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00 14.01.2015 D.-A. Baum Th. Ferrand M. Doering First issue
01 04.08.2015 D.-A. Baum M. Doering M. Heim Complete revision


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STBOBGD Baum Heim Doering A4
Originator Document Type Project Document Code
Logic/analogue diagram NLC/00/B/G2-X5-4000/LO/554
Title, Subtitle Document Status
Unit 01 & 02 Released
Identification number
HP bypass steam temperature 148760_00014_7554
control Rev. Date Lang. Sheet
01 04.08.2015 En 1/4
© ALSTOM 2014. All rights reserved. Please consider the environment before printing this document
Form No. 168170E - 04.08 1.48760 A4 Hoch (03.12) - ALSTOM

Table of contents

1 PREFACE .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 LEVEL OF DETAIL OF THIS ALSTOM CONTROL SPECIFICATION ................................................................ 3
2 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 4



FEEDFORWARD POSITIONING OF THE INJECTION CONTROL VALVE ................................................... 4

5 CLOSED LOOP CONTROL WITH PI CONTROLLER ............................................................................. 4

Originator Identification number Rev. Date Lang. Sheet

148760_00014_7554 01 04.08.2015 En 2/4
© ALSTOM 2010. All rights reserved. Please consider the environment before printing this document
Form No. 168170E - 04.08 1.48760 A4 Hoch (03.12) - ALSTOM

1 Preface

1.1 Level of detail of this ALSTOM control specification

This ALSTOM control specification is to be used as input for the supplier of the DCS. It specifies
the main control functions as well as the desired control behaviour for all relevant operating cases.
The logics within the ALSTOM control specification serve as a general description of the required
control functions.

1.2 Usage of this ALSTOM control specification during project engineering

This ALSTOM control specification is a basis for a first common discussion of the control concept
with all involved parties. The result of this discussion is a common agreement on the control
concept which is implemented into the following revision of the control specification.
The revised control specification is the basis for the translation into the control system by the I&C
supplier as part of the Detail Engineering. The I&C supplier is responsible to design and program
the detailed control functions including support functions in a way that the main control functions
specified by ALSTOM are fully available.
The I&C supplier can deviate from the agreed main control functions if own, well-proven solutions
are available. The deviations shall be presented to and agreed by the involved parties.
If there is anything unclear, inconsistent or incomplete in the ALSTOM control specification the I&C
supplier is obliged to inform ALSTOM in written form.
Parameter sheets contain project-specific values to be able to start with commissioning. Final
parameters can only be identified in the commissioning and optimization phase.
In order to achieve the desired quality of control it is required to adjust the feed-forward controls
and the control loops to the control system behaviour of the boiler. This shall be realized by the
I&C supplier in the commissioning and optimization phase.
An ALSTOM control specification is a design basis for the I&C scope. It is not part of the final I&C
documentation as it is replaced during engineering by the documentation of the I&C supplier.

Originator Identification number Rev. Date Lang. Sheet

148760_00014_7554 01 04.08.2015 En 3/4
© ALSTOM 2010. All rights reserved. Please consider the environment before printing this document
Form No. 168170E - 04.08 1.48760 A4 Hoch (03.12) - ALSTOM

2 Introduction
In The following diagrams are described as a whole in below sections:
• 01LBF11DT901 SP Position HP Byp. inj. c/v 1
• 01LBF11DT902 Steam flow HP Byp.
• 01LBF11DT903 Feedforward SP kv/kvs for inj. c/v
• 01LBF11EU901 Signal interface

3 Overview over Steam Temperature Control at HP Bypass outlet:

Reference variable: Setpoint steam temperature at HP Byp. outlet (01LBF11EU901_XQ01)
Controlled variable: Steam temperature at HP Byp. outlet (01LBF11CT901_XQ01)
Manipulated variable: Position of injection control valve (01LAE31AA101_XQ01)

Basically, the temperature limit control at HP Bypass outlet consists of two parts:
• Feedforward control of the temperature at HP Bypass outlet by quick feedforward
positioning of the injection control valve
• Elimination of the remaining deviation by closed loop control with PI controller

4 Feedforward control of the temperature at HP Bypass outlet by quick

feedforward positioning of the injection control valve
Task of the feedforward control:
The main task of the whole limit control is to limit the temperature at HP Bypass outlet in order to
protect the piping at HP Bypass outlet against inadmissible high temperatures. The injection
control valve should quickly open to its approximate final position in case of a sudden opening of
the HP Bypass during plant operation, e.g. at turbine trip. This ensures a quick action of the
injection system without delay caused by the inertia of measurements and controllers. Inadmissible
high temperatures cannot occur. The feedforward control considers:
1. the pressure upstream injection control valve,
2. the temperature upstream injection control valve,
3. the pressures at the inlet and outlet of the HP Bypass which determine the steam flow,
4. the influence of the main steam temperature.

5 Closed Loop Control with PI controller

Task of the closed loop control:
The task is to eliminate the control deviation between measured outlet temperature and setpoint by
adjusting the position of the injection control valve. This closed loop control is relatively slow
because of the slow transfer behaviour of the temperature measurement. It takes some seconds
for the temperature measurement to show the correct steam temperature after opening of the HP
Bypass. The PI controller is stopped during this time by setting its output signal to 0. Opening of
the injection control valve is solely controlled by feedforward control during this time, see above.
The PI controller is switched to control only after some seconds when it is sure that the
temperature measurement shows the correct temperature.

Originator Identification number Rev. Date Lang. Sheet

148760_00014_7554 01 04.08.2015 En 4/4
© ALSTOM 2010. All rights reserved. Please consider the environment before printing this document
Form No. 168170E - 04.08 1.48760 A4 Hoch (03.12) - ALSTOM


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