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aasaesekoc art ** we have to learn to communicate on the Job with our boss, [At home we have to lear to communicate with oUF spouse, with our children. 22 Frederick Herabers - [AS the ond of the course, you will be able to <> ullling social obligations S}aeveloning relationships SSexcnanging information Sinnueneing others Searing ‘= icentty and explain the characteristics of ettecive communication Suan SSeontent =p method Seontinuiy ‘Communication Is act by which @ person shares knowledge, felings, eas and ° Sociologists, edueationists have defined communication according to their {Clee on each book for further explanation. Harold Leagans Howland = and Boogie ©€1t is a process by which two or more people exchange Ideas, facts, feelings or impressions in ways that each gains a common Understanding of the message. In essence, itis the act of getting a Sender and a receiver tuned together for a particular message of series of messages.29 "Cit is @ process by which Information, decisions and directions pass through a social system, and the ways in which knowledge, opinions and attitudes are formed or modified. ?? sasinniinanaaaain Sociologists, educationists and psychologists have defined communication according to their {Clee on each book for further explanation. Leagans Howland ©€ Communication is the force by which an individual communieator transmits stimuli to modify the behaviour of other individuals. 9? ££ communication is Who says What to Whom through Which channel with What Effect. >> Dee a en Effective communication is the process of sending 2 message in such a way that the message received ls as lose in meaning as possible tothe message that i= Being conveyea ‘communication has severa} Cilek on each button for an explanation, Click on each button for an explanation ‘communication has several 2. Developing relationships {get to know other people but more [= cine commana nase] NEE iH) He i | ‘lek on each button for an explanation, ‘communication has severa} ‘ilek on each button for an explanation 4: Influencing others oy i 1 Communieation can be used for the purpose ‘organisation and for social and moral '= Communication is used in gathering and it il Let us take a look at the characteristics Click on each section for details Trust Let us take a look at the characteristics Click on each section for details. content Method ft The method of communication must be Suitable forthe type of message as well as the: target audience, |= identry and expiain types epexternal organisational aasaesakoo trl ‘Communication Is essental In our ie Listening to.a lecture, mesting a fren for tea, reading and answering aa Why are some communication activities unsvccesstul? I 1eaen more about the communication process In this course. felsrectiZ Stendersreceiver eecnannet barriers preedback ‘SS cnvironment oF setting Identry and expiain types epexternal organisational

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