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Letícia PVM Silva

March 10, 2019

Wonder Movie Review

The movie I’ll be reviewing is “Wonder”. The movie is based off of R.J. Palacio’s book with the
same name. The moral of the movie is that if you have the option between being right and
being kind, you should always choose kind. This movie is directed by Stephen Chbosky and
made by Lionsgate. The principle actors in this movie are Jacob Tremblay, Julia Roberts, Owen
Wilson, and Izabela Vidovic. The release date was November 14, 2017, and it was rated as PG
since it contains bullying.

“Wonder” is the story of a young boy named August Pullman who has mandibulofacial
dysostosis, which is commonly referred to as Treacher Collins syndrome who has had 27
surgeries to try to make his life easier. August is going to school for the first time and is being
faced with many new challenges and has to make new friends. “Wonder” is an interesting
movie because it shows the perspectives of everyone being affected by August. We get to see
into the lives of Via who is August’s older sister who feels like August is the sun and everything
revolves around him, Miranda who is Via’s ex-best friend and considers August to be her
brother, and Jack Will who becomes August’s best friend.

I think that this movie is very interesting. I like the colour scheme of the movie, for me it was
very bright and I noticed a lot of blues, I liked how that it was bright because to me it shows hoe
even though August was dealing with a lot, he always had a positive outlook on life. I think the
costuming was very good! When August mentions that he looks at people’s shoes to see what
their personalities are like and states what he believes those people are like, the costuming did
it perfectly! You could really tell that Jack Will wasn’t the richest student in the school and you
could tell that Julian was. And with every character at the school it was very distinct. I think the
costuming was very well done and the costuming department should be proud of their work! I
think it was interesting editing how they would go back in time and retell the story from a new
perspective and title it so we knew exactly what character’s point of view this was from. I also
enjoyed the voice over as if the characters were narrating. The cuts and transitions were very
smooth in my opinion. Generally the editing was the way I like it. The pacing was nice, it was on
the slower side but I enjoyed that, it wasn’t boring slow, but just right. I think the performances
were very well done. I think Jacob Tremblay was very convincible and incredible as August, he
brought on so many emotions and did an overall excellent job! I think that Julia Roberts and
Owen Wilson played the parents very well and I think they were the right people to play those
characters. Izabela Vidovic did an amazing job playing Via and at her school play near the end of
the movie was incredible.
I highly recommend this movie! I think it’s a great movie for any age since its moral is to be
kind, I think everyone should watch it. I think people should watch this movie because it has
some very important morals as well as great acting from all of the actors and it’s an interesting
movie because the viewer connects with all the characters and their problems. I really liked the
perspectives in the movie! I liked how we got to see that all the characters a three dimensional
and don’t only have one side. As a book reader, I highly enjoyed how this movie was extremely
accurate to the original book, even the small details were accurate, even things that weren’t
really said out loud. I think everybody should go watch this movie!

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