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Annie Little

Sister Empey
Time Log

August 21: (5 ½ hrs) October 2: (7 ½ hrs)

August 23: (6 ½ hrs) October 3: (5 ½ hrs)
August 25: (6 ½ hrs) October 5: (5 ½ hrs)
= 18.5 hrs/ Week 1 October 6: (7 ½ hrs)
= 26 hrs/ Week 7
August 27: (4 hrs)
August 29: (5 ½ hrs)
August 30: (5 ½ hrs)
August 31: (3 hrs) Total Hours: 166 Hrs
September 1: (6 ½ hrs)
= 24.5 hrs/ Week 2

September 3: (6 ½ hrs)
September 4: (7 ½ hrs)
September 6: (5 ½ hrs)
September 8: (3 ½ hrs)
= 23 hrs/ Week 3

September 10: (5 ½ hrs)

September 11: (6 ½ hrs)
September 14: (6 ½ hrs)
September 15: (5 ½ hrs)
= 24 hrs/ Week 4

September 17: (5 hrs)

September 18: (6 ½ hrs)
September 19: (7 ½ hrs)
September 22: (5 ½ hrs)
= 24.5 hrs/ Week 5

September 24: (6 ½ hrs)

September 26: (7 ½ hrs)
September 27: (6 ½ hrs)
September 28: (5 hrs)
= 25.5 hrs/ Week 6

Goals and Objectives

When I started this internship, I knew there would be a lot I would want to learn either

from the business side of it all, or from seeing how a big corporation is run. There would also be

many things that I knew would come second nature as I worked with people, whether that be

customers or with co workers.

Goals: What I want to accomplish

● Understand safety regulations in a retail store.

● Seeing how all the extra clothing is stocked that is not on the floor.

● How do they know where to place items or arrange the floor for the look with clothing?

● Learn when they put things on sale.

● How do they handle rude or unhappy customers that you are trying to help?

● Learn new ways of communicating with customers to make them feel calm about the


● Learn how to properly fold and display clothing in a pleasing way and easily accessible.

● Learn how to give cratique when people ask for for fashion advice or help.

● Learn the ethics and codes or resources for the company.

● Learn about the history of this company and how it got started.

Objectives: What I will accomplish

● Learning how they maintain a clean store.

● Learn how to use the POS system or the cashier system in the store.

● Help customers find what they are looking for either in person, or from a phone call.

● Making the store look nice by refolding clothing, and putting things away when they are

returned or have been tried on.

● Reprice items to help get them back out on the floor from when being returned from online.
Internship Summary

In these last several months, and throughout my internship, there was so much that I

learned. I wanted to see if I could see what it was like running a business, everything that goes

into keeping people from not stealing, to running the place and keeping it up and going, well as

much as I could without being a manager that is. I wanted to see how I can apply the things I

have learned in the classes that I have taken so far, into a business with fashion merchandising,

textiles, and money management. I knew there would be a lot of other skills I would be learning

as well, that I can take with me from this internship, and be able to apply into my career of

teaching students these skills.

As I think about the time that I have had interacting with customers, handling different

types of product every day, to try to understand the business, I have realized that there are

many factors that go into such a big company and being knowledgeable in where your clothing

is coming from. I had some really great times working with great people, loved trying to help

people find what they were looking for, but I also had times that were hard and stressful, and

people weren’t happy with me when things didn’t go right.

I remember when I started my internship, there were many things that I wanted to

accomplish. Some of them including understanding how they place clothing on the floor and

when they change it, or how to give critique to a customer when they ask for it, or learning when

they put things on sale. There were other things that I wanted to learn not only about how to

best interact with the customers and general business aspects, but I also wanted to learn about

the company. I wanted to learn how they handle safety precautions for their employees, learning

about the background and history of the company so I knew what and could understand more

about what kind of a background I was working with.

As for my objectives, I knew there was going to be a lot I was going to learn, I think

some of that included my mindset, and some of it would come with the things that I would have
to learn in order to progress and be able to interact with people, or do certain tasks. One of the

biggest things that I knew I would learn that I didn’t put down in the first place in my objectives

but should have been that I learned was better communication skills. When you are talking to

people, it is so important to verbalize what is going on, why you might have to do things the way

you do, if there is something more you can do to best help the costumer, they need to know

these things and they won’t magically know them unless they are told.

During my time here, I was able to understand a lot of the things and more that I wanted

to learn by the time I was done. There were days when every day seemed the same and not a

lot was different even when I was doing pretty much the exact same thing. However, When I

look back on it now, there were times when even one customer may have made a difference to

my day, or I was being a little more aware of why I was doing what I was doing, and seeing how

that made a difference which many times it did. Sometimes it was how I thought about things

when I was doing it as I was trying to also make sure I was thinking of how I will later on

applying this to my degree later on, and sometimes that had a bigger impact on me with what I

was doing on any given day than helping someone pay for something which became a very

mundane task I did day after day. But in the end, I am glad that I was able to learn all these

things, because they helped me realize so much about this industry and about having a

business which is something I want to do someday!

One thing I didn’t know till a while ago was how bad of a situation the store I have been

working at has been in. Apparently our numbers are just really low, some of the lowest in our

district, and we are usually a top three store. So within the last year it has been trying to get

things back up to the way they were. With the new manager that we have within the last month,

I have noticed a lot of changes already, good ones that I think will be great for the company

from the time that I have had working there, and know he will do a great job getting things back

to the way they were. Before, and still, a lot of our focus is getting Gap credit cards which we

have a certain number we have to get every day to meet our goal. Some days we do great at
this, and other days it is really hard to get people to sign up. I have noticed with this type of

business, that you have to be one of those people that can handle lots of stress, either dealing

with hard, rude customers, or with long lines, or trying to move fast to get things done quicker,

this is the type of industry that someone has to be able to handle no matter the issues, because

there will be many.

I can’t tell you how many times I got the question, “will this shrink and how much?” There

were times I could tell them with them material yes it will, but most of the time I told them it

depends on how it is washed. I also got people asking me to tell them how something looks on

them, also having to know what things are called when you have to find an item for someone

over the phone can be tricky making sure you are getting the right one for them. It was also

really helpful to be able to know the system we worked with when helping customers check out

and being able to handle money and sometimes would have to figure out percentages off when

something would ring up wrong.

I had an amazing time at this internship and I learned so much from my time at this

business at Gap. I think there is so much I can take to my future students or career, and know

the value of learning these important life skills that will take you so far in life. Also, knowing the

impact that sometime as simple as a piece of clothing can have on a child is amazing and can

make a huge difference. My team did Adopt a family for the holiday season and it was great to

be able to give back and help a family in need in the community. They try and partner with

others who are making a difference and that was something we got to do which was something

small but was really neat. There is something important to learn about everything we learn in

FCS and it is amazing to see something so small go from a thread to a piece of clothing and I

want to share that with my students someday.

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