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What to expect:
 To learn common excel formulas being used by clients during interview
 To learn hands-on how to use excel using situations:
Sample Case Study
 Create new file in excel
 Rename your file, “Awesome Bags”
 Go to Cell A1 type” Inventory List”, change font size to 20, bold (ctrl B)
 Highlight from A1 to K1 then go to underline tab using icon on the navigation
bar or Ctrl U
 Then go to A3 to H3
 A3= DATE
 C3= CITY
 E3= JAN
 F3= FEB
 G3= MAR
 I3= Average
 J3= For Commissiin
 K3= Quota
 Fill Color paint Blue, and change the font color to white
 Resize the font by 15 at the navigation bar
 Make your text bold using the icon “B” or Ctrl B
 Copy paste the excel file
 Center alignment using center icon at navigation toolbar
 Highlight Column A3 to K3, then go to Insert Table. Check the box the saying
that the table has headers.
 Go to Total Sales Column, below, D4, compute for the total sum. In D4 type
=SUM( then drag the cursor from E4 to G4)
 Under I3 Column. Then compute average sales using formula by typing
=average(then drag the cursor from E4 to G4)
 Under Commission in J3, we will learn how to compute conditional formula
“IF”, to type the formula go the cell J4, TYPE IF(H4=“SANTOS”,”NA”,”with
commission”). Lets assume Santos is NA because he is an Area Manager.
 To evaluate whether they hit the target sales, assuming 10,000 sales is good.
Create another title Quota at K3. Create an evaluation using “IF”, go to K4,
TYPE =IF(D6>=10000,"Good", "to improve" )
 At Cell A28 type NAME, B28, type TOTAL SALES, at A29, DE LEON, A30,
 To get total sales of each sales personnel, use SUM IF,
=SUMIF(H4:H22,A29,D4:D22). Copy paste the formula for the remaining two
Pivot Table
 Using the same table from our example assuming your client wants to know
how many sales generated by their sales persons.
 Highlight the data below the header. Then go to Insert Tab look for Pivot
Table, check another worksheet. It will generate another worksheet. A Pivot
Table Fields, drag the Sales Person to the Row Box then beside it there is
Values Box then drag Jan, Feb, Mar.
 Scenario 2, your client want to know what product sold by the sales
personnel, just simply drag product at the Rows Box, below the sales person
 To create visual representation we can use chart and graphs
Drop Down List
 Drop-down lists in Excel/ Spreadsheet are helpful if you want to be sure that
users select an item from a list, instead of typing their own values.
 Create a list that you want to be shown on your drop down list.
 Go to the cell where the drop down list or option to be shown. Go to Data from
the toolbar, then choose data validation
V Look Up
 VLOOKUP is an Excel function to lookup and retrieve data from a specific
column in table. VLOOKUP supports approximate and exact matching, and
wildcards (* ?) for partial matches. The "V" stands for "vertical". Lookup values
must appear in the first column of the table, with lookup columns to the
 Lookup a value in a table by matching on the first column
 Create table or name range, then highlight them and right click, choose
Define Name then give a Name.
 Go to the what column where we want to put the data from
 =VLOOKUP (value, table, col_index, [range_lookup])

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