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This is to certify that the thesis of Aslichatul Insiyah has been approved by the advisors for

further approval by the Board of Examiners.

Malang, July 16th, 2018


Dr. Alfan Zuhairi, M.Pd.

This is to certify that the thesis of Aslichatul Insiyah has been approved by the Board of
Examiners on 15 June 2018.

Malang, .................. 2018

Board of Examiners,

Prof. Dr. Junaidi Mistar, M.Pd., Phd.

Dr. Alfan Zuhairi, M.Pd.


Acknowledged by
Director, Head of English Language Teaching
Study program

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Agus Sugianto, ST., MP. Dr. Alfan Zuhairi , M.Pd.


 Sing penting YAKIN

 Do the best and never give up

 If you looking for money, you will get money only. If you looking for

knowledge, you will get everything.

This thesis is dedicated to :

My husband Sudirman for the never ending love and

support. For my children Ardiansyah Putra, Mumtaz
Amarantine, and Iman Ahmad Rafisqi, and whole family.


Herewith, I :

Name : Aslichatul Insiyah

NPM : 201502073053
Departement : English Language Teaching
Address : Gang Kavlingan RT.11 RW. 2 Damarsi Buduran Sidoarjo

Declare that:

This study will never submitted to any tertiary education insttution for any other acdemic degree

This thesis is the sole work of the author and has not been written in collaboration with any other
person, nor does it include, without due acknowledgement, the work of any other person.

Should it later be found that this thesis is a product of plagiarism, I am willing to accept any legal
consequences that may be imposed to me.

Malang, July 16th, 2018

Aslichatul Insiyah
NPM. 201502073053

Insiyah, Aslichatul, 2018. Relationship between Metacognitive Awareness, Motivation
Orientation, and EFL Student’s Reading Proficiency. Thesis, English Education
Department, Postgraduate Program, University of Islam Malang. Advisor: Dr. Alfan
Zuhairi M.Pd.

This is a study about relationship between strategy and orientation related to motivation
toward reading. The aim of this study is to know about how the variables are connected each
other. The kind of Metacognitive Awareness strategy which has three subscales and two types of
Motivation orientation are applied here to be found how it correlates with reading proficiency. A
number of 126 adult EFL learners with the same major were the participants using three
instruments; MARSI, LLOS, and reading section of TOEFL. A quantitative in a form of statistics
used as a tool to analyze the data which shows the result of all variables was not correlate
significantly. However, the study is one of theory which strengthens that students need to have a
motivation in learning English and deciding which strategy they should use to be proficient in

Keywords: Metacognitive Awareness, Motivation, Reading Proficiency


Assalamualaikum War. Wab.

Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘Alamin. That what I want to say since Allah SWT has
blessed me with many help and mercy. Doing this thesis is a great thing in my life. This thesis
will decide what I will be next. It’s not easy but thanks to Allah everything has done.

The aim of the thesis is not only to legalize my degree and the gate to graduate but
also a dedication to the science in the field of English Education specially English. Elaborated
from some preview studies and articles supported by book and advising by the great lecturer Mr.
Alfan Zuhairi, M.Pd. So, this thesis become a document which will enrich the English
knowledges research.

Hopefully, it will give contribution to the next study further.

Thank you for all support I got from my beloved husband Sudirman, M.Pd., my
children, and family. My friend Mega Nur Humairoh, M.Pd. and Halim Rasyid, M.Pd. for the
support in each part. All prayers and attention from friends and collegas. May Allah bless you
all with goodness eternally, aamiin.

Finally, hopefully this thesis provide a contribution for Indonesian education and
reputable to be used internationally.

Wassalamua’alaikum War. Wab.

Malang, ............................................

The writer

Aslichatul Insiyah


Approval ................................................................................................................................ i

Legalization............................................................................................................................ ii

Declaration of Authorship...................................................................................................... iii

Motto and Dedication ............................................................................................................ iv

Abstract .................................................................................................................................. v

Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................. vi

Table of Content .................................................................................................................... vii

List of Tables ......................................................................................................................... x

List of Appendices ................................................................................................................. xi

List of Figure......................................................................................................................... xii


1. 1 Background of Study..................................................................................... ................. 1

1. 2 Statement of Problem .................................................................................................... 9

1. 3 Objective of the Study ................................................................................................... 10

1. 4 Research Hypothesis ...................................................................................................... 10

1. 5 Assumptions.................................................................................................................... 11

1. 6 Scope and limitation ..................................................................................................... 12

1. 7 Significances of the Study .............................................................................................. 14

1. 8 Definition of Key Terms ................................................................................................ 16

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................................. 19

2.1 Metacognitive Awareness as a Strategy ......................................................................... 19

2.2 Motivations to Improve the reading proficiency ............................................................. 22

2.3 Reading Skill ................................................................................................................... 28

2.4 Reading proficiency ......................................................................................................... 31

2.5 Metacognitive Reading Strategy Inventory .................................................................... 34

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................................. 38

3.1 Research Design .............................................................................................................. 38

3.2 Research Participant......................................................................................................... 39

3.3 Research Instrument ....................................................................................................... 40

3.4 Validity and Reliability ................................................................................................... 41

3.5 Data Collection ............................................................................................................... 45

3.5 Data Analysis .................................................................................................................. 47

CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND HYPOTHESIS TESTING ............................................... 49

4.1 Result of Study ................................................................................................................ 49

4.2 Hypothesis Testing .......................................................................................................... 56

CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................... 61

5.1 The Metacognitive Awareness strategy and Motivation mostly used ............................. 61

5.2 Relationship between Metacognitive awareness and Reading proficiency ..................... 64

5.3 Relationship between motivation orientations and reading proficiency ......................... 66

5.4 Relationship between Metacognitive strategy, Motivation orientation,

and reading proficiency score ............................................................................................... 67

CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ....................................................... 69

6.1 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 69

6.2 Suggestion ....................................................................................................................... 70

REFFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 72

APPENDICES.................................................................................................... ................... 74


Table 3.1 Range of internal consistency of Cronbach’s alpha............................................ 44

Table 3.2 Result of reliability of MARSI 21items .............................................................. 45

Table 3.3 Result of reliability LLOS 17 items .................................................................... 45

Table 4.1 Result of each subscale in metacognitive awareness mostly used ...................... 50

Table 4.2 The students’ level in reading proficiency ........................................................... 52

Table 4.3 Result of the motivation orientations types ........................................................ 53

Table 4.4 Relationship between metacognitive awareness strategy

and reading proficiency....................................................................................... 54

Table 4.5 Relationship between motivation orientations and reading proficiency ............. 56

Table 4.6 Result of correlation between metacognitive strategy and motivation orientation

toward reading proficiency ................................................................................... 57


Appendix 1 MARSI .......................................................................................... .................... 74

Appendix 2 LLOS ........................................................................................ ......................... 76

Appendix 3 TOEFL Reading Section ............................................................................ ....... 77

Appendix 4 MARSI valid ........................................................................................ ............ 89

Appendix 5 LLOS valid ........................................................................................ ................ 90

Appendix 6 Validity result of Metacognitive questionaire .............................................. ..... 91

Appendix 7 Validity result of Motivation questionaire ................................................... ..... 93


Types of Metacognitive strategy that students mostly used.................................................. 51

The students’ level in reading proficiency ............................................................................. 52

Types of Motivation that the students mostly used .............................................................. 53

Relationship between Metacognitive awareness strategy and reading proficiency ............. 55

Relationship between Motivation orientations and Reading proficiency ............................. 56

Relationship between Metacognitive and Reading or, Motivation

and Reading proficiency score .............................................................................................. 58

Spread of the relationship between metacognitive, motivation, and reading Proficiency ..... 58


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