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TLE10-Electrical Installation and Maintenance



Competency: Discuss the relevance of the course.


Skills: Discuss

Content: Relevance of the course

Context: importance of Electrical Installation and Maintenance

Methodology: Oral Discourse

Time Frame: 1 day

Expectation: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to discuss the relevance of
electrical installation and maintenance.
Evaluation Statement: Discuss the relevance of electrical installation and maintenance.

Learning Episode 1:

A. Motivation
1. Class, today we will be discussing the relevance of electrical installation and
2. It is important for us to discuss the relevance of EIM in order for us to determine its
contribution in the industry and the career the learners can make out of it.
3. At the end of the lesson, we will be discussing the relevance of electrical installation and
B. Probe and Respond
1. Pre-requisite Skills

Teacher says: Class, today, we will be discussing the relevance of electrical installation and
maintenance. As we all know, electrical installation is a necessity in our everyday living including all
other industries.

Whether you live in a commercial or domestic property it is considered highly beneficial and important
to have electrical maintenance. All property owners should consider the proper installation and care of
their electrical systems in order to preserve its efficiency and safety. Find in this useful article the value
that electrical maintenance can bring, discussing its benefits as well as the best ways for

Learning Episode 2: Modelling

It Keeps Your Property Safe

When you own or operate any commercial property, you have a responsibility to keep it safe for your
employees, customers, and/or tenants. One of the best ways to ensure the safety of your Oceanside
commercial property is to have regular electrical maintenance performed. Even the smallest problems
with an electrical system can be extremely unsafe, and you may be held accountable for any injuries
that occur that on the property.
It Keeps Your Electrical Equipment Reliable
No matter what kind of business you own or property you manage, you rely on your electrical system
and electrical equipment every day. That’s why it’s so important to keep your electrical equipment,
machines, appliances, and outlets well maintained. Our commercial electrical maintenance services are
designed to prevent safety mishaps and keep every part of your electrical system functioning well at all
times.Regular maintenance might even extent the lifespan of aging appliances.
It Prevents Major Electrical Problems
Even if your Oceanside commercial property’s electrical system and appliances seem to be working just
fine, there could be serious problems that are developing with any part of it. Our maintenance services
will help to identify these problems and repair them before they turn into major issues. Our professional
electricians will be able to diagnose and repair problems that would most likely otherwise go unnoticed
until they became critical issues.

Learning Episode 3:

a. Guided Practice

Teacher says: This time, I want you to find a pair. From the given discussions on the importance of
electrical installation and maintenance. I want you to make your own discussion on of them. You can
write your answer on a ¼ sheet of paper.

b. Independent Practice

Teacher says: This time, on your notebook, I want you to answer the question on the board.

1. How does electrical installation and maintenance prevent major electrical problems?

Learning Episode 4:

Instruction: On a ½ sheet of paper answer the following questions given. (5 points each)

1. How does EIM keep a property safe?

2. How does EIM keep your electrical equipment reliable?
TLE10-Electrical Installation and Maintenance


Date: June 7, 2018 (Thursday)

Competency: Identify opportunities for electrical installation and maintenance.


Skills: Identify

Content: Careers in Electrical Installation and Maintenance

Context: Careers in EIM in the Philippines

Methodology: Oral Discourse

Time Frame: 1 day

Expectation: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to identify career opportunities
in EIM.
Evaluation Statement: Identify opportunities for EIM.

Learning Episode 1:

A. Motivation
1. Class, today we will be exploring opportunities in EIM.
2. It is important for us to explore different opportunities in EIM so that we will have
options as to what career might be suitable for us.
3. At the end of the lesson, we will be exploring opportunities for EIM.
B. Probe and Respond
1. Pre-requisite Skills

Teacher says: Yesterday, we have already discussed the relevance of EIM in our everyday life. This time,
we will be exploring different career opportunities in EIM.

Individuals who work in the electrical trades are commonly referred to as electricians. They may be
involved with either construction or maintenance of electrical wiring and systems in residential,
commercial or municipal environments. Different types of electricians perform different tasks, such as
reading blueprints, installing and maintaining wiring, inspecting electrical components or identifying
and repairing electrical problems. Different career opportunities for workers in the electrical trades
include inside wiremen, outside linemen, residential wiremen and installer technicians. Renewal energy
technicians are experts in installing and repairing alternative energy systems.

Learning Episode 2: Modelling

Inside Wiremen

Inside wiremen work in interior industrial and commercial environments, connecting the electrical
systems and equipment to the outside power source. They are trained to install and maintain lighting,
fire alarms, security systems and grounding systems within the facility. They hook up electrical power
to motors, control panels, HVAC systems and any other devices that require electricity to operate.
Inside wiremen install the conduit systems that carry the electrical wiring.
Outside Linemen

Outside linemen install the electrical lines that carry electricity from the power plant to the end user.
They install and maintain transformers, string new transmission lines and maintain existing lines. This is
not a job for the faint of heart. Outside linemen might work high in the air, either from climbing a pole
or from a bucket truck. They are frequently called on to perform repair jobs during adverse weather
Residential Wireman

A residential wireman's job is similar to the inside wireman, except the residential wireman works in
residential, rather than commercial, environments. A residential wireman might install and maintain a
variety of wiring systems including security systems, fire alarm systems and energy management
systems along with the standard electrical wiring and lighting systems in a home.
Installer Technician

Installer technicians work with the inside or residential wiremen installing low voltage cabling for voice,
video and data transmissions. Installer technicians work in industrial and commercial settings, installing
data outlets at employee workstations. They install wall-mounted or rack-mounted telephone cross-
connect systems according to specific standards. In residential settings, they might install high-end
audio and video viewing systems or run the cabling for home computer networks.
Renewable Energy Technician

Growing interest in green technologies and clean energy sources has led to specialized careers in the
field of sustainability. Renewable energy technicians work indoors and outside installing and
maintaining alternative energy systems. At a technical school, they study electronics, mechatronics,
solar panels, wind and water generators and digital fundamentals.

Learning Episode 3

a. Guided Practice

Teacher says: With a pair, identify the following career options for EIM. Write your answer on a ¼
sheet paper.

1. They install and maintain a variety of wiring systems including security systems, fire alarm
systems and energy management systems along with the standard electrical wiring and
lighting systems in a home.
2. They work in interior industrial and commercial environments, connecting the electrical
systems and equipment to the outside power source.
3. They work indoors and outside installing and maintaining alternative energy systems.

b. Independent Practice

Teacher says: This time class, I want you to perform the activity on your own. On your notebook,
identify the following career options for EIM.

1. They install the electrical lines that carry electricity from the power plant to the end user.
2. They install and maintain transformers, string new transmission lines and maintain existing
3. They study electronics, mechatronics, solar panels, wind and water generators and digital
Learning Episode 4: Evaluation

Teacher says: On the back of your ¼ sheet, answer the following.

Identify the following career options in EIM.

1. They install and maintain transformers, string new transmission lines and maintain existing

2. They hook up electrical power to motors, control panels, HVAC systems and any other devices
that require electricity to operate. Inside wiremen install the conduit systems that carry the
electrical wiring.
3. They install wall-mounted or rack-mounted telephone cross-connect systems according to
specific standards.

4. They work indoors and outside installing and maintaining alternative energy systems.

5. They install and maintain a variety of wiring systems including security systems, fire alarm
systems and energy management systems along with the standard electrical wiring and
lighting systems in a home.

Prepared by:

Antonio B. Capino Jr.

Antonio B. Capino Jr.

TLE9-Electrical Installation and Maintenance


Competency: Discuss electric and hydraulic tools for a task.

Code: TLE_IAE1912ETla –e - 1
Skills: Discuss

Content: Electric and hydraulic tools

Context: Proper usage of electrical tools.

Methodology: Oral Discourse

Time Frame: 1 day

Expectation: At the end of the lesson, the students are able to discuss electric and hydraulic tools for
a task.
Evaluation Statement: Identify electric and hydraulic tools for a task.

Learning Episode 1:

A. Motivation
1. Class, today we will be discussing electrical and hydraulic tools for a specific task in electrical
installation and maintenance.
2. It is important for us to discuss electric and hydraulic tools so that we can know the uses of the
tools and how they can be used.
3. At the end of the lesson, we will be discussing electric and hydraulic tools for a specific task.
B. Probe and Respond
1. Pre-requisite skills

Teacher says: From the previous lesson, we have already identified the different electrical tools to be used in
electrical installation and maintenance. This time, we will be discussing each of this tool and how they are to be
used properly.

Before you tackle any electrical project, having the proper tools is essential to getting the job done efficiently,
correctly, and more importantly, safely! The old saying, use the right tool for the job, couldn’t be more relevant,
especially when it comes to electrical work.

Learning Episode 2: Modelling

a. A screwdriver is a tool, manual or powered, for screwing and unscrewing (inserting and
removing) screws. A typical simple screwdriver has a handle and a shaft, ending in a tip the user puts into
the screw head before turning the handle. The shaft is usually made of tough steel to resist bending or
twisting. The tip may be hardened to resist wear, treated with a dark tip coating for improved visual
contrast between tip and screw—or ridged or treated for additional 'grip'. Handles are typically wood,
metal, or plastic[1] and usually hexagonal, square, or oval in cross-section to improve grip and prevent the
tool from rolling when set down. Some manual screwdrivers have interchangeable tips that fit into a
socket on the end of the shaft and are held in mechanically or magnetically.
b. Pliers are a hand tool used to hold objects firmly, possibly developed from tongs used to handle hot
metal in Bronze Age Europe.[1] They are also useful for bending and compressing a wide range of
materials. Generally, pliers consist of a pair of metal first-class levers joined at a fulcrum positioned closer
to one end of the levers, creating short jaws on one side of the fulcrum, and longer handles on the other
side.[1]This arrangement creates a mechanical advantage, allowing the force of the hand's grip to be
amplified and focused on an object with precision. The jaws can also be used to manipulate objects too
small or unwieldy to be manipulated with the fingers.
c. A drill is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or driving tool attachment, usually a drill bit or driver
bit, used for boring holes in various materials or fastening various materials together. The attachment is
gripped by a chuck at one end of the drill and rotated while pressed against the target material. The tip,
and sometimes edges, of the cutting tool does the work of cutting into the target material. This may be
slicing off thin shavings (twist drills or auger bits), grinding off small particles (oil drilling), crushing and
removing pieces of the workpiece (SDS masonry drill), countersinking, counterboring, or other

d. A hammer is a tool or device that delivers a blow (a sudden impact) to an object. Most hammers are hand
tools used to drive nails, fit parts, forge metal, and break apart objects. Hammers vary in shape, size, and
structure depending on their purposes.Hammers are basic tools in many trades. The usual features are a
head (most often made of steel) and a handle (also called a helve or haft). Although most hammers are
hand tools, powered versions exist; they are known as powered hammers. Types of power hammer
include steam hammers and trip hammers, often for heavier uses, such as forging.
e. A wire stripper is a portable handheld tool used by workers, especially electricians, for removing the
protective coating of an electric wire in order to replace or repair the wire. It is also capable of stripping
the end portions of an electric wire in order to connect them to other wires or to terminals. A wire
stripper is often considered an important tool for professional electricians and other related personnel.

Learning Episode 3:

a. Guided Practice

Teacher says: After we have discussed the different tools for electrical installation and maintenance. I will now
group you into three. Each group will select one tool. The group will be discussing the tool to the tune of a song.
After 10 minutes, I will be calling each group to perform in front.

b. Independent Practice

Teacher says: This time class, I want you to select at least one major tool and discuss it using your own words.
Write it on you activity notebook.

Learning Episode 4: Evaluation

Instruction: On a ½ sheet of paper. Discuss the following tools: (5 points each)

1. Electric Pliers
2. Screwdrivers
3. Hammer

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