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Vegetarian meal plan for weight loss

The Problem of Obesity

Obesity is one of the most common diseases with which humans suffer. Obesity is caused by
unhealthy food eating habits, lack of any physical workout in daily lifestyle, genetic factors,
hormone imbalance, etc. All over the world, many male and females suffer from excessive
weight gain that also affects their emotional, physical & mental states.
Obesity is a primary disease that may bring other secondary diseases with it. With obesity,
there are many life threating risks associated. Diseases like cancer, diabetes, strokes, heart
attack, high cholesterol, etc. are caused by obesity which further deteriorates the organs of
the body make life span shorter.

The Solution for Obesity

However, it is worthy to mention that obesity could be controlled. Adopting certain
lifestyles changes, food eating habits & regular check-ups with physicians could help you
fight obesity & avoid to make your body being a home of diseases. It also helps you gain
confidence, improves the physical structure of the body as well as make you emotionally
Your diet greatly affects your weight loss. The type of food you eat affect your body weight
composition. Eating food with lots of fat & carbohydrates results in weight gain whereas
eating food with high nutritional value, anti-oxidants, vitamins & fibers work upon reducing
your body weight. With the right food & right physical activity, you can reduce your body
weight & get in shape again.

Healthy Food items for your Body

Here we’ll be giving out a vegetarian meal plan that will help to escalate your weight loss.
You are advised to include the mentioned food items in your daily course to get some
amazing results.

 Nuts - Nuts & seeds are known to contain a lot of anti-oxidants that help your body
in maintaining vital organs. Nuts like almonds, cashews, sesame seeds, peanuts, etc.
are some of the healthiest nuts you can include in your meal.

 Dairy Products - Dairy products are an all-rounder source of the healthiest elements
that a human body need. Milk, curd, yogurt, cheese, etc. are the dairy products that
must be there in your daily meal.
 Proteins – Proteins are the only elements that help your body in regeneration of lost
cells, muscles, bones, tissues & are also provide strength to your body. Proteins are
used by the body to regenerate tissue and muscles that might break during your
physical workout. Nuts, seeds, legumes, etc are some of the protein-rich sources of
food that with make your diet complete.

 Vegetables – Vegetables are known to provide the most important vitamins to your
body like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K. These
vitamins are needed by body organs for their proper functioning. These are also
considered a great replacement for the oily & fatty food that you must refrain from.

 Whole Grain Items – Whole grain food items provide your body with essential fibers
as well as Vitamin B. These contain many food breaking chemicals like riboflavin,
niacin, etc that help your body to easily & properly digest the food you eat.

 Water – Water is the source of life. Water is the all-rounder drink for your body & is
the most necessary element that must be there in your daily diet. Water improves
metabolism, removes toxins, regulate blood flow as well as help you maintain body
temperature. Drinking at least 3 liters of water every day makes your body hydrated
& keeps it free of toxins.

Weight loss is not about eating specific food items, rather it’s about eating healthy food
items & doing physical workouts. Healthy foods provide you with the best combination of all
the essential elements your body needs to fight diseases & makes you look fit, smart &

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