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Process Biochemistry Vol. 33, No. 3, pp.

323-329, 1998
© 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd
All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
0032-9592/98 $19.00 + 0.00
PII: S0032-9592(97)00086-1

Cranberry processing waste for solid state

fungal inoculant production

Zuoxing Zheng & Kalidas Shetty*

Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA

(Received 7 July 1997; revised version received 28 August 1997; accepted 1 September 1997)


Cranberry pomace is a primary by-product of the traditional cranberry juice processing industry and its
disposal presents economic and environmental problems. Microbial conversion of cranberry pomace into
various value-added products is a practical approach for solving such disposal problems. The present
research was undertaken to test the growth of several agriculturally and industrially important fungi on
cranberry pomace substrate through solid-state fermentation. Fungi, such as Trichoderma viride If-26, Tricho-
derma harzianum ATCC 24274, and Trichoderma pseudokoningii ATCC 26801, a novel polymeric dye
decolorizing PeniciUium isolate, and a food-grade Rhizopus strain isolated from Tempeh, that produce
industrially important extracellular enzymes were grown on a cranberry pomace-based medium at 25°C for
4 days. The glucosamine content of the heterogeneous fermented mixture was a good indicator of fungal
growth. The maximum growth of all fungi was established on cranberry pomace supplemented with 0.05 g
of C a C O 3 , 2"0 ml of water, and 0"05 g of N H 4 N O 3 o r 0"2 ml of fish protein hydrolysate per gram of pomace.
It was concluded that bioconversion of cranberry processing waste by industrially beneficial fungi through
solid-state fermentation was feasible. This potential can be coupled with the utilization of fish processing
waste as an organic nitrogen source to develop mutually complementary products benefiting both the fishery
and cranberry processing industries. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd
Keywords: cranberry waste, fungal inoculants, glucosamine content, solid-state fermentation.

Introduction orange waste [7], sugar-cane pressmud [8], and kiwi-

fruit peel waste [9], cranberry processing waste is com-
Approximately 420 million pounds of cranberries are monly used as animal feed or fertilizer. However, its
produced annually in the USA, about 90% of which value as animal feed is very limited because of its low
are used for processing purposes [1]. The primary protein content and its use as fertilizer may not be
by-product of traditional cranberry juice processing is economically competitive. Further, direct disposal of
cranberry pomace. It consists of the processed skins, pomace waste to soil or in a landfill poses significant
seeds and stems, and constitutes about 5% of the wet environmental problems. Thus, the exploration of
weight of the original fruit. Freshly pressed cranberry novel uses for cranberry waste is needed.
pomace contains a large amount of insoluble carbo- Biological conversion of fruit processing wastes into
hydrates with small amounts of protein, minerals and various value-added products through solid-state fer-
some remaining juice with sugars and other soluble mentation (SSF) has been of major interest to many
substances. Owing to its high moisture content, freshly laboratories around the world. SSF deals with the utili-
pressed cranberry pomace is susceptible to rapid zation of water-insoluble materials for microbial
microbial growth. Like other fruit processing wastes, growth and metabolism, and it is usually carried out in
such as apple pomace [2], grape pomace [3], tomato solid or semi-solid systems in the near absence of free
pomace [4], citrus waste [5], pineapple waste [6], water or reduced water content compared with sub-
merged fermentation [10]. Many of the potential
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: (+1) products from fruit pomace wastes have been
413 545 1022; f a x : (+1) 413 545 1262; e-mail: developed using the SSF technique, and such products include ethanol [11], methane [7], lactic acid [8], citric
324 Bioconversion of cranberryprocessing waste

acid [6], protein [5], mushrooms [12], enzyme [13], and American Type Culture Collection (Rockville, MD); a
food ingredient [3]. However, no report has been Penicillium sp. ATCC 74414 that decolorized polymeric
found dealing with the utilization of cranberry pro- dyes was isolated in our laboratory [21]; a strain of
cessing waste. Rhizopus oligosporus was isolated from unpasteurized
Trichoderma is notably capable of producing various Tempeh product. The Tempeh product was kindly pro-
polysaccharide-degrading enzymes which enable it to vided by Life-Life Foods Co., Greenfield, MA.
grow on cranberry pomace substrate. It has been
reported that some Trichoderma species are widely Media and cultivation condition
used to produce various industrially important enzymes
[14-16]. Trichoderma species can also be effective as The microorganisms were maintained on potato dex-
biological control agents against pathogenic organisms trose agar (PDA) slants and petri plates at 4°C and
which usually cause many plant root diseases [17]. Tr/- subcultured monthly. All fungi were cultured at room
choderma harzianum also has the ability to degrade temperature for 7 days before use. 125 ml Erlenmeyer
organochlorine pesticides, such as DDT, dieldrin, flasks containing 10 g of cranberry pomace, 0.5 g of
endosulfan, pentachloronitrobenzene, and pentachlor- CaCO3, 20 ml water, and 0"5 g of NHaNO3 or 2 ml fish
ophenol, and hence has potential applications for bio- protein hydrolysate (FPH) as the supplemental
remediation [18]. nitrogen source were used for SSF. The freshly pressed
Several fungal species belonging to the genus Rhi- cranberry pomace was obtained from Veryfine, Inc.,
zopus have been used in SSF for several centuries, Westford, MA, and was dried and ground and stored
especially in Asia for preparing many fermented food- in a refrigerator before use. The water content of cran-
stuffs. Rhizopus not only enhances the digestibility and berry pomace used in the experiment was 5.8% (w/w,
protein content of foodstuffs, but also prevents the wet basis). FPH was obtained from Ocean Crest
formation of toxic substances such as aflatoxin B1. (Gloucester, MA) as herring waste containing
Some Rhizopus species can also produce anti-carcino- 0.6575 g m1-1 of soluble solids. The spores from one
genic substances and antibiotics [19,20]. A strain of PDA plate were inoculated into about 20 flasks. The
Rhizopus oligosporus, which was isolated from commer- flasks were incubated at 25°C for 4 days. The cultiva-
cial Tempeh in our laboratory, was used in this study in tion of all fungi was also extrapolated for 100 g of
order to develop a potential protein-enhanced value- cranberry pomace with proportional addition of other
added product from cranberry pomace for use as supplements calculated from the 10 g level.
animal feed.
Another fungus used in this study is a novel Pen- Protein assay
icillium isolate which is capable of decolorizing the
polymeric dyes Poly R-478 and Poly S-119 in liquid 100 ml of distilled water was added into the fungus-
media [21]. This isolate has potential applications in pomace-containing flasks and the culture was homoge-
bioremediation of aromatic pollutants since it could be nized using a Waring blender, then centrifuged at
used to remove some dyestuffs from dye-contaminated 1500g for 15 min. The supernatant was used for protein
water or soil. assay. Soluble protein was determined using a commer-
Fish offal is a major fishery by-product which is cial assay kit (Bio-Rad Protein Assay Kit II, Bio-Rad
usually disposed of on land or offshore as waste every Laboratory, Hercules, CA) with bovine serum albumin
year. Since it has a high nitrogen content [22], its acid as standard, according to the procedure described by
hydrolysate could be supplemented to cranberry Bradford [23]. The soluble protein produced by fungal
pomace medium to enrich the organic nitrogen for strains in the cranberry pomace medium was expressed
fungal growth. The objective of this research was to as milligrams per gram of pomace (original dry
develop novel approaches to utilize cranberry pomace, weight).
coupled with utilization of fishery waste, to generate
value-added products, like microbial inoculants, using Moisture content (MC) and water activity determination
the beneficial fungi mentioned above. Cranberry
pomace could not only serve as an excellent carbon The MC of cranberry pomace medium was determined
source, but in addition it could be used as an organic by measuring both the wet weight and dry weight of
carrier for fungal inoculants for food, agricultural and the sample. After measuring the wet weight, the
environmental applications. sample was dried in an oven at 105°C for 2 days, or
until the weight was constant, before recording the dry
Materials and methods weight. The water activity aw of the cranberry pomace
medium was determined according to the method
Microorganisms described by McCune et al. [24]. A reference material
(circle of filter paper) of known sorption isotherm was
T. viride IF-26, T. harzianum ATCC 24274, and T. pseu- obtained by equilibrating for 24 h to each of six salt
dokoningii ATCC 26801 were obtained from the slushes and was equilibrated for 24 h to the sample; the
Z. Zheng and K. Shetty 325

water activity of the equilibrated filter paper was cal-

culated using the linear equation of the isotherm curve
from its MC, which was determined by measuring the
weight gain of the filter paper during equilibration. The
water activity of the sample was equal to that of the
equilibrated filter paper. The relationship between MC 8.
(wet basis) and aw of the sample was expressed by the
MC = A + B log (1 -aw)
where, at 25°C,A = 0.0033 and B = -0.1155.
i i I i i i i i I
Glucosamine assay
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The glucosamine content of the fermented culture CaC03 (g/lOOgpomace)

mixture consisting of fungal mycelia and cranberry Fig. l. The effect of CaCO3addition on the growth of Tricho-
pomace medium was used to estimate fungal biomass derma, Rhizopus and Penicillium strains on cranberry pomace.
during the SSF as the growth indicator of Trichoderma,
Rhizopus, and Penicillium strains. It was determined by
the modified method of Sakurai et al. [25]. After culti- sidered as an ideal neutralizer because it can increase
vation, the culture mixture in each flask was mixed with the pH of cranberry pomace medium to 5.8-7.0 and it
100ml of distilled water. The mixture was then is inexpensive for large-scale use. Again, Trichoderma
homogenized using a Waring blender. A 1 ml suspen- viride, Rhizopus isolate, and Penicillium G-1 strains
sion of homogenized sample was mixed with 2 ml of were used to examine the effect of CaCO3 addition in
H2504 (98%) in a test tube. After standing for 24 h at cranberry pomace on fungal growth using 2 mlg
25°C, it was diluted with 47 ml of water and autoclaved water and 0.05 g NH4NO3. It was demonstrated that
at 120°C for 1 h. The hydrolysate was then neutralized cranberry pomace medium supplemented with
with NaOH to pH7-0 and diluted to 100ml, from 0.04-0.05 g of CaCO3 per gram of pomace would be
which 0.5 ml was mixed with 0.5 ml of NaNO2 (5%) satisfactory for the growth of all three selected fungi
and 0-5 ml of KHSO4 (5%) in a centrifuge tube. After (Fig. 1).
shaking occasionally for 15 min, it was centrifuged at
1500g for 2 min. 0.6 ml of supernatant was then mixed The effect of water addition in cranberry pomace on the
with 0"2 ml of NHaSO3NH2 (12"5%) and shaken for growth of selected fungi
3 min. To the mixture, 0.2 ml of 3-methyl-2-benzothia-
zolinone hydrazone hydrochloride (MBTH, 0.5%, pre- The moisture level of the medium is a critical factor
pared daily) was added and then the mixture was influencing the growth of fungi in SSF. In general, a
boiled for 3 min. The reaction mixture was immediately higher moisture level results in decreased porosity or
cooled to room temperature following boiling and intracellular spaces, lower oxygen diffusion and gas
0.2 ml of FeCI3 (0"5%, prepared within 3 days) was exchange and enhanced formation of aerial mycelium.
added. After standing for 30min, the absorbance at In contrast, a low moisture level will lead to decreased
650nm was measured spectrophotometrically. The substrate swelling and decreased microbial growth. In
glucosamine content was calculated as milligrams per this study, partially dried and ground cranberry pomace
gram of pomace (original dry weight) according to the with an MC of 5"8% (w/w) was used. Since it had very
standard curve. low water content, additional water was required to
increase the moisture level of the medium. To deter-
Results and discussion mine the optimal amount of water for maximum
growth, the growth of T. viride, T. pseudokoningii, T.
The effect of CaC03 supplementation on the growth of harzianum, Penicillium G-l, and the Tempeh Rhizopus
selected fungi isolate were examined using the basal cranberry
pomace medium with inorganic nitrogen as described
Since the cranberry pomace contains organic acids, the in the Material and methods section with varying water
pH of cranberry-pomace-based medium was relatively contents. The soluble protein produced by various
low (approximately 3.0 to 3-2) and hence inhibited the fungi in the pomace medium was measured as the indi-
growth of fungi. In order to obtain the maximal cator of growth (Fig. 2). All fungi tested in the experi-
growth, it was necessary, therefore, to neutralize the ment grew very poorly if no additional water was
medium before inoculation. In general, most fungi are added to the medium; they exhibited very similar
able to grow in a pH range of neutral to slightly acidic. growth patterns as the amount of water supplemented
Considering the desired pH range, CaCO3 was con- to the medium increased up to 4 m l g -~ before
326 Bioconversion of cranberry processing waste

solid matrix and cannot be quantitatively separated

from it; so, direct measurement of fungal biomass is
impossible. Many authors have described methods of
indirect biomass estimation including measuring: (a)
| fungal cell constituents, such as ergosterol, nucleic
g 2 acids, protein, nitrogen and chitin; (b) primary metabo-
lites, such as CO2, ATP, or enzymatic activity; (3)
nutrient consumption [26, 27].
a. 1 As glucosamine is an essential and stable compo-
nent in chitin of mycelial cell walls, the glucosamine
¢//. /o - * - r . ~,,',~o,,m
content seems to be a useful parameter for the estima-
tion of the total sum of the growing mycelium and its
0 l I I I
changes may correspond to the development of the
0 100 200 300 400 500
mycelium, although the values cannot be converted to
H20 (ml/100g pomace) mycelial weight quantitatively [25]. Roche et al. [27]
Fig. 2. The effect of water addition in cranberry pomace reported that a linear correlation existed between
medium on the growth of Trichoderma, Penicillium and Rhi- cumulative biomass and cumulative glucosamine of fila-
zopus strains. mentous fungi during SSF. Desgranges et al. [26] also
suggested that the glucosamine measurement gave a
good indication of fungal biomass development, but
declining slightly at higher water addition the biomass indicator could only be used to compare
(4.5-5-0 ml g-I). Addition of about 2 ml of water per different media having the same constituents, even if
gram of cranberry pomace was sufficient for the the C/N ratios were different.
maximum growth of all selected fungal strains. In our study, two methods for biomass estimation
were compared when additional nitrogen source was
The relationship between MC and water activity of added to the medium. In the case when NH4NO3 was
cranberry pomace medium supplemented as a nitrogen source, as shown in Figs 3
and 4, the measurement of soluble protein content was
A better way of expressing the MC of cranberry consistent with the measurement of glucosamine
pomace medium is the water activity aw, which indi- content, as both gave a similar growth pattern. Under
cates the availability of water for the growth of fungi. such conditions, therefore, either soluble protein or
The MC and water activity of the cranberry pomace glucosamine content could be used as the growth indi-
medium corresponding to each level of water supple- cator of the selected strains in SSF.
mented to the medium were determined using the
methods described in the Materials and methods The effect of NH4N03 on the growth of selected fungi
section. It appeared that the optimal MC in the
pomace for the growth of all selected fungi was about An important indicator of nutritional regulation of
67% (wet basis), whereas the corresponding optimal growth in SSF is the C/N ratio. The optimal C/N ratio
water activity was 0.99 (Table 1).

Biomass estimation

In SSFs, one of the most important problems encoun-

tered is the biomass measurement. Unlike submerged
cultivation, fungal mycelia are intimately bound to the

Table 1. The effect of water addition on the MC and aw of -J

cranberry pomace medium
n 1
Water addition MC in the pomace aw
to the medium (%, wet basis)
(ml/g pomace)
0 5"79 0-4643 0 2 4 6 8 10
1 51"49 0-9747
2 67"34 0"9904 NI-14NOa(g/100g Ix)mace)
3 75-38 0"9938
4 80-05 0-9945 Fig. 3. The effect of NH4NO3 addition on the growth of
5 83"50 0-9960 Trichoderma, Rhizopus and Penicillium strains on cranberry
Z. Zheng and K. Shetty 327

10 grew in fish offal-peat compost. We proposed that

FPH could be an alternative nitrogen source for cran-
berry pomace medium enrichment.
We tested the effect of supplementation of herring
E FPH on the growth of Trichoderma viride, Rhizopus
isolate, and Penicillium G-1 strains on cranberry
g pomace medium. Fungal growth was expected to be
expressed in terms of both soluble protein and glucos-
amine contents. However, it was problematic to use
soluble protein content as the growth indicator because
/ "--X--R/~o/x~
the partially hydrolyzed products of fish protein, such
as polypeptides in herring FPH supplemented in the
I I I I medium, contributed to the total soluble protein
2 4 6 8 10 content of the fermented medium. This would explain
the misleading and confusing result that the soluble
NH4NOa (g/100g pomace)
protein was constantly increasing as the level of FPH
Fig. 4. The effect of NH4NO3 supplementation on the glucos- supplemented to the medium increased (data not
amine production by Trichoderma, Rhizopus and Penicillium
strains grown on cranberry pomace. shown). In this case, therefore, soluble protein content
was not a reliable fungal growth indicator as it tended
to give an erroneous result. It could be used as a fungal
growth indicator only if the medium contained an ign-
varies in a wide range from 10 to 100 or higher in orable amount of soluble proteins. Instead, it was more
various SSF processes, but the availability of C and N reliable to use the glucosamine content as the growth
can be more important than the ratio. In most SSF indicator. It is shown in Fig. 5 that the addition of
systems, the carbon source comes from the natural about 0.2-0.3ml of FPH per gram of cranberry
soluble and insoluble carbohydrates while the nitrogen pomace resulted in the optimal growth of all selected
source is added. Cranberry pomace contains higher fungi.
carbohydrates ( ~ 50% on a dry weight basis), some of
which are fermentable and could be used as a carbon The growth of all tested fungi on an optimized cranberry
source, but a relatively low content of nitrogen source pomace medium
available for fungi became the limiting factor for fungal
growth. Therefore, in order to obtain the optimal With the goal of obtaining a general cranberry-based
growth of fungi on cranberry pomace, supplementation medium for growth of selected fungi, an optimized
of nitrogen source was needed. Two kinds of nitrogen medium formula was developed as described in the
source, NHaNO3 and FPH, were used in this study. Material and methods section. The optimization of the
The growth of T. viride, Rhizopus isolate, and Peni- medium was based on the hypothesis that all the fungi
cillium G-1 was determined by measuring both the selected had similar growth patterns in response to
soluble protein content and glucosamine content of
fermented culture. The effect of NH4NO3 on the
growth of the three selected fungi is shown in Fig. 3 (in
terms of soluble protein production) and Fig. 4 (in
terms of glucosamine content). Addition of about
0-05g of NH4NO3 per gram of pomace gave the
maximal growth of all selected fungal species (Figs 3 E 6
and 4). g

The effect of FPH on the growth of selected fungi E
Fish offal is another important food processing waste, o 2
J .-X--~
and its disposal has not yet been solved satisfactorily
[22]. By a combination of papain and acid hydrolysis, I I I I
the fishery by-product was converted into FPH in I0 20 30 40 50
which a high concentration of nutrients, such as
nitrogen, was expected to enhance the fungal growth FPH (ml/100g pomace)
on cranberry pomace medium. Martin and Chintalapati Fig. 5. The effect of FPH addition on glucosamine produc-
[22] demonstrated that the growth of Scytalidium acid- tion by Trichoderma, Rhizopus and Penicillium strains on cran-
ophilum on acid peat hydrolysate was enhanced when it berry pomace.
328 Bioconversion of cranberryprocessing waste

and to apply it into the soil environment for the

•- ' O - - T. ~ k / e
purpose of enhancing pesticide degradation; in the case
5 I I J - of polymeric dye pollution a novel Penicillium sp.
inoculant could be used. On the other hand, food-
E grade Rhizopus oligosporus grown on cranberry and fish
R wastes could be targeted as an animal feed.
The soluble protein content and glucosamine
content of fermented culture could be used for the
a. estimation of fungal biomass in SSF. However, if the
medium contained a certain amount of soluble proteins
or peptides, glucosamine measurement could be used
as the growth indicator.
0 I I I I I

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
To obtain the maximal growth of the selected fungi
a formula for the cranberry-pomace-based medium was
Culture time (days) developed, and further improvements are possible. The
Fig. 6. Growth curves of Trichoderma, Rhizopus and Pen- optimized medium was extrapolated and tested and
icillium strains on cranberry pomace supplemented with 5% consisted of cranberry pomace supplemented with
CaCO3, 5% NH4NO3 and 200% water. 4-5 g of CaCO3, 200 ml water, 5 g of NH4NO3 or
20 ml FPH per 100 g of cranberry pomace.
It should be noted that FPH, a high nitrogen-con-
changes of the medium composition; this was corrobo- taining fishery by-product, can serve as a good supple-
mental nitrogen source for cranberry pomace medium.
rated by the results obtained (Figs 1-5). All five fungal
strains tested were grown on an optimized cranberry In this direction, the utilization of cranberry processing
pomace medium supplemented with NHaNO3 as the waste can be coupled with the utilization of fishery
waste. Such strategies will integrate two different
nitrogen source and the soluble protein content was
used as the growth indicator, as the amount of soluble natural resource sectors in a beneficial manner.
protein in cranberry pomace was ignorable. All
exhibited a similar growth pattern over culture time Acknowledgements
(Fig. 6). It appeared that the optimized medium
formula could be used for the growth of all selected This research was supported by a grant from Veryfine,
fungi, and under such conditions maximum growth was Inc., Westford, Massachusetts.
reached after 4 days of cultivation. These experimental
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