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The Devotional Renewal of Commitment follows after the Homily.

Commentator: We shall now have our
Devotional Renewal of Commitment.
Please all stand.
The Minister Provincial introduces the service in these or similar words.

Minister Provincial:
Today we are gathered to go back to our roots.
At Fonte Colombo in Italy,
rightly called the Sinai of our Franciscan movement,
Francis sought out in deep prayer
our Lord Jesus Christ
and his will for the Order.
There in a cave,
Francis wept and anguished
in the struggle to give birth to a Rule.
There in a cave,
Francis composed a Rule
for our Franciscan movement.
Today we will renew our commitment
to the Franciscan way of life.
Commentator: Please be seated.
A passage from Scripture, or from the Rule, or another Franciscan source may be read.


Reader: A reading from the Rule of 1223.
The Rule and life of the friar minor is this, namely,
to observe the holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
by living in obedience,
without property, and in chastity.
Brother Francis promises obedience
and reverence to his holiness Pope Honorius
and his lawfully elected successors
and to the Church of Rome.
The other friars are bound to obey
Brother Francis and his successors.

Commentator: Please all stand.
The friars petition for the grace of perseverance, for forgiveness transgressions against the Rule and
their vows
All: O Lord, our God,
we come before you mindful of our sins,
but most aware of your mercy
and overwhelming goodness.
You so loved the world that when the time was right,
you sent your only Son,
born of Mary and the Holy Spirit,
to live our life in its fullness.
When the world grew cold
you sent another to walk most perfectly
the way of your Son: our blessed father Francis.
The poor man of Assisi left us for all times
a gospel way of living
that was confirmed by the holy Church.
This Rule is indeed Spirit and Life.
You have called us in love,
each uniquely by name,
all of us in a brotherhood of love.
We respond now in a renewed spirit
to the call of the Gospel.
Perpetually Professed:
We, the perpetually professed friars,
remember the covenant established forever in us
when we gave ourselves completely
and without reserve to you.
Now, in your presence,
and before the Blessed Virgin Mary,
our father Saint Francis,
our mother Clare,
and all the saints,
we renew our resolve
to follow the Rule we have vowed.
We promise again to live
the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
in obedience, without property, and in chastity,
all the days of our life.
We pray that you confirm us who are weak and sinful
with your merciful grace
that we may be faithful to the very end.
Temporary Professed:
We, the temporary professed friars
recommit ourselves.
We have dedicated ourselves
and we desire to grow in the gospel life.
We wish to deepen our love for Christ
and the fraternity he has called us to.
May you bring to completeness
the good work you have begun in us.
Novices: We, the novices,
hear your word of invitation
to the gospel life of Christ.
We have entered this time of discernment
with a joyful heart.
Pour forth in us the abundant gifts of your Spirit,
who alone can test the wayward heart.
May we grow daily stronger in your love.
All: You have blessed us, merciful God, with many gifts.
You have opened our hearts anew
to the Gospel revealed by Christ,
and the way of Saint Francis and Saint Clare.
All of us thank you for this grace.
We rededicate ourselves to the growth in your love
to which you call us.
Forgive us our sins and heal us in our weakness.
Lead us today and always on the true way
which will bring us to the Kingdom
you have promised us
where you live and reign
in the blessed company of your Son
and the Holy Spirit,
and all the angels and saints forever.
Commentator: The friars will now give the kiss of peace
to one another.
The friars may exchange a sign of peace while a hymn is being sung.

Minister Provincial:
Whoever observe these things
may be may they be filled in heaven
with the blessing of the most high Father,
and may he be filled on earth
with the blessing of his beloved Son,
together with the Holy Spirit, the Consoler
and all the powers of heaven and all the saints.
and I, brother Francis,
your worthless servant,
as far as I am able,
approve this most holy blessing
both internally and externally.
People: Amen.

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