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I.D. No.

Electronic Devices and Circuits
(B. Tech. ECE) (3rd Semester/ 2nd Year)
Max. Marks: 100 Time: 90 min.
PART(All are Compulsory) (2×10 = 20 Marks)
Q1. (i). Name the two kind of semiconductors.
(ii). Name the elements doped to make p-type and n-type semiconductor.
(iii). In integrated circuits, npn construction is preferred to pnp construction because
(A) npn construction is cheaper, (B) to reduce diffusion constant, n-type collector is preferred, (C) npn
construction permits higher packing of elements, (D) p-type base is preferred
(iv). Avalanche breakdown results basically due to
(A) impact ionization, (B) strong electric field across the junction
(C) emission of electrons, (D) rise in temperature
(v). At room temperature, the current in an intrinsic semiconductor is due to
(A) holes (B) electronics (C) ions (D) holes and electronics
(vi). Why FET is called as voltage operated device?
(vii). Two zener diodes connected ______ can be used as a.c. regulator.
(A). in parallel with each other (B). in series with load (c). back-to-back (D). in series with
input voltage
(viii). When designing a voltage divider circuit, the divider resistors:
(A). should carry approximately equal current (B). should carry current that are 10 times the base
current (C). determine the base voltage as the drop across R2 (D). all of above
(ix). Why transistor cannot be replaced by back to back diode connection?
(x). Shockley’s equation defines __________ of the FET and are unaffected by network in which device is
(A). VGS characteristics (B). drain characteristics (C). input output characteristics
(D). transfer characteristics
PART II (Attempt any Four) (10×4 = 40 Marks)
Q2. What are the various types of capacitances? Explain them with the help of diagram. 10
Q3. What do you understand by JFET? With neat diagram of N-channel JFET explain its transfer
Q4. For the circuit given below β = 100 find out IC and VCE.

Q5. Derive an expression Explain the collector to base biasing circuit of an npn transistor.
Q6. What do you understand by JFET? Derive the expression for Shockley’s Equation.
Q7. Explain the construction, working and characteristics of N-Channel depletion mode MOSFET.
PART III (Attempt any Two) (20×2 = 40 Marks)
Q8. (i). Explain the different types of rectifiers with diagrams.
(ii). A diode current is 0.6mA when applied voltage is 400mV and 20mA when the applied voltage is
500mV. Find η. Assume VT = 26mV.
Q9. (i). For the circuit given below the value of IC = 2mA and β = 100, find the value of VCE and IE

(ii). (a) Describe in your own words why IG is effectively zero amperes for a JFET transistor.
(b) Why is the input impedance to a JFET so high?
(c) Why is the terminology field effect appropriate for this important three-terminal device?
Q10. (i). For the circuit given below find out VB, VC, VE, IB, IC, VCE, VBE. Assume β = 100.

(ii). For the given circuit find out IB, IC, VCE, and IE.
I.D. No.____________
Electronic Devices and Circuits
(B. Tech. ECE) (3rd Semester/ 2nd Year)
Max. Marks: 40 Time: 90 min.
PART I (1×5 = 5 Marks)
(i). Why FET is called as voltage operated device?
(ii). Two zener diodes connected ______ can be used as a.c. regulator.
a. in parallel with each other b. in series with load c. back-to-back d. in series with input voltage
(iii). When designing a voltage divider circuit, the divider resistors:
a. should carry approximately equal current b. should carry current that are 10 times the base current c.
determine the base voltage as the drop across R2 d. all of above
(iv). Why transistor cannot be replaced by back to back diode connection?
(v). Shockley’s equation defines __________ of the FET and are unaffected by network in which device is
a. VGS characteristics b. drain characteristics c. input output characteristics d. transfer characteristics

SECTION – II (2x10=20 MARKS)


I.D. No.____________
Test – II, October 2016
Electronic Devices and Circuits (EC 2106)
(B. Tech. ECE) (3rd Semester/ 2nd Year)
Max. Marks: 40 Time: 90 min.
PART I (1×5 = 5 Marks)
(i). FET has very high input impedance. True/False
(ii). Two zener diodes connected ______ can be used as a.c. regulator.
a. in parallel with each other b. in series with load c. back-to-back d. in series with input voltage
(iii). When designing a voltage divider circuit, the divider resistors:
a. should carry approximately equal current b. should carry current that are 10 times the base current c.
determine the base voltage as the drop across R2 d. all of above
(iv). Two zener diodes connected ______ can be used as a.c. regulator.
a. in parallel with each other b. in series with load c. back-to-back d. in series with input voltage
(v). Why transistor cannot be replaced by back to back diode connection?
SECTION – II (2x10=20 MARKS)


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