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NSW Education Standards Authority

Mathematics Extension 1 Year 11

Trigonometric Functions Topic Guide

The Mathematics syllabuses are the documents used to inform the scope of content that will
be assessed in the HSC examinations.

Topic Guides provide support for the Mathematics Stage 6 courses. They contain information
organised under the following headings: Prior learning; Terminology; Use of technology;
Background information; General comments; Future study; Considerations and teaching
strategies; Suggested applications and exemplar questions.

Topic Guides illustrate ways to explore syllabus-related content and consequently do not
define the scope of problems or learning experiences that students may encounter through
their study of a topic. The terminology list contains terms that may be used in the teaching and
learning of the topic. The list is not exhaustive and is provided simply to aid discussion.

Please provide any feedback to the Mathematics and Numeracy Curriculum Inspector.

Effective from 2019 Year 11, and Term 4, 2019 Year 12

Date published December 2018
Revision date NA
Topic focus ........................................................................................................................... 3

Prior learning ........................................................................................................................ 3

Terminology .......................................................................................................................... 3

Use of technology ................................................................................................................ 3

Background information ...................................................................................................... 4

General comments ............................................................................................................... 4

Future study.......................................................................................................................... 4

Subtopics .............................................................................................................................. 5
ME-T1: Inverse Trigonometric Functions ............................................................................................ 6

Subtopic focus ................................................................................................................................ 6

Considerations and teaching strategies ........................................................................................ 6

Suggested applications and exemplar questions .......................................................................... 6

ME-T2: Further Trigonometric Identities ............................................................................................. 6

Subtopic focus ................................................................................................................................ 6

Considerations and teaching strategies ........................................................................................ 7

Suggested applications and exemplar questions .......................................................................... 7

Mathematics Extension 1 Year 11 Topic guide: Trigonometric functions, updated December 2018 Page 2 of 7
Topic focus
The topic Trigonometric Functions involves the study of periodic functions in geometric,
algebraic, numerical and graphical representations. It extends to exploration and
understanding of inverse trigonometric functions over restricted domains and their behaviour in
both algebraic and graphical form.

A knowledge of trigonometric functions enables the solving of problems involving inverse

trigonometric functions, and the modelling of the behaviour of naturally occurring periodic
phenomena such as waves and signals to solve problems and to predict future outcomes.

The study of the graphs of trigonometric functions is important in developing students’

understanding of the connections between algebraic and graphical representations and how
this can be applied to solve problems from theoretical or real-life scenarios and situations.

Prior learning
The material in this topic builds on content from the Measurement and Geometry strand and
Number and Algebra strand of the Mathematics K–10 syllabus, including the 5.2 substrand of
Right-Angled Triangles and the 5.3 substrands of Trigonometry and Pythagoras’ Theorem,
Algebraic Techniques and Equations.

Additionally, content in this topic links to and builds upon material from the Mathematics
Advanced syllabus, including the Year 11 topic of Trigonometric Functions.

angular measure frequency sinusoidal
arccos identity sum expansion
arcsin inverse function symmetry properties
arctan inverse trigonometric function trigonometric equation
circular measure period trigonometric expression
compound angle periodic phenomenon trigonometric function
difference expansion radian measure trigonometric identity
double angle reciprocal function trigonometric product

Use of technology
Graphing calculators or graphing technologies are a suitable means of exploring many of the
concepts studied in this topic and their use is encouraged in teaching and learning.

In particular, graphing software is useful for exploring and visualising trigonometric graphs,
including inverse trigonometric graphs as a reflection of trigonometric graphs about the line
𝑦 = 𝑥.

Mathematics Extension 1 Year 11 Topic guide: Trigonometric functions, updated December 2018 Page 3 of 7
Background information
The notation for inverse functions has undergone a number of significant changes over time.
Daniel Bernoulli (1700–1782) is often acknowledged as the first to introduce a symbolic
representation for inverse trigonometric functions. In 1729 he first used ‘A S’ to represent
arcsin. In 1736 Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) used ‘A t’ to represent arctangent and in1737 he
simplified Bernoulli’s representation of arcsin to simply ‘A’. The next major evolution in the
representation of inverse trigonometric functions is usually attributed to Joseph Louis
Lagrange (1736–1813) who, in 1772, used the notation ‘arc.sin’. The dot in this notation
eventually disappeared and Lagrange’s notation become more widely accepted as the
standard in continental Europe.

John Herschel (1792–1871) in his 1813 article, Philosophical Transactions of London,

introduced the notations sin−1 𝑥 and tan−1 𝑥 for the inverse trigonometric functions and
provided a comprehensive summary as footnote on his selection of this representation. While
he was aware of the potential confusion with the notation for reciprocals he believed the
benefits outweighed the negatives.

Herschel’s notation for the inverse trigonometric functions is still widely used today. The
international standard, Quantities and units — Part 2: Mathematical signs and symbols to be
used in the natural sciences and technology (ISO 80000-2:2009) developed by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), defines the inverse sine function as arcsin
and does not include Herschel’s notation.

Students may find it interesting to explore the history of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric

General comments
This topic extends students’ knowledge of trigonometric functions through the study of inverse
trigonometric functions and trigonometric identities, which are important in many practical
applications and essential for many more advanced aspects of mathematics.

Students are required to develop a strong conceptual understanding of inverse trigonometric

functions over restricted domains and their behaviour both algebraically and geometrically.

Understanding of trigonometric functions, their inverse functions and identities and the ability
to manipulate such functions provide a powerful tool for exploring and modelling quantities that
vary in cyclical ways.

Future study
Students need to ensure that they can efficiently manipulate trigonometric expressions to
solve equation and prove results and model practical and abstract scenarios involving inverse
trigonometric functions to facilitate work in later topics.

As this topic builds on students’ knowledge of trigonometric functions developed in

Mathematics Advanced, this topic could be combined with or lead straight on from the subtopic
MA-T2: Trigonometric Functions and Identities.

Mathematics Extension 1 Year 11 Topic guide: Trigonometric functions, updated December 2018 Page 4 of 7
Strong links can also be made with the subtopic ME-F1: Further Work with Functions.

 ME-T1: Inverse Trigonometric Functions
 ME-T2: Further Trigonometric Identities

Mathematics Extension 1 Year 11 Topic guide: Trigonometric functions, updated December 2018 Page 5 of 7
ME-T1: Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Subtopic focus
The principal focus of this subtopic is for students to determine and to work with the inverse
trigonometric functions.

Students explore inverse trigonometric functions which are important examples of inverse
functions. They sketch the graphs of these functions and apply a range of properties to extend
their knowledge and understanding of the connections between algebraic and geometrical
representations of functions. This enables a deeper understanding of the nature of periodic
functions, which are used as powerful modelling tools for any quantity that varies in a cyclical

Considerations and teaching strategies

 Review of the following may be needed to meet the needs of students:
˗ Angle measures, representations and conversions
˗ Angles of any magnitude and the unit circle
˗ This relates to content covered in the Mathematics Advanced topics MA-T1 and
 Students should understand the notation for inverse trigonometric functions and hence be
aware for example that: sin−1 𝑥 ≠ sin 𝑥. Similarly, for inverse cosine and inverse tangent.

 The results sin−1(−𝑥) = − sin−1 𝑥, cos −1 (−𝑥) = 𝜋 − cos−1 𝑥, tan−1 (−𝑥) = − tan−1 𝑥, and
sin−1 𝑥 + cos −1 𝑥 = , can be obtained graphically. Students will not be required to
reproduce formal proofs.

Suggested applications and exemplar questions

 For each function, state the domain and range of the function and sketch its graph:
𝑓(𝑥) = sin−1 (𝑥 + 5)
𝑔(𝑥) = 2 cos−1 𝑥.
 Evaluate 𝛼 if 𝛼 = cos −1 (− ).
1 1
 Determine the exact value of sin−1 (2) − sin−1 (− 2) − tan−1 (−√3).

 Show that sin(cos −1 𝑝) = √1 − 𝑝2 .

ME-T2: Further Trigonometric Identities

Subtopic focus
The principal focus of this subtopic is for students to define and work with trigonometric
identities to both prove results and manipulate expressions.

Students develop knowledge of how to manipulate trigonometric expressions to solve

equations and to prove results. Trigonometric expressions and equations provide a powerful

Mathematics Extension 1 Year 11 Topic guide: Trigonometric functions, updated December 2018 Page 6 of 7
tool for modelling quantities that vary in a cyclical way such as tides, seasons, demand for
resources, and alternating current. The solution of trigonometric equations may require the use
of trigonometric identities.

Considerations and teaching strategies

 This subtopic needs to be taught in the context of both degrees and circular measure
 One method of approach to deriving the expansions for sin(𝐴 ± 𝐵), cos(𝐴 ± 𝐵) and
tan(𝐴 ± 𝐵) starts by plotting two points 𝑃 and 𝑄 on the unit circle, 𝑃 at an angle 𝐴 from the
positive 𝑥-axis, 𝑄 at an angle 𝐵.
Let 𝑑 be the distance from 𝑃 to 𝑄. The square of 𝑑 can be expressed in two ways:
from the cosine rule, 𝑑2 = 1 + 1 − 2 cos(𝐴 − 𝐵)
from the Cartesian coordinates of 𝑃 and 𝑄, 𝑑2 = (cos 𝐴 − cos 𝐵)2 + (sin 𝐴 − sin 𝐵)2 .
Equating these two results, the result cos(𝐴 − 𝐵) = cos 𝐴 cos 𝐵 + sin 𝐴 sin 𝐵 is obtained.
This basic formula is used to obtain all of the other identities. By letting 𝐵 be a negative
angle, say 𝐵 = −𝐶, and by using cos(−𝐶) = cos 𝐶 and sin(−𝐶) = − sin 𝐶, the result
cos(𝐴 + 𝐶) = cos 𝐴 cos 𝐶 − sin 𝐴 sin 𝐶 can be derived.
Next, in the formula for cos(𝐴 − 𝐵), let 𝐴 = 90 and obtain sin 𝐵 = cos(90° − 𝐵). The
expression for sin(𝐴 + 𝐵) is written in the form
sin(𝐴 + 𝐵) = cos[90° − (𝐴 + 𝐵)] = cos⁡[(90 − 𝐴) − 𝐵] to obtain the result
sin(𝐴 + 𝐵) = sin 𝐴 cos 𝐵 + cos 𝐴 sin 𝐵.
The expansion of sin(𝐴 − 𝐶) is obtained by using the substitution 𝐵 = −𝐶. The sum and
difference formulae for the tangent ratio follow by using tan(𝐴 − 𝐵) = and the
relevant identities.
 The double angle formulae for cos 2𝐴, sin 2𝐴⁡and tan 2𝐴 should be obtained explicitly as
particular cases of the sum and difference formulae.
𝐴 2𝑡
 Denoting tan 2 by 𝑡, the addition formula for the tangent gives tan 𝐴 = 1−𝑡 2 ⁡(𝑡 ≠ ±1). The
expressions for cos 𝐴 and sin 𝐴 in terms of 𝑡 should also be derived.

Suggested applications and exemplar questions

 Find the exact value of tan 75.
 Find the exact value of cos 8 .
 If cos 𝜃 = − 5 and 0 < 𝜃 < 𝜋, determine the exact value of tan 𝜃.

 By expanding the left-hand side, show that sin(5𝑥 + 4𝑥) + sin(5𝑥 − 4𝑥) = 2 sin 5𝑥 cos 4𝑥.
 With guidance, students investigate mathematically the superposition of waves. For
example, when two waves of similar frequency are combined, the graph of the result can
be interpreted as a wave with amplitude modified by another wave. In sound waves, this is
heard as ‘beats’ and is used in tuning musical instruments.
For example, graphing software could be used to draw the functions
𝑓(𝑡) = 5(cos 3𝑡 − cos 3.1𝑡) and 𝑔(𝑡) = 10(sin 3.05𝑡) sin(0.05𝑡) to show that they are
equivalent, and trigonometric identities then used to establish the underlying result:
1 1
cos 𝛼 − cos 𝛽 = −2 sin 2 (𝛼 + 𝛽) sin 2 (𝛼 − 𝛽).

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