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MAC 2017

NAMA : _______________________________________ TINGKATAN : 5 ______________

Section A: Directed Writing

[35 marks]

[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

You are the President of the English Society. You have been asked to write an article on the
benefits of using Facebook for your school magazine.

Use the notes below to write your article:

● set up business
- promote products

● chat with friends and family members

- share pictures and activities

● aware of current news

- local and worldwide

● online study group

- exchange past year examination papers

● improve health and lifestyle

- share tips on staying fit

When writing your article, you should remember to:

● give a suitable title
● include the name of the writer
● write in paragraphs
● use all the notes given
● suggest two other benefits of using Facebook

For your article, your will receive up to15 marks for the format and content points, and up to 20
marks for the quality of your writing.
Section B :Graphic Materials
[8 marks]
[Time suggested :25 minutes]

For each of the questions in this section, read the question first and then study the information
given to find the bestanswer. Then circle the answer A, B, C or D.

1. With the budget of RM30,

Alicia can fly toall of the places
below except…
A. Miri
B. Sydney
C. Kota Bahru
D. Kota Kinabalu

The 3rd wave: Terengganu on standby for possibility of floods

KUALA TERENGGANU: Following the ‘yellow stage’ warning for heavy rains issued by the
Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia), the state Fire and Rescue
Department has frozen all leave for its staff.
Its director Azlimin Mat Noor said the notice for the department’s 1,000 staff state-wide
takes effect today.

2. Based on the news report above, we learn that the staff of Terengganu Fire and
Rescue Department are…
A. given a notice to leave. C. not allowed to watch ‘Frozen’.
B. not allowed to take leave. D. not allowed to leave the scene.

Nothing can come close to the love that a mother feels for her children. Most women are
inherently excellent mothers. Women and then continue to nurture them throughout their
childhood and even into adulthood. Mothers make sure that their children are safe and
happy throughout their childhood. It is the unconditional love that a mother feels that
drives these feelings. It is hard to describe the feeling that a mother has towards her
children. When all is well, a mother puts her children before anything else, including their
own comfort and happiness.

3. The word nurture in the excerpt above, can be best replaced with all the words below
except …
A. foster B. neglect C. educate D. cultivate
4. All listed below are the sacrifices of a mother towards her children except …
A. carriesher children before they are born.
B. nurtures them throughout their childhood and even into adulthood.
C. puts herself before anything else, including her own comfort and happiness.
D. makes sure that her children are safe and happy throughout their childhood.

5. Based on the statistics above,

all listed below are the types of
bullying except …
A. Cyber bullying
B. Physical bullying
C. Domestic bullying
D. Extraneous Bullying

6. The vacation places shown in

the advertisement are from the
states listed below except ...
A. Perlis
B. Penang
C. Pahang
D. Malacca

7. From the news report above, all the villages below are affected by the flood except …
A. KampungRakit C. KampungTelentang
B. KampungLongob D. KampungSalimandut
KOTA MARUDU: There are 2,750 flood victims from 843 families taking shelter at 11 temporary
relief centres here as of 7am. Malaysian Civil Defence Force state director Colonel Muliadi Al-
Hamdi said the flood here since Tuesday has affected 18 villages, including KampungLongob,
KampungBengkongan, Kg Talantang 1, Kg Mosolog, Kg Magaratong, Kg Rakit, Kg Morion, Kg
Piso, Kg Salimandut, Kg Tandek, Kg Asin-Asin, Kg Lotong, Kg Parong, Kg Goruntung, Kg Hatob
and Kg Sumbilingon. Schools and multipurpose halls are being used as shelters for evacuees.
8. Based on the web, if Hanis want to know about what happens in Korea, which title should
she click?

A. World
B. Nation
C. Sports
D. Properties
Section C : Reading Comprehension
[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 50 minutes]

Question 9 – 13 are based on the following passage.

1 ‘Success does not come without hardwork’ is a common phrase we hear

in our day-to-day life. Sakinah Omar, founder of Jeju Muslim Travel and a
former student at the Jeju National University, South Korea, shared a
piece of opinion through her personal experiences on Facebook. Her post
has since gone viral and has attained over a thousand shares. 5
2 Sakinah described that It was tough living in Jeju as she had no direct
support from her friends or family. In addition to her struggle, she had little to no
experience in their language. Her scholarship from the University had only
applied to her tuition fees and not her living expenses. She depended on her
parents money for living expenses, which was very little. 10
3 At the beginning of the semester, her supervisor asked her to buy some
painting materials like canvas, paints, linseed oil, paint brushes and all the
materials required. She did not know how much these things cost in Korea but
she knew they were expensive.Sakinah told him, she only had 200,000 Won.
He asked her if she spent 200,000 Won on materials, how much would she 15
had left. She said nothing, that was all she had for the semester. He was really
shocked. Feeling already down enough from the initial financial struggles, she
continued to persevere through the hardship and by God’s grace, something
amazing happened the next morning!
4 The next morning when Sakinah went to her studio, she was so 20
surprised to see her desk was full of art materials. She waited until her
supervisor came in. When he came, he smiled and told her that he made an
announcement to every studio in the department asking the students if there
were used art materials that they no longer needed and wanted to donate to a
needy Malaysian student, they could put their donations on her desk.Her 25
supervisor himself donated a few of his canvases to her. Grateful for the help,
she stated that now she had to worry about her living expenses such as food
consumption. She only ate rice once a day for the next few weeks. Egg and rice
5 was all she had.
The next thing Sakinah had in mind was to find a way to make extra 30
pocket money.One day she had an idea. She could teach English! She made a
few advertisements on the university billboards offering private English tutoring
class. 2 weeks later a Korean lecturer contacted her and she wanted to learn
English from her. She met her and they agreed to do a 4-hour class every
week. From her first student, she led on to another.Just a month later, she 35
recommended Sakinah to her friend, an elderly 55-year-old businesswoman.
She became Sakinah’s second student. To her, that was more than enough.
6 She saved the tuition money for food, study materials and transportation.
As she continued on living the thrifty life, it was soon coming to an end
of the semester, which required Sakinah to pay her dormitory fees for the 40
semester break. Luckily for her entrepreneur thinking, she decided to open up a
henna drawing booth at the university’s annual student’s festival day. The
Korean loved henna so much. She drew on people’s hands non stop for three
days straight until her right arm shivered every night from exhaustion. With
that earning she could pay her dormitory fee for the summer break.She then 45
continued to promote and sell Korean cosmetics online. Later, she started to
7 open a small business of Jeju tour specially for Muslims.
After sharing a small part of her struggles, we could really see where
Sakinah got her toughness and independence spirit. She later concluded, “I
believe that if you want to do something with a good intention, God will ease 50
your way. Although things seem to be vague in the beginning you don’t know
what the outcome will be, you don’t know whether you will be able to survive or
not, but trust me along the way you will find ways to go through as long as you
stay positive and keep a good intention in your heart.”
(adapted from : https//

9. From paragraph 1, what did Sakinah post on her Facebook which has gone viral?
________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
10. From paragraph 2,
a) besides financial struggle, what problem did Sakinah have to face?
________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
b)From paragraph 3, what would happen if Sakinah bought the art materials?
________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
11. From paragraph 4,
a) who donated all the art materials to Sakinah?
________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
b) From paragraph 5, why did the Korean lecturer contact Sakinah?
________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
12. From paragraph 6,
a) which word conveys the meaning of ‘holiday’?
________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
b ) state two ways that Sakinah did to earn extra money.
i. ________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
ii ________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

13. In your own words, state two lessons that you learned from Sakinah’s experience.
i. ________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
ii. ________________________________________________________ [1 mark]
Section D : Novel
[15 marks]
[Suggested Time : 25 minutes]

14. The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English
Sing to The Dawn – Minfong Ho
Dear Mr. Kilmer – Anne Schraff
Captain Nobody – Dean Pitchford

Choose any one of the novels and answer the question below
“Love does give positive effects to our life.”

Based on the novel you have studied, how far does it true.
Support your answer with close reference to the text.
(15 marks)


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