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Annisa Oktaviani

English Study Program

Art and Language Education Department
Teaching Learning and Education Faculty Lampung University
Bandar Lampung
Here are some common expressions in English that the teacher may use in a classroom situation:

1. Greetings and farewells.

Good morning / morning

Hello / Hi guys!

How do you do?


Bye, have a nice day

Enjoy your day

See you tomorrow

Take care

2. Spontaneous reactions

Thank you

Thank you / you're welcome

Bless you!


Do you feel well?

Do you have the hiccups?

Sorry ( apologize )

Sorry? ( say it again )

3. Terms of Praise and Disapproval

Good. That is (very) good.

Nice. That is (very) nice.

Excellent. Wonderful.

That's better. Much better.

Not bad.


Of course.


Are you sure?

No, that's not (quite) rights.

One word isn't right.

No, that's wrong.

I'll say it again.

You didn't understand the sentence (the word).

Say (Try) it again please.

Right! / you're right

Well done! / Very well! / Good

Good job / Great job



That's fine


Go on
Let's continue

Go ahead

4. General Instructions

Not so loud please.

Would you please listen carefully.

Stand up please.

Form a circle.

Work for a minute with partners.

Bring (pictures) along from home.

(Tomorrow) we're having a test.

Please write now.

Please read now.

I'll (We'll) begin now.

Begin now.

Please stop writing (reading).

Could I please have your homework(tests, exercises)?

Everyone should correct her or his own work.

Please correct your work.

Exchange with your neighbor.

Open(Shut) your books.

Turn to page (11) in your book.

Don't look at your book while speaking.

Repeat the letter(the word, the sentence, the expression).

Once again please.

(Somewhat) Louder. (Clearer./Slower./Faster.)

Please speaking more distinctly.

(Jan), you alone.

All (everybody) together.

Repeat after me.

(Don't) Repeat after me.

Just listen.

Listen carefully.

Read the letter(the word, the sentence, the expression) aloud.

Everyone should read one sentence.

Begin with line (17).

Not on page (19), on page (20).

Go to the board.

Will you please go to the board?

Who will go to the board?

Write the letter(the word, the sentence, the expression) on the board.

Copy what is on the board.

Who knows it (the answer)?

How do you say that in English?

In English, please.

Do you understand the question (the sentence)?

Is it (too) difficult (easy)?

Are you finished?

Come see me (tomorrow) after class.

Now let's go on.

Now let's do something different.

Now let's begin something new.

That's enough for today.

Does anyone have a question?

Do you have any questions?



Pay attention...

So now, listen to...

Watch out!

I have a question for you

What's up?

5. Student Responses and Questions

I don't understand that.

I didn't understand that.

Oh, I understand.

I don't know (that).

Pardon./Excuse me?/ I'm sorry.

How do you say ... in English?

Can you repeat the sentence please?

I don't have a book (a pen).

Which page are we on? Which line?

Where is that?

I have a question.
What do we have due for tomorrow (Monday)?

Should we do that in writing or orally?

Is that right this way?

Can you help me?

6. Telling them to do something

Take out your notebook/recorder/pen

Write down the following sentence

Repeat after me...

Can you repeat, please?

Please, open your notebook.

Check your answers...

Work in groups.

Work in pairs

Get together in groups of four

Go to the digital board

Raise your hand to answer.

Read ..... aloud

Stand up / sit down

Speak louder, please

Speak more slowly

Shut up!

Stop interrupting/ Don´t interrupt


Can you spell it? / How do you spell it?

Hold your horses!!

7. Organizing contents, time and places.

Let's start our class.

Today, we are going to...

First.... and then / next …

From the beginning of the page...

We are going to review the homework

Any questions so far?

Volunteers, please!

I'm going to check/count if you're all in the classroom.

Who is not here? ( checking roll )

What date is it today? / What's the date today?

8. Showing sympathy

Make it simpler

Make it easier.

Try again

Once more / once again

Say it again..

Don't get it, can you repeat, please?

What do you mean with.....?

It´s the other way round

Use your brains

9. Checking their understanding

Do you understand me?

Is it clear?

What does ( word ) mean?

What's the meaning of... ?

Is this right? / Is this ok?

May I ask... ?

How do you say.... in English?

Tell me the difference between A and B

Are you ready?


Any questions so far?

Who knows the answer?

What else?

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