Memory: What Do Humans - ?

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Sonata for two pianos in D

Memory major, K.448 by Mozart.

This piece of music has been

shown to improve memory in
college students before a test.

What do humans ________?

• Human faces
Why do London taxicab drivers •  Human interactions
have an enlarged ___________? •  Surprising events
•  Emotional events
•  Interesting things
•  Processed information
•  Repeated information

What do humans have difficulty What do you remember?

Short-term memory
•  Everything you are taught in college. Long-term memory


Your brain _______

unimportant information
• Appeared to have a _______ memory.
• All information went into his long-term
• Experiences are easy to remember.
memory. • Videos mimic real experiences.
• Suggests that the human brain is • Readings and lectures are difficult to
capable of remembering everything. remember.
•  Was his limitless memory due to an
extraordinary brain or to a damaged

How should you _________? What is the _______way to study?

• Start studying right after the lecture; don’t
wait until you forget most of it three weeks
later. Facts Concepts
• Eliminate distractions; focused attention is
required for consolidation.
• After you review the material, try to replicate
it either verbally or in written form. Repeat.
• Correct any misunderstandings before the
next lecture.

Rehearsing Repeated Rehearsing Repeated

in short-term testing in short-term testing
memory memory

• Memory improves with an emotional
response, or norepinephrine.
• Sometimes memory for a traumatic event is Remarkable autobiographical
too strong: post traumatic stress disorder.
• Soldiers are often taking norepinephrine
stimulants (Adderall), which may increase
their PTSD risk.
• You can block bad memories from
consolidating by blocking norepinephrine
beta receptors.
• Recalled long-term memories must be
reconsolidated, allowing you to erase them
with beta blockers.


Savants Are exceptional memories ______?

• Prior to practice,
Combination of limited mental memory span is
abilities and extraordinary normal (about 7
memories. digits).
• After 2 years of
practice, it increased
to 84 digits using
strategies linking
numbers to
architectural details.

__________: H.M. had his hippocampus

removed and developed
memory impairment
__________ amnesia
• Retrograde amnesia: can’t remember H.M.’s brain Normal brain
past memories.
• Anterograde amnesia: can’t form new
• Global amnesia (dementia): both kinds
of memory loss.

Hippocampus damage produces Hippocampus

a memory deficit for new ______
• Not the site of ___________ memory.
• Hippocampus is not needed for short-
term memory.
• Needed to convert short-term to long-
term memory (consolidation).
• Required for new memories of facts,
not for other forms of memory.

Facts Skills


Why do London taxicab drivers

have an enlarged hippocampus?

The longer they have been drivers, the

larger their hippocampus.
You can make _________ better too.

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