Dublin Nurs 306 Theory of Caring

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Swanson’s Theory of Caring

Lareka Dublin
Old Dominion University

There are tons of nursing theories out there today but when deciding which theory to

write about, I decided to write about a theory that was important to me. That theory is Kristen

Swanson’s Theory of Caring. Swanson describes caring as “a nurturing way of relating to a

valued other toward whom one feels a personal sense of commitment and responsibility

(Alligood, 2014, p. 688). The Caring Model is proposed of 5 basic processes (knowing, being

with, doing for, enabling, and maintaining belief). Knowing is striving to understanding the

meaning of the event in the life of someone else (Alligood, 2014). Being with is to be

emotionally present to the other (Alligood, 2014). Doing for means to do for others as you

would do for yourself (Alligood, 2014). Enabling is helping the other get through transitions in

life and unfamiliar events by focusing on the event through explaining, informing, supporting,

validating feelings and generating alternatives (Alligood, 2014). Maintaining belief is to keep

faith in the others capacity to transition or get through an event (Alligood, 2014). This theory is

relevant to me because I feel as though I utilize it every day in my nursing profession without

even realizing it. I feel like is it very important to have a caring heart in the nursing field

because it can really make a difference in your relationship with you and the patient. I feel like

this theory has no limitations because it can be relevant to any situation.

Research-based Practice with Women who Have Had Miscarriages

In the article, Research-based Practice with Women who Have Miscarriages, Swanson

utilizes her Theory of Caring for women who have experienced a miscarriage. This article is

used to determine whether the Theory of Caring can be used successfully to guide the care of

patients who have suffered from a miscarriage. This article will discuss one woman’s response

to miscarrying and the clinical application of the Theory of Caring to her situation. This article is

about a couple named Kurt and Anna who waited 6 years to try for a baby and then got pregnant

after 9 long months of trying to conceive (Swanson, 1999). Unfortunately, they found out they

lost their baby at the 12 week appointment checkup (Swanson, 1999). Kurt and Anna were both

distraught after finding out about the loss of their unborn child. They had even already told their

families and picked out a name for the baby. Shortly thereafter, the couple started counseling to

help with the grieving process. The individual who was counseling the couple, guided her care

by using the Caring Theory. The counselor first started off with understanding their story and

imagining what it was like for them to miscarry (Swanson, 1999). This is the process of

knowing. The couple knew that the situation mattered to the counselor through her being

attentive and responding genuinely. This is an example of the process of being with. During the

session, sometimes the counselor said things that the couple were unable to say such as bringing

up the thought that Kurt was afraid to lose Anna during the time of the miscarriage (Swanson,

1999). This is an example of doing for the couple. By doing this, the couple was then able to

talk about difficult situations which then enabled them to both validate reality by talking it

through. The counselor maintained belief by having faith in the couple’s capacity to

acknowledge, talk about and make meaning of their situation to resolve their feelings regarding

the death of their baby. This article used Swanson’s Theory of Caring successfully to guide care

for the clients. The couple attended multiple sessions with the counselor and about 14 months

later, the couple was proud to announce that they were expecting their second child. The Theory

of Caring was applied to this situation as it could be applied to many other issues in nursing.

Relate Theory to Clinical Practice

There are many situations in which I could have chosen to relate to Swanson’s Theory of

Caring. Since I work on a Cardiovascular Telemetry Unit so I chose to use a situation in which a

patient had just been newly diagnosed with Heart Failure. I would first start off by putting

myself in the patient’s position to determine how they are feeling (knowing). Secondly, I would

allow the patient to share their feelings and emotions (being with). I would make sure to be very

comforting to the patient and help them with anything they need (doing for). For example, a

patient who is diagnosed with heart failure may get extremely short of breath when eating or

trying to walk to the bathroom so they may need assistance with doing their activities of daily

living until they are able to perform them independently again. I would focus on the new

diagnosis, informing the patient about self care, explaining the disease and treatment options and

giving feedback to the patient (enabling). I will maintain belief by having faith that the patient

will be able to get through this hard time. I will keep a positive attitude and always support the

patient. Through this five step process of Swanson’s Theory of Caring, I will be able to provide

care that is sensitive to the patient.

Relate Theory to Personal Nursing Philosophy

The Theory of Caring is significant to my personal nursing philosophy because being

caring is something that I value. I feel as though you must be compassionate and caring in order

to be a good nurse. I always care for my patients in a way that I would want to be treated. I am

always enabling the patients and letting them know how much I believe in them. I am always

doing for my patient. I use the Theory of Caring every day in nursing without even realizing that

I am doing so. This is the main reason why I chose to use this theory to write about.

Personal Learning

This assignment helped me to understand Swanson’s Theory of Caring better because I

was able to fully analyze the nursing theory. I was then able to truly see the relevance of the

theory to clinical/professional practice. Going forward in my career, I will now be able to

meaningfully apply this theory in my nursing career.



Alligood, M. R. (2014). Nursing theorists and their work (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Swanson, K. M. (1999). Research-based Practice with Women Who Have Had

Miscarriages. Image: Journal Of Nursing Scholarship,38(4), 339-345. Retrieved

November 25, 2017.

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