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Inhabit - Live in, Occupy

Rampant - uncontrolled, unrestrained in action or performance

Midst - in the middle of, a point.

Chaos - complete disorder, confusion

Chaotic - in a state of complete confusion or disorder

Stake - post, pole, a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end, driven into the
ground to support a plant, form part of a fence, mark a boundary

Desperate - having a great need or desire for something ("I am desperate for a cigarette"),

Plight - dangerous, difficult.

Generosity - the quality of being kind or generous.

Fortunately - luckily, happily, by good luck.

Inflicted - cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something.

Deprivation - poverty, neediness.

Deferment - postponement, delay, adjournment, delay, (deferment of the decision)

Dismissal - discharge, the act of ordering or allowing someone to leave.

Prejudice - preconception, preconceived notion; prejudgement

Absurd - Ridiculous

Potential - having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future, abilities,

Though - Although, however, despite the fact that,

Although - in spite of the fact that; even though, while, whilst.

However - But, nevertheless, though, although

Probably - Almost certainly, possibly, doubtless, likely, perhaps

Perhaps - used to express uncertainty or possibility,

Moreover - as a further matter; besides, furthermore, additionally, also.

Furthermore - In addition, moreover, further.

Despite of - in spite of

Instead - as an alternative or substitute, alternatively.

Instance - an example or single occurrence of something, example, case.

Discretion - the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offence or
revealing confidential information, carefulness, care, caution.
Stipulate - demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement, specify, state
clearly, set down, lay down, set out.

Facilitate - make (an action or process) easy or easier, make easier, smooth, ease.

Seamless - smooth and continuous, with no apparent gaps or spaces between one part and
the next.

Suspect - have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something)

without certain proof, feel, reckon.

Reckon - calculate, compute, work out, suspect, believe, think.

Warmth - the quality, state, or sensation of being warm; moderate heat, warmness, heat,
enthusiasm, affection, friendliness, affability,

Affable - friendly, food natured.

Laid off - put (something) down gently or carefully,

Perpetual - never ending or changing, everlasting, eternal, permanent, unending,

Frighten - make (someone) afraid or anxious, scare, shock.

Perceive - become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand,

recognize, discern.

Discern - perceive. Recognize, find out.

Profound - very great or intense, keen, great, very great, extreme.

Obliged - make (someone) legally or morally bound to do something, compel, bind, require.

Compel - force or oblige (someone) to do something, force, pressurize, impel.

Impel - force, oblige, compel.

Ambiguity - the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness, obscurity,
"we can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act"

Gratitude - the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return
kindness, "she expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support",
gratefulness, thankfulness.

Plummeting -

Allocate -

Snooze -

Obsessed -

Lethal -

Nasty -

Indignation -
- It certainly wouldn’t be the company’s first rodeo when it comes to smartwatches.
- Here’s Exactly How Often You Should Be Washing Your Sheets

Litter -

Accused -

Blasphemous -

Testify -

Suppress -

Courteous -

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