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At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to identify the kinds of paragraph and its
basic features
References: Grammar and Writing Composition (Grammar Bytes)
Materials: ICT devices/gadgets (TV and Laptop)Charts and Activity Sheets .
“Good morning everyone!” “Good morning Sir!”
“Before, we start, let’s have a prayer!” Everyone starts to pray.
“Once again, good morning class!” Everyone replies.
Checking of attendance
Checking of assignments
Everyone, read the sentence

1.The Philippines is rich in natural resources.

2. It has fertile, arable lands, diverse flora and fauna, extensive coastlines, and rich mineral

3. About 30% of the land area of the country was determined be geologically prospective by
the Philippine Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau.

4. But Only 1.5% of country's land area is covered with mining permits.

5. Despite the rich natural resources of the Philippines, the government is restricting its

Good and Thank you.

If we are going to connect all the sentences, this will look like this.

The Philippines is rich in natural resources. It has fertile, arable lands, diverse flora and fauna,
extensive coastlines, and rich mineral deposits. About 30% of the land area of the country was
determined be geologically prospective by the Philippine Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau. But
Only 1.5% of country's land area is covered with mining permits. Despite the rich natural
resources of the Philippines, the government is restricting its exploitation.

“What do you call this?” “Paragraph”

“Very good. Everyone read the paragraph.” Everybody reads the paragraph
Why we are talking about paragraphs,
because today you will be learning on the
different types of the paragraphs and its structure.
Let’s know first what is a paragraph.
A paragraph (from the Ancient Greek παράγραφος paragraphos, "to write beside" or "written
beside") is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A
paragraph consists of one or more sentences.

Now, there are 4 types of paragraphs and these are the following:
Narrative , Exposition, Descriptive and Persuasive
Let’s talk first the

1. Narrative
 Tells a story
 Uses specific details
 Is not a mere listing of events- it has characters, setting, conflict, and resolution

 Time and place are usually established

 Usually chronologically organized
Example: So now on nights when my mother presented her tests, I performed listlessly, my head
propped on one arm. I pretended to be bored, and I was. I got so bored I started counting the bellows
of the foghorns out on the bay while my mother drilled me in other area. The next day, I played a game
with myself, seeing if my mother would give up on me before eight bellows. After a while, I usually
counted only one, maybe two at the most. At last, she was beginning to give up hope.

2. Exposition:
*Can be included incidentally with narrative or descriptive, but can also stand alone.
*The challenge of writing an exposition paragraph is your credibility – how do I know
*that you know what you’re talking about?
*Answer: Citations! (from experts)

 Example: Stress is defined as a state of extreme difficulty that causes mental or physical
tension. In a recent study, teenagers were shown to experience stress as often as adults.
According to the study, the most common causes of stressors to teens include divorce of
parents, death of a loved one, loneliness, moving to a new neighborhood, and having
difficulty in a social environment. These stressors can greatly change the way teens act in
many circumstances.

3. Description/Descriptive:
 Series of detailed observations
 Usually not used by itself, but rather as a part of a whole
 The challenge is to make it interesting
a. Imagery
b. Sensory details; five senses
c. Similes, metaphors
 Example: When I think of the home town of my youth, all that I seem to remember is
dust- the brown, crumbly dust of late summer- arid, sterile dust that gets into the eyes
and makes them water, gets into the throat and between the toes of bare brown feet. I
don’t know why I should remember only the dust… And so, when I think of that time and
that place, I remember only the dry September of the dirt roads and grassless yards of
the shanty-town where I lived.
4. Persuasive
 Uses direct approach
a. “Believe me and do it!”

 Calls reader to action or to take a stand on an important issue

 More than just opinion is needed; information, analysis, and context must be given to
the reader to let him/her make a decision.
 Students are currently getting ripped off. Students who spend an average of 10 hours or
more on extracurricular activities should receive some kind of academic credit. Most
students who are involved in sports, music, journalism, or theater activities are actively
learning on a daily basis. They attend practice and events and participate regularly as they
would in class. Furthermore, their participation helps them become more responsible and
disciplined students. Students are putting forth the effort, and not getting any recognition
for their efforts.
Do you have any questions? Any clarifications? Yes/No.
Good. Before we proceed to your quiz, let’s have a short activity.
This time you will be grouped according to your rows. I will be checking you how much do you
remember on the different types of paragraphs. You will be given sample paragraphs. Discuss
among the members of the group and select 4 representatives to put these paragraphs to its
correct placement based on the types of paragraphs they.
1. So now on nights when my mother presented her tests, I performed listlessly, my head
propped on one arm. I pretended to be bored, and I was. I got so bored I started counting the
bellows of the foghorns out on the bay while my mother drilled me in other area. The next day,
I played a game with myself, seeing if my mother would give up on me before eight bellows.
After a while, I usually counted only one, maybe two at the most. At last, she was beginning to
give up hope.
1. Stress is defined as a state of extreme difficulty that causes mental or physical tension. In a
recent study, teenagers were shown to experience stress as often as adults. According to the
study, the most common causes of stressors to teens include divorce of parents, death of a
loved one, loneliness, moving to a new neighborhood, and having difficulty in a social
environment. These stressors can greatly change the way teens act in many circumstances.

2. When I think of the home town of my youth, all that I seem to remember is dust- the brown,
crumbly dust of late summer- arid, sterile dust that gets into the eyes and makes them water,
gets into the throat and between the toes of bare brown feet. I don’t know why I should
remember only the dust… And so, when I think of that time and that place, I remember only
the dry September of the dirt roads and grassless yards of the shanty-town where I lived.

3. Students are currently getting ripped off. Students who spend an average of 10 hours or more
on extracurricular activities should receive some kind of academic credit. Most students who
are involved in sports, music, journalism, or theater activities are actively learning on a daily
basis. They attend practice and events and participate regularly as they would in class.
Furthermore, their participation helps them become more responsible and disciplined
students. Students are putting forth the effort, and not getting any recognition for their
Learners starts to
discuss and later they
start placing the
paragraphs to its
correct placement of
the types of
Let’s check if did it right!
Very good.
Alright , lets all remember that the Point and purpose are the keys in understanding types of
paragraphs and kinds of paragraphs.
In writing, the words point and purpose are almost synonymous. Your point is your purpose, and
how you decide to make your point clear to your reader is also your purpose. Writers have a
point and a purpose for every paragraph that they create.

A3- Answer the following questions:

1. The goal of this type of paragraph is to convince another person to change, or at least think

about changing, their opinion about something (1 point)





2. Which type of sentence would this topic sentence best go with: Despite what dog lovers might

believe, cats actually make better pets. (1 point)





3. Which type of sentence would this topic sentence best go with: The Himalayan Mountains are

the tallest mountains in the world. (1 point)





4. Which type of sentence would this topic sentence best go with: The day I won first place in the

box car derby race was the proudest day of my life. (1 point)




5. This paragraph is used to tell a story. There is a logical sequence of events. (1 point)




6. In this type of paragraph, the author is writing about what a person, place, or thing is

like. (1 point)




7. This type of paragraph is used to present information, ideas, or opinions. (1 point)





8. Which type of sentence would this topic sentence best go with: My best friend's freckled face

always has a glowing, crooked smile. (1 point)






The Answer Key:

The goal of this type of paragraph is to convince another person to change, or at least think about
changing, their opinion about something
• persuasive (correct answer, your response)
Which type of sentence would this topic sentence best go with: Despite what dog lovers might
believe, cats actually make better pets.

• persuasive (correct answer, your response)

Which type of sentence would this topic sentence best go with: The Himalayan Mountains are
the tallest mountains in the world.
• expository (correct answer)
Which type of sentence would this topic sentence best go with: The day I won first place in the
box car derby race was the proudest day of my life.
• narrative (correct answer, your response)
This paragraph is used to tell a story. There is a logical sequence of events.
• narrative (correct answer)
In this type of paragraph, the author is writing about what a person, place, or thing is like.
• descriptive (correct answer)
This type of paragraph is used to present information, ideas, or opinions.
• expository (correct answer, your response)
Which type of sentence would this topic sentence best go with: My best friend's freckled face
always has a glowing, crooked smile.
• descriptive (correct answer, your response)
A4- Identify the following paragraphs. Put your answers on the blank before the number

____________________1. On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft launched from

the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Its mission was to go where no human being
had gone before—the moon! The crew consisted of Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins,
and Buzz Aldrin. The spacecraft landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility, a
basaltic flood plain, on July 20, 1969. The moonwalk took place the following day. On
July 21, 1969, at precisely 10:56 EDT, Commander Neil Armstrong emerged from the
Lunar Module and took his famous first step onto the moon’s surface. He declared,
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” It was a monumental
moment in human history!

(Answer- Narrative)
___________________________2. Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer
space solar winds. There are blue, pink, and purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of
balloons caught in a whirlwind. The sun moves slowly to hide behind the line of horizon, while
the moon races to take its place in prominence atop the night sky. People slow to a crawl,
entranced, fully forgetting the deeds that must still be done. There is a coolness, a calmness,
when the sun does set.
(Answer: Descriptive)
__________________________3. The school fair is right around the corner, and tickets have
just gone on sale. We are selling a limited number of tickets at a discount, so move fast and get
yours while they are still available. This is going to be an event you will not want to miss! First
off, the school fair is a great value when compared with other forms of entertainment. Also, your
ticket purchase will help our school, and when you help the school, it helps the entire
community. But that’s not all! Every ticket you purchase enters you in a drawing to win fabulous
prizes. And don’t forget, you will have mountains of fun because there are acres and acres of
great rides, fun games, and entertaining attractions! Spend time with your family and friends at
our school fair. Buy your tickets now!
(Answer: Persuasive)

___________________________4. People often install a kitty door, only to discover that

they have a problem. The problem is their cat will not use the kitty door. There are
several common reasons why cats won’t use kitty doors. First, they may not understand
how a kitty door works. They may not understand that it is a little doorway just for them.
Second, many kitty doors are dark, and cats cannot see to the other side. As such, they
can’t be sure of what is on the other side of the door, so they won’t take the risk. One
last reason cats won’t use kitty doors is because some cats don’t like the feeling of
pushing through the door and having the door drag across their back. But don’t worry—
there is a solution for this kitty-door problem.
The first step in solving the problem is to prop the door open with tape. This means your
cat will now be able to see through to the other side; your cat will likely begin using the
kitty door immediately. Once your cat has gotten used to using the kitty door, remove
the tape. Sometimes cats will continue to use the kitty door without any more prompting.
If this does not happen, you will want to use food to bribe your cat. When it’s feeding
time, sit on the opposite side of the door from your cat and either click the top of the can
or crinkle the cat food bag. Open the door to show your cat that it is both you and the
food waiting on the other side of the door. Repeat this a couple times, and then feed
your cat. After a couple days of this, your kitty-door problem will be solved.

(Answer: Expository)

Read each paragraph carefully and decide whether it is a narrative, descriptive,

expository, or persuasive paragraph. Label it appropriately in the blank.
1. Paragraph Type (narrative, descriptive, expository, or persuasive)
To be healthy, teens can exercise, eat nutritious foods, and keep themselves safe. First,
participating in various kinds of fitness can keep them in shape. This can include walking, riding
their bikes, and playing sports. Next, maintaining a nutrient-rich diet can help teens stay well.
Three balanced meals and two wholesome snacks a day can keep their health on track. Finally,
staying out of dangerous situations can keep teens healthy. Avoiding strangers, wearing
seatbelts in cars, and checking smoke detectors are all great ways to accomplish this task. Teens
who follow these tips will keep their bodies unharmed and in good physical shape.

2. Paragraph Type (narrative, descriptive, expository, or persuasive)

One of the oddest coincidences in my life happened when I left America to visit Seoul, South
Korea. A friend and I wanted to visit a castle in Seoul, so we found some locals who agreed to
take us to see it. As we were walking up some steps from one part of the grounds to another, I
saw some people watching us from the top of the steps. When I got to the top, someone I had
never seen before mentioned my sister’s name and asked if I was her sister. I almost couldn’t
talk! How could these people know my sister, who lived in Australia? They explained that they
were my sister’s neighbors in Australia and that I looked just like her. It was the strangest
experience in my life!

3. Paragraph Type (narrative, descriptive, expository, or persuasive)

Pets should be allowed in school for a number of reasons. First, they help students feel more
comfortable. Some students feel very uncomfortable in a school setting, but taking along a pet
gerbil or gecko might help students relax. Also, students can make friends more easily with a
pet. A pet frog or tarantula can gather quite a crowd; and when students see what pets they
have in common, they can unite around their common interests. Finally, pets can keep students
safe. Who wants to bully a student who has a protective dog with him? For all of these reasons,
students should be allowed to take their pets to school.
4. Paragraph Type (narrative, descriptive, expository, or persuasive)
Hanging on my bedroom wall is a picture of a train. Sometimes, when I’m lying on my bed, I take
a closer look. The front of the train has a number of flags, but they don’t look like today’s
American flag. Instead, these flags have stripes and a circle of stars. The train is at a station, and
the conductor is walking toward the tracks in front of the train. Is he preparing to speak to all of
the hat-wearing men and children behind him, or is he checking out the tracks? I can’t decide.
The clock on the post outside the station says it is about six fifteen, and I’m guessing that it’s
evening and not morning since it doesn’t look dark. I can just imagine the smell of coal and hear
the sound of the train as it snorts and breathes, chomping at the bit to get moving. The picture
always makes me think about life in the past.

5. Paragraph Type (narrative, descriptive, expository, or persuasive)

All students should be required to learn how to use the internet. First, because the web gives
students access to a tremendous amount of research from the comfort of school or home, they
can save time doing research if they learn to use this resource. For example, if students want to
write about poodles, they can easily go to a search engine and find all of the resources they
could possibly want or need on the topic. Next, the internet allows instant communication with
access to everything from email to Skype. Students who have access to the web can
communicate with parents and friends during breaks, resolving issues or letting parents know
about a schedule change. Finally, learning to use the internet will help students compete in the
highly-competitive and technologically-savvy world. Many jobs today require employees to use
the internet, and if students don’t know how to do this, they will be stuck in lower-paying jobs.
Clearly, the internet is a necessity in today’s world, so all students should learn how to use it.

2. narrative
3. persuasive
4. descriptive
5. persuasive


Write one (1) example of each type of the paragraph.

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