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Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial - UU Test

Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial with pwp - UU with pwp
Consolidated Undrained Triaxial with pwp - CU Test
Consolidated Drained Triaxial with pwp - CD Test


In a triaxial compression test, the test specimen is encased in a rubber membrane,
placed in a test chamber (cell), and subjected to a constant confining pressure
throughout the duration of the test. A sample is commonly tested is a series of 3
specimens, each at different confining pressures. The tests may be performed on
remoulded/disturbed samples to specific density/moisture and undisturbed samples
at field moisture or artificially saturated moisture. The type of tests and parameters
requirement are presented below and discussed further in Section 2.1 to 2.4

Type of Test Test Stages Parameters Determined

UU Shearing cu and ( = 0)
UU with pwp Saturation, Shearing c’ and ’
CU Saturation, Consolidation, Shearing c’ and ’
CD Saturation, Consolidation, Shearing c’d , ’d and Ā

cu = undrained cohesion
c’ = effective undrained cohesion
c’d = effective drained cohesion
 = undrained angle of friction
’ = effective undrained angle of friction
’d = effective drained angle of friction
Ā = pore water pressure parameter


A. There is no test standard or publication reference for CIU or CID Test (the ‘I’ is the
abbrev for isotropic). However, pore pressure dissipation or Isotropic Consolidation
Test is referenced in BS1377: Part 6, 1990, Method 5. Values of mvi and cvi derived
from this isotropic test are not the same as values of mvi and cvi obtained from CU Test
or mv and cv obtained from one-dimensional consolidation test. The term isotropic refers
to the value of permeability in the horizontal direction to be the same as in the vertical
direction. Isotropic consolidation is consolidation due to the application of three equal
principal stresses, i.e., 1 = 2 = 3

B. The consolidation stage that follows immediately after the saturation stage of CU or CD
Test is isotropic (BS1377: Part 8, 1990, Method 7 or Method 8 ). The objective is to
bring the specimen to the state of effective stress required for carrying out the
compression test. It is often for engineers to express CU/CD as CIU/CID (additional ‘I’)
to instruct the isotropic test that it has become a norm. For normative reference, it shall
be reported as the CU or CD Test.

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2.1 UU Test
Reference: BS1377: 1990: Part 7: Method 8 - The confining pressure is imposed on
the sample at the start of the shearing test. A strain rate of between 0.5 to 1.5
mm/min shall be selected based on the criteria that failure of the sample is to be
produced within a period of 5 to 15 minutes. No drainage is permitted and the
stresses, which are measured, represent the sum of the intergranular stresses and
pore water pressures (total stress). From a set of tests on 3 specimens, Mohr circles
of total stress at failure can be plotted. The (c) and () values are then determined.

2.2 UU with pwp measurement

Reference: Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing, KH Head, Volume 3, 19.3.2 - Pore
water pressure and volume change is recorded before and after imposing the
selected confining pressure. Under confined pressure, a time lapse of generally half
an hour is sufficient for the pore water pressure and volume change to reach steady
values before starting the shearing stage. AW Bishop and DJ Henkel had described
a strain rate as slow as 0.08mm/min to allow these reading to be representative.
From a set of tests on 3 specimens, Mohr circles of effective stress and total stress
at failure can be plotted. The (c’) and (’) values are then determined.

2.3 CU Test with pwp measurement

Reference: BS1377: 1990: Part 8: Method 7 - The sample is allowed to saturate and
consolidated under the applied confining and back pressures prior to the start of the
test. The volume change is monitored by measuring the water and/or air expelled
during the saturation to consolidation stage. Once consolidation is completed, the
sample is then isolated from the back pressure and no drainage is permitted during
the shearing test. The calculated rate of strain can be as slow as 0.032mm/min to
measure the pore water pressures and stresses. From a set of tests on 3
specimens, Mohr circles of effective stress and total stress at failure can be plotted.
The (c’) and (’) values are then determined.

2.4 CD Test with pwp measurement

Reference: BS1377: 1990: Part 8: Method 8 - The sample is allowed to saturate and
consolidated under the applied confining and back pressures prior to the start of the
test. The volume change is monitored by measuring the water and/or air expelled
during the saturation to consolidation stage. Once consolidation is completed, the
back pressure remains connected to the sample and drainage is permitted during
the shearing test at sufficiently slow strain rates to avoid the development of excess
pore pressures. The calculated rate of strain can be as slow as 0.015mm/min to
measure the pore water pressures, stresses and volume changes. From a set of
tests on 3 specimens, Mohr circles of effective stress and total stress at failure can
be plotted. The (c’d) and (’d) values are then determined.

3.1 Test Standard - BS1377: 1990: Part 7 and 8
3.2 Publication - Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing, KH Head, Volume 3, 19.3.2
3.3 Publication - The Measurement of Soil Properties in The Triaxial Test, AW Bishop
and DJ Henkel
3.4 Catalogue - ELE International Ltd (
3.5 Catalogue - Wykeham Farrance Eng. Ltd (
3.6 Catalogue - GDS Instruments Ltd (

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Triaxial equipment and ancillary systems are described below:

Triaxial cell- Choice of unit adapting for size 38
& 50 mm or unit for 38, 50 & 70 mm
    
Strained controlled compression machine (10kN
or 50kN)- 0.001 to 5.999 mm/min     
Specimen trimmer or soil lathe (38 & 50)    
Sample extraction- Choice of hand or motorized
with 1,000mm piston travel and adaptors for
extruding up to 4 sampler sizes of approximate    
60, 72, 76 & 108 mm
Wire saw, 2-way split former, suction membrane
device, O-ring placing tool    
Conventional drying oven, 105 – 110C    
Digital balance- 1,200g x 0.1g    
Digital balance- 300g x 0.01g    
Venier caliper    
Rubber membrane, o-rings, base adaptor and
pressure pad for 38, 50 & 70 mm     
Porous stone and drainage tubing with connector
for 38, 50 & 70 mm    
Pore water pressure measurement- Choice of
transducer (1,000 kPa / 1,700kPa x 1kPa
accuracy) to readout unit /datalogger or    
manometer pressure panel
Volume change measurement- Choice of
automatic apparatus or twin 100ml burettes    
Deaired water- tank and vacuum source   
Test gauge- 1,700kPa x 10kPa    
Rotary hand pump for confining cell pressure 
Control valves, pipework, pressure tubings     
Two independent constant pressure devices for
cell and back pressure- choice of oil/water
system, air/water system, GDS controller and    
mercury pot system
Shearing procedure- Choice of load ring or load
cells for common capacities- 1kN, 2kN, 5kN     
Deformation dial gauge- 25mm x 0.01mm     
Recording facility- Choice of manual (stop watch
timed procedure or programmed automatic data-    
acquisition unit (ADU).
Reporting facility- Choice of computer and
software- custom program or spreadsheet    

C. Where  3 sets of equipment and ancillary systems are preferred, the objective is to
facilitate concurrent testing and shorten delivery time considerably for the CU and CD
Tests requirement of 3 specimens per sample.

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The suggested maximum intervals between routine checks and full calibrations of
triaxial equipment (reference- K.H.Head) are presented below:

Test gauge Zero reading 1 year
Load ring / cell Correct operation 2 years
UU Dial gauges Free movement before every use 1 year
UU pwp Rubber membranes Samples from each batch -
CU Venier caliper Check zero before every use. 1 year
CD Balances Check zero before every use. 6 months
Verify with known weights weekly
Drying oven 1 week 1 year
UU pwp Electronic readout unit Monthly -
CU Device fitted with electrical Direction of movement (+ or -) 1 year
CD transducers
CU Volume change (burette) Interface meniscus 2 years


The contractual and technical requirements have to be checked before starting a
series of tests. For any case, the main conditions to be considered are as follows:


Specimen Size Diameter x Length Minimum Length for trimming
- All Trimmed 38 x 76 mm 100 mm (300 mm for 3 specimens)
- All Trimmed 50 x 100 mm 125 mm (375 mm for 3 specimens)
- All Trimmed 70 x 140 mm 165 mm (495 mm for 3 specimens)

- Untrimmed Diameter 72 x 144 mm 170 mm (510 mm for 3 specimens)

Sample Condition
- Length Verify field log recovery in relation to specimen diameter.
UU - Undisturbed Actual representative length for a test or series of tests.
UU pwp - Disturbed / Remoulded Test specimens prepared under specified conditions.
CU (a) The 3 numbers of specimens to be tested as a set.
CD (b) Confirm instruction for 1 or 2 specimens tests when
No. of Specimens there is insufficient sample recovery length or
representative undisturbed sample length (multi-
staged tests normally not approved or recommended)
(a) Maximum deviator stress
(b) Maximum effective principle stress ratio
Failure Criteria (c) When at constant shear stress, shearing continues at
constant pore pressure (undrained) or with no change
in volume (drained)
The difference between cell and pore water pressures
over a range of vertical effective stresses ( v’ ) in usually
Effective Cell Pressure
UU pwp appropriate multiples of ½ v’ , v’ and 2 v’ for a set of 3
CU specimens.
CD (a) Increments of cell pressure and back pressure
Saturation Method (b) Raising cell pressure only at constant moisture
1. One end or both ends of specimen
Drainage Method 2. Correction to be applied for filter paper side drains, if
used (normally not approved or recommended)

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The general test procedures, depending on the types of test are outlined below:


1. Select equipment for specimen size and type of test.
2. Check test conditions.
3. Extrude / Remould sample.
UU pwp
Specimen Preparation 4. Obtain specimens (trim whole/ untrim dia. / remould).
5. Record initial test specimen measurements.
6. Carry out moisture determination from loose trimmings.
Goto next Stage.
7. Place specimen on base adaptor.
8. Use suction device to fit rubbber membrane to specimen
UU 9. Fit top end cap.
10. Fit o-ring on end cap and base adaptor to seal rubber
membrane. Goto next Stage.
Specimen Set Up
11. De-air the lines connecting base of triaxial cell and
UU pwp drainage tubing connecting base to top end cap.
CU 12. Place (moist) porous stone on base adaptor followed by
CD specimen and then another porous stone on top. Follow
steps No.8 to No.10
13. Assemble and lock cell body to base.
14. Slide piston down slowly to contact top cap.
15. Fill cell with water, ensuring that trapped air is displaced
through air vent. Goto Step No.27
Cell System 16. Follow Steps No.13 to No.14
UU pwp
Assembly 17. Fill cell with de-aired water, ensuring that trapped air is
displaced through air vent. Goto Step No.20
18. Follow Steps No.13 to No.14
19. Fill cell with de-aired water, ensuring that trapped air is
displaced through air vent. Goto Step No.22
20. Open cell (volume change) pressure valves.
UU pwp 21. Test procedure – K.H.Head Volume 3, 19.3.2,
Saturation. Goto Step No.30
Saturation Stage 22. Open cell and back (volume change) pressure valves.
CU 23. Test procedure – BS1377: 1990, Part 8, Method 5
CD 24. When B value 0.95, saturation can be considered
complete. Goto Step No.25
25. Test procedure - BS1377: 1990, Part 8, Method 6
26. When no further significant volume change and until at
Consolidation Stage least 95% of excess pore pressure has been dissipated,
close back (volume change) pressure valve. Goto Step
No.32 (CU) or Step No.35 (CD).
27. Keep cell pressure valve open.
28. Test procedure – BS1377: 1990, Part 7, Method 8.4.3
29. Test pass max. axial stress or until an axial strain of
20% is reached.
30. Test procedure – K.H.Head Volume 3, 19.3.2,
UU pwp Undrained Shear.
31. Test until an axial strain of at least 10% is reached.
Shearing Stage 32. Keep back (volume change) pressure valve closed.
CU 33. Test procedure - BS1377: 1990, Part 8, Method 7.2
34. Test pass max. axial stress or until an axial strain of
20% is reached.
35. Open back (volume change) pressure valve.
36. Test procedure - BS1377: 1990, Part 8, Method 8.2
37. Test pass max. axial stress or until an axial strain of
20% is reached.

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The indicative tests duration for a diameter 38mm specimen, depending on the types
of test and specimen size is outlined below:

Estimated Total Time (RESIDUAL SOIL)

Est. Time
TEST STAGE 3 specimens - concurrent testing
1 x 38 mm 3 x 38 mm 38 mm 50 mm 70 mm
Preparation, set up & 10 min. 30 min.
UU 1~2 hr. 1.2~2.5hr 1.4~3.3hr
Shearing (0.5~1.5 mm/min), 10 to 30 min. 30 to 90 min.
approx. 20% strain
Preparation, set up & 20 min. 1 hr
UU Saturation – 3 steps 6 hr 6 hr
17 hr 21 hr 27 hr
Shearing (0.012 mm/min), 10 hr 10 hr
approx. 10% strain.
Preparation, set up & 20 min. 1 hr
Saturation 6 hr 6 hr
CU 39 hr 42 hr 45 hr
Consolidation (Note D) 24 hr 24 hr
Shearing (0.032 mm/min), 8 hr 8 hr
approx. 20% strain.
Preparation, set up & 20 min. 1 hr
Saturation 6 hr 6 hr
CD 48 hr 53 hr 62 hr
Consolidation (Note D) 24 hr 24 hr
Shearing (0.015 mm/min), 17 hr 17 hr
approx. 20% strain.

D. Estimated Total Time (CLAY) - Saturation duration for clay samples do not affect total
testing time significantly but consolidation duration for clay samples can extend total
testing time by 1 to 7 days or more depending on specimen size.


The end of test procedures and reporting formats to determine the test parameters
mentioned in Section 2.0 are outlined below:

UU BS1377:1990, Part 7, 8.4.4, page 25 - BS1377:1990, Part 7, 8.5 & 8.6, page 25 -
Unloading and removal Plotting and calculations & Test report.
UU pwp KH Head, Vol.3, 18.6.3, page 226 - KH Head, Vol.3, page 256 - Calculating,
Completion of test, Steps 13~23 plotting, reporting
CU BS1377:1990, Part 8, 7.3, page 16 – End BS1377:1990, Part 8, 7.4 to 7.6, page 17
of test procedures to 18 – Calculations, Graphical plots &
Expression of results.
CD BS1377:1990, Part 8, 8.3, page 20 – End BS1377:1990, Part 8, 8.4 to 8.6, page 20
of test procedures to 21 – Calculations, Graphical plots &
Expression of results.

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