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1. What is the source of energy for producers?

a) The earth
b) The wind
c) The sun
d) Water

2.Transpiration is a process in plants that is responsible for

a) Making of food
b) Making of water
c) Loosing water
d) Loosing food

3. Nutrients are returned to the ecosystem by

a) Decomposers
b) Producers
c) Consumers
d) Scavengers

4. State true or false? Yogurt is produced by bacterial fermentation of milk.

Ans: ________________________________________________

5. If you cool a gas, it may ___ into a liquid:

a) condense
b) evaporate
c) freeze
d) melt

6. A fish is dark on the top and light on the bottom

a) The colour helps the fish swim better.

b) the sun makes the top part of the fish dark.
c) The colour makes the fish harder for the predator to see.
d) The colour keeps the fish from turning upside down.

7. Why is it important for plants to transpire?

a) It keeps the plant from drowning.

b) It gets rid of extra water in the plant.
c) It transports water to every cell in the plant at all times.
d) It helps plants get water from other plants.
8. What is the name of oxygen carrier which is red in colour?

a. Spiracles.
b. Haemoglobin
c. skin
d. iodine
9. Name the general type of mammal that gives birth to undeveloped young ones
that are kept in pouches.
Ans: ___________________________________________________________________________________
10. What compound is a common component of air pollution, but is essential in the
upper atmosphere to protect life on earth?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Ozone
d) Hydrogen

11. The art of growing dwarfed trees in small pots, a technique perfected by the
Japanese, is known as what?
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________
12. Which one of the following is done to stop soil erosion on hill slopes?
a) Terrace farming
b) Afforestation
c) Deforestation
d) All of these.

13. What is meant by the statement that an animal is oviparous?

a) It lays eggs
b) Gives birth to young ones
c) None of the above

14. Earthquakes are measured on

a) ruler
b) Barometer
c) Richter scale
d) all of these
15. Pick the odd out
a) Bicycle
b) Pulley
c) Wedge
d) Screw
16) The longest bone in our body is
a) femur
b) scull
c) humerus
d) Tibia
17) Which of the following is a non biodegradable waste?
a) Pesticide
b) Agricultural waste
c) Kitchen waste
d) all of these
18) Extra and unwanted substances are removed by the living organisms after
absorption of the necessary nutrients. Which one of the following parts of our
body removes urea, salt and water?
a) kidney
b) Gall bladder
c) Skin
d) Liver
19) One bird is flying high in the sky and another bird is sitting on the branch
of a tree. Which one the two birds will experience greater gravitational force?
a) Bird flying high in the sky
b) Bird sitting on the branch of tree.
c) Both will experience same gravitational force.
d) Both will experience zero gravitational force.

20) Which one of the following objects allows light to pass through it?
a) opaque
b) Translucent
c) Transparent
d) all of these

1) C
2) C
3) A
4) True
5) A
6) C
7) B
8) B
9) Marsupials
10) C
11) Bonsai
12) A
13) A
14) C
15) A
16) A
17) A
18) A
19) B
20) C

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