps
above. I’m also only covering a direct approach but other approaches can work too.

1. Address the whole group with some light humor to keep it friendly and
entertaining. You can do this by making an observation about the group, “Do you
guys normally go around picking up dudes?”
2. Keep it short unless you invite the group for an instant date. They’re probably going
somewhere, so hold them too long and they’ll get restless. If you’re a skilled
1. conversationalist you’ll be able to hold their attention longer. Just get in, make an
impression, then get her number. You’ll be a mystery which she’ll want to learn
more about.
2. Even though you’ll want to learn about the girl you want, ask her friends questions
too. Get them involved in the conversation.

Some More Approach Tips

Leaving an exit:

This is something I emphasize to my coaching clients. When approaching someone,

always allow space so she can leave if she’s not interested.

Boxing a woman in can be intimidating. It will be even more intimidating if you’re

learning and aren’t too ‘smooth’.

In general, approach with about an arm and a half of distance. If she’s walking, come
up beside her, never block her path. Your magnetism and ability to do a good approach
are what you should rely on to get women’s attention. Not using a physical block.

If she doesn’t stop, let her go. Don’t follow. If you do then she’s the one who’s leading.
Not only that, but chances are that you’ll creep her out because she can’t leave.

This girl on Reddit spelled it out:

“Guys don’t realize how much most women think about things like exit
routes. If you corner or trap us in some way, we will feel frightened, not

I know 90% of guys don’t mean to do this, and that kind of thing doesn’t
even occur to them. But I’m a tiny skinny chick. I mean, I’m strong for
someone my size, but if I had to somehow move a 180lb man out of my
way before I could leave, it most likely wouldn’t be possible.
And if you’re wondering why we worry about things like that, it is because
we’ve been cornered and harassed or groped, or know someone who has,
and there is literally no way to know if you are going to do something like
that until you do it.
So just, before you approach a strange woman, look at her possible escape
routes, and do not get between her and them.”

On bad advice:

“Be yourself” or “just be confident” continue to be the mainstay of bad dating advice.

There is some truth to these tips but they’re incomplete. An insecure guy can’t
suddenly ‘just be confident’. And being yourself is important, but when you haven’t
developed confidence, social skills and a solid foundation as a man, being yourself
doesn’t work.

These are tips for men who already ‘got it’. But if you don’t then there’s some work to

So where does a guy start?

Fake it until you make it.

Tweet: An insecure guy can’t suddenly ‘just be confident’.

Confidence is very attractive, and empowering. So emulate confident men. How do

they act? What do they do? What would a confident guy do in this situation?

At first it will feel fake, but that’s part of learning. Through repetition you’ll start to feel
like the men you emulate.

Another way to build confidence is by exposing yourself to things that make you
fearful. Get on stage and learn public speaking. Learn leadership skills through a
training course. Approach women in different situations.

Take coaching for different areas of your life so you can stretch your limits.

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Learn boxing or a martial art, and get in the ring for a real fight.

Get in the gym and lift weights to develop your body and your discipline.

All these things will create your foundation as a man. From that foundation you’ll be
able to take more confident actions. Your character guides your behavior as a man.

Once you’ve developed a solid character, “be yourself” will make sense.

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