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The boundaries and connections

between the VET and higher
education sectors: ‘confused,
contested and collaborative’
Dr Craig Fowler
National Centre for Vocational Education Research
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<>) using the following keywords: education and training system, articulation, qualifications
framework, training market, partnership in education and training.

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This document should be attributed as Fowler, C 2017, The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher
education sectors: ‘confused, contested and collaborative’, NCVER, Adelaide.

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About the research
The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education
sectors: ‘confused, contested and collaborative’

Dr Craig Fowler, NCVER

Internationally, Australia’s tertiary education system, comprising the higher education and vocational
education and training (VET) sectors, is highly regarded, with both sectors subject to ongoing national
review and reforms. This paper explores in detail the multiple issues that lie at what might be termed
the ‘boundaries and connections’ between these sectors.

One marker that delineates the sectoral boundaries is the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), in
particular AQF level 5 (VET diploma) and AQF level 6 (associate degree/advanced diploma). VET diplomas
sit on one side of this boundary, and those financed under the previous VET FEE-HELP program (to be
replaced by the new VET Student Loans program) have recently attracted considerable public scrutiny.

The conditions for the operation of the tertiary education system, especially the boundaries and
connections between the VET and higher education sectors, are set by national and state/territory
policies, embodied in regulations, programs and funding. In exploring the multiple issues that have
evolved at the sectoral boundaries and connections, this paper highlights examples that have eroded
clear differentiation between the sectors, as well as their mutual value within a coherent tertiary
education system. The present situation has been caused by a combination of: differing sector-specific
national policies and agreements; differing sectoral financing/funding; and differing sectoral legislation,
regulation and standards, as well as overlapping qualification frameworks and different standards for
courses and qualifications.

Key messages
 VET participation is declining in relation to higher education participation as a consequence of policy
and funding reforms that have travelled along ‘different tracks’ over the last six to eight years.
 The boundaries and connections between the sectors present examples of significant confusion and of
considerable inter-institutional contest, as well as willing collaboration. In aggregate, this imposes an
unquantifiable national cost burden.

 The establishment of student ‘loans’, spanning VET diplomas to degrees, has, by design or not, reset
higher education and VET sector policy, program and funding boundaries.
 From the perspective of students, the ability to pick and mix the best from university and vocational
education and training, be it skilling, academic study or work experience, can only be beneficial to
the needs of employers and to students’ future jobs.

 Policy and incentives need to ensure the equitable funding of mid-level professionals, including, for
example, associate degrees and higher apprenticeships.

 Improving and systematising cross-sector transfer arrangements for students is a priority, supported
by use of common data standards and a system-wide unique student identifier (utilising existing
sectoral numbering).

Dr Craig Fowler
Managing Director, NCVER
About the research 3

Tables and figures 6

Introduction 7

Dimensions and key features of the VET and higher education sectors 9
Trajectory of system change — VET and higher education 10
Diploma program enrolments and relationship with VET FEE-HELP 12
Summary observations 12
Higher education—VET boundary issues 13
Contest for market share and student numbers 16
Collaboration across institutions 18
Apprenticeship system 19
Tracking movement of students between sectors 20
Relative transparency of costs of education and training to students
and industry 21
Funding and significance of the financing by loans 22
Summation and implications 23
Conclusions 28

References 29

Tables and figures
1 Current key dimension of VET and Higher education sectors 9
2 Students by fund source (Commonwealth and state funding) by
state/territory 2011—15 10

1 Participation in higher education and VET as a proportion of the 15
to 64-year-old population 10

2 Rates of participation in VET, 1996—2015 (%) 11

3 Rates of participation in VET by qualification level, 1996—2015 (%) 11

4 Rates of participation in VET by state 1996—2015 (%) 12

5 VET and higher education comparison of frameworks 15

6 Students with a higher education qualification — further studies 20

7 Students with a VET qualification — further studies 21

8 Example of metrics on college performance, United States 22

9 Post-16 Skills Plan 26

6 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
i Introduction
The purpose of this occasional paper is twofold, the first being to provide a brief illustration
and commentary on the relative trend change and potential trajectories of Australia’s
vocational education and training (VET) sector by comparison with the higher education
sector. This provides the necessary context for the second objective, which is to explore in
detail the multiple issues that lie at what might be described as the ‘boundaries and
connections’ between these two components of the tertiary education sector. 1

The boundaries and connections between these sectors is presented here as a wide canvas
with multiple interwoven issues, such as articulation and transfer systems, overlap of VET
and higher education qualifications, labour market crossovers, institutional structures and
relations, funding and financing, and regulation and governance.

The issue of boundaries and connections has implications for domestic and international
students, for educational institutions and their commercial partnering and markets, for
employers and industry, and for regulators. The conditions for the operation of the tertiary
education sector, especially those that influence the market conditions relevant to the two
‘sub-sectors’, are established by the collective policy of governments, in particular, policies
embodied in regulation, funding and programs.

An assessment of trend data and an evaluation of the expert opinions referenced in this
paper lead to the conclusion that the boundaries and connections between the higher
education and VET sectors display many examples of confusion, contest and collaboration.
If this hypothesis stands, the reasons may lie in the past and recent reforms impacting on
these sectors — reforms that travelled ‘different paths’ — or at least were implemented
without deliberately dealing with sectoral intersections.

Without detailing these different paths, which have been explained in other reviews
(Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 2014; Department of Education and Training
2015), in summary, the historic Bradley Review (Bradley et al. 2008) proposed a more
integrated tertiary education sector, but this was neither fully embraced nor since
implemented. Part of the Bradley intent was to establish a clear differentiation between
the sectors, so preserving the valued character of VET while allowing articulation and
greater equity by extending income-contingent loans to diplomas and advanced diplomas.
There are a number of salient — though contestable — post-Bradley observations:

 The ‘demand-driven’ policy for undergraduate higher education has given greater market
power to universities post 2009.

 The state and territory VET entitlement arrangements under the National Partnership
(NP) for Skills Reform 2012—13 to 2016—17 were never designed to, nor ever going to,
match higher education as a national demand-driven system. Arrangements have
produced a more ‘demand-managed’ system, one focused on aligning government
subsidies with regional economic need (Bowman & McKenna 2016).

1 For the purpose of this paper, defined as ‘post-secondary’, noting ’tertiary’ has been suggested as being
certificate III and above; see also Dawkins (2014).

 The more recent higher education reform proposals, including extending the
demand-driven policy to sub-bachelor programs and non-university providers (Kemp
& Norton 2014), stalled, and is policy yet to be resolved.

 The recent market experiences of financing VET diplomas through student loans under
VET FEE-HELP has led to the termination of this program; it has been replaced by the
new VET Student Loans program (to take effect from 2017).

What of the providers and clients? The factors noted above are driving market share change,
as well as provider and institutional reforms, including growth in non-university higher
education providers (NUHEPs). Students are making informed choices to fulfil their interests
and aspirations (or perhaps are ‘taking a punt on’ as they might sift through unhelpful
information). Employers seek graduates with high educational and skills quality and
workplace versatility.

This paper is by no means the first to highlight such issues or grapple with the boundaries
and connections between VET and higher education (for example, Dawkins’s 2014
reconceptualisation of tertiary education), but events and circumstances indicate it is
timely to once again point a deliberate spotlight at this issue. The aim is to examine the
potential future improvement (or loss) of economic, labour force, innovation and
educational opportunity if policies are reformed (or if policies are left at the status quo).

The narrative to this paper unfolds as follows. Firstly, it sets out high-level details and the
context of both the higher education and VET sectors. This provides the platform from
which the above ‘hypothesis’ — that the boundaries and connections between the higher
education and VET sectors are filled with examples of confusion, contest and collaboration
— is explored. The sections that follow include consideration of:

 AQF levels, programs and courses and regulation

 articulation arrangements between the two sectors

 information about providers — to illustrate both the context for students and
institutional market share

 examples of provider collaboration

 the special case of apprenticeships

 evidence of student movement between sectors

 finally and more briefly, funding and financing arrangements and their transparency to

Each issue is viewed in the context of being prominent at the boundaries and connections
between the higher education and VET sectors. The paper then draws conclusions and
makes some comparative observations with the current thinking and policy drawn from the
United Kingdom and New Zealand.

8 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
Dimensions and key features of
the VET and higher education
Some important dimensions and features of the VET and higher education sectors are
summarised in table 1.

Table 1 Current key dimensions of VET and higher education sectors 20151

Dimension/feature VET sector2 Higher education sector3, 4

Total 4.5m 1.4m
Australian 4.4m 1.0m
International 0.2m 0.4m
Full-time 20% 71%
Part-time 80% 29%
Total 4277 training providers 43 universities
Comprised of 53 TAFE institutes 127 non-university higher
15 universities education providers
3099 private training providers
468 community education
442 schools
207 enterprise providers

Program/course enrolments 3.5m AQF full or part (skill set) 0.98m undergraduates
program enrolments 0.39m postgraduates
(~3.2m subject only enrolments)

Notes: 1 Numbers may not add exactly to total because of rounding. 86 institutions were registered to provide both
VET and higher education.
2 <>.
3 <>.
4 <>.

To be clear, the higher education and VET sectors have a very different purpose and
character, specifically, higher education students are generally a younger age cohort and
mostly full-time, whereas VET students have a wider age spread and are mostly part-time,
with many employed at some level. A significant minority of VET students are also
undertaking training in subjects only or skill sets, rather than being enrolled in full program

A more comparable measure is then to consider government-funded (subsidised) students

enrolled in the two sectors. Table 2 shows there were some 1.2 million domestic
government-subsidised VET students in 2015 compared with about 1.0 million domestic
students in higher education (table 1). Table 2 is useful in illustrating the change in
government-funded students over the period 2011—15 and shows an overall rise, followed by
a fall in students, approximately over the period 2009—12, which is particularly evident in
Victoria and South Australia, as well as a more recent overall general decline.

Table 2 Students by fund source (Commonwealth and state funding) by state/territory, 2011–15

State/territory 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

New South Wales 464 900 466 000 422 900 407 900 329 000
Victoria 436 000 494 300 498 000 460 500 391 300
Queensland 253 800 236 900 198 200 209 400 223 400
South Australia 101 600 123 300 150 300 107 900 86 300
Western Australia 146 700 145 200 141 300 132 000 127 700
Tasmania 31 600 31 700 29.800 34 100 28 700
Northern Territory 21 900 21 700 20 200 21 800 21 700
Australian Capital
Territory 23 900 23 800 21 900 19 600 16 500

Australia 1 480 300 1 542 800 1 482 600 1 393 200 1 224 700
Source: National VET Provider Collection 2015; adjusted to new scope by excluding TAFE fee-for-service.

Trajectory of system change – VET and higher education

Figures 1—4 summarise the trends in VET and higher education participation data
(Atkinson & Stanwick 2016). Figure 1 indicates the relative change in VET vs higher
education participation as a proportion of the 15 to 64-year-old Australian population since

Figure 1 Participation in higher education and VET as a proportion of the 15 to 64-year-old

population, 2001–2014 (%)




2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Higher education VET

Source: NCVER National VET Provider Collection; Australian Department of Education and Training (2016).

In higher education, student numbers 2 show trend growth from 1.193 million domestic and
international students in 2010 (857 384 domestic) to reach 1.410 million domestic and
international students by 2015 (1.047 million domestic), about an 18% increase.

Figure 2 indicates longer-term change in VET participation as a proportion of the 15 to

64-year-old Australian population since 1996, showing recent falls, while figure 3 illustrates
this by qualification level.

2 <>.

10 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
Figure 2 Rates of participation in VET, 1996–2015 (%)






Male Female Persons

Note: The rate is expressed as students as a proportion of the 15 to 64-year-old population.

Source: NCVER Historical time series of government-funded VET, 1996–2015; ABS demographic statistics,, September 2015.

Figure 3 Rates of participation in VET by qualification level, 1996–2015 (%)




Cert III and above Cert I/II Non AQF level

Note: The rate is expressed as students as a proportion of the 15 to 64-year-old population.

Source: NCVER Historical time series of government-funded VET, 1996–2015; ABS Demographic statistics,, September 2015.

Figure 4 indicates the change in VET participation as a proportion of the 15 to 64-year-old
Australian population since 1996, on a jurisdictional basis.

Figure 4 Rates of participation in VET by state 1996–2015 (%)






NSW Vic. Qld SA

Note: The rate is expressed as students as a proportion of the 15 to 64-year-old population in each state and
Source: NCVER Historical time series of government-funded VET, 1996–2015; ABS demographic statistics,, September 2015.

Diploma program enrolments and relationship with VET FEE-

VET diplomas at AQF level 5 sit on one side of the VET/higher education boundary. In 2015,
Total VET students and courses (total VET activity; TVA) recorded some 566 000 diplomas or
about 16% of the total 3.5 million VET AQF program enrolments (NCVER 2016c). There were
some 428 000 diplomas reported in 2014 in the first TVA collection, indicating an increase
from 2014 to 2015 in the order of 32%.

The 2015 VET FEE-HELP statistical report (Department of Education and Training 2016a)
indicates that around 320 703 course enrolments by 272 026 unique students accessed VET
FEE-HELP, all financed by about $2.9 billion in loans. It follows that about half of the
diplomas are then funded by means other than VET FEE-HELP and, in the context of all
vocational education and training, such diplomas are about 10% of the 3.5 million VET AQF
program enrolments (table 1).

Summary observations
These data indicate the current different growth trajectories of the higher education and
VET sectors.

Higher education enrolments have increased, with the latest data (2015) suggesting that
growth is approaching a population plateau (Universities Australia 2016a). Commonwealth,
state and territory subsidised VET student numbers are presently declining, with one last
year remaining in the National Partnership for Skills Reform (2016—17). Under this National

12 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
Partnership the jurisdictions implement their own policy and training entitlement models
(Bowman & McKenna 2016).

Noonan (2016a) paints a similar longitudinal story and draws conclusions in terms of
‘imbalance’ and divergence in growth and funding trajectories when comparing higher
education and government-subsidised VET enrolments, as well as growth in the uptake of
VET diplomas under VET FEE-HELP (Noonan 2016b).

The broad factors contributing to recent declines in government-subsidised VET enrolments

(noting that the recent TVA data, of 2014 and 2015, are not yet suited to trend
considerations) by comparison with the growth in higher education enrolments include:

 refinements to VET entitlement models, with a sharper focus on government subsidies in

support of priority skills to match local job opportunities, evidenced by more selective
funded training lists 3

 students attending private providers and hence growth in private training, particularly
for diploma and above qualifications, largely due to VET FEE-HELP

 decline in apprentice and trainee numbers, especially since 2012

 higher education reforms, particularly since 2009, resulting in expansion under a

demand-driven funding model in higher education enrolments

 differential in growth of public funding across education sectors (O’Connell & Torii
2016), with VET worse off.

Higher education–VET boundary issues

Given this context, the next section examines the issues and the available evidence
pertinent to the present relationship between the sectors that might shed light on the
hypothesis that the intersection between higher education and VET can be characterised as
confused, contested and collaborative in various measures.

AQF levels and regulation

The AQF Council (2013) itself provides only limited clarity on the differences between
diplomas (AQF 5) and advanced diplomas and associate degrees (AQF 6). To quote Norton
and Cakitaki (2016, p.11), ‘since there is a continuum of knowledge and skills rather than
sharp dividing line between AQF levels, the distinctions between VET and higher education
are partly a matter of convention’.

Similar to VET students, most higher education students rate getting a job their highest
priority and their prime reason for study. The apparent esteem of the award carries some
cachet, so a path that includes higher education can be marketed as more attractive to

The utility of higher-level VET qualifications, as well as the blurring of the boundaries
between the sectors at AQF levels 5 and 6, has been the subject of past research, for

3 See, for example, <>, viewed 18

November 2016.

example, in a study commissioned by Innovation & Business Skills Australia (IBSA) in 2010
(Jones, McCluskey & Pardy 2010).

The lead author of this paper now expresses the following, perhaps controversial, point of
view, some six years later: 4

Australia has created a chaotic approach to qualifications in this range evidenced by

circumstances such as:

The wastage of [significant] public funding on VET-FEE Help assistance provided with
little evidence of return in terms of qualifications, let alone learning, achieved;

Following the uncapping of bachelor degree funding in public universities, the huge
increase in enrolments of students ill prepared for higher education and the apparently
consequential decline in completions as evidenced by the latest Higher Education

The emergence, during the recent Federal election, of two rival policy approaches to
sub-degree (AQF 5/6) qualifications either of which has the potential to wipe out up to
25% of higher level VET delivery without any consideration of the impact on VET
businesses, especially those public VET businesses which ought to be a concern for
their Government custodians.

Chaos has resulted from the absence of an integrated approach to tertiary (AQF 5 and
above) qualifications.

We have two dissonant competing sets of qualifications at AQF 5—7. The higher education
qualifications at this level generally provide broad based education, incorporating some
version of the so-called 21st century capabilities that prepare students for future work
and learning as well for work immediately after graduation. Employers and students who
choose these qualifications over VET alternatives may be making sensible decisions since
this type of education is more likely to produce a graduate with the capability to manage
their own uncertain future and adapt to changing workplace needs. The scarce
availability of funding for sub-degree qualifications means that learners who are ill
prepared to succeed at AQF 7 level enrol in degrees.

On the other hand, VET institutions continue to deliver narrowly-focused, competency-

based higher level VET qualifications; NCVER data show that in 2014, 114,500 programs
were completed at diploma level or above. A now significant body of research has
established that many graduates from these qualifications do not gain employment in
the occupations for which they trained (Karmel, various), that many students use
diplomas as stepping stones into degrees (Stanwick), that VET diplomas are not
currently providing the ladders of success needed by low SES students (Wheelahan).
With few exceptions (e.g. Nursing) VET diplomas and advanced diplomas seem to
prepare graduates for jobs that they will not get and fail to prepare them to articulate
into the higher education qualifications to which many of them aspire. Curricular
dissonance between higher level VET and HE qualifications means that students who do
transition from RTO to HEP rarely receive block credit for their diploma/advanced
diploma qualifications; spending more time and money on their post-secondary
education than seems fair.

4 Dr Ann Jones (Emeritus Professor, Victoria University, 2016, pers. comm., permission granted to quote
email content).

14 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
Training products, qualifications and articulation – diplomas/associate
The regulatory edifices of VET provider standards and training package constructs compared
with higher education provider standards 5 and course accreditation stand either side of the
AQF levels, with the boundary of their (im)-practical impact being at AQF levels 5 and 6.

The two responsible national regulators, the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards
Agency (TEQSA) and the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), would be expected to
constructively engage on such issues (Birmingham 2016b), yet have different legislative
regimes to uphold. However, some 86 institutions are reported to be registered to provide
both VET and higher education (Norton & Cakitaki 2016, p.12).

The example of Central Queensland University, as described by Bogna (2016) and Huntly et
al. (2016) is instructive. Following the merger of the university and CQ TAFE in 2014, staff
and various committees undertook diligent work to improve articulation between VET and
higher education qualifications, with the aim of enhancing student offerings and ‘both-way’
entry and exit points for degrees and VET diplomas, within the framework shown in figure 5.

Figure 5 VET and higher education comparison of frameworks

Source: Bogna (2016).

This work painstakingly sought to satisfy accreditation processes and meet the approval of
academic boards and regulators to provide training/education suited to student need and
work opportunity. The examples offered by Huntly et al. (2016) and Bogna (2016) covered
early childhood education and care, and occupational health and safety, respectively.
Immense time and effort was consumed in mapping and unpicking the detail of training
packages and curriculum to develop practical articulation models. Notably, in 2012, Karmel
and Liu had demonstrated similar complexity in regards to understanding the difference
between an associate degree and an advanced diploma in engineering.

5 A new Higher Education Standard Framework applies 1 January 2017. See <>.

Such experiences are likely to be common to other institutions faced with the same
situation, which begs the question: why is it so difficult to ensure benefits to students when
it is acknowledged that ‘there is a growing interaction between professional and technical
learning, between theory-based, experiential, and competency-based learning, and the
blurring of the boundaries between them. Businesses have a requirement for both
university-educated professionals and VET-trained technicians. It is no longer helpful to see
stark contrasts between higher education and VET in the level and types of learning and
qualifications they deliver’ (Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia 2015, p.56).

One present opportunity for reform in the VET sector is the ongoing review of VET training
products. The intended outcomes of this review include a ‘suite of reforms to training
packages and accredited courses’, including to ‘ensure obsolete and superfluous
qualifications are removed from the system’, and to ‘ensure that the training system better
supports individuals to move easily from one related occupation to another’ (COAG Industry
and Skills Council 2015).

While some occupations rightfully require strict attention to competency standards,

especially those leading explicitly to licensed trade occupations, an option is to consider
removing the requirement of training package usage for certain specified training packages
or qualifications at, say, VET diploma and above levels, that is, at AQF 5 and 6 levels. Such
an approach would be consistent with the broader arguments in support of ‘vocational
streams’ (Wheelahan, Buchanan & Yu 2015).

Recent NCVER examination of the uptake and utility of training package qualifications
across all VET qualification levels indicates that qualifications within the Business Services
and Community Services training packages dominated, representing 30% of all enrolments
(Korbel & Misko 2016). Examination at the diploma level, using 2015 VET FEE-HELP data
(Department of Education and Training 2016a), showed that the top three fields of
education were: Management and commerce, Society and culture, and Health, accounting
for 74% of all students. The field of Management and commerce includes courses in business
and management, and sales and marketing; Society and culture includes human welfare
studies and services, and sport and recreation; and Health includes nursing and
complementary therapies. Management and commerce has the highest percentage of
students (46% of the total). Such qualifications dominated the top 20 VET FEE-HELP courses
for 2015.

Contest for market share and student numbers

At least as far as student choice of courses is concerned, there is significant overlap
between popular AQF 5 VET diploma courses and those of the AQF 6 associate degrees
offered by higher education providers. Both qualification levels are used to cover similar
fields of education and vocational purpose. So for students wanting to distinguish the
education and work-related benefits from enrolments in vocational diplomas and associate
degrees in high-demand courses such as those in, for example, business, management,
marketing, human services, hospitality etc., other factors become relevant. The factors
that become points of choice for students might include institutional prestige, relative costs
of the course, access to funding/loans, and easier articulation to university bachelor study.

16 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
As shown in table 1, the number of non-university higher education providers is now some
127, up from 78 private NUHEPs in 1999, and they enrol an estimated 67 550 full-time
equivalent students (Norton & Cakitaki 2016, p.12). The enrolment numbers of private
university and non-university higher education providers increased by 9.9% from 2014 to
2015 compared with a rise of only 2.1% in public universities (Department of Education and
Training 2016c). Non-university higher education providers include some TAFE (technical
and further education) institutes delivering higher education qualifications. Courses
generally have both academic and vocational purposes and are accredited and regulated by
TEQSA. They must meet standards different from those inherent in training package

In specific industry sectors requiring higher-level skills training, higher education courses
increasingly present as an attractive and more agile alternative to VET training. For
industry, the benefits may also lie in negotiating course content with higher education
providers, outside the constraints and timeframes of training package qualification
development. National professional associations and registration authorities, such as those
in engineering and health, may provide the supportive accreditation of such courses.

In addition, educational practices utilising ‘work based and work integrated’ learning are
being claimed as benefits to be gained from both the VET and higher education sectors
(Atkinson 2016). Indeed, better alignment between university programs, industry and
economic benefit is seen by some as a heightened imperative of future higher education
reform (Wells 2016).

Notably, the subsidiary colleges of universities are especially active. Fourteen such
institutions, in effect ‘pathway’ colleges, specialise in diploma-level courses. Their purpose
is to prepare students for entry into the second year of a university course, rather than for a
qualification leading to employment. Typically, they have a relationship with a particular
university, and the diploma curriculum will match that taught in the university in first year.
For example, students who successfully complete a Diploma of Business at the South
Australian Institute of Business and Technology can enter the second year of a University of
South Australia Bachelor of Business (Norton & Cakitaki 2016, p.13).

A further example is seen in the smaller regional economy of Tasmania, with the single
university now offering foundational associate degrees 6, a two-year qualification accepted
by industry and seen as a good pathway to work or further university degree level study.
The aim of this initiative is to raise educational participation in the state, although at the
same time it presents potential competitive pressure for VET students in a limited market.

Foundation programs or associate degree courses therefore provide a qualification for either
entry to work or, more likely, higher-level study in bachelor degrees. Universities use
similar pathways to support international students, so they are able to leverage this
experience. Further, in some professions, such as engineering, a university pathway may
allow for easier articulation from an associate degree to a full degree than is possible if the
student moves from VET into higher education.

Foundation programs, with built-in supportive student networks, also serve as risk mitigation
against rising undergraduate program attrition. Such courses sit within the broader fabric of

6 See <>, viewed 18 November 2016.

university admission practices. This has raised other issues: the apparent decline in quality of
intake; ambiguous use and differing views of ATAR as a measure of university entry standard,
and proposals to deal with this (Higher Education Standards Panel 2016); and the increased
reported attrition rates in some universities that are enrolling students who are, at least
initially, not adequately prepared for university and thus need additional learning support.

The question then normally posed is: would some of these students have been better suited,
and advantaged over the long-term, to enrol in VET programs post schooling? However, the
more pertinent question seems: why aren’t such students able to access opportunities at
institutions where they can better ‘pick and mix’ the skilling, work and academic experience
that provides the best of both higher education and VET practices, and what barriers do
institutions face in better providing for this?

The present policies create contested ground for students in their choice of either VET or
higher education. Client aspirations, apparent attractiveness of learning pathways and fees
are likely to dominate in determining students’ choice. At present the HELP loan policies
differ across both sectors (Dow & Ey 2014), although this may change. If sub-bachelor higher
education courses were to gain demand-driven funding status rather than remain in the
present situation of negotiated student load, then the momentum towards higher education
is likely to continue. With current policy settings left as is, non-university higher education
providers (in all category types: for-profit and non-profit and subsidiaries of universities,
TAFE institutes offering higher education) are likely to continue to grow in number and size,
and in terms of their reputation for attracting students.

Collaboration across institutions

It would be wrong to characterise this space of boundaries and connections as solely a
contest between institutions. It is not. There is strong evidence of collaboration between
VET providers and universities, where the complexity of training package attainments, and
their subsequent recognition in university courses to provide credit transfer and, ideally,
guaranteed entry, has been patiently worked through.

A good example is agreements between a number of South Australian tertiary institutions,

notably Flinders University and TAFE SA, 7 where high-level collaborative engagement has
existed for many years. Joint ventures concentrate on:

 dual awards, dual offers and the delivery of the Flinders Foundation Studies Program at
TAFE SA campuses

 the extension of collaborations to additional areas of mutual benefit.

Approximately 250 articulation and credit transfer agreements for TAFE SA qualifications are
available to commencing students. Approximately 70% of matched qualifications have
articulation pathways. There are also guaranteed admission arrangements, for example:

 in 2015, over 500 dual offers were made, with year-by-year trend increases.

 TAFELINK provides guaranteed admission to over 80 Flinders University undergraduate

courses for students with a certificate IV or higher VET qualification. 8

7 Details provided by Ms Genevieve Haskett, Manager, VET Partnerships, Flinders University of South Australia.
8 Refer <>, viewed November 2016.

18 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
Dual Award Partnership Degrees, delivered jointly as integrated degree programs leading to
both VET and university qualifications, have been established in various programs. 9

While these are good examples, past evidence of practices regarding VET students admitted
to university (Watson, Hagel & Chesters 2013) shows that, nationally, the proportion of
students admitted to higher education on the basis of a VET award was around 10%.
However, in the Watson, Hegel and Chesters (2013) study there were substantial differences
in institutional policy and practices, leading to wide differences in the rates of admission
between higher education institutions and to a lesser extent also differences in admissions
across fields of education.

Apprenticeship system
The tertiary education sector is a willing collaborator with industry. Many universities seek
to link selected courses to work engagement more definitively, as evident in Universities
Australia’s Work Integrated Learning strategy, 10 co-badged with industry peak bodies. This
builds on industry input into the course curriculum underpinning graduate professional
accreditations. Where relevant, universities now claim student benefits akin to those
championed in VET, these being education, skills and job-readiness.

In the VET sector the apprenticeship model is an enduring, effective (and legislated)
‘industry-partnered collaboration’, one in which a student/employee learns both off and on
the job.

The national apprentice system is constitutionally and operationally the responsibility of the
states and territories (New South Wales Government 2010), albeit working together with the
very significant support of the Commonwealth through the Australian Apprenticeship
Support Network 11 and employer subsidies.

The practicalities of establishing higher-level apprenticeships, encompassing both VET and

higher education components and employment — allowing on- and off-the-job training —
requires multiple willing actors to navigate jurisdictional systems and AQF levels. The five
announced pilot apprentice projects (Andrews 2016) explore new apprenticeships models,
including, for example, that between Siemens Ltd and Swinburne University of Technology,
to achieve:

the benefits of apprenticeship skills through the delivery of a new Diploma and Associate
Degree in Applied Technologies developed in collaboration with Swinburne University of
Technology. The qualification will meet the particular needs of industry with a focus on
the adoption of high-level technology skills and the tools required for the future
workforce. (Lilly 2016)

9 By way of example, Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance); Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts); Bachelor of
Creative Arts (Fashion); Bachelor of Creative Arts (Costume Design — 2017); Contracted Delivery; Creative
Arts; Professional Writing; Foundation Studies; CISCO Vendor Certification training; Translating Short
Course; and Engineering Practice Workshop.
10 See <
education-032015.pdf>, viewed November 2016.
11 < >, viewed
November 2016.

The ability to swiftly implement and replicate such practices, nationwide, given that the
apprenticeship system is legally the domain of the states and territories, will depend on
imaginative jurisdictional-level initiatives and require local industry to work with willing
VET/higher education providers. Dual-sector providers might be better placed to make this
an early reality.

So if the apprentice model, with its inherent excellence, is to be elevated to include levels
AQF 5 and 6, then cooperative arrangements to sort all legal, policy, institutional and
funding issues need to be put into place to fast-track such initiatives.

Reforms in the United Kingdom have already entrenched such higher-level apprentices in
the system and are looking to boost apprentice numbers specifically in degree programs
(CFE Research 2016).

Tracking movement of students between sectors

At present there is no comprehensive metadata connection between the (new) VET unique
student identifier (USI) and the higher education Commonwealth Higher Education Student
Support Number (CHESSN), although student management systems may provide this within
particular institutions. This lack of connection limits the detailed tracking of students
moving across sectors, as is indicated below.

Based on ABS Education and Work data, Norton estimated the numbers of students
undertaking studies utilising pathways in both directions: he estimated that, in 2015, 4.0%
of students with a VET qualification were studying higher education; and conversely some
3.6% of higher education graduates were studying a VET qualification. 12

Using students’ enrolment data in the National VET Provider Collection and information
from the National Student Outcomes Survey, it is possible to estimate the percentage of
students who migrate between the higher education and VET sectors. The findings confirm
student mobility across sectors.

Figure 6 Students with a higher education qualification – further studies

Highest prior level of education Enrolled in further study after training

University (8.8%)
41 892 VET-level
by people already VET provider (18.1%)
having a Bachelor
degree or higher
Not in further study (73.1%)

Source: Derived from National VET Provider Collection, 2014, and the National Student Outcomes Survey, 2015.

In 2014, as shown in figure 6, 41 892 students who on enrolment stated their highest prior
level of education (at an earlier stage of their learning) was a university qualification, at
bachelor or higher level, completed a VET qualification. Having completed this VET
qualification, and based on surveys in 2015 of these individuals, typically six months after

12 In-house NCVER seminar by Andrew Norton, Director, Higher Education Programs Grattan Institute
September 2016.

20 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
completing this VET qualification, about 8.8% of them said they were enrolled in further
study at university, and some 18.1% were enrolled in further study with a VET training
provider. About 73% were not in further study when surveyed.

Figure 7 Students with a VET qualification – further studies

Highest prior level of education Enrolled in further study after training

164 925 VET-level University (7.8%)

by people already having a
VET provider (24.1%)
VET qualification
in the range
certifcate I – diploma Not in further study (68.1%)

Source: Derived from National VET Provider Collection, 2014, and the National Student Outcomes Survey, 2015

Similarly, as shown in figure 7, in 2014, some 164 925 students who on enrolment stated
their highest prior level of education (at an earlier stage of their learning) was a VET
qualification, at least to a VET diploma, then completed another VET qualification. Having
completed this VET qualification, and based on surveys in 2015 of these individuals,
typically six months after completing this VET qualification, some 7.8% said they were
enrolled in further study at university, and 24.1% were enrolled in further study with a VET
training provider. About 68% were not in further study when surveyed.

Relative transparency of costs of education and training to

students and industry
In higher education, undergraduates choose courses for which there is public information on
costs/subsidies across 17 disciplines, eight different Commonwealth contribution levels and
three different capped student contribution rates (Norton & Cakitaki 2016, p.57), with this
policy applying nationally. The pricing of foundation/associate degrees is institution-
specific; however, these courses are subsidised through Commonwealth funds and supported
by universities as their subsidiaries.

The ACIL Allen report on the review of the National Partnership on Skills Reform of
December 2015 states ‘information on pricing and provider quality … is generally limited …
including [with exceptions 13] the level of government subsidy’ (ACIL Allen Consulting 2015,

Compared with undergraduates, VET students in the main have less access to information on
price and any applicable subsidy and, hence, their out-of-pocket costs, as well as less ability
to compare training providers when making choices. This was the case with VET FEE-HELP,
with examples of wide variation in student costs for the same course. It is notable that the
new VET Student Loans policy adopts an approach similar to that applying in higher
education, with disclosures of subsidies; with three levels of funding specific to each of the
347 proposed courses. 14

13 Author’s own insertion.

14 <>, viewed 18 November 2016.

Of incidental reference is the US college benchmarking system, College Scorecard (figure 8
is an example), which compares US higher education institutions across three key metrics.

Figure 8 Example of metrics on college performance, United States

Source: <>, viewed November 2016.

Funding and significance of the financing by loans

In 2015—16 the National Partnership for Skills Reform is worth some $377 million to states
and territories and $516 million in 2016—17, after which it ends (unless extended). More
significant is the Special Purpose Payment for the National Agreement for Skills and
Workforce Development, worth about $1.5 billion per year over the forward estimates,
based on the 2016 National Budget. 15

Finance for VET FEE-HELP in 2015 was reported as some $2.9 billion, a significant increase
from prior years, 16 noting uncertainty in students’ future repayments of loans. It is not
known but it is plausible that the eventual 2015 costs (loans unpaid) will be of similar order
to the National Agreement cost per annum, unless loans repayment parameters are
changed, or there is greater loan recovery from students, or, more immediately, significant
funding is recovered from a minority of providers.

Other than for strategic job-linked reasons (for example, some diploma courses no longer
planned to be financed by the Commonwealth), the states and territories will be unlikely
to, beyond the life of the present National Partnership, subsidise this qualification level to
any extent (also refer to data in Department of Education and Training 2016b).

The new VET Student Loans policy and program, 17 which in 2017 replaces VET FEE-HELP
(Birmingham 2016a), could have a different impact on the VET system, by comparison with
the closed ‘loan’ program. If the quality of training and proven job relevance of ‘funded’

15 <>, viewed November 2016.

16 <>, viewed November 2016.
17 <>, viewed November 2016.

22 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
VET diploma qualifications 18 gains good traction and the loan conditions are favourable to
students and approved providers, this would be a clear positive.

The qualifications that are no longer funded, many of which were reported to have minimal
past enrolment under VET FEE-HELP, might then either be offered fee-for-service — or
gradually fade away. Alternatively, courses in similar fields of education could be taken up
within the higher education sector by non-university higher education providers. The net
outcome might be that some providers adjust their course offerings to accommodate
students’ requirements (VET or higher education courses), or seek to register as dual-sector
institutions, or enter into inter-institutional collaborations. Providers would be seeking to
optimise opportunities for students and their markets. This makes all the more vital
cooperative scrutiny by regulators at the ‘boundaries and connections’ between the sectors.

The future take-up and financing/repayments under the new VET Student Loans program is
expected to reduce the value of new student loans being issued by more than $2.4 billion
per annum by 2019—20 (Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia 2016).

In summary, the new VET Student Loans policy represents ongoing and significant
Commonwealth investment in VET diplomas. It is however unlikely to change the present
relative competitive advantage of higher education over VET providers for students.
Therefore as a consequence of (a) overall policy settings being advantageous to universities
and their colleges, (b) non-university higher education providers marketing and growth
(assuming their ongoing access to FEE-HELP for fee-for-service activity), and (c) more
targeted Commonwealth financing of VET diplomas under the new VET Student Loans
program, qualifications at the AQF 5 and 6 levels have become, and will continue to be in
the future, dominated by Commonwealth policy, programs and finance.

Summation and implications

In sum, the present boundaries and connections — these being the operational junctions
between the VET and higher education sectors — present evidence of being confused, often
contested and sometimes collaborative.

This disorderly state has occurred as the result of a combination of differing national policies
and national agreements, which have been constructed and evolved in isolation, or at least
without deliberate attention to designing the junction points. The AQF levels and financing
policies are two connecting bridgeheads. The policy proposal to include ‘associate degrees’
(sub-bachelor higher education courses) within a widened ‘demand driven’ system, if
adopted, would further shift present ‘boundaries’ to benefit universities. By contrast, TAFE
institutes argue that, when they conduct higher education programs, they have no access to
Commonwealth Supported Places, and so teach such programs via fee-for-service
arrangements. This is not advocacy for any position, rather illustration of the types of issues
relevant to ‘boundaries and connections’.

The intended clients are however students whose aspirations, abilities and labour market
destinies broadly coincide.

18 The proposal is to fund 347 courses and no longer fund 478 other courses, to ‘eliminate wasteful borrowing
rather than cut funding’, as reported in The Australian, 12 October 2016,

That a critical analysis of the UK further education (FE) and higher education systems arrived
at a similar conclusion in 2015 is significant for the Australian context. This is set out in the
analysis, Heading for the precipice: can further and higher education funding policies be
sustained?, with the author Alison Wolf noting that UK policy/funding settings have aspects
in common with Australia.

[UK] Universities are thus well placed to expand their recruitment and the range of their
offerings, colonising areas of vocational education and training which were traditionally the
preserve of apprenticeship or of vocational schools and colleges.
(Wolf 2015)

Wolf’s analysis is that an ‘open-ended’, demand-driven system in itself is increasingly

unsustainable and, as constructed in the UK, is to the competitive advantage of universities
over further education.

The overall financial sustainability of HELP policy in Australia is now also a matter of public
debate (Universities Australia 2016b). Blunt expressions of the need for budgetary restraint
(Knott 2016) foreshadow adjustments to policy settings, for example, to improve the
likelihood of loan repayments, noting small inroads to the HECS—HELP scheme already being
made in the recent Budget Savings Omnibus Bill 2016. 19 These matters await the future
findings of the now appointed higher education advisory panel (Universities Australia 2016c).

Implications for the VET sector

If the VET system at the diploma and above level has now been, as per Wolf’s phrasing,
‘colonised’ by the Commonwealth, it is possible this will become part of a further refined
continuum of HELP-style loans for ‘higher qualifications’ spanning both VET and higher
education, with nuanced policy detail at different AQF levels. This financing will only ever
be accessible to ‘proven quality’ providers, including approved registered training
organisations (TAFE institutes have been accorded this status for the new VET Student Loans)
and non-university higher education providers, as well as the self-regulating universities.

As far as the states and territories are concerned, their operational contribution to the
national VET system will remain dominant in spanning the range of offerings, from VET in
Schools to certificate IV. This must be recognised as a majority contribution as it comprised
some 80% of course enrolments in TVA 2015. While showing a recent decline in government-
funded students (table 2) and funding (NCVER 2016a), the states and territories are
increasingly strategically targeting courses best linked to local jobs in high-demand
enterprise/industry areas, to jobs in regional development, and to pathways for less
prepared learners.

Fully fee-for-service private enrolments may increase, as will out-of-pocket fee costs for VET
students for whom only part government subsidises apply. Close to half the total 29.4 million
subject-enrolments in TVA 2015 were fee-for-service rather than government-funded, so
client views of training value for money will also become more acute.

19 The Bill amends: the Higher Education Support Act 2003 to establish a minimum repayment threshold for
HELP debts of two per cent when a person’s income reaches $51 957 in the 2018—19 financial year,
viewed 18 November 2016.

24 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
Implications for VET and higher education intersections
There is a risk, that, if left to current policy settings, higher education will continue to
steadily take over the top levels of VET, and it is arguable that, whether by design or not,
the tertiary system has already accommodated this shift. The policy, program and funding
boundaries have been reset. If this ‘new normal’ applies, then implementing initiatives that
seek to bolster affordable paraprofessional, vocationally oriented learning might be all the
more challenging. Evidence shows that the post-training job prospects for VET graduates
(NCVER 2016b), including, and especially, apprentices and trainees, hold up well compared
with the present prospects for university graduates. 20

This paper has summarised a number of views and some evidence claiming there is
insufficient coherence or integration of national tertiary education policies, including in its:

 overlapping and unclear qualification frameworks

 the differing education requirements inherent in training qualifications and educational

courses, with these subject of differing legislation, regulation and standards

 financing/funding (Noonan 2016a, refer to diagram in appendix 1, p.15).

The current governance and administration structures present barriers to constructive

change and create inefficiencies in both systems, especially at their junction points. At a
practical level such issues might be particularly felt by the 86 institutions understood to be
registered by both the Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency and the Australian Skills
Quality Authority.

Despite such barriers, it must be emphasised that there are examples of good practice, won
‘ground up’ by cooperating institutions, in relation to finding solutions to such intersections.
Further examples of innovative integrated approaches include:

 Latrobe University partners with Bendigo Kangan Institute, SuniTAFE in Mildura and
Wodonga TAFE to deliver co-enrolled diplomas and degrees in nursing, early childhood
education and social work to students in regional Victoria.

 The University of New England and TAFE New England have developed dual-sector degree
programs in the Bachelor of Health Practice and the Bachelor of Community Services,
which allow students to simultaneously study VET qualifications and a university degree
with a single enrolment.

There are undoubtedly other examples across the nation, but these experiences appear to
be modestly shared, limiting others the opportunity to benefit from the learnings. Such
collaborative approaches can touch on complex institutional arrangements and industrial
issues, whose resolution might benefit other organisations contemplating these partnerships.
It is perhaps because of these examples that future exploration of reform at the higher
education — VET ‘boundaries and connections’ is justified. Introducing a sector-wide USI
(utilising existing sectoral numbering) and common data standards and terminology would be
helpful steps in the provision of a more accurate picture of student choice and behaviour.

20 <>, viewed 18 November 2016.

Any reforms need not and should not lead to unimaginative uniformity but should rather
deliver greater clarity of educational and vocational purpose, enabling students to better
‘pick and mix’ their skilling, work and academic experiences.

Recent international models for such reforms also exist, at least expressed as policy intent
and not yet experienced in practice. The UK Government’s Post-16 Skills Plan
(United Kingdom Department for Business, Innovation and Skills & Department for Education
2016) expressly defines 15 vocational/technical routes — akin to streams or clusters —
accessed via two distinct pathways: a college-dominant pathway or an employer and
apprentice training pathway, including higher-level apprentices.

The policy also describes discrete crossover points between colleges and universities (figure 9).

Figure 9 Post-16 Skills Plan

Source: UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills & Department for Education (2016).

26 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
This policy makes no ‘parity of esteem’ or ‘forgotten middle child’ arguments in relation to
VET; rather, it highlights as a national economic necessity an excellent VET education, one
connected to industry.

In the UK it has been argued that the combination of large numbers of and confusing
qualifications, competency-based training that has been too narrowly interpreted, and
privatisation of the VET market has served collectively as a catalyst for the increasingly
poor quality of further education (Crowther & Hager 2016). This appears to have been at
least partial impetus for the recent UK reforms.

A further pertinent example is the present debate in New Zealand, being led by the New
Zealand Productivity Commission (NCPC) at the request of the government. The Productivity
Commission’s task is to explore ‘new models of tertiary education’ at a whole-of-system
level. The preliminary findings (New Zealand Productivity Commission 2016) are that, while
the country is well served by its tertiary education sector, the system displays inertia,
induced by centralised and overly prescriptive governance of regulatory and funding policy,
which favours the status quo in the interests of dominant providers, and not students. The
total number of domestic student places in the tertiary system is capped, and the
proportion of total government funding that shifts between providers year to year is small.
While providing tight control on the costs and quality of its tertiary education sector, the
view is that this has stifled alternative innovative practices in institutions, practices that
could be more flexible to student, industry and national needs.

This is a narrative somewhat different from Australia, given that in New Zealand the tuition
subsidies allocated to tertiary providers come with tight specifications on the nature and
volume of training delivery. The government also regulates the fees that providers can
charge. However, one advantage of the New Zealand system is that this (apparently
excessive) control applies sector-wide, under one government, and covers all categories of
tertiary education institutions — universities and training providers. There is a unified
funding framework across New Zealand’s tertiary education sector.

The need for a unified funding framework is the central observation made by Warburton
(2016) in regards to resourcing Australia’s tertiary education sector. Warburton argues for a
more coherent system of support for the financing of students across the tertiary sector,
one resourced by all governments and where government subsidies and student tuition fees
are openly identified. Where tuition is to be financed by loans, he proposes a coherent
single program for income-contingent loans, with loans tiered by way of increasing the
levels of maximum borrowings aligned to the level of study across the range of the AQF,
with this regime spanning both VET and higher education.

While the VET and higher education sectors are very different in purpose and practice, the
mid-ground of AQF 5 and 6 level qualifications are at least as similar as they are different.
Higher-level VET qualifications, such as diplomas, are as much concerned with providing
students with increased employability skills and technical capabilities (especially digital
skills) to enhance their transferability across jobs in an uncertain labour market as they are
concerned with training for specific job tasks requiring competency standards.

Why does all of this matter? Particularly, what is the relevance to the operation of the
tertiary education sector and the boundaries and connections between VET and higher
education? It matters because the boundaries and the connections between the sectors
present examples of significant confusion and of considerable inter-institutional contest, as
well as willing collaboration. This in aggregate imposes an unquantified cost burden.

It also matters from the perspective of students: providing them with the capacity to pick
and mix the best from university and VET — skills, academic study or work experience — can
only be beneficial to the needs of employers and to students’ future jobs.

It also matters because policy and incentives need to ensure the equitable funding of mid-
level professionals, including, for example, associate degrees and higher apprenticeships.
Finally, as argued previously (Fowler 2016), it matters because in excess of 60% of the present
national labour force of 12.6 million have a certificate III or higher (ABS 2016) and through
whom future enterprise innovation — ‘better ways of doing things on the job’ — is diffused in
the economy. It is the quality and adaptiveness of the nation’s mid-tier professionals that will
greatly determine national productivity in responding to disruption and labour market change.

28 The boundaries and connections between the VET and higher education sectors
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