Revamping A Bitumen Heating System

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Revamping a bitumen heating system

A redesigned oil based heating system for bitumen storage and sales saves
energy and eliminates customer complaints



üpraş Batman refinery, of a new bitumen tank with refinery were heated by both
located in the southeast 30 000 tonnes of storage capac- steam and hot oil, although
of Turkey, is designed ity was taken into account. steam use was quite risky
to process 1.4 million t/y of Additionally, the hot oil sys- due to the foaming potential
15-21 API domestic crude oil. tem was designed in the event of the product in the event of
Bitumen is the main product of any capacity increase in the any contact with steam. Since
with an approximately 60% future. The next problem was 2008, there had been a hot oil
yield. Since the refinery’s criti- that the tanks far from the fur- system for heating three bitu-
cal mission is to meet the bitu- naces could not be heated easily men storage tanks and related
men and cutback needs of the by hot oil. Therefore, orifices production and sales lines.
surrounding region, storage for the hot oil pipelines were However, due to a lack of
and heating of bitumen stocks designed to set the oil pressure. design in the existing system,
in the tank farm is a major The last requirement was the the temperature of stored bitu-
operation in order for the refin- installation of ESD and DCS men could not be maintained
ery to meet customer needs. controls. at 140°C. Before the start-up of
Bitumen stocks at the refin- The new hot oil system the revamped system, Batman
ery were heated by hot oil and started up with ESD and DCS refinery faced complaints from
steam. But the existing hot oil control systems. After start-up customers regarding the tem-
system was inadequate for of the new hot oil system, perature of the bitumen sold to
heating the bitumen storage the efficiency of the system them.
tanks. Since the main prob- increased from 75% to 85%. At the end of 2011, when the
lems were rooted in the design Additionally, the equivalent of previous hot oil system was
of the hot oil system, in 2011 a 10 000 tonnes of CO2 emissions constructed, it was realised that
revamp of the system was seen were avoided and a decrease the current bitumen storage
to provide the best solution to of seven points in the refinery’s capacity of the refinery failed to
the problem. Energy Intensity Index was meet demand in the region. In
Within the revamp project, achieved. The new hot oil sys- addition, customer complaints
the main purpose was to keep tem also takes into account the were increasing by the day in
the temperature of the bitumen construction of future bitumen view of the hot oil system’s ina-
tanks and related lines at 140°C. tanks up to a total capacity of bility to meet the required sales
The main problems relating 60 000 tonnes. temperature of the product. As
to the existing system were a result, revamping of the exist-
detected. The first problem Background to the refinery’s ing hot oil system was decided
was to increase bitumen stor- hot oil system to be the best solution. In 2011,
age capacity. In the scope of the Before the revamp of the hot oil a feasibility report including
revamp project, construction system, bitumen stocks in the construction of a bitumen tank PTQ Q2 2019 1

with a storage capacity of 30 case, the system could supply heated effectively. In addition
000 tonnes and a revamp of the the heat load required for heat- to the orifice system, the isola-
inefficient hot oil system was ing three bitumen tanks, three tion thickness of the widened
prepared. By means of basic sales lines, two production pipelines was increased from
and detailed engineering stud- lines, two bitumen feed lines, 50mm to 100mm.
ies, the main deficiencies of the and one suction heater in win-
current system were identified ter conditions New storage tank construction
stepwise. • Normal temperature mode Within the scope of the revamp
(180-140°C): The system is project, a new bitumen tank
Increase outlet temperature capable of supplying the 2.2 was to be constructed with a
In the hot oil process, fresh Gcal/h heat load required for suction heater that could sup-
thermal oil is stored in oil the whole system, apart from ply an almost 20°C differential
drums then transferred to the the suction heater temperature between the tank
expansion drum, where it is • The furnaces can be oper- outlet and the truck loading
pressurised and preheated ated after circulation as long arm. For the new tank, feasibil-
under a nitrogen blanket. Oil as there is a 40°C temperature ity calculations showed that the
from the expansion drum is difference between the furnace insulation thickness for a new
pumped to the furnaces. In the inlet and outlet temperatures. bitumen tank could be 150mm,
previous system, there were Hot oil heated in the furnaces compared with the previous
two furnaces, each having a is conveyed to the collector and designs allowing 100mm of iso-
lower heat load than the new then goes to the system users lation thickness. Construction
ones. This means that the out- which are tank coils, produc- of a new bitumen tank with a
let oil temperature of the fur- tion and sales lines, and suction suction heater enabled the sale
naces could not exceed 160°C heaters. of product even if the product
and the efficiency of the system temperature was at 110°C.
remained around 75%. Heat Orifice design
and hydraulic capacity calcu- Previously, at points distant Hot bypass line
lations demonstrated that the from the furnace, lower oil flow One of the most important
design capacity of the furnaces resulted in lower product tem- and notable points of the rede-
and pumps was not enough to perature in the storage tanks, signed system is the bypass
supply the required energy to which led to complaints from line placed between the furnace
the system. In the new system, customers. As the distance inlet and outlet.
two furnaces, each having a between the pipelines and the In the previous system,
20% higher heat load, were to furnaces increases, the tem- although the outlet oil tem-
be used so that the outlet oil perature of hot oil flowing perature of the furnace was
temperature was able to reach through the jacketed bitumen almost 160°C, the oil temper-
270°C. Unlike in the previous lines gradually decreases. As ature returning to the furnace
system, DCS and ESD control a result, at points distant from was about 100-110°C. Since the
mechanisms were installed in the furnace outlet, the exist- furnace could not supply the
the furnaces to contribute to ing system could not supply required differential temper-
process safety. the required heat. To solve this ature, the efficiency of the fur-
The system is optimised problem, firstly the diameter nace was almost 75%. In the
against high energy losses and, of the pipelines was widened new design, a bypass line has
because of a bypass line placed from 50mm to 100mm. Then, been installed from furnace
between the hot oil supply and orifice designs with different outlet to furnace inlet which
return lines, it has the capabil- diameters throughout the lines enables a 40°C temperature dif-
ity to run in different modes: came into play. Descending ference between inlet and out-
• High temperature mode (270- orifice diameters lead to oil at let. This enabled oil to return
230°C): When the two furnaces a low flow rate but high pres- to the furnaces with a tempera-
run parallel to each other, the sure. In this way, and different ture 40°C below the outlet tem-
system is capable of supplying from the previous system, even perature and the efficiency of
maximum heat load. In this the most distant lines could be the system rose to 85%.

2 PTQ Q2 2019

The bypass line also aims to
provide pressure control of the 150
system and is provided with
a differential pressure control

Bitumen tank temperature

valve with a controller which 140
receives signals from differ-
ential pressure transmitters.

before revamp, ºC
Depending on the rotational 130
speed of the pumps, the hot
bypass line keeps the pressure
of the system and the quantity
of thermal oil circulated at the
desired level, independently
of demand from the process 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 50 53 56 59 62 65 68 71 74
users. Day

Sequential operation
The other important change is Figure 1 Bitumen tank temperature change before revamp
sequential operation of the sys-
tem in the DCS. The start-up Therefore, flow, temperature drum was mounted on the sys-
procedure for the system was and pressure information in the tem for the same purpose.
programmed in the DCS by system could not be specified. Lastly, in the new system,
Tüpraş engineers, to provide Transmitters that were absent air coolers are operated based
an easy start-up procedure for in the previous system were on the temperature differ-
operators. Firstly, all opera- added for the revamp, enabling ence principle. If the heat load
tional titles were identified, the heating of tanks and lines requirement of process users
such as cold start-up, pass- under control. decreases and the system falls
ing from one furnace to the In the previous system, hot to minimum load, oil circula-
next, cooling, shutdown, and oil flow decreased gradually tion proceeds by means of air
switching from two-furnace as distance from the furnace coolers. In other words, as the
operation to one. All oper- increased. In the new case, a hot oil temperature rises to the
ational steps were listed for collector was built at the outlet set furnace outlet temperature,
each title and the system was of the furnace in order to avoid the air cooler runs as a process
designed to allow the next step higher flow rate from the fur- user.
of each operation only after nace outlet.
confirmation from the opera- Other equipment included Performance tests
tor. Since the sequential oper- in the redesigned hot oil sys- For performance testing of the
ation system involves all steps tem are a sump drum, quench system, three bitumen tanks
in the start-up procedure, it is drum, and air coolers. The with a capacity of 30 000 tonnes
impossible to miss any step sump drum was designed as and one tank with a capacity
and enables full control by the a destination point for all hot of 10 000 tonnes were filled to
operators. Such a sequential oil drains since all pressure their maximum safe level. On
system is not normally seen in safety valves are connected to start-up of the revamped sys-
hot oil or furnace systems. it. tem, the temperatures of the
In the design phase, it was tanks were observed day by
Other improvements projected that the safety valves day. Figure 1 shows the temper-
In the previous system, many of the expansion and sump ature of a bitumen tank with a
pressure, flow and tempera- drums should be connected to capacity of 30 000 tonnes when
ture transmitters that should the flare. However, to install the hot oil system was run
normally be included in the a 1km line to the flare was before revamp.
system were absent or did not economical. Therefore, as During the performance
not give the required outputs. described in API-521, a quench tests, bitumen tanks were oper- PTQ Q2 2019 3

106 142
Tank-1 temperature change Tank-2 temperature change 140
Temperature, °C

Temperature, ºC
100 134

96 96

94 126
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Day Day

145 146
Tank-3 temperature change 143
Tank-4 temperature change 144
140 142

Temperature, ºC

135 Temperature, ºC 138

130 134
125 130
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Day Day

Figure 2 Temperature change of tanks after revamp

ated sometimes for produc- lines, two sales lines, and a suc-
tion and sales. However, in Furnace and bitumen tank system tion heater, maintaining bitu-
Figure 2 only changes in stable men temperatures of 140°C. In
tank temperatures are shown;
Furnace A Furnace B performance tests of the sys-
for Tank-1, temperature was Tank-1, °C 141 140 tem, a third sales line, designed
not only conserved but also Tank-2, °C
Tank-3, °C
for future operations, was also
increased in the revamped Furnace efficiency, % 89.9 90.6 taken into account.
system. After start-up of the new hot
In the performance tests, Table 1 oil system, complaints from
it was seen that the temper- customers regarding bitumen
atures of the tanks could be Following the performance temperature were eliminated.
increased daily by 1°C and that tests, it was clearly seen that In the performance tests, it was
the temperature decreases with the heat duty of the suction clearly seen that the system
the previous system, which heater is almost equal to the is capable of maintaining the
resulted in customer com- heat duty of a furnace at the temperatures of four bitumen
plaints, were eliminated. same hot oil flow. storage tanks with a total stor-
To assess the general per- age capacity of 100 000 tonnes
formance of the system, per- Conclusion at 140°C, as well as having the
formance tests were done for The construction of a new hot capability to heat three pro-
all other equipment and the oil system aimed to heat four duction lines, including one
results are shown in Table 1. bitumen tanks, two production for future operations, two sales

4 PTQ Q2 2019

lines, and the return lines of the instead of a 1km pipeline to Murat Barışş Türkoğlu is an Operations
four tanks. flare resulted in cost and time Superintendent in the Production
Although maintaining the savings. Department of TUPRAS Batman
temperatures of the storage The redesigned hot oil sys- Refinery, Turkey. His refining experience
includes operation of storage tanks and
tanks at 140°C was expected, tem saves the equivalent of
hot oil units, tank and loading facility
the performance of the system an annual 10 000 tonnes of
operations, electricity production and
exceeded expectation with a CO2 emissions, and the refin- distribution, and steam production. He
daily increase of 1°C in tank ery’s Energy Intensity Index holds a BS in electrical and electronic
temperatures. Although oil decreased by seven units. engineering from Dicle University,
circulating in the system was Diyarbakır, Turkey.
not renewed for the perfor- Email:
mance tests, the efficiency of Gülşah Altunbaş is an Operations
the system was above 85%. The Engineer in the Production Department
engineering contractor sug- of Tupras Batman Refinery, Turkey. Her LINKS
gested that making up 20% of refining experience includes operation
of storage tanks and hot oil units, and
the oil in the system annually More articles from the following
construction of a new tank and loading
would be enough for system categories:
facility operations. She holds a BS in Crude and Vacuum Units
efficiency. Chemical Engineering from METU, Heat Transfer
Additionally, the con- Ankara, Turkey. Heavy and Sour Feedstocks
struction of a quench drum Email: PTQ Q2 2019 5

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