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Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128

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On predicting the ash behaviour using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Roman Weber ⁎, Marco Mancini, Natalia Schaffel-Mancini, Tomasz Kupka
Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Fuel Technology, Clausthal University of Technology, Agricolastr. 4, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this paper is to examine several approaches for predicting the ash behaviour using Compu-
Received 5 January 2011 tational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The emphasis is placed on details of the sub-models used. In models that aim
Received in revised form 26 August 2011 at predicting the temperature–time history of fuel particles, from the injection position to the deposit surface,
Accepted 5 September 2011
the information about the char combustion rate is essential. Of particular importance is determination
Available online 26 October 2011
(through measurements) of the rate of char oxidation for the last 20% of burnout. Predictions of the size dis-
tribution of fly-ash particles near the deposition surface seem to be unreliable and measured data are needed
Ash deposition for deriving appropriate corrections. Fragmentation of fuel particles is perhaps one of the unresolved issues
Boilers which require an urgent attention.
CFD The current CFD-predictions of slagging and fouling in industrial boilers are indicative, at their best. This is
certainly the case when numerous parameters, including these describing the particle sticking propensity,
are taken from the literature. It is relatively easy to tune the model predictions to the expected (measured)
results by changing a few key parameters. There is, however, a much more reliable way to proceed. By com-
bining CFD-predictions with an advanced fuel characterization, with the latter being application dependent
and fuel dependent, the deposition problems at hand can be tackled. What is to be determined experimen-
tally and under what conditions, requires a consensus of an experienced fuel engineer/mineralogist and a
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and objectives Photographs of ash deposits from different boiler regions are
shown in Fig. 2. Ash deposition problems manifest themselves in a va-
Ash related problems are for boiler operators of vital importance. riety of ways [1–3]:
Ash deposition through slagging or fouling is often the main reason
for boiler unscheduled shut downs. Fig. 1 shows the regions of the (a) reduction of heat transfer rate due to deposited ash acting as
ash related problems in typical boilers. The deposits collected in the an insulation layer. This results in an increase of the furnace
boiler areas which are directly exposed to flame radiation, such as exit temperature and an excessive heat transfer rate to super-
furnace walls and pendant superheaters, are identified as slagging. heated steam,
Fouling refers to deposits in the boiler areas which are not directly (b) build up of large clinkers on the furnace walls or on the radiant
exposed to flame radiation where convection is the dominant heat superheaters tubes. Shedding of such a massive deposit may
transfer process. Generally, slagging takes place in the hottest parts damage boiler ash hopper,
whilst fouling occurs as the flue gases and ash particles cool down. (c) partial blockage of heat transfer tube banks which increases
Slagging deposits are chemically active at high temperatures being gas velocity and may lead to enhanced corrosion,
partially or completely molten and they are often hard and difficult (d) impendence to gas flow as a result of excessive fouling in the
to clean by soot blowing. The original chemical and physical struc- convective banks,
tures of ash particles undergo substantial changes during slagging. (e) burner “eyebrows” deposits distort the burner aerodynamics
Fouling deposits are formed at lower temperatures and typically the which may cause problems with flame stability and ignition.
impacted particles keep their original physical and chemical
structures. Nowadays more and more often Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) calculations are used to predict performance of boilers. Above
all, multiphase flow simulations become a common practise in boiler
design. Detailed review of the works on CFD-predictions of industrial
boilers is beyond the scope of this paper, however publications
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 49 5323 722034; fax: + 49 5323 723155. related to the development of CFD-based ash deposition models
E-mail address: (R. Weber). are relevant. There exist not too many publications where CFD-

0378-3820/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
114 R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128

Convective heat exchange surface for

superheating and reheating steam

Convective surface Economiser

Convective for water heating 8
Combustion surface
chamber lined for water
with tubes for 6
heating Convective heat
raising steam
exchange surface
8 for superheating 9
and reheating
steam To air preheater
7 ESP and stack

6 Combustion
4 chamber lined
5 9 4 with tubes for
raising steam
To air preheater
ESP and stack Burners
Burners 3

2 2
Main locations of ash deposition
1 Ash hopper (bridging) 1
1 2 Ash slope (mechanical damage)
3 Burner (eyebrows)
Slagging 4 Wall slag
5 Division wall slag (where approriate)
6 Platen (birdnesting)
Ash 7 Convection bank (bonded deposits) Ash
8 Economiser (bonded deposits)
9 Air heater (gas inlet fouling)

Fig. 1. Regions of ash related problems in boilers: left — conventional pulverised fuel fired boiler configuration; right — tower boiler configuration.
Compiled from Ref. [1,2].

computations have been used to predict slagging and fouling propensi- Epple et al. [8] used a CFD-based mathematical model to predict
ty in industrial boilers, see Table 1. This is not too surprising; although combustion of lignites in a 330 MW boiler. A part of the work was
the vision of possessing CFD-based ash deposition models is in our dedicated to identification of the boiler areas that might be exposed
opinion realisable, a significant body of the development work is need- to excessive slagging. Here also a Lagrangian particle tracking, pre-
ed to achieve this goal. In short, the currently published papers just ini- sumably similar to the one described in Section 2.2 below, was used
tiate the forthcoming proliferation of scientific articles in this field. and the assumption was that the CFD code itself took care of the par-
Recently a CFD-based model for straw-fired grate stocker was pre- ticle impaction efficiency. In other words, the CFD-computed flow
sented [5]. The model described combustion on the grate as well as in pattern in the vicinity of the deposition surface and the Lagrangian
the boiler volume above the grate. The emphasis was placed on de- particle tracking determined whether a particle hit a surface or not.
posit build up on both platen superheaters and tube banks. The sub- Mueller et al. [9] used a combination of CFD and advanced fuel
model handling the ash transport accounted for inertial impaction, analysis to predict the ash deposition behaviour in a 105 MW biomass
turbulent transport and thermophoresis. An ash sticking sub-model fired bubbling fluidized bed boiler. The ash particle trajectories were
specific to straw ash was developed and the deposit mass flux was computed using the Lagrangian model (see Section 2.2 below) and
calculated. Although reasonable predictions of the deposition rate the impaction efficiency was assumed to be 1 since the worst case
were achieved, the model is used to identify “the areas of potential scenario was considered. The model correctly identified the location
deposit formation problems” [5]. It was again observed that the iner- of the boiler areas where intensified slagging occurred.
tial impaction was the dominant mechanism of particle transport and Eddings et al. [11] presented a case study illustrating how knowl-
its rate was around an order of magnitude larger than the turbulent edge of the transformation of pyrites coupled with CFD models could
particle transport rate through the boundary layer. It was postulated be used to explain problems of corrosion that were encountered in
that the initial deposit layer was formed mainly through the alkali va- utility boilers as a result of modifications to reduce emissions of nitro-
pour condensation which was then followed by a much faster ash gen oxides. Schell et al. [12] computed a 450 MWel boiler fired with a
particles deposition phase. brown coal using AIOLOS CDF-code of TU Stuttgart. Transport of ash
In a similar publication, Forstner et al. [6] performed CFD-computa- particles towards the deposition surfaces was computed assuming
tions of a pilot scale 440 kWth biomass-fired grate furnace to predict that particles smaller than 20 μm followed the gas flow without any
the growth rate as well as physical and chemical structures of deposits. slip, whilst for larger particles a Lagrangian approach was used.
Inertial impaction and condensation of ash forming vapours were con- Thus, turbulent eddy transport and thermophoresis were the trans-
sidered as mechanisms of matter transport to boiler surfaces. The con- port mechanisms for particles smaller than 20 μm whilst particles
centrations of the vapour species were computed using chemical larger than 20 μm were transported by inertial impaction and tur-
equilibrium calculations whilst the inertial impaction using the discrete bulent eddy transport. The adhesion behaviour was approximated
phase model (see Section 2.2 below) of the CFD Fluent 6.1 code. It was by a linear dependence of the sticking probability with particle tem-
observed that in the primary combustion zone, deposits were basically perature; from zero at 970 °C to one at 1230 °C. Their considerations
formed by impaction of coarse particles. In the cooled fire tube zone, on the effect of deposit formation on heat transfer rate make the pub-
the wall temperature was low enough to enable condensation of alkali lication of Schell et al. [12] very informative.
vapour, however the inertial impaction was still the dominating mech- Bernstein et al. [13] presented CFD-simulations of 800 MW brown
anism of solid matter transport towards the walls. coal fired boiler (Schwarze Pumpe, Germany) of which the slag
R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128 115

1 2

5 6

Fig. 2. Examples of ash deposits in different boiler regions [4] 1 — superheater; 2 — burner area and boiler walls; 3 — boiler walls; 4 — burner quartz; 5, 6 — superheater tubes in
waste incinerator.

deposition model was a part of. Perhaps the most interesting part of exceeds our time resources or perhaps even our competence. Instead,
the Bernstein et al. [13] work was the usage of a function describing we wish to underpin some critical modelling issues which have often
the sticking probability. The function was a product of three terms ac- been overseen even by experienced CFD modellers. Predicting the
counting for the temperature effect, the particle concentration effect particle arriving rate to the deposition surface or predicting the car-
and the oxygen concentration effect (oxidising versus reducing bon content of solid particles hitting the surface, belong to such is-
environment). sues. Furthermore, the issues of particle rebounding or sticking to
The objective of this paper is to examine several approaches used the deposition surface are so complex that there are no universal
to predict slag deposition. The emphasis is placed on details of the modelling approaches available. In other words, our paper examines
sub-models used and the goal is to determine under which circum- details of a number of CFD-sub-models and underpins their short-
stances the accuracy required for quality predictions is achievable. comings rather than suggests remedies. In order to emphasise the
Many models attempt to predict the time–temperature history of shortcomings of the sub-models, in the paragraphs that follow, we
the fuel particles from the injection to the deposition. In our opinion, quote equations which are known in the CFD-community. We include
in such models, it is not possible to decouple modelling of ash depo- them in order to avoid confusions as to which formulation/equation is
sition from simulations of pulverised coal combustion. Both are so being actually considered.
strongly coupled that they must be discussed together. Whilst dis-
cussing accuracy and relevance of sub-models we are going to use 2. Mathematical modelling
the measurement of Kupka et al. [14–16] where in the slagging rig
shown in Fig. 3, blends of a South African bituminous “Middleburg” In coal-fired boilers the solid fuel is pneumatically supplied to
coal were co-fired with a municipal sewage sludge, a sawdust and a the burner with solids to transport-air ratio (load) of 1–2 kg/kg,
Refuse-Derived-Fuel. In this paper we consider the pure coal flame typically. In the burner zone the ratio rapidly decreases to 0.1–
only. 0.2 kg/kg whilst in the superheater section typical values are an
This paper is not a review of all aspects needed for successful pre- order of magnitude smaller. Two-phase flows of 1–2 kg/kg load
dictions of slagging and fouling in power station boilers. The issue is are regarded as medium loaded flows whilst the flows in the super-
so complex and so interdisciplinary that producing such a review heater zone are weakly loaded. Whilst computing such flows, the
116 R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128

Table 1
CFD-based predictions of deposit formation in industrial boilers.

Work Boiler/fuel Mathematical model

Kær et al. [5] (2006) Grate-fired, Combined Heat&Power Plant, Fluent CFD code; Ash formation model for grate combustion of straw,
Masnedø, Denmark Ash transport through inertial impaction and thermophoresis, Ash
Fuel: straw sticking propensity determined using melting curves for potassium
Deposit regions considered: free-board; salts and silica-rich particles
platen superheaters and tube banks

Forstner et al. [6] (2006) Grate-fired 440 kWth boiler Fluent CDF code, Ash release model for grate combustion of wood,
Fuel: waste wood Ash release model for ash forming vapours, Ash transport through
Deposit regions considered: combustion inertial impaction and condensation of vapours, Ash sticking
chamber walls, fire tube walls propensity determined using Urbain [7] viscosity model

Epple et al. [8] (2005) 330 MWel boiler of Meliti Achlada Florina, Greece FLOREAN code of TU Braunschweig, Fly ash properties predicted using
Fuel: lignite a coal combustion model, Ash transport through inertial impaction,
Deposit regions considered: furnace walls Ash sticking propensity based on ash fusion temperature

Mueller et al. [9] (2003) 105 MW fluidised bed boiler of Combined Fluent CFD code, Ash formation model includes fly ash and bottom ash
Heat&Power plant, Idbäcken, Nyköping, Sweden fractions which are determined using chemical fractionation analysis,
Fuel: wood Ash transport through inertial impaction, Ash sticking propensity
Deposit regions considered: Free-board, secondary determined using melting curves for the fly ash; sticking temperature
combustion chamber, boiler walls corresponds to 15 wt.% of molten phase in the fly ash

Fan et al. [10] (2001) 300 MWel tangentially-fired boiler In-house CFD code, Fly ash properties predicted using a coal combustion
Fuel: hard coal model, Ash transport by inertial impaction, Ash sticking propensity using
Deposit regions considered: boiler walls a critical viscosity model

Eddings et al. [11] (2001) 900 MWel tangentially-fired boiler GLACIER code of Reaction Engineering International, Fly ash properties
Fuel: bituminous coal predicted using a coal char combustion model, Separate treatment of
Deposit regions considered: boiler walls extraneous and included pyrite, Ash transport by inertial impaction,
turbulent eddy transport and thermophoresis, Ash sticking propensity
based on the critical particle temperature T250 of the fly ash

Schell et al. [12] (2001) 450 MWel German boiler AIOLOS code of IVD of Stuttgart, Fly ash amount and size distribution are
Fuel: brown coal model inputs, Ash transport through inertial impaction, turbulent eddy
Deposit regions considered: boiler walls transport and thermophoresis, Ash sticking propensity determined using
a linear dependence of the sticking probability with temperature, Effects
of the deposit on heat transfer rates are determined

Bernstein et al. [13] (1999) 800 MWel boiler, Schwarze Pumpe, Germany Fluent CFD code, Fly ash properties predicted using a coal char combustion
Fuel: brown coal model, Ash transport by inertial impaction, Ash sticking propensity
Deposit regions considered: boiler walls expressed as a product of three terms: melting temperature function,
particle concentration function and oxygen concentration function

50 kW vertical combustion chamber Burner design

Secondary air Natural gas

Primary air + Pulverised fuel +
Pulverised fuel Primary air

2. Burner Secondary Air Secondary Air

0.55 m Movable block
Port 1, Residence time: 0.3 s swirl generator
0.55 m
1. Fuel feeder Port 2, Residence time: 0.6 s
0.55 m
Radiative section
(electrically heated) Port 3, Residence time: 1.6 s Burner quarl
2.2 m length 300 mm 0.55 m

3. Reactor Port 4, Residence time: 3.8 s

Convective section Port 9, Residence time: 6 s 7. Filter
(water cooled) Pressurised Air
1.8 m length

5. Quench system
4. Drum, gravity/drag
force seperation 6. Cyclone
Fly ash
Fly ash 8. Flue gas blower

Fig. 3. A schematic diagram of the slagging reactor [14–16].

R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128 117

assumption is being made that there is no interaction between the The energy balance equation reads
solid particles. Fly ash particles are typically in the diameter range
from few microns to around 100 μm. However, sub-micron particles  
∂ ∂ μeff ∂h
are also present and in some specific applications (for example for ðρUi hÞ ¼ þ Scomb þ Srad þ Spart ð4Þ
∂xi ∂xi Pr ∂xi
brown coal fired power stations) particles substantially larger
than 100 μm have been observed.
where h stands for the physical enthalpy of the gaseous stream and Pr
is the Prandtl number. The right hand side contains source/sink terms
2.1. Fluid-flow from the burner to the deposition surface
due to combustion of volatiles, radiation and energy exchange be-
tween combusting char particles and gas phase.
2.1.1. The gaseous flow-field
It is imperative to aim at quality predictions of the gas phase temper-
Nowadays the Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes approach is the
atures however partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide are also
most common method for predicting particle-laden flows in boilers.
important as far as slagging and fouling are concerned. The question
The continuity equation
arises as to what is needed to obtain quality predictions of both chemi-
cal composition and temperature of the gas phase. Fig. 4 shows the

ðρUi Þ ¼ Spart ð1Þ measured and CFD-computed values for a 50 kW experimental rig
shown in Fig. 3. In order to obtain such a good agreement between
the measured and computed values the following is required:
and the momentum balance equation
(a) the fluid flow must be accurately predicted. To this end the
! !
∂   ∂p ∂ ∂Ui ∂Uj inlet conditions to the computational domain must be known
ρUi Uj ¼ − þ μ þ −ρ P
ui uj þ Spart; j ð2Þ (these have been measured) and fine numerical grids together
∂xi ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj ∂xi
with a higher-order numerical solver are needed. The predic-
tions shown in Fig. 4 have been obtained using a numerical
are accompanied by a model of turbulence that relates the Reynolds
P grid of cell size in the range from 1 mm to 5 mm. The grid
stresses ρ ui uj to known or calculable quantities. In the above equa-
must be body-fitted and the step-wise representation of the
tions Ui, ui stand for time-mean and fluctuating velocities, ρ and μ
domain boundary, which was used in the past, should be aban-
for fluid density and viscosity whilst p is the static pressure. Spart
doned. For the predictions shown in Fig. 4 the k–ε turbulence
and Spart,j are source terms representing interactions between the
model has been used, however many other turbulence models
solid and the gas phase. There exists a proliferation of turbulence
would provide predictions of the same quality.
models which can be used including the most commonly applied
(b) the coal fired has to be accurately characterised. First of all, its
k–ε model. Thus, the question which turbulence model should be
particle size distribution must be known which is self-evident.
used is relevant. The answer however cannot be given without a de-
The high temperature volatiles, their rate of release, and com-
tailed analysis of the numerical solvers and the numerical errors asso-
position have been measured for the Middelburg coal in asso-
ciated with them. A combination “numerical solver–numerical
ciated fuel characterisation experiments using a plug flow
grid-turbulence model” is decisive in obtaining high quality predic-
reactor shown in Fig. 5 [24]. Similarly, the rate of char combus-
tions of a turbulent flow with the first two, namely the grid and the
tion and the parameters of the char combustion sub-model
solver, being more important than the turbulence model itself. One
have been determined in these experiments.
should realise that even with the current generation of fast com-
(c) the radiative heat transfer is accurately predicted. Often a
puters, predictions of turbulent flows in boilers are performed using
question is asked whether radiative heat transfer calculations
numerically coarse grids and the primary concern must be placed
should be performed spectrally or as a grey medium. Spectral
on minimising the numerical related errors. To this end, numerical
calculations for coal combustion are rare. The Discrete Ordi-
solvers of a higher order as well as fine grids are needed. The choice
nates Methods with the gas phase absorption coefficient taking
of the turbulence model is then of secondary importance and the
a value of 0.3 m − 1 and the scattering coefficient of 0.4 m − 1 is
k–ε model is just fine for most of the applications. Whenever a swir-
used in our calculations.
ling flow is considered, for example in the burner vicinity, some im-
provements may be observed when a more complex turbulence It is perhaps worth emphasising that the gas-phase temperatures
model (for example the Reynolds Stress Model) is used. in the near burner zone are determined by the rate of combustion

2.1.2. The chemical composition and temperature of the gas phase

The mass balance equation for species J is as follows: Port 1 Port 2 Port 3

! 25 2000
∂   ∂ μeff ∂mJ
CO (Vol. ppm dry); Temperature (K)

ρUi mJ ¼ þ SJ ð3Þ
∂xi ∂xi Sc ∂xi
O2 and CO2 (Vol.% dry)

20 1600
with mJ being the mass fraction of species J, Sc is the Schmidt number, 15 1200
SJ is a source/sink term due to gaseous combustion and generation O2-measured CO2-measured 1000
of gaseous species (volatiles, CO) from the coal phase. Typically O2-predicted CO2-predicted
10 800
five gaseous species are considered: oxygen, volatile matter, carbon T-measured CO-measured
monoxide, carbon dioxide and water vapour although efforts are T-predicted CO-predicted
5 400
being put into the development of more comprehensive schemes
for gas phase combustion [17,18]. The combustion rate in the gas 200

phase is typically calculated either using the eddy break-up model 0 0

0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8
[19] or the Eddy Dissipation Concept [20]. The latter model has
Axial distance (m)
become very popular due to its ability to adapt complex chemical
schemes [21–23]. In terms of the turbulent combustion both models Fig. 4. Measured and computed temperatures and gas composition along the slagging
provide comparable combustion rates. reactor shown in Fig. 1 (15 kW flame of Middelburg coal).
118 R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128

N2 , CO2
Air, O2 Fuel Feeder

N2 ,CO2, O2
Gas heating
elements N2 ,CO2, O2


for Control system

Heating elements Sampling ports

(5KW for segment)
(4 heating elements
for segment)

Sampling probe

Main off-gas
Cooling gas
Gas cooler
Particle cyclone
Cooling water Probe off-gas
Gas cooler
Particle cyclone

Fig. 5. Plug-flow reactor for characterisation of solid fuels.

of volatiles. Consequently, the amount and the chemical composition laden flows and this procedure was used in most of the recent publi-
(LCV) of volatiles are important here whereas heat losses due to radi- cations on slagging [29,5,6,9,13]. In simulations of Epple et al. [8],
ation are of secondary importance. When the volatile combustion Schell et al. [12], and Eddings et al. [11] somewhat similar methods
ceases, the rate of the temperature decay along the flame is deter- were applied although details remain unknown to the authors.
mined by radiative heat transfer and it is altered by the char combus- When only the drag and gravity forces act on a small particle in a gas-
tion rate. This general statement is applicable to single flames as well eous environment the equation of motion of the particle can be
as combustion in boilers. expressed in a Lagrangian frame of reference as:
dup   ρp −ρ
2.2. Properties of char/ash particles along their trajectories from the ¼ −α· up −ũ þ gx · ð5Þ
burner to the neighbourhood of the deposition surface dt ρp

2.2.1. Particle trajectories (Lagrangian tracking) 18μ CD Re

α¼ · ð6Þ
The particle tracking procedure used in our work was developed ρp D2p 24
at the beginning of the eighties at the University of Sheffield
[25–27] and implemented into the first version of the CFD Fluent where up and ũ are the instantaneous components of the particle and
code. Nowadays, it has routinely been used [28] to simulate weakly gas velocity respectively; gx is the acceleration due to gravity. By
R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128 119

integrating Eq. (5) one obtains the instantaneous position of the par- remains lower than the gas phase temperature. In the flame front,
ticle. The drag coefficient is expressed as a function of the relative the particle temperatures reach the gas phase temperature values
Reynolds number with the general form: whilst further downstream they are larger than gas phase tempera-
tures, by 100–200 °C. The larger the particle diameter, the larger is
CD ¼ a1 þ a2 =Re þ a3 =Re ð7Þ this temperature overshoot which is due to the enthalpy release dur-
ing char combustion. Far downstream, where the char combustion
where the a's are given [30] for several ranges of Reynolds number. ceases, the particle temperatures approach the gas phase tempera-
To account for the effect of turbulence on the trajectories of indi- tures. In CFD-simulations shown in Fig. 4, at port 2 (residence time
vidual particles the instantaneous gas velocity ũ is decomposed into around 0.6 s, see Fig. 3) particles larger than 50 μm possess tempera-
time-mean and fluctuating components ū and u′. It is assumed that tures which are around 100 °C higher than the gas-phase tempera-
the fluctuating velocity prevails for a time period equal to the life ture whilst the temperature of particles smaller than 50 μm equals
time of the fluid eddy that the particle is traversing. This time can the gas-phase temperature. At port 3 (residence time around 1.6 s,
be expressed in terms of the local kinetic energy of turbulence, k, see Fig. 3), for particles larger than around 90 μm, the particle tem-
and its dissipation rate, ε, as: peratures are higher than the gas-phase temperature by not more
than 30 °C.
τ≅0:16 : ð8Þ Predicting char burnout is difficult [32–36]. There exists a prolifer-
ation of char combustion models and their review is beyond the scope
of this paper. However, it is perhaps fair to say that calculating char
The values of the fluctuating velocities can be assumed to possess
combustion rates along a known trajectory (known gas-phase tem-
a Gaussian distribution so that these are related to the root mean
perature–time history) requires a comprehensive knowledge of char
square fluctuations by:
particle morphology. Furthermore, one observes a substantial de-
 P 1=2 2k crease of carbon oxidation rates for char burnouts larger than 80%
u′ ¼ ϕ u 2
¼ϕ ð9Þ which may be associated with annealing, carbon being trapped in
the mineral matter, or other factors. In our opinion, the only reliable
where ϕ is a normally distributed random variable. The overbar indi- way to overcome this difficulty is to carry out measurements of the
cates time averaging. Details of the integration procedure for Eq. (5) char combustion rates for the fuel in question. Such measurements
can be found elsewhere [28]. were performed for Middleburg coal using the isothermal plug flow
The above described particle tracking procedure has become very reactor shown in Fig. 5 and the parameters of the macroscopic pore
popular over the last two or three decades due to the widely spread model were fitted to the measured rates. The pore model, with the
CFD Fluent code. The prerequisite to an accurate particle tracking, fitted parameters, was then incorporated into the CFD code used in
resulting in a proper distribution of solid phase over the furnace/ our work. Fig. 6 shows the measured and computed degrees of burnout
boiler volume, is the correctness of predictions of the time-mean at traverses two and three. We wish to stress here again that obtaining
flow field. Although in the above equations the fluctuating velocity such a good agreement between the measured and computed burnout
components are sampled over eddies of given (calculated) kinetic was possible due to the experimental determination of the char com-
energy, a precise determination of its value is less critical. However, bustion rates for the coal in question. In terms of carbon in ash, the mea-
the CFD user should make sure that the time step of the integration pro- sured 97% burnout at port 2 corresponds to 20.12% carbon-in-ash
cedure of Eq. (5) is small enough to minimise the integration errors. content whilst the predicted 94% corresponds to 33% carbon-in-ash.
At port 3 the predictions agree very well with the measured values
2.2.2. Particle temperature, char burnout and diameter and 99% char burnout corresponds to 7.7% carbon-in-ash.
The particle temperature along its trajectory is calculated using The third issue, beyond predicting particle temperature and burn-
the particle energy balance which considers both the convective out, we wish to deal with in this paragraph, is predicting particle di-
heat transfer and the absorption/emission of radiation at the particle ameter. Fig. 6 shows also that the fly-ash flowrate upstream of ports
surface: 2 and 3 can be reasonably well predicted by the CFD-model. However,
this is not enough. It is required that the size (diameter) of the fly-ash
dTp     particles is also accurately predicted since the particle diameter is
4 4
mp cp ¼ hAp T∞ −Tp þ εp Ap σ θR −Tp ð10Þ detrimental in determining the impaction efficiency (see below). To
examine this issue, we sampled the fly-ash at ports 1, 2 and 3 and
where mp is the mass of the particle, cp the heat capacity of the parti- analysed the sample for the particle size distribution using the
cle, Ap the surface area of the particle, Tp the particle temperature, laser-diffraction method. Using solid dots, the measured distribution
T∞ the local temperature of the gas phase, h the convective heat of the sampled solids as a function of particle diameter is shown in
transfer coefficient, εp the particle emissivity (εp = 0.8), σ the Stefan– Fig. 7 whilst the CFD-predicted distributions are plotted using solid
Boltzmann constant, and θR is the radiation temperature. This equation
assumes that there is negligible internal resistance to heat conduction
(small Biot number) i.e. the particle is at a uniform temperature through-
dm Measured
out. During the char combustion the additional term fh · dtp ·Hreac has
to be added to Eq. (10). This term accounts for the energy release in Predicted
Burnout, %

the surface reactions which is directly absorbed by the char particle. 80

The coefficient fh takes a value of 0.3 following the work of Field et al.
[31]. 70
The initial temperature (typically 60–70 °C) of coal particles
injected into the furnace is known and corresponds to the tempera- 60
ture of the gaseous (air) stream used for pneumatic transport of pul-
verised fuel from the mill to the boiler furnace. Along its trajectory 50
Port 1 Port 2 Port 3
from the injection location to the flame front (volatile matter com-
bustion region), the fuel particle is heated up, its moisture is given Fig. 6. Measured and CFD-predicted char burnout in the slagging reactor shown in
off, and the volatiles are released so that the particle temperature Fig. 3 (15 kW flame of Middelburg coal).
120 R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128

CFD-simulations (“from the fuel injection to the neighbourhood

Port 1
of the deposit surface”) unless the simulations are supported by
Port 2 both comprehensive fuel characterisation experiments and com-
Port 3
With bustion system dependent measurements of particle shrinking and
Correction No fragmentation.
Port 1 Correction
Port 2 Port 1
Port 3 Port 2
Port 3
2.3. Predicting transport of matter towards deposition surface

There exist several mechanisms of transport of matter towards de-

position surfaces and these include transport of solids (particles) as
well as transport of vapours and their condensation. The four basic
mechanisms involved in particle transport are: particle motion due
to drag force, gravity, eddy diffusion and thermophoresis. The most
important forces in the particle tracking procedure described above
are the drag force and gravity. Surfaces on which deposit might be
formed are in different orientations to fluid streams depending on
which part of the boiler is considered. For example, ash deposition
Fig. 7. Measured and CFD-predicted size distribution of fly-ash (15 kW flame of on burner eyebrows is driven by complex recirculating flows, deposi-
Middelburg coal). Eq. (11) shows the correction introduced. tion along a tube wall is driven by fluid streams moving along the
wall, whilst deposition on economizer pipes is governed by
cross-flows. Each of these deposition-surface/fluid-flow orientations
should be analysed separately. In this paper we restrict ourselves to
lines. A substantial disparity between the measurements and the pre-
a deposition pipe in a cross flow, see Fig. 8, and the reason for the
dictions can be seen; the CFD-calculated distributions are clearly
choice is simple; there exists an accurate expression for the impaction
shifted towards larger particles. We recall here that the char burnout
efficiency on the front surface of the pipe. This allows for examining
model used does not allow for particle shrinking. It is rather easy to
whether CFD-predictions can provide accurate predictions of the im-
see that such a substantial disparity cannot be explained by particle
paction efficiency and to determine accuracy of such predictions. For
shrinkage only and particle fragmentation plays a key role. There ex- most of other deposition-surface/fluid-flow orientations, the assess-
ists a substantial body of literature on particle fragmentation, as ex-
ment of the inaccuracies in computing the impaction efficiency
emplified by Ref. [37,38], and its review is beyond the scope of this using CFD-codes is not so straight forward and the CFD-user is often
paper. It is perhaps worth stressing that the reliability of the fragmen-
confused. Transport of vapours and their condensation is obviously
tation models is questionable since the issue is very complex. In order independent of the deposition-surface/fluid-flow configurations.
to account for the change of the particle diameter during char com-
bustion either through shrinkage, or fragmentation, or both, we intro-
duce an ad hoc correction function 2.3.1. Inertial impaction and thermophoresis
A bank of tubes in a cross flow is a typical arrangement for an
D C economizer of power station boilers. The pipes are typically of 1–2
¼ ð11Þ
D0 C0 inch diameter although in specific applications smaller diameters
are also used. The flue gas velocities upstream of the bank are in the
where D and D0 are particle diameter and its initial value, respectively 3–10 m/s range. Thus, it is easy to see that the Reynolds number of
whilst C and C0 stand for carbon content of the particle and its initial the flow over a single pipe is in the 400–2000 range which is below
value, respectively. The exponent in the above relationship was the critical Reynolds number of around 200,000. There exist several
obtained to fit the measured particle diameters. After introducing re- flow regimes at a circular cylinder, see for example Schlichting and
lationship (11) to the char combustion model, the CFD-predicted Gersten [39]. For the Reynolds number range from 400 to around
fly-ash mass versus diameter distribution became closer to the mea- 200,000 the drag coefficient takes a value of 1.2 and is independent
sured values, as shown in Fig. 7 using the solid lines. of the Reynolds number. The flow past the cylinder is laminar and
At the end of this paragraph we wish to reemphasize that predict- the laminar boundary layer separates at an angle of around 80°.
ing carbon-in-ash content along the particle trajectory is challenging Until the separation occurs the flow is symmetric and stationary.
and quality predictions, such as shown in Fig. 6, are obtainable only The flow downstream of the cylinder is periodic and its frequency is
when special techniques to characterise the fuel are used with em- independent of the Reynolds number. The dimensionless frequency
phasis on the last 20% of burnout. Consequently, the calculated called the Strouhal number (= f · D/u, where f is the frequency, D is
carbon-content of fly ash particles forming the deposit may contain the pipe diameter and u is the bulk gas velocity) is typically around
substantial inaccuracies which then result in error predictions of the
deposit chemistry. Similarly, obtaining quality predictions of the
size distribution of fly ash particles near the deposition surface is
very difficult, as shown in Fig. 7. The above used “ad hoc” correction
(Eq. (11)) is by no means general and it has been derived knowing
the actual (measured) particle size distribution which in general is
very seldom known. CFD-codes incorporate functions for particle
shrinking, which typically take the form (1-burnout) α, however de-
termination of the α-exponent, so that the char burnout and the par-
ticle size distribution are accurately predicted, is seldom carried out.
On top of these inaccuracies, the particle fragmentation has not
been resolved at all. Thus, it is perhaps fair to say that one cannot ex-
pect good quality predictions of the char burnout and the particle size
distribution near the deposition surface of a boiler by performing Fig. 8. Mechanism of inertial impaction on a pipe.
R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128 121

Wessel and Righi,1988 correlation (see Eq. (6) in Ref. [40]) which is represented in Fig. 9
Israel and Rosner,1982 by the potential flow curve:

1,0 Impaction Pef f iciency

¼ :
Impaction efficiency

0,8 disastrous CFD-predictions 1 þ 1:25ðSt−0:125Þ−1 −0:014ðSt−0:125Þ−2 þ 0:508·10−4 ðSt−0:125Þ−3

0,6 inaccurate CFD-predictions

potential flow In other words for each particle approaching the pipe, the Stokes
number is calculated and the corresponding impaction efficiency is
accurate CFD-predictions
determined. This is indeed a simple, elegant and accurate method of
calculating the impaction efficiency on a single tube.
0,0 Thermophoresis takes place when steep temperature gradients
0,01 0,1 1 10 100
Stokes number
occur in the hot gases close to the walls or heat transfer surfaces. It
may cause a motion of ash particles from hot to cold surfaces in direc-
Fig. 9. Impaction efficiency for spherical particles approaching a circular cylinder [42]. tion opposite to the temperature gradient. Thermophoresis is partic-
ularly significant for particles smaller than dp ≤ 3 μm in diameter
0.20. It is interesting to note that even if the upstream flow becomes [47]. In Eq. (5) the thermophoretic force has been included as an ad-
unsteady, the boundary layer remains laminar and the drag coeffi- ditional acceleration (force/unit mass) term, Fx:
cient increases by not more than 40%.
In many works on modelling of slagging and fouling, the particle 1 ∂T
Fx ¼ −DT; p ð14Þ
tracking procedure described above (see Eqs. (5)–(9)) or similar mp T ∂x
methods are used to determine whether a particle hits the deposition
surface. It is then assumed that the particle tracking procedure prop- where mp is mass of the particle, T is the local fluid temperature,
erly (accurately) predicts the so called impaction curve e.g. the de- whilst DT,p stands for the thermophoretic coefficient calculated as fol-
pendence of the impaction efficiency on the Stokes number 1 lows [48]:
defined as:
6πdp μ 2 Cc ðK þ Ct Kn Þ
DT; p ¼ − ð15Þ
ρð1 þ 3Cm Kn Þð1 þ 2K þ 2Ct Kn Þ
ρp ·d2p ·up
St ¼ ð12Þ where: Kn is the Knudsen number (= 2λ/dp) in which λ is the mean
9·ηg ·D
free path of the fluid and dp is the particle diameter. K (= k/kp) is
the ratio of the fluid thermal conductivity (k = 15/4 μ R) based on
where ρp, dp, up, ηg stand for the particle density, particle diameter, translational energy to the particle thermal conductivity (kp). The co-
bulk particle velocity and gas dynamic viscosity, respectively. D is efficients appearing in Eq. (15) take the following values: Cs = 1.17,
the diameter of the deposition pipe. Fig. 9 shows impaction efficien- Ct = 2.18, Cm = 1.14. The fluid viscosity is denoted by μ . The above
cy curves for particles impacting on front face of a cylinder. The expression is valid for spherical particles and the fluid is an ideal gas.
curve marked as “potential flow”, has been obtained on the basis
of theoretical analysis of a potential flow around cylinders [40,41]. 2.3.2. Rebounding and sticking
Its correctness has been confirmed in many experiments and the Establishing whether a particle bounces off or sticks to the deposi-
curve is commonly used in filtration and aerosol science. This “po- tion surface begins with calculating the kinetic energy at the impac-
tential flow” curve can be perfectly reproduced by the Lagrangian tion [49,50]. One calculates then the energy dissipated by the
tracking procedure described above (see Eqs. (5)–(9)), however it collision and determines whether this dissipation is sufficient to pre-
requires a very experienced modeller who understands the physics vent the particle from rebounding away. If the particle has more ki-
of flows around cylinders, the CFD-code and details of the particle netic energy than the energy dissipated in the collision the particle
tracking. A number of factors must be correctly handled in order is judged to bounce off the surface. If the collision can dissipate all
to obtain the required perfection using the CFD-code. An analysis of the particle's kinetic energy, the particle is judged to stick. Obvious-
of these factors will be given in our forthcoming publication [42]. ly the difficulty is in developing the relationship between the energy
In Fig. 9 we show curves marked as “accurate CFD-predictions” dissipation and kinematic parameters of the particle of a given size
and “disastrous CFD predictions”; often CFD-calculations produce and mass. Typically the coefficients of restitution are involved and
a curve lying somewhere between these two solutions which we they can be calculated for each particle velocity component [49,50].
name as “inaccurate CFD-predictions”. It is worth observing that Such calculations, which can be performed for each particle tracked
the error in CFD-predictions of the impaction efficiency may be sub- near the deposition surface,
→  result in the determination of so called crit-
stantial, in particular for Stokes number in the 0.1 to 4 range. For  
ical particle velocity (Vc ). The rebounding condition
→ is usually [49,50]
example for a 50 μm ash particle approaching an inch (O.D.) pipe  
set either on the particle velocity absolute value (V ) or on the normal
with a velocity of 5 m/s, (St = 1.43) the CFD-inaccurately predicted  

component (Vn ), so that the adhesion occurs when
impaction would be by a factor of 1.25 too large. For a particle of
→  → 
25 μm (St = 0.357) the impaction efficiency may be overestimated    
Vn ≤Vc  ð16Þ
by a factor of 2.85.
It should be however emphasised that in several CFD-based math-
ematical models [5,43–45] and in some experiments [46] where de-
position on a pipe in a cross-flow was considered, the impaction → → 
V ≤Vc : ð17Þ
efficiency was calculated using correlations developed for potential
flow over a circular cylinder [40,41]. Below we quote this useful
Care must be exercised when applying condition (16) to impaction
In the literature also another definition of Stokes number appears in which instead on a pipe (or generally on curved surfaces) since it allows for adherence
of number 9, the number 18 is used. of particles within the 90° region, as shown in Fig. 10 whereas
122 R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128

impactions and adhesion. Mechanical collisions and adhesion of

elastic–plastic solid spheres under thermal stress are considered by
Losurdo [53]. The Maxwell model, Voigt model and their combina-
tions are used to represent the variation of the strain–stress relation-
ship of deposits as a function of time and temperature. There seem to
be a high potential of such models for predicting not only sticking
propensity but also deposit shedding, deformation and dripping.
Ash fusion tests are historically the most frequently used methods
of assessing slagging propensities of coals. Fig. 11 (top) shows the
German (DIN) and the American (ASME) standards. According to
the DIN standard three characteristic temperatures are measured:
T(A) — softening temperature, T(B) — hemispherical temperature
and T(C) — fluid temperature. The ASME standard defines: initial de-
formation temperature (IT/ID), the first signs of rounding off of the
apex, hemispherical temperature (HT) and the flow/fluid tempera-
ture (FT). In many works on mathematical modelling of slagging,
the softening temperature is used as a particle sticking criterion, as
exemplified by Ref. [8]. When the particle temperature exceeds the
Fig. 10. Rebounding criteria: Left — Eq. (17), Right — Eq. (16).
softening temperature, the particle sticks to the deposition surface
Adapted from Ref. [53].
otherwise it is rebounded. In the work of Epple et al. [8] it was pre-
dicted that a decrease of the fusion temperature from 1140 °C to
experience teaches that front face deposits are formed within a 50–60° 990 °C resulted in an increase of the deposition rate by a factor of 3.4.
sector. Thus, for pipe deposits, condition (17) is recommended. The group of Tran et al. [64–66], working on deposition problems
The above underlined rebounding procedure is rather popular in of kraft recovery boilers firing black liquor, was perhaps the first re-
particle technology [49,50] to estimate bouncing probability of solid search team that observed the relationship between the liquid
particles (not molten) impacting on a clean surface (no sticking phase content and the adhesion propensity of fly ash particles.
layer). There exist only a limited number of publications where the When the content exceeded 18–20% a strong adhesion occurred
procedure is used to determine adhesion of ash-forming deposits [65]. On this basis another concept for sticking propensity has been
[51–54]. developed which requires producing so called melting curves of the
Viscosity-based models assume that sticking propensity is deter- mineral matter in question [64–66]. Such curves can be produced
mined by the effective viscosity of fly-ash. The effective viscosity is in
turn calculated as a function of the particle temperature and its compo- IT (or ID) - initial deformation temperature
ASTM D1857 ST - softening temperature
sition. In the simplest models the assumption is that an impact involv-
HT - hemispherical temperature
ing any viscosity below a critical value results in the particle sticking. FT - fluid temperature
In the commonly used model of Walsh et al. [56], it is assumed that
the sticking probability is inversely proportional to its effective viscosity Before IT ST HT FT
(η) for viscosities larger than the critical value (ηcritical): heating
DIN 51730
Sticking probability ¼ min critical ; 1 ð18Þ
Before ST HT FT
heating T(A) T(B) T(C)
where the operator takes the smallest of the two terms in the brack-
et. For viscosities lower than the critical viscosity, the sticking prob-
ability equals unity. There is no consistency for choosing the critical 1600

viscosity and values as low as 1 Pa-s and higher than 10 9 Pa-s have Sum of basic ash compounds = CaO+MgO+Fe 2O3 +Na 2 O+K20 (%)
been reported. Obviously the value of the critical viscosity has been SiO2+Al2O3+TiO 2+CaO+MgO+Fe 2O3+Na2O+K20 = 100%

a topic of much discussion [55]; Walsh et al. [56] used 8 Pa-s whilst 1500
Srinivasachar et al. [57] suggested that for US bituminous coals the
critical viscosity is between 104 and 108 Pa-s, Yilmaz and Cliffe [58] sug-
Softening temperature, °C

gest a value of 6.7× 109 Pa-s whilst Costen et al. [59] use 105 Pa-s for a
bituminous Hem Heath coal ash. For a German brown coal (Lausitz) 1400

a value of 2 Pa-s has been recommended [60]. For calculating the

ash viscosity as a function of composition and temperature the
model of Urbain at el. [7] is often used with an extension of Senior 1300
and Srinivasachar [61] (a comprehensive review of the subject can be
found in Vergas et al. [62]). The above sticking criterion (18) can be
reformulated using the temperature at which an abrupt change occurs
in the viscosity–temperature relationship. Such a temperature is called
the temperature of critical viscosity. Then, when the particle tempera-
ture exceeds the critical viscosity temperature, the particle sticks to
the surface upon impaction. Obviously the critical viscosity temperature 1100
is a function of mineral matter composition. 0 20 40 60 80 10 0 12 0
A fly ash particle may soften showing a viscous liquid-like behav- Sum of basic ash compounds, %
iour. During such a softening the solid acts in between, being in a liq-
uid and a solid state, and its state is viscoelastic. Consequently, Fig. 11. Top — Ash fusibility tests; Bottom — Softening temperature as a function of
viscoelastic models seem appropriate to reproduce inelastic basic ash elements [1,63].
R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128 123

either by using differential thermal/thermogravimetric analysis transfer coefficient β (m/s) can be calculated using appropriate corre-
(DTA/TGA) or by performing thermodynamic calculations if the sys- lations for the Sherwood number.
tem is not too complex. Fig. 12, taken from Zhou et al. [45], is an ex- The above underlined procedure is applicable to vapour species
ample of a typical melting curve showing the melt fraction of the which are formed in the gas phase with rates that are much faster
particle as a function of particle temperature. The curve can be char- than the turbulent transport rates so that the thermodynamic equilib-
acterised by several points among them the first melting temperature rium assumption is applicable. Formation of sulphates (Na2SO4 and
(T0), the inflection temperature (Tc) and the complete melting tem- K2SO4) may be kinetically controlled and should be treated different-
perature (T100). It has been postulated that a temperature corre- ly, provided that kinetic data are available. The main difficulty in the
sponding to either ten percent [45] or fifteen percent [52] melt above underlined procedure for determination of alkali vapours is in
fraction may be regarded as the sticky temperature (Fig. 12). knowing the speciation of the alkali species during devolatilisation
The melting curve concept became attractive in predicting ash de- and char combustion and often measurements are needed, for the
position of biomass-fired units in particular [45,52]. In the modelling fuel in question. The thermodynamic data base needed for such calcu-
work of Forstner et al. [6], it has been assumed that above a melt frac- lations is far from being complete and requires upgrading and
tion of 0.15, the sticking probability is calculated with a linear in- maintenance.
crease from zero to unity at a melt fraction of 0.7. Above 0.7 melt
fraction the deposit is regarded as liquid. Similarly, in the modelling 2.4. Mineral matter transformation along a particle trajectory
work of Kær et al. [5] (see also Akbar et al. [67]), an approximated
melting curve is produced by a linear interpolation between the melt- Fig. 13 shows a known cartoon representation of processes gov-
ing curve of potassium salt and the curve for silicate particles. erning the transformation of mineral matter during coal combustion.
The sketch, produced by Sarofim and Helble [70], would have to be
2.3.3. Condensation of vapours modified here and there on the basis of the research carried out
Fouling on cool surfaces of a boiler involves condensation of ash over the last twenty years or so [71]. The sketch is used to highlight
forming vapours. It has been postulated that in boilers fired with bio- the complexity which a mathematical modeller faces during the
mass, or in units co-firing a biomass with a coal, fouling on cool sur- model development. It is commonly accepted that the most impor-
faces is initiated by a formation of a layer of alkali vapours. Fly ash tant path in the above sketch is the ash particle formation route.
particles impacting on such a surface adhere to the sticky layer and Most of the mathematical models of slag deposition assume that the
the initial phase of deposit formation begins. This mechanism can mineral matter of the original coal is an inert material whilst other
be of a considerable importance in boilers fired with brown-coals or models attempt to take into account transformation processes
lignites. In boilers fired with hard coals the alkali vapour deposition which minerals undergo.
proceeds typically with a much lower rate than the inertial impaction. The development of analytic techniques based on Scanning Elec-
A list of compounds to be considered as ash forming would include tron Microscopy (SEM), namely Computer Controlled-SEM (CCSEM)
KCl, NaCl, PbCl2, ZnCl2, K2SO4, Na2SO4, K2CO3 and some others. The and SEM-Electron Probe Microanalysis (SEM/EPMA), provides a new
vapours transport over the furnace volume can be modelled using understanding of interactions among minerals during combustion.
Eulerian balance equations (see Eq. (3)) written either for each com- CCSEM quantifies particle size, shape and composition of mineral
ponent or for each alkali element. To speed up the calculations, the matter on a two-dimensional basis in a polished section of the coal
concentrations of the ash forming species (vapours) in computational or ash embedded in epoxy. It also shows the amount and nature of
cells can be determined using thermodynamic equilibrium proce- liberated minerals in the coal. The SEM-based techniques provide in-
dures in combination with an In-Situ Adaptive Tabulation (ISAT) al- deed much more information than conventional coal ash analysis and
gorithm [68,69]. In the numerical cells adjacent to surfaces, whose they reveal that transformations involve tens of reactions proceeding
temperature is lower or equal to the condensation temperature, the in different parts of the fly ash particle [71].
rate of condensation of species i, ṁ i;cond (kg/m 2/s), can be calculated
as: 2.4.1. Mineral matter as inert material
High temperature ashing and X-ray fluorescence are, due to sim-
ṁ i;cond ¼ Mi ·β·ðc∞ −cwall Þ ð19Þ plicity and low costs, commonly used methods. A coal sample is
burned under oxidising conditions at temperatures above 800 °C (at
where c∞ and cwall are the species concentration in the bulk flow, and 815 °C according to the DIN standard) to generate the ash which is
the saturation concentration at the wall, respectively. The mass then analysed using X-ray fluorescence. The ash composition is
expressed as a list of oxides: SiO2 + Al2O3 + TiO2 + P2O3 + Fe2O3 +
CaO + Na2O + K2O + SO3 = 100% (on weight basis). Silica, alumina,
titan and phosphorus oxides rank to acid elements of the ash. Iron,
calcium, sodium, potassium and sulphur oxides are of base nature.
T100 Occasionally the content of MnO, ZnO, BaO and CO2 is also deter-
mined. In most of the ash deposition models the composition of the
80 Probe ash deposit mineral matter does not change when particles fly through different
boiler zones. Consequently, chemical composition (expressed as ox-
Melt fractionf, %

70 T c and f c T70
60 ides) of the ash deposited, is then identical to composition of the
50 fly ash coal ash sample. This is for example the case in the simulations pre-
40 sented in Figs. 4, 6 and 7 as well as in the works of Huang [44], Yilmaz
30 and Cliffe [29], Hecken et al. [72] (see also Costen [59] where ash min-
20 erals are treated as inert material).
10 An interesting CFD-based modelling work has recently been pub-
0 T0 lished [73] with the aim to develop a model for predicting the size
and the chemical composition of a fly ash particle. The starting
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
point to the modelling work is the CCSEM data showing the distribu-
Temperature, °C
tion of twelve elements (Al, Si, P, Na, Mg, Cl, K, Ti, Cr, Fe and Ca) in
Fig. 12. Typical melting curve for a deposit [45]. grains of minerals of a given (measured) diameter. On the basis of
124 R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128


Vapors Submicron and Conden-
Agglomerated sation
Heterogeneous Ash (0.1-1.0µm)
Ash Condensation
Vaporization Thermo-
Particles phoresis
Inclusion Coal
Particles Impaction
and Sticking

Organically Particle
Bound or Char and Mineral
Dispersed Fragmentation
Inorganics Fly Ash
Excluded Char
Minerals Burnout
Decreasing Temperature

Fig. 13. Schematic diagram of processes governing the transformation of mineral matter during coal combustion (after Sarofim and Helble [70]).

the CCSEM data, a virtual coal [73] is generated in such a way that the The thermal processes during transformation of minerals can be
grains are randomly distributed in coal particles. However, the total divided in four groups [63]:
mass of the mineral grains equals the ash mass fraction. Then a
(a) decomposition of minerals into simple compounds,
Lagrangian particle tracking (see Section 2.2) is performed for the vir-
(b) devolatilisation (sublimation) of single coal components and
tual coal with a char combustion model that allows for coalescence of
formation of aerosols,
mineral grains and fragmentation of coal particles. Both diameters of
(c) formation of new minerals in the combustion zone,
fly ash particles as well as their composition can be predicted at any
(d) fusion and liquefaction of not combustible matter.
instant. Although no mineral matter transformations are considered
and the particle fragmentation as well as grain coalescence is over- The most important thermal transformations of main minerals
simplified, there is no doubt that this novel approach is attractive, found in coal are:
(a) clay mineral transformations
2.4.2. Thermodynamic equilibrium calculations (b) quartz transformations,
ChemSage [74] is one of the available software packages for cal- (c) sulphide and sulphate transformations,
culations of equilibrium composition of multiphase and multi- (d) carbonate transformations.
component systems. It can be used to estimate the chemical compo- Although Eddings et al. [11] considered the transformations of ex-
sition of minerals present in the coal/ash particle provided that the traneous and included pyrite, the modellers developing CFD-based
particle temperature is given as well as composition of the gas slagging predictors typically stay away from considering chemical re-
phase is known. The software minimises the Gibbs potential of any actions involving minerals with a notable exemption of the TU Braun-
mixture of minerals and provides the liquid phase fraction which schweig group [77,78]. Božić [76] attempted to predict the fate of
can be then used to determine the sticking probability. Liebetruth et minerals in a semi-industrial non-swirling flame (flame A1 of the
al. [60] have coupled the software with the CFD-Fluent code to calcu- IFRF long flames trial [79]) by considering minerals listed in Table 2.
late the liquid phase fraction as well as the makeup of minerals along In his model, each coal particle contained a mineral-core whose
particle trajectories and at impaction. The ChemSage calculations mass was calculated on the basis of proximate coal analysis. It was as-
were initiated after the volatiles were given off and proceeded until sumed that the burning particle remained porous and the transport of
the particle either left the computational domain or was trapped on the gaseous components from the mineral-core to the bulk flow
the wall. Obviously the main concern about this approach is the fact through this porous structure was infinitely fast. Thus, combustion
that the fly ash particles, when analysed for their chemical composi- of the porous combustible matter proceeded in parallel with the
tion, show a huge departure from equilibrium.

2.4.3. Transformation of minerals (kinetics) Table 2

It has often been emphasised that ash deposition cannot be prop- Coal minerals considered in the calculations of Božić [77]; German Saar coal.
erly understood without considering coal minerals and their transfor-
Mineral Formula Mass fraction — %
mations [75,76,63]. As a product of these transformations ash species
Limonite Fe2O3H2O 28.03
are generated consisting of gases, liquids and solids and they react
Siderite FeCO3 8.99
together whilst the particle flies through the boiler, see Fig. 13. The Quartz/Cristobalite SiO2 8.54
properties of the produced intermediates depend on the association Kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4 18.73
and chemical characteristics of the inorganic components, the physi- Gypsum CaSO4·2H2O 27.94
cal characteristics of the coal particle, the physical characteristics of Magnesite MgCO3 7.77
Total 100.00
the coal minerals, and on the combustion conditions.
R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128 125

transformations/reactions in the mineral-core. It was stated that heated up with rates up to 10 5 K/s, has to be verified. Recent research
dehydration, thermal dehydroxilation and calcination of the minerals [83,84] on mineral matter transformation in drop tube furnaces
were completed within 10–500 ms. Melting and transformation to operated under high heating rates, when combined with the most
glass of Kaolinite required typically 10–100 ms. Release of SO2 from advanced methods of coal/minerals characterization [85,71], can
sulphates was around an order of magnitude slower. Crystallisation establish the applicability of the TG-DTG kinetic data to modelling
of Magnetite (Fe3O4) proceeded rapidly being completed within 20– of slagging in boilers.
60 ms, however for other oxides it took 1 to 100 s. Wüstite (FeO)
was produced either through decomposition of Siderite (FeCO3) or 2.5. Deposit growth, shedding and deformation
through the reduction of Magnetite (Fe3O4). The decomposition was
unaffected by the CO2 partial pressure of the gas phase whilst the re- Once a particle adheres to the surface it contributes to deposit
duction of Magnetite occurred in the 950–1420 °C temperature range growth. A number of deposit growth models have been developed
and the oxygen partial pressure ranges from 10 − 14 bar to 10 − 6 bar. in the literature (see Ref. [86]), however most of the deposit growth
Magnetite (Fe3O4) was produced either by Wüstite oxidation or sub-models [5–11] implemented into CFD-codes just sum up the par-
Hematite (Fe2O3) reduction and both processes occurred when the par- ticles and record their properties. The mass and the shape of the de-
ticle travels through the flame. Hematite was produced in the thermal posit change with time and attempts have recently been made to
dehydroxilation of Limonite (Fe2O3H2O) or through oxidation of model the process. Tomeczek and Wacławiak [87] used the Fluent
Magnetite. It was observed that complete transformation of Magnetite CFD code to simulate the growth of a deposit on a platen superheater.
into Hematite was impossible since the partial pressure of oxygen Their deposits grew due to condensation of potassium and sodium
was too low (not exceeding 0.21 bar) in the flame. Whilst the original salts and inertial impaction. For the latter, the algorithm described
mix of minerals was as given in Table 2, the predicted slag contained in Section 2.2 was used. The adherence probability for solid particles
Lime (CaO), Periclase (MgO), Quartz (SiO2) and Cristobalite (high- was expressed as a function of the condensation rate of alkali salts
temperature polymorph of Quartz), Mullite (3 SiO2 2 Al2O3) and Alumi- [88] and was therefore particle size independent. Fig. 15 shows the
na (Al2O3). Notwithstanding the limitations of the model of Božić [77], 2D predictions [87] of the deposit shape as a function of time for a
one cannot refrain from noticing the originality of the work. bank of 38 mm O.D. pipes with longitudinal and transverse pitches
In the work of Božić et al. [77,78] the kinetic data required for the of 2 and 1.5, respectively. For 33 μm ash particles (particle density
modelling of mineral matter transformation were determined in a around 2200 kg/m 3) possessing 8.36 m/s upstream velocity, the
numerous thermogravimetry (TG) measurements. As shown in Stokes number is around 1, so approximately 40% of such particles
Fig. 14 [77] some of these data have been generated under remark- (see Fig. 9) hit the front face of the first pipe and they either adhered
able high heating rates of 2000 K/s. There exists a substantial body or were rebounded. Although particle rebounding plays a crucial role
of literature on kinetics of mineral matter transformation reactions, in the simulations of Tomeczek and Wacławiak [87], no description of
as exemplified by Ref. [80–82], however it is perhaps fair to stress the rebounding sub-model is given in the publication. Fig. 15 shows
that such kinetic data originate almost exclusively from thermogravi- that the model allows for deposition in the whole 90° sector of the
metry or differential thermogravimetry (DTG) and they pertain to front pipe (see Fig. 9). Furthermore, it was argued that “the particles
heating rates not larger than 20–40 K/min. Thus, applicability of are able to deposit also on the down-stream side of the first tubes,
such data for modelling of industrial boilers, where minerals are which is the result of particle rebouncing from the neighbouring
rows of tubes” [87]. The authors concluded that the horn-like deposit
formed on the front side of the second tube was due to rebounding of
Al2Si2H4O9 ---> Al2Si2O7 + 2H2O large ash particles on the neighbouring rows located above and below
1 800 the row shown in Fig. 15. For the considered configuration, shown in
0,9 Tp 750 Fig. 15, the transverse pitch was (1.5 × 38 mm=) 57 mm. When the
0,8 700 transverse pitch was increased to (5 × 38mm=) 190 mm the second
0,7 650 and the third tubes remained clean from the deposit. There is no
Y, [kg/kg]

0,6 600 doubt that one has to acknowledge the originality of the analysed
Tp, [K]

0,5 550 publication [87]. However, care must be exercised in using

0,4 500 CFD-codes whilst seeking a mechanistic explanation to such a com-
0,3 450 plex problem since (a) the flows in banks of tubes are difficult to pre-
0,2 400 dict, (b) predicting correct impaction efficiencies is not trivial at all, as
0,1 350 pointed out in Section 2.2, and (c) an accurate model for inelastic
Meta kaolin
0 300 rebounding is needed in particular for surfaces covered with a layer
0,0155 0,016 0,0165 0,017 0,0175 0,018 of condensed liquid.
t [s]
A very interesting experiment concerning a deposition of calcium
carbonate (40 μm) particles on cold (ambient air temperature) bun-
Transformation: Meta kaolin (Al2Si2O7) ===> Glass
1700 dle of tubes was reported by Abd-Elhady et al. [89]. The bundle of
nine (3 × 3) 32 mm O.D. tubes was used, with 3.15 longitudinal and
0,8 traverse pitches, and the particle laden air flow approached the
Meta kaolin bank vertically downwards (along the gravity vector) or vertically
Y [kg/kg]

0,6 Glass: SiO2 - Content upwards (against the gravity). The particle velocity was 1.25 m/s cor-
Tp [K]

0,5 responding to the Stokes number of around 0.6. A digital camera
0,4 900
Glass: Al2O3 - Content recorded the initial stages of fouling since the experiment lasted for
0,3 700 3 h only. It was observed that when the flow was upwards, the foul-
500 ing of the first tube occurred on its bottom part (front face), due to
the inertial impaction, and also on its top part (back face), due to
0 300
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7
the flow recirculation. The intensity of fouling of the second row
t [s] tube was lower than that of the first row however the fouling pattern
was similar. When the flow was downwards, the fouling occurred on
Fig. 14. Transformation reactions for Kaolinite — TGA analysis [77]. the top part (front face) of the tubes only, with the fouling intensity
126 R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128

1 month numerical grid along the deposit growth. Melted deposits may under-
3 months
6 months 2 x 38 = 76 mm go several deformation processes which call for a dynamic descrip-
9 months symmetry plane tion of the deposit growth including melting and solidification
[45,90]. To account for such deformations, the heat conduction
through the deposit must be considered and this is typically done
57 mm

by solving the heat diffusion equation using the concept of the effec-
tive thermal conductivity (see for example [91]).
The CFD-based modelling of deposit formation has not yet reached
symmetry plane the stage that chemical and physical processes, including sintering,
are accounted for on a regular basis. Sintering has been extensively
first tube second tube investigated in ceramics although models describing sintering in boil-
er deposits are scarce [86]. Another important aspect is deposit clean-
Fig. 15. Deposit shape on the first two tubes as a function of time for 33 μm fly ash par-
ing [92] by soot blowing or any other techniques.
ticles (see Fig. 6 of [87]); upstream gas velocity of 8.36 m/s, 38 mm O.D. pipe; longitu-
dinal pitch of 2; transverse pitch of 1.5.

3. Closing remarks
decreasing for the second and the third row tubes. No significant
effect of particle rebounding on the fouling mechanism was reported. There are not many publications where CFD-computations have
Thus, the experiment confirmed the well known [89] effect of the been used to predict slagging and fouling propensity in industrial
flow direction on the fouling mechanism. Since the experiment of boilers. This is not too surprising, although the vision of possessing
Abd-Elhady et al. [89] was conducted at ambient air temperature CFD-based ash deposition models is in our opinion realisable, a signif-
with a dry material (not molten) of known mechanical properties, it icant body of the development work is needed to achieve this goal. In

was possible to estimate the critical particle velocity (Vc ) for rebound- short, the currently published papers just initiate the forthcoming
ing (see Eq. (17)) to be 0.02 m/s. Obviously, the calculated 0.02 m/s proliferation of scientific articles in this field.
value of the critical velocity [89] has to be regarded as an estimate Having analysed numerous issues involved in the development of
and substantial inaccuracy is plausible. CFD-based models for slagging predictions, it has became apparent
Losurdo [53] performed 3-dimensional Large Eddy Simulations of that a certain degree of accuracy is needed in calculating the time–
the Abd-Elhady et al. [89] flows using Eq. (17) as the particle temperature/chemistry history of coal/ash particles. To this end, the
rebounding criterion with the critical velocity of 0.02 m/s. His simula- information about high temperature devolatilization and char com-
tions reproduced well the fouling mechanism observed in the exper- bustion is needed and this is obtainable by performing appropriate
iments and there were no indications of the importance of particle fuel characterization experiments for the fuel in question. Of particu-
rebounding. Realising that the simulations of Tomeczek and Wacła- lar importance is determination (through measurements) of the rate
wiak [87] were performed for the Stokes number of around one, of char oxidation for the last 20% of burnout. Fragmentation of fuel
which is not so far away from the 0.5 value applicable to the flows of particles is perhaps one of the unresolved issues which require an ur-
Abd-Elhady et al. [89], it is worth noting that the main difference be- gent attention.
tween these two flow cases, is in the transverse pitch (1.5 against Almost every publication on slagging and fouling underlines the
3.15, respectively) and the particle rebounding sub-models. In our opin- primary importance of inertial impaction if compared to thermophor-
ion, resolving the issue of particle rebounding in building deposit brid- esis, eddy diffusion or vapour condensation. An accurate prediction of
ges is important and it should be continued. impaction efficiency is a prerequisite to further analysis since a parti-
Permanently changing shape and thickness of the deposit alter the cle that does not impact does not form a deposit. We have demon-
fluid dynamics near the deposition surface so that care must be taken strated that accurate predictions of the impaction efficiency using
to make sure that particle impaction is properly handled, as shown in CFD-codes are obtainable only when the flow field in the neighbour-
Fig. 16. Typically adaptive meshing techniques are used to vary the hood of the deposition surface is accurately resolved. In many of the
recent publications the issue is over-looked and the rate of the parti-
cles arrival to the deposition surface is substantially over-estimated.
D = 40 mm

h The above statement has got important implications for predicting

deposits of industrial boilers. The current generation of CFD-codes
h=5mm h=10mm h=30mm
can identify boiler areas prone to deposit formation by showing the
presence of ash particles in the neighbourhood of the areas. However,
computing the particle arrival rate must be done by resolving, to a
great detail, the local flow near the surface in question.
The analytic techniques based on Scanning Electron Microscopy
Impaction Efficiency, [-]

(SEM) quantify particle size, shape and composition of mineral mat-
ter. They also show the amount and nature of liberated minerals in
the coal; it means much more information is accessible than through
Pipe: 40 mm conventional coal ash analysis. This is a good opportunity to advance
0,4 0 mm Deposition further the models for mineral matter transformation and in particu-
5 mm Deposition
lar to validate them. Rates of reactions involved in transformation of
10 mm Deposition
0,2 minerals are nowadays obtained (mainly) from TGA at low heating
30 mm Deposition
60 mm Deposition
rates. Are these rates directly applicable to high heating rates? It is a
0,0 long way but is should be followed. Procedures for determining the
sticking propensity of particles either through melting curves or
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 through thermodynamic calculations are rather new and a thorough
Particle diameter, [µm]
validation is needed. Reactions and processes in the matter deposited
Fig. 16. Alterations to the impaction efficiency due to the deposit shape change; on the walls should be studied further. Sintering has been extensively
1200 °C flue gas temperature; 40 mm O.D. pipe; 12.8 m/s flue gas velocity. investigated in ceramics although models describing sintering in
R. Weber et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 105 (2013) 113–128 127

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