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The most secure, private and anonymous token

on the Tron blockchain.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency in which encryption techniques

are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the
transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. These
transactions are recorded on a blockchain. A blockchain is a
decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to
record transactions across many computers so that any involved
record cannot be altered retroactively, without the alteration of all
subsequent blocks.

Bitcoin and Ethereum are popular cryptocurrencies but

there are thousands of alternative cryptos, some faster
some more secure. We choose Tron (Trx).
Tron (Trx) and BlackOnion

Tron is a blockchains thats vision is a web

that is decentralized and independent of
any central power. We choose to build on
tron because of its speed, dapp building
and zk-SNARKs

So far Tron has done a great job starting to decentralizing the

clear/surface web but that is only 4% of the internet. We at BlackOnion
want to decentralize the deep web and dark web which are the vast
majority of the web.

We go the extra step in security and privacy for our users. By making
transactions go through the Tor network we hide their ip, identity and
shield our users for centralized intervention such as dictatorial
governments that restrict web access. Our main website is based on the
Dark Web, because the website based there all the transactions go
through the onion routing also known as Tor, this enables extra security,
anonymity and unfettered access to our services.
BlackOnion Privacy

We value privacy, security and anonymity so much at BlackOnion that

in addition to Tor transactions we also utilize the zk-SNARKs that is
optional on Trc-10 token on the tron blockchain. zk-SNARKs is used so
that one party can verify the transaction and that the statement in true
without revealing any information beyond the validity of the statement.
The BlackOnion Vault

We want to give our users a way to store BlackOnion tokens safely

without fear of cyber attacks and also get paid to do so. The
BlackOnion Vault is a place to store your BlackOnions and receive
dividends in trx and BlackOnions. To receive these dividends deposit
your BlackOnions on our Tor encrypted site. After taking a 2% deposit
fee and 24 hours later your onions will have matured, you will then
receive dividends. To take your BlackOnions out of the vault there will
be a 2% fee taken and then after 24 hours you will receive them in
your wallet. Keeping BlackOnions in the vault also add extra security
and protection.

We will also be adding a feature that allows for trust funds, and for
two people to share one account and to withdraw it will require both
people key signatures. New banking features will be coming to
BlackOnion soon.
BlackOnion Classes and Tutorials

We want to educate our users about the Dark Web and Deep Web.
We will provide users with resources and classes that teach them
about how to stay safe and legal on the Dark and Deep Web. We will
show our users what free VPNs there are. Which ones steal your data
and so on. We will prepare you for the unknown and explore the
depths of the web with you and show you how to use the deepest and
darkest parts of the web for good and your benefit.
BlackOnion Hackers League
The Dark Web is a complicated place filled with illicit crimes and
exploitation. Our goal is to build an army of ethical hackers that work
together to police and tame the Dark Web. Whether you are a
seasoned Hacker or a beginner with no hacking expertise, we will still
want you to participate and help our cause. Our hackers will be paid
in BlackOnion and Trx when they complete tasks, shut down illicit
organizations and other projects that further the safety of the Dark
Web. If you do not know how to hack and want to learn or you want to
expand your skills we will be providing classes and resources for
learning. Hackers can also create guilds and teams for better
specialized coordinated ethical attacks and defenses.

Hackers will have to pass a short test and after that they will be given
a certificate, a couple tasks to complete and a token that can be used
to access hackers only pages and other special privileges.. Once you
are a documented hacker with the token then you receive 85% of the
revenue from the hacking army, this income will come from selling of
tools, and services to companies with non-malicious intent. 10% of
the revenue goes to BlackOnion holders and 5% to the development
team for further development of BlackOnion.
BlackOnion Hackers MarketPlace
Hackers can make their own tools, scripts and applications and sell
them on the market for BlackOnion and Trx. The only people that can
buy and sell on the MarketPlace are hackers that have been certified
and hold the hackers token. This is because we only want want our
tools used for good, we make sure that all of our certified hackers
have no malicious intent and we require them to sign a pledge of
ethical and virtuous integrity. When a seller sells a item, 90% will go
to the seller, 9% will go to the hackers revenue and 1% to transaction
fees and site upkeep.
Token Sale

The DeepOnion token is a Trc-10 token built on the Tron Blockchain.

When deposited to the vault it receives dividends of ad revenue,
hackers revenue and deposit and withdrawal fees, etc.

Token ID: 1002464

Total Supply: 33,947,000

Price: 25 trx

Official ICO Time Period: May 27, 2019 - May 1 2020

The token can be bought at

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