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Become very sure that this is what you want to do. Once you get into the thick of it, it
becomes very difficult to go back. If you belong to an average Indian middle class family, and
you have it in you what it takes to become an officer then you will soon realize that no matter
how much your friends and family want to support, you actually are on your own. If you later
decide to go back on you decision to prepare for UPSC, be prepared to see that look of
disappointment on your parent's face and occasional mention of the same from some remote
relatives. You do not want that.


2. 2

Decide on your optional. It is a very important decision because this is what will stick with you
throughout your preparation time, which is painfully long.

Start reading newspapers and visiting ministry websites. Do not worry if you don't
understand all of what is written as of as of now, it will take some time but eventually without
your knowing it will all start to make sense.


Start getting selective in what you read. If you have been reading the news papers thoroughly
you will find that it takes up to 4-5 hours to complete. But this needs to change now.You should
have a printed copy of the latest UPSC Syllabus with you always, preferably stick it to the wall.
It is very important to narrow don your focus on only what is required of an IAS officer.

After you have shrinked the newspaper reading time to about one and a half hour, it is
time to subscribe to subscribe to secondary resources for current affairs which is called
second tier journalism. You can read mrunal's analysis of the current affairs on, or on Also you can listen to Daily IAS news on They offer a no-nonsense coverage of daily news events and analysis, plus
an archive of audio articles that deal with specific topics from geography, economy, international
relations and ethics etc. It can be used for quick revision.

Once you feel that you have managed to establish a good schedule for daily news, start
studying for GS. A detailed analysis of various books can be found on and .

Set aside some time to study the optional subject too. It is very important to cover it atleast
once before the prelims because you would'nt have sufficient time after.

Make good use of internet. There are various online resources available for free whicjh can
help you dramatically cut down time wastage.

Now that you are so deep into the preparation, stop caring about what the topper's have to
say and what is written on wiki how or other websites. They are for novices and loosely
interested people. You need to make your own decisions now and figure out the method of study
that suits you best..

Do no isolate yourself from friends and family wh understand you and keep you motivated
and keep reminding you that though they want you tho succeed, even if you fail in 1 or two
attempts they will still be there for you and never stop believing in you. Support is very
important for something as exhausting as UPSC preperation.

Don't stress yourself out while preparing for IAS. Find fun in whatever you do. Once you
start serious preparation, your whole view of the world around you will change, your personality,
dreams and interests will change. You will change.

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