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Music in Our School

When you think about your child’s education, your mind may turn to essential skills
such as reading, writing, and solving complex mathematical problems. Although
these skills are important in a student’s school day, there are countless other skills
they learn that you may not think of as instantly.

Is your child creative? Do they ask questions and then search for the answer?
Can they work in a group to accomplish real-life tasks? If your child is faced with a
conflict, can they reason and decide on the best outcome for their happiness and

As a teacher of the arts, I believe that the key to molding a well-rounded individual
is through the “other” subjects: art, physical education, and music.

Your student will experience learning through creating, performing, responding and
connecting. They will create musical works both alone and with peers that reflect
not only innovation and imagination, but also the ability to choose and refine their
work to accomplish a task. Through performance, they will gain independence and
confidence, along with experience of presenting their own ideas to others.
Students will respond to ideas that are presented by their peers and will use their
understanding of music to evaluate what they are experiencing. Lastly, students
will connect their skills and knowledge applicable to music to ALL other subjects.

The Students in my classroom experience music for the sake of music in addition to
all the other benefits music has for other disciplines. They learn to read, write, and
speak the language of music through notation, singing, and playing instruments.

I invite you to experience the learning that your child accomplishes in my classroom
with your own presence on any or all the following dates:

Open House September 7th, 2019

Keyboard Skills Recital November 15-17th, 2019 *contact me for exact class period
Garage Band Composition Project February 19-25th, 2019 *contact for class period
Music in Our Schools Month Lesson March 20-21st, 2019
*all other open classroom dates will be posted on District Website
Our concerts have been viewed as not only successful and enjoyable, but
regretfully viewed as the product of the student’s education. However, the real
learning that happens in the classroom culminates in something far larger than a
concert – it can be seen as a part of the student in their life outside of school.
Students experience music as an individual and group member in classes in school
and ensemble rehearsals, but also can experience music outside of school in the

While attending concerts shows a great amount of support, the real support that is
necessary from the community happens more frequently – if anything, daily. I
encourage you to find and give more support your local young musicians and

It is our students in classrooms today that will be playing in the orchestras that you
attend every holiday season, or the musicals you enjoy watching on a weekend trip
to the city, or even the chamber ensemble that plays for a celebration such as a
family member’s wedding. Music is just as much learning and skill building as it is
entertainment and expression. However, without a proper foundation of skills and
support from their community and family, fewer musicians will continue a lifelong
journey of music. Our need for musicians is as strong as our need for
mathematicians, writers, and doctors. As a society, we should recognize and
celebrate the importance of all contributions made to the community.

The connections that students make in music will be connections that they hold on
to their entire life, and their knowledge of the subject will only grow as much as it is
nurtured both in and outside of school.

Thank you for your time,

Ms. Allison Werner
Phone – X1232
* I welcome you to contact me through email, phone, or meeting at your convenience.

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