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1. Which of the following is NOT a dimension of product quality listed in the textbook?
A. Performance B. Responsiveness C. Features D. Conformance E. None of the above
2. ___ quality is what the customer assumes will be received from the product. A. Actual B. Expected C. Design D. Perceived E. None
3. The physical facility and equipment of a resort hotel represent which dimension of service quality?
A. Responsiveness B. Tangibles C. Reliability D. Assurance E. None of the above
4. The _____ includes the physical product and its quality dimensions, presale support, and post-sale support. A. customer engagement
B. customer benefit package C. organizational support D. total quality package E. None of the above
5. Providing _____ is often considered the minimum required to stay in business. A. dissatisfiers B.satisfiers C.exciters D.delighters
6. ___ quality is the outcome of the production process and what is delivered to the customer. A.Delivery B.Actual C.Service D.Design
7. Customer-focused organizations consider complaints as: A. outcomes of public relations failure.
B. opportunities for improvement. C. a symptom of systemic defects. D. the rationale for customer service. E. None of the above
8. Strategic leadership can be viewed from three levels. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
A. Senior B. Entry-level C. Mid-level D. Supervisory E. None of the above
9. _____ set an organization’s longer-term directions and guide resource allocation decisions. A. Management values
B. Strategic objectives C. Core competencies D. Workforce management principles E. None of the above
10. An organization chart shows the _____ of the formal organization. A. business model
B. apparent structure C. competitive position D. workforce distribution E. None of the above
11. The _____ organization is the most prevalent type of structure for medium-sized to large firms. A.line B.line and staff C.staff D.matrix
12. The major drawback of the matrix-type organization is that it: A. can be used only for project work. B. requires split loyalty.
C. decreases the efficiency of personnel use. D. decreases the coordination in a project work. E. None of the above
13. Decisions about work systems are: A. operational. B. strategic. C. customer-focused. D. administrative. E. None of the above
14. In many organizations there are three levels of strategy: Which of the following is NOT ONE of them?
A. Corporate B. Administrative C. Strategic business unit D. Competitive E. None of the above
15. The goal of _____ is to envision the future for purposes of decision making and resource allocation. A. environmental assessment
B. strategy development C. work systems D. core competencies E. None of the above
16. Which of the following individuals is credited with having the greatest influence on quality management?
A. Philip B. Crosby B. W. Edwards Deming C. Kaoru Ishikawa D. Joseph M. Juran E. None of the above
17. According to Deming, _____ is the chief culprit of poor quality. A. standardization B. variation C. tolerance D. lack of innovation E.None
18. _____, or doing the best for individual components, results in losses to everybody in the system. A. Capacity planning
B. Suboptimization C. Marginal costing D. Single sourcing E. None of the above
19. _____ are the primary tools used to identify and quantify variation. A.Gantt charts
B.Statistical methods C. Cause and effect diagrams D. Marginal costing sheets E. None of the above
20. The Profound Knowledge system is attributed to: A.Philip B. Crosby B.W. Edwards Deming C.Armand Feigenbaum D.Joseph M. Juran
21. Deming claimed that higher levels of _____ lead to higher levels of _____. A. automation, quality
B. quality, productivity C. inventory, quality D. inspection, quality E. None of the above
22. Juran believed that to get top management’s attention, quality issues must be translated into the “language” of:
A. market share. B. dollars. C. shareholders. D. liquidity. E. None of the above
23. Which of the following represents an activity classified by Juran under “quality planning?” A. Inspection
B. Process design C. Statistical process control D. Waste reduction teams E. None of the above
24. One of the key concepts in the core philosophy of Six Sigma emphasizes quantifiable measure as ____. A. tolerance conformance percent
B. defects per million opportunities C. failure rate D. nonconformance ratio E. None of the above
25. The concept of Six Sigma was pioneered by: A. Allied Signal. B. Motorola. C. DuPont. D. Raytheon. E. None of the above
26. ___ requires that inventories be reduced to the barest minimum. A.Six Sigma B.Just-in-time C.Production scheduling D.Systems view
27. The two most important drivers of service quality are _____ and _____. A. time; convenience
B. people; technology C. satisfaction; feedback D. expectation; actual delivery E. None of the above
28. Which of the following usually is NOT a primary concern of the engineering function? A, Tool maintenance
B. Supply systems C. Product specifications D. Assembly layout E. None of the above
29. Quality improvement efforts in health care have resulted in all of the following EXCEPT: A. cost reduction.
B. relaxation of accreditation standards. C. increased efficiency. D. shorter hospital stays. E. None of the above
30. Which of the following was the top priority of U.S. manufacturing in the time period immediately following World War II?
A. Quality B. Production C. Continuous improvement D. Just-in-time manufacturing E. None of the above
31. A. V. Feigenbaum recognized the importance of a comprehensive organizational approach to quality in the 1950s and coined the
term _____. A. process control B. total quality control C. quality circle D.companywide quality control E. None of the above
32. The view that defines quality as the goodness of a product is referred to as the _____ definition of quality. A. user-based
B. transcendent C. incidental D. imminent E. None of the above
33. Graphical and statistical methods to analyze data are referred to as _____ of total quality. A.practices C.actions D.processes
34. New management styles associated with total quality include all of the following characteristics EXCEPT: A. empowering employees.
B. emphasizing postproduction inspection. C. building quality into work processes. D. understanding internal customer requirements.
35. ____ denotes a firm’s ability to achieve market superiority. A.Quality focus B.Competitive advantage C.Performance excellence D.Customer focus
36. At the _____ level, organizational units are classified as functions or departments. A.integrated B.process C.performer D.organizational
37. Japanese companies made significant penetration into Western markets by which decade? A.1950s B.1960s C.1970s D.1980s
38. _____ is credited with developing control charts. A. Eli Whitney B. Frederick W. Taylor C. Walter Shewhart D. W. Edwards Deming
39. TQ requires _____ coordination between organizational units. A. parallel B. vertical C. horizontal D. complementary E. None
40. The _____ department is the link between purchasing and production. A. liaison B. materials C. receiving D. supply E. None
41. The need to “remove barriers to pride in workmanship” is associated with: A. Crosby. B. Juran. C. Deming. D. Taguchi. E. NONE
42. Quality is defined as “conformance to requirements” by: A. Shewhart B.Deming C. Crosby D. Juran E. NONE
43. The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria consist of how many categories? A. 4 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9 E. NONE
44. The Deming Prize was established in which of the following countries? A. Germany B.United States C. Japan D.Sweden E. NONE
45. A firm purchasing a key supplier to strengthen its value chain is an example of: A.collaboration. B.reengineering. C.vertical integration. D.diversification
46. _____ can be measured by the net present value of the customer. A. Break-even point B.Repeat sales C.Profit potential D.Market value
47. A car’s fit and finish and freedom from noises and squeaks can reflect this dimension.A.Performance B.Features C.Conformance D.Aesthetics
48. ___ is the learning that enhances our capacity to create. A.Adaptive learning B.Focused learning C.Generative learning D.Creative learning
49. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is the quality award of ____. A. Canada B. Japan C. United States D. France E. None
50. Considered as the Japanese Guru of Quality. A. Taylor B. Shewhart C. Deming D. Whitney E. None
Tqm midterm answer key
Nos. 1 to 36 – B
37. TO 50 - C

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