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Dapdap National Technical Vocational High School

Written Examination for the First Quarter

Answer all the questions with the best of your ability. Choose only the letter of your answer.
1. Where will you go if you want to change your FONT STYLE?
a. Font button b. Font size button c. Change case button d. Increase font size
2. What button will you choose if someone wants to change the size of the font?
a. Font button b. Font size button c. Change case button d. Increase font size
3. This button will help the user in increasing the font size without assigning the font size number.
a. Font button b. Font size button c. Change case button d. Increase font size
4. By pressing this button, the text selected will seemingly appear as if the font size increases.
a. Bold button b. Italic button c. Strikethrough button d. Text effects button
5. If someone wants to create a line below the selected text or letter, this button is the key.
a. Bold button b. Underlined button c. Strikethrough button d. Text effects
6. Sometimes, bending the text is necessary in a document. What button will help the user in bending
a. Bold button b. Italic button c. Strikethrough button d. Text effects button
8. Customizing text color is also important in some documents, but what button is responsible for this
a. Bold button b. Italic button c. Strikethrough button d. Font color
9. In mathematics, exponent is important in your expression. What button is responsible for this function?
a. Bold button b. Italic button c. Superscript d. Text effects button
10. How do you type a very small letter/s below the line of text?
a. Subscript b. Italic button c. Strikethrough button d. Text effects button
11. In creating a bulleted list, this button might come in handy.
a. Numbering b. Bullets c. Decrease indent d. Increase indent
12. In creating a bulleted list, this button might come in handy.
a. Numbering b. Bullets c. Decrease indent d. Increase indent
13. If you want to increase the indention of your paragraph, this button will help you.
a. Numbering b. Bullets c. Decrease indent d. Increase indent
14. If you want to decrease the indention of your paragraph, this button will help you.
a. Numbering b. Bullets c. Decrease indent d. Increase indent
15. This button arrange the particular texts in order.
a. Numbering b. Sort c. Decrease indent d. Increase indent
16. Paragraphs or phrases can be aligned to the left, what button will help you do this?
a. Align right b. Align left c. center d. justify
17. Paragraphs or phrases can be aligned to the right, what button will help you do this?
a. Align right b. Align left c. center d. justify
18. Paragraphs or phrases may be fitted at the center, what button will do this?
a. Align right b. Align left c. center d. justify
19. To make your document looks professional, a button that distribute all the texts evenly within the
margin might come in handy.
a. Align right b. Align left c. center d. justify
20. What particular button will help you in increasing the spacing between your text and paragraphs?
a. Align right b. Align left c. center d. line and paragraph

Test II.
Create a document with the following requirements: (A short description of yourself)
1. Font style is TIMES NEW ROMAN
2. BLACK color
3. 12 pts.
4. Double spacing
5. Indented
6. Justified


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