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Listening Homework L7

1. In this section you are going to hear an advertisement about a café bar. Your task will be
to write the missing word into each gap in the script of the recording.


At Fresco, our business is food. We are a small (0) __energetic__ team who believe in
providing good (1) __________________ for money, not just with the food but with
the service too.

The people you hear on the telephone will be the people who cook, deliver and
present the food. And they (2) _________________. So if you have a problem, you
know you are (3) _______________ to the chef and the bottle washer. And if you
don’t know what you want, we’ll be pleased to (4) _______________ menus for
every occasion.

Our buffet list will give you an idea of the (5) ________________ of food, together
with sample menus but really our service is as varied as our food. You ask, we supply
– food, drink, music, even the (6) _______________. That is why we like to think of
ourselves as tailor-made catering as its best.

At Fresco Cafe Bar we (7) _______________ sandwiches, salads and hot and cold
buffets. And, of course (8) _______________ delivery is free of charge.

Listening Homework L7

2. In this section you are going to hear a policeman questioning an eyewitness about a
road accident. Your task will be to give short answers to questions 9-15.

(0) Who is talking?

A policeman and an eyewitness.__________________________________________

(9) What was the witness doing when the accident happened?


(10) Which car caused the accident? The red one or the grey one?


(11) Which car bumped into the other? The red one or the grey one?


(12) What caused the accident?


(13) How fast was the witness driving when the accident happened?


(14) Was the witness looking at the speedometer or the road when the accident


(15) Why is the witness so sure about how fast he was driving?


Listening Homework L7

3. In this section you are going to hear about a traditional hotel located in the north of
Britain. Your task will be to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes.

(0) The Greyhound Hotel has been welcoming guests for...

A) less than 300 years. C) exactly 300 years.
B) more than 300 years D) about 300 years.

(16) The Greyhound Hotel was built...

A) near a road to Scotland. C) on a road to Scotland.
B) on a road in Scotland. D) near a busy town.

(17) The Greyhound Hotel is visited by...

A) only local people. C) travellers but not by local people.
B) people who look for a quiet place D) both travellers and local people.

(18) What have the owners done to the old building? They have...
A) added a new wing to it. C) left it as it stood before.
B) rebuilt it. D) modernised it.

(19) How many rooms have private bathrooms?

A) Most of them. C) All of them.
B) Some of them. D) None of them.

(20) As regards eating...

A) breakfast and lunchtime snacks are served but dinner is not.
B) service includes breakfast, lunch and dinner.
C) all meals are served but the choice is limited.
D) all meals are served but cooked food is not available.

(21) Which of the following statements is true?

A) Meals are also served in the kitchen garden.
B) Meals are also often served in the cellar.
C) What grows in the kitchen garden is used for cooking.
D) The kitchen garden is used for cooking outside.

0 16 17 18 19 20 21

Listening Homework L7

4. In this section you are going to hear about the Sherlock Holmes Museum. Your task will
be to give short answers to the questions below.

(0) When did the Sherlock Holmes Museum open? _______in 1990___________
(1) What is the address of Sherlock Holmes’ house? ________________________
(2) How long have people been writing to Holmes? ________________________
(3) How long did Holmes and Watson live here? ________________________
(4) On which floor can visitors find the study? ________________________
(5) What did Dr Watson write about its size? ________________________
(6) Was Dr Watson’s bedroom above or under the study? ___________________
(7) What did Dr Watson’s bedroom overlook? ________________________
(8) What is Dr Watson’s bedroom today? ________________________
(9) What can you see in there? (name at least 2 things) ____________________
(10) Who used to live in what is now the souvenir shop? ____________________

Listening Homework L7

5. In this section you are going to hear a man and a woman arguing over their meals at a
restaurant. Your task will be to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes.

Listening Homework L7

6. In this section you are going to hear a text about earthquakes. Your task will be to
match the information in column 1 with the information in column 2.

Listening Homework L7

7. In this section you are going to hear a text about shopping for Christmas. Your task will
be to decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE according to what the text says.

Listening Homework L7

8. In this section you are going to hear an interview for a job. Your task will be to write the
letter of the correct answer into the boxes.

Listening Homework L7

9. In this section you are going to hear a film critic’s commentary about the
etiquette of cinema going. Your task will be to fill in the gaps with a maximum of
two words.

Listening Homework L7

10. In this section you are going to hear about advertising. Your task will be to write the
missing word into each gap in the script of the recording.

Listening Homework L7

11. In this section you are going to hear a dialogue between a customer and a salesperson.
Your task will be to decide if the statements 11-18 below are TRUE or FALSE according to
what the text says.

Listening Homework L7

12. In this section you are going to hear about Antonio Banderas. Your task will be to circle
the letter or letters of the correct answers. There is always at least 1 correct answers but
both answers may be correct.


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