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(Circulatory, excretory and nervous system)

50 Marks, 1.5 hours

Q 1. Name the following: (10 mks)

a. A vein which begins and ends in capillaries
b. Maintenance of a constant internal environment for the proper functioning of the body
c. The group of cardiac muscle cells which provides initial stimulus for a heart beat
d. The part in the human brain which controls body temperature and blood pressure
e. Condition due to which older people cannot see nearby objects clearly.
f. A hereditary condition in which uric acid deposits as crystals in the joints
g. The pigment in urine which renders its yellow colour
h. The metabolic wastes which are derived by decomposition of the haemoglobin of RBCs
i. The expulsion of urine from the body via the urethra
j. Substance (besides water) found both in urine and sweat

Q 2. State any one difference between the following: (6 mks)

a. Sensory neuron and motor neuron
b. Astigmatism and Presbyopia
c. Cranial nerves and spinal nerves
d. Atrioventricular and semi-lunar valves
e. Systole and diastole
f. Haematuria and Uraemia

Q 3. Draw a labelled diagram to show a reflex arc. Besides others, also Label the following parts:
(5 Mks)
a. Ventral root
b. Ganglion of the sensory neuron
c. Grey matter
d. Synapse

Q 4. A section of the human eye is given below. Label all the parts from 1 to 15. Also answer the
questions given below. (9 mks)

a. Human eye is different from a camera as it can automatically adjust its focal point.
Explain how and what is this ability called? (2 mks)
b. Where is the vision best in the eye? Why? (2 mks)

Q 5. Name the following structure shown and label all the parts. Also answer the following
questions. (13 Mks)

a. State the difference in the composition of blood flowing through parts 9 and 10. (1 mk)
b. Name the liquid flowing through part 5. (1 mk)
c. Write a short note on urine formation. (Hint – involve the three steps of urine
formation) (6 mks)

Q 6. The given diagram represents a blood smear. Study the same and answer the given
questions. (7 Mks)

a. Label four different types of cells on the given diagram. (2 mks)

b. State one important function of all the four types of cells. (4 mks)
c. Name one leukocyte which is not shown in the given diagram. (1 mk)

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