Blast Furnace Heat and Material Balance Using MS-Excel-Solver

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Microsoft Excel 11.

0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [low shaft excel sheet6.xls]Sheet1
Report Created: 5/24/2012 4:25:59 PM

Target Cell (Value Of)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$19 C balance 0.00 0.00

Adjustable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$6 wt 2707.55 2706.70
$E$6 wt 1368.6989406 1368.664781734
$H$6 wt 0.0001 73.5130623274
$N$6 wt 1277.21 1193.74
$Q$7 Volume with air (dry basis) 5101.82594366 5102.677680322
$W$6 weight 1228.20 1225.18
$W$7 CaO 35.00 35.62
$W$8 SiO2 25.00 25.45
$Z$6 Volume 6200.68 6201.72
$W$9 Al2O3 16.73 16.82

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$W$11 MgO 21.11 $W$11<=100 Not Binding 78.89495101
$W$11 MgO 21.11 $W$11>=0.0001 Not Binding 21.10
$O$32 Balance % 0.0 $O$32=0 Not Binding 0
$B$27 Basisity 1.40 $B$27=$W$12 Not Binding 0
$B$26 CaO balance 0.00 $B$26=0 Not Binding 0
$B$24 MgO balance 0.00 $B$24=0 Not Binding 0
$W$13 sum 100 $W$13=100 Not Binding 0
$B$25 Al2O3 balance 0.00 $B$25=0 Not Binding 0
$W$10 FeO 1.00 $W$10>=0 Not Binding 1.00
$W$10 FeO 1.00 $W$10<=100 Not Binding 99
$B$20 Si Balance 0.00 $B$20=0 Not Binding 0
$B$21 Fe balance 0.00 $B$21=0 Not Binding 0
$B$22 oxygen balance 0.00 $B$22=0 Not Binding 0
$B$23 Nitrogen balance 0.00 $B$23=0 Not Binding 0
$W$9 Al2O3 16.82 $W$9>=0.0001 Not Binding 16.82
$B$6 wt 2706.70 $B$6>=0.0001 Not Binding 2706.70
$E$6 wt 1368.66478173 $E$6>=0.0001 Not Binding 1368.664682
$H$6 wt 73.5130623274 $H$6>=0.0001 Not Binding 73.51296233
$N$6 wt 1193.74 $N$6>=0.0001 Not Binding 1193.74
$Z$6 Volume 6201.72 $Z$6>=0 Not Binding 6201.72
$W$9 Al2O3 16.82 $W$9<=100 Not Binding 83.17634336
$W$6 weight 1225.18 $W$6>=0.0001 Not Binding 1225.18
$W$7 CaO 35.62 $W$7>=0.0001 Not Binding 35.62
$W$8 SiO2 25.45 $W$8>=0.0001 Not Binding 25.45
$Q$7 Volume with air (dry basis) 5102.67768032 $Q$7>=0.0001 Not Binding 5102.67758
$W$7 CaO 35.62 $W$7<=100 Not Binding 64.37507829
$W$8 SiO2 25.45 $W$8<=100 Not Binding 74.55362735
Microsoft Excel 11.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [low shaft excel sheet6.xls]Sheet1
Report Created: 5/25/2012 11:07:52 AM

Target Cell (Value Of)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$19 C balance -74.65 0.00

Adjustable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$B$6 wt 3003.40 2613.95
$E$6 wt 1368.10073698 1365.997521819
$H$6 wt 0.0001 641.6805512282
$N$6 wt 1083.12 179.56
$Q$7 Volume with air (dry basis) 5821.05449838 4624.122641078
$W$6 weight 1175.24 989.02
$W$7 CaO 31.69 37.48
$W$8 SiO2 28.81 34.08
$Z$6 Volume 6967.63 5707.90
$W$9 Al2O3 18.57 20.66

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$W$11 MgO 6.78 $W$11<=100 Not Binding 93.21764461
$W$11 MgO 6.78 $W$11>=0.0001 Not Binding 6.78
$O$33 Balance % 0.0 $O$33=0 Not Binding 0
$B$27 Basisity 1.10 $B$27=$W$12 Not Binding 0
$B$26 CaO balance 0.00 $B$26=0 Not Binding 0
$B$24 MgO balance 0.00 $B$24=0 Not Binding 0
$W$13 sum 100 $W$13=100 Not Binding 0
$B$25 Al2O3 balance 0.00 $B$25=0 Not Binding 0
$W$10 FeO 1.00 $W$10>=0 Not Binding 1.00
$W$10 FeO 1.00 $W$10<=100 Not Binding 99
$B$20 Si Balance 0.00 $B$20=0 Not Binding 0
$B$21 Fe balance 0.00 $B$21=0 Not Binding 0
$B$22 oxygen balance 0.00 $B$22=0 Not Binding 0
$B$23 Nitrogen balance 0.00 $B$23=0 Not Binding 0
$W$9 Al2O3 20.66 $W$9>=0.0001 Not Binding 20.66
$B$6 wt 2613.95 $B$6>=0.0001 Not Binding 2613.95
$E$6 wt 1365.99752182 $E$6>=0.0001 Not Binding 1365.997422
$H$6 wt 641.680551228 $H$6>=0.0001 Not Binding 641.6804512
$N$6 wt 179.56 $N$6>=0.0001 Not Binding 179.56
$Z$6 Volume 5707.90 $Z$6>=0 Not Binding 5707.90
$W$9 Al2O3 20.66 $W$9<=100 Not Binding 79.34189807
$W$6 weight 989.02 $W$6>=0.0001 Not Binding 989.02
$W$7 CaO 37.48 $W$7>=0.0001 Not Binding 37.48
$W$8 SiO2 34.08 $W$8>=0.0001 Not Binding 34.08
$Q$7 Volume with air (dry basis) 4624.12264108 $Q$7>=0.0001 Not Binding 4624.122541
$W$7 CaO 37.48 $W$7<=100 Not Binding 62.51643002
$W$8 SiO2 34.08 $W$8<=100 Not Binding 65.92402729
Blast furnace model based upon overall heat and mass balance

Input Materials

Coke Iron Ore

wt 658.90 Kg wt 1499.777
C 88.00 % Fe2O3 84
VM 0.00 % SiO2 6
Ash 2.00 % CaO 0
SiO2 9.00 % Al2O3 4
CaO 0.00 % C 0
Al2O3 3.00 % MgO 0
MgO 0.00 %
Moisture 2.00 % 94
Weight of fixed carbon 579.8338376226
All balances The heat loss (% of input)

Material balance table Heat balance table (referen

C balance 0.00
Si Balance 0.00 Heat input
Fe balance 0.00
oxygen balance 0.00 Heat of reaction C to CO
Nitrogen balance 0.00 Heat of reaction C to CO2
MgO balance 0.00 Sensible heat of hot blast
Al2O3 balance 0.00 heat of formation of slag
CaO balance 0.00
Basisity 1.20

(in kJoules)
in kwh
ss balance

Kg wt 86.91349552 Kg
% CaO 44.48 %
% SiO2 4.5 %
% Al2O3 1.6 %
% MgO 3.3 %
% FeO 0%
LOI 34.5 %

he heat loss (% of input) 10

eat balance table (reference 25 C)

eat of reaction C to CO 907322.9 kcal 35.195 %

eat of reaction C to CO2 1500773.2 kcal 58.214 %
ensible heat of hot blast 133008.2 kcal 5.1593 %
eat of formation of slag 36902.1 kcal 1.4314 %

2578006.3 kcal 100 %

n kJoules) 10776066.4 kJ
2993.351777 kwh
wt 211.41 Kg

SiO2 0.40 %
CaO 31.30
MgO 20.70
Al2O3 0.63
LOI 28

Heat output

Sensible heat of pig iron 300000.0

Sensible heat of Slag 129614.7
Sensible heat of Top gas 186198.8
Heat of decomposition CaCO3 78753.2
Heat of decomposition of Fe2O3 1562955.6
Heat of decomposition of SiO2 29048.6
Heat of decomposition of MgCO3 33634.9
losses 257800.6

Total 2578006.3
(in kJoules) 10776066.4
Balance 0.0
Output Materials

Hot blast Pig iron

Temperature 250 C Weight 1000 Kg
Volume with air (dr 1824.5297 NM3 Fe 95.1 %
Volume of oxygen i 0 NM3 C 4.5 %
Total volume (dry 1824.5297 NM3 Si 0.4 %
% oxygen enrichm 0% Temperature 1350 C

Blast weight in kg 2349.082 Kg

kcal 11.64 %
kcal 5.03 %
kcal 7.22 %
kcal 3.05 %
kcal 60.63 %
kcal 1.13 %
1.30 %
kcal 10.00 %
kcal 0%
kcal 100.00
Slag top waste gas
weight 304.98 Kg Volume 2485.14 NM3
CaO 34.37 % CO 28.00 %
SiO2 28.64 % CO2 14.00 %
Al2O3 20.69 % N2 58.00 %
FeO 1.00 % temperature 250.00 C
MgO 15.29 % CO/CO2 2.00
Basisity 1.2 weight of w-gas 3354.93 kg
sum 100 %

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