Papa Adeboye

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Isa 3:10

1. Prosperity is for the righteous and not for theives

pro 29:24, exo 22:2,3

So if u wanna prosper, don't steal and don't befriend thieves

2. Prosperity isn't for the fraudulent Jer 17:11 Now it's better to employ unbelievers than to
employ so called christians. when they bring u the invoice, they have already padded it, some
collude with suppliers to falsify the invoice.

3. It's not for Liers Prov 11:1

4. it's not for the greedy. Prov 1: 17-19; 15:27 There are xtains want to get things without
working. wanna get in a day what it took someone else 20 yrs to acquire

5. It's not for the lazy Prov 19:15, 23:21. u don't wamnna struggle but u wanna prosper, u wanna
eat without working. God opens doors and u will not go in, u want manna to fall from heaven.

Prov 13:22 things u get by the above means will be taken from u, there is no breakthrough for

God is waiting to prosper u, but u have to change ur ways. If u wanna proper, u do it God's way,
else it doom all d way.

story: therre was a famous otopedic surgeon, and very wicked too. a patient with broken bone
was brought in to him, and he knows his patients are always anxious so he will bill them high.
they will cry ad plead with him that d money is too high, he will tell them, while taking up his axe
that the alternative is to amputate. the people will have no option than to get the money, so he
bacame very rich and built houses. one day he bacame sick and sold all he had to no avail,
immediatly he sold his last house it was discovered that he had cancer of the liver, and nothing
could be done, so he died.

Story 2: Went to UI for Bible study, after the class, entered my car and started and moved, the
car kept breaking done every 30 sec. till it was discovered that there was water in the fuel. the
tank was brought down, drained, seperated the water from d fuel and and added it again to the
tank nd the car moved smoothly. what water does to fuel is what riches gotten in fraudulent way
does to u.

altar call, and call to repentance for unfaithful saints.

prayer for prosperity

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