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Introduction to Aspen B-JAC Aspen Hetran Program

Introduction to Aspen B-JAC®

Course Number ES261.103.02

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Aspen B-JAC (1)

• Program development started in 1970

• Heat Exchanger Design Software

• A product group consisting of:

– Chemical Engineers
– Mechanical Engineers
– Technical Programmers

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Introduction to Aspen B-JAC Aspen Hetran Program

Aspen B-JAC (2)

• Over 500 Active Clients use the B-JAC Exchanger
Design Software
– Processing Companies (36%)
– Engineering Companies (28%)
– Heat Exchanger Manufacturers (36%)

• In 30 countries

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Design Packages
• Aspen Hetran™
– Thermal Design – Shell & Tube

• Aspen Teams™
– Mechanical Design – Shell & Tube
• Cost of materials
• Bill of materials
• Drawings

• Aspen Aerotran™
– Thermal Design – Air-Cooled
• Hot Gas Recuperators
• Fired heater convection sections

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Introduction to Aspen B-JAC Aspen Hetran Program

Thermal Design
Aspen Hetran Program
Introduction to Aspen B-JAC

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Hetran Package
• Hetran
– Thermal Design
– Accesses Chemical Databank
– Basic Mechanical Design
– Budget Cost Estimation
– Vibration Analysis

• Props
– Physical Properties Databank

• Props VLE
– Vapor / Liquid Equilibrium

• Qchex
– Budget Cost Estimation

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Program Integration

Fluid Poperties
Vibration Data Bank V-L-E
Analysis Routines

Design & Rating
Tubesheet Cost
Layout Estimation

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Modes of Use
• Design Mode
– Optimize Configuration

• Rating Mode
– Check Configuration

• Simulation Mode
– Maximum Performance

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Program Modes
• General Equation
Q = U * A * CMTD

• Design Mode
A= Q / (U * CMTD)

• Rating Mode
A> Q / (U * CMTD)

• Simulation Mode
Q / CTMD = U * A

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Levels of Optimization
• Smallest Exchanger
– Smallest Shell Diameter
– Shortest Tube Length

• Least Expensive Exchanger

• Best Exchanger for Plant

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Best Exchanger for Plant

• Total Hardware Costs
– Piping, Foundations, Pumps, Insulation,
– Other Equipment

• Transportation and Installation Costs

• Operating Costs, Energy, Control
• Maintenance
• Flexibility of Usage
– Clean / Dirty Conditions
– Summer / Winter Conditions
– Varying Capacities
– Future Process Modifications
– Other Services

• Environmental & Safety Considerations

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Design Objectives
• Sufficient area to do heat transfer
• Pressure drops within allowable
• Size within acceptable limits
– Length, Diameter, Weight

• Velocities within reason

– Not too high – Avoid Vibration and Excessive Errosion
– Not too low – Avoid Excessive fouling

• Exchanger can be built

– Dimensionally accurate
– Accurate number of tubes
– No conflict between nozzles and baffles

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First Order Parameters

• Large Degree of Freedom
• Program Optimizes
– Shell Diameter
– Tube Length
– Baffle Spacing
– Number of Baffles
– Number of Tubes
– Tube Passes
– Pass Layout Type
– Exchangers in Series
– Exchangers in Parallel

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Second Order Parameter

• Moderate Degree of Freedom

• Program Does Not Optimize

– Shell Type
– Baffle Type
– Baffle Cut
– Tube Outside Diameter
– Tube Pitch
– Tube Pattern
– Tube Type

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Third Order Parameters

• Small Degree of Freedom – Often Dictated by Process
– Tube Wall Thickness
– Rear Head Type
– Exchanger Orientation
– Baffle Orientation
– Impingement Protection
– Nozzle Sizes
– Tubesheet Type
– Materials of Construction
– Flow Direction
– Fluid Allocation

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Fourth Order Parameters

• Very Little Freedom – Dictated by Codes & Standards
– Shell Thickness
– Head Thickness
– Tubesheet Thickness
– Baffle-Tube Thickness
– Shell-Baffle Clearance
– Pass Partition Clearance
– Tubesheet - Nozzle Distance

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Heat Exchanger Nomenclature

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Fluid Allocation
• Shell Side • Tube Side
– Viscous Fluids – High Pressure
– Low Flow Rates – High Temperature
– Cleaner Fluid – Corrosive Fluids
– Hazardous Fluids
– Expensive Fluids

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Hetran Logic
• Smallest Shell Diameter

• Shortest Tube Length

• Minimum Reasonable Baffle Spacing

• Maximum Reasonable Tube Passes

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The Secret to Good Thermal Design

• Questions:
– What is the controlling factor?
– Why can’t it be done in a smaller shell?
– What second and third order parameters can be changed?

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Controlling Factors
• High Pressure Drop – Shell Side

• High Pressure Drop – Tube Side

• Low Coefficient – Shell Side

• Low Coefficient – Tube Side

• Close Temperature Approach or Temperature Cross

• High Probability of Vibration

• Excessive Velocity – Shell Side

• Excessive Velocity – Tube Side

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High Pressure Drop or Velocity on Shell Side

• Baffle Type – try multi-segmental or grid type

• Shell Type – try J or X type

• Tube Pattern – try square

• Tube Diameter – try larger diameter

• Baffle Cut – try larger cut

• Tube Pitch – try larger tube pitch

• Fluid Allocation – try switching shell and tube sides

• Arrangement – try exchangers in parallel

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Pressure Drop or Velocity on Tube Side

• Tube Diameter – try larger diameter

• Fluid Allocation – try switching shell & tube sides

• Number Tube Passes – limit to one pass maximum
• Arrangement – try exchangers in parallel

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Low Coefficient on Shell Side

• Tube Diameter – try smaller diameter

• Baffle Type – try single segmental

• Tube Type – try externally enhanced surface

• Tube Pattern – try triangular

• Fluid Allocation – try switching shell & tube sides

• Shell Type – try F shell

• Arrangement – try exchangers in series

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Low Coefficient on Tube Side

• Tube Diameter – try smaller diameter

• Tube Type – try internally enhanced tube

• Fluid Allocation – try switching shell and tube sides

• Tube Passes – try more than 1 tube pass

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Temperature Approach or Cross Controlling

• Shell Type – try F or G type shell

• Tube Passes – limit passes to 1 maximum

• Arrangement – try exchangers in series

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High Probability of Vibration Controlling

• Baffle Type – try multi-segmental, grid type, or NTIW

• Shell Type – try J or X type

• Tube Pattern – try rotated square

• Tube Diameter – try larger diameter

• Tube Wall Thickness – try greater thickness

• Tube Pitch – try larger pitch

• Fluid Allocation – try switching shell and tube sides

• Arrangement – try exchangers parallel

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Program Operation
Introduction to Aspen B-JAC

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General Procedure (1)

1. Enter the B-JAC program environment by clicking the Aspen B-
JAC icon or select the B-JAC program from the Task Bar

2. Select the appropriate B-JAC program by clicking the New File

icon or choosing New under the File Menu. Check the box next to
the desired program

3. Enter the required data by accessing folders from the Navigation

Tree and filling out the required input forms with data

4. Click the Run icon in the Tool Bar or select the “Run Program”
option under the Run command in the Menu Bar

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General Procedure (2)

5. Review the Results section by accessing the results
folders in the Navigation Tree
6. If you want hardcopy results, choose Print from the File
menu, check the boxes next to the desired output, and
click on “Print”

7. If appropriate, make changes to the input data

8. If making changes, then re-run the program
9. Repeat steps 5 through 9 until you have the desired

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General Procedure (3)

10.Update the file with current geometry by selecting the
Run command from the Menu Bar and then Update
11.To transfer design information to other programs,
select the Run command from the Menu Bar and then
12.Leave the program by selecting Exit from the File
menu. The program will ask if you wish to save
changes. Click the appropriate button
13.Save the input data at any time by clicking Save under
the File menu

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Common Input File

Hetran Aerotran


Teams Consat

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The B-JAC Program Window

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Tool Bars

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File Types
– BJAC Input/Output Files

– BJAC Drawing Files

– AutoCAD Drawing Files

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Hot Fluid Applications

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Hot Fluid Application – No Phase Change

• Liquid – Process fluid stays as a liquid phase
• Gas – Process fluid stays as a gas phase

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Hot Fluid Application – Condenser

• Narrow Range Condensation – pure vapor condensing
isothermally;similar components with condensing range <10oF (5oC)
and no noncondensables; desuperheating (wet) and/or subcooling

• Multi-Component Condensation – single condensable with

noncondensables; multicomponents when condensing range >10oF
(5oC) with/without noncondensables; multicomponents with single
immiscible; nonideal or differential condensation;desuperheating
(wet) and/or subcooling

• Saturated Steam – Isothermal condensation, no desuperheating:

no subcooling

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Hot Fluid Application – Condenser Required

• Simple condensation
– Inlet, Dew Pt., Outlet Temperatures required
– Bubble Pt. required if reached
– Inlet, Outlet flows required
– Physical properties of vapor and liquid streams

• Complex condensation
– Condensation curve required
– AspenPlus, by B-JAC, inputted by user
– Physical properties of vapor and liquid versus temperature

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Condenser Types
• Normal
– Vapor and liquid flowing in the same direction

• Knockback (Reflux)
– Vapor and liquid flowing in the opposite direction
– Vertical tube side
– Horizontal shell side

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Theory and Design
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• Dew point – the temperature at which the first drop of liquid is
• Bubble point – the temperature at which all the vapor in the stream
is condensed
• Noncondensable – any component which does not form any
significant condensate over the given temperature interval
• Desuperheating – the cooling of the vapor from the inlet temperature
down to the dew point
• Subcooling – the cooling of the condensate below the temperature
at which it was formed
• Miscible/Immiscible – the tendency for multiple components to
separate in the liquid state

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Types of Condensation
• Filmwise – A liquid film develops on the heat transfer
surface.Typically used for all condensation application predicitions
• Dropwise – Has high heat transfer coefficient but is highly
dependent on the surface and cannot reliably be maintained if any
fouling occurs. Not used in condensation analysis
• Homogeneous – Condenation occurs in the bulk vapor due to
increase in pressure or a decrease in temperature of the vapor. Not
used in condensation analysis
• Immiscible-liquid – Occurs when an immiscible solution is being
condensed. One of the two components will generally condense
first on the surface. The other component will form droplets on the
liquid surface of the other

Filmwise Dropwise Homogeneous Immiscible

fog liquid

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Condensation – Inside/Outside Vertical Tubes

• Liquid film distributed evenly over entire
tube circumference

• Heat transfer coefficient decreases as

liquid film builds

• Baffles tend to break up film in outside

tube condensation

• Gravity assists flow Inside Outside

• Lower pressure drop on condensing side

• Subcooling more controllable

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Condensing – Inside Horizontal Tubes (1)

• High total mass velocity and high heat flux
• Condensation starts at high vapor velocity as shear force dominated
annular flow
• As the vapor velocity decreases, gravity forces cause the
condensate to accumulate in the bottom of the tube, resulting in
semi-annular and wavy flow
• As condensate builds, the waves reach the top of the tube and slugs
form, especially when noncondensable gases are present
• In long tubes, the tube may fill with condensate and drain by the
pressure differential

Annular mist Annular Annular with Slug


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Condensing – Inside Horizontal Tubes (2)

• Low total mass velocity and high heat flux
• This is the more common situation
• Condensation starts in shear dominated annular flow, but moves
quickly into the gravity dominated condensation
• Wavy condensate layer forms on the bottom and a semi-annular
flow is maintained for a long distance
• Turbulence of the condensate will form some waves but will not fill
the tube
• As the vapor velocity continues to decrease a stratified condens ate
flows out with some remaining vapor

Annular Annular Annular with Wave Stratified

mist stratification

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Condensation Outside Horizontal Tubes

• Condensate formed on upper tubes
drains onto lower tubes
Condensate Tubes
• The lower tubes with
thicker liquid film have somewhat
lower heat transfer coefficients End View
• In actual practice, tubes are often
not positioned directly above one
another and significant splashing occurs
• Vapor velocity (shear) often plays a significant part in the
condensing coefficient by stripping the liquid film off the tubes

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Condensing Coefficient
• Gravity Controlled
– Laminar film condensation on vertical surface by Nusselt:
gravity pulls the liquid film down the surface

• Shear Controlled
– High vapor velocities shear the liquid film off the surface
producing a higher heat transfer coefficient

• Gravity / Shear
– Some flow conditions fall between the two regimes in which the
coefficient must be prorated

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Condensation Data
• Heat release curve and properties supplied by customer
or test data
• Process simulator output

• B-JAC Consat program

• Assume isothermal (constant temperature) or linear
condensation curve

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Heat Release Curve

• Heat load vs. temperature

• Vapor/liquid flows vs. temperature

• Physical properties vs. temperature

– Specific heat, thermal conductivity, viscosity, density, surface
tension, vapor molecular wt.

• Noncondensable physical properties

– Specific heat, thermal conductivity, viscosity, density, molecular
wt., molecular volume

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Condensing Streams
• Single components condense isothermally at constant
• Multiple components generally condense over a
temperature range which may be narrow or wide
• A stream with a noncondensable is merely a multiple
component stream in which the components which do
not condense over the working temperature range are

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Typical Condensation Curves

Dew Pt. single component
Bubble Pt.
Temperature, T

multiple condensables
(all condensing)

non-condensables present

Heat Load, Q
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Actual vs Linear Condensation

Dew Pt. Most condensed in beginning
(higher MTD, less surface reqd.)

Temperature, T Assumed Linear


Bubble Pt.


Out Most condensed at end

(lower MTD, more surface reqd.)


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Heat Load, Q In

Importance of Condensation Curve

• Temperature difference (MTD) – shape of curve could
result in significantly lower or higher MTD
• Heat transfer coefficient (H) – influenced by the intervals
local fluid flows and properties along the curve
• Heat transfer area (A) – determined by the local MTD, H,
and heat load
• Pressure drop – influenced by the intervals local fluid
flows, properties and heat transfer area

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Process Simulator Curve

• Physical properties are available at temperature points
• Enthalpy (H) vs temperature must be converted to heat
load (Q)
- Qn = (H1 - Hn) * flow
where n = temp. pt.

• Noncondensables are generally not identified. If no

portion condenses over temperature range considered,
specify as noncondensable

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Assume Linear Condensation Curve

• Safe for narrow condensing ranges (<5C) with no
noncondensables present
• Significant under or over surfacing possible for wider
condensing ranges
• Potential error is a function of the condensing range
length and the temperature difference with the coolant
– The larger the condensing range, the larger the % error
– The smaller the temperature difference, the larger the % error

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Narrow Condensing Ranges (<5C)

In Actual Curves
Dew Pt.

Temperature, T Bubble Pt.

Out Out

(small temperature difference)
Out In


Coolant (large temperature difference)

Heat Load, Q
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Interval Calculations
• Intervals are formed between the dew point and the
bubble point or outlet temperature
• Equal temperature or heat load intervals can be used
• Temperature intervals provide more accurate MTD
• Heat load intervals provide more accurate heat transfer
coefficient analysis

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Equal Heat Load Interval Calculations

Dew Pt. less accurate MTD
more accurate heat
Temperature, T

Bubble Pt.



Heat Load, Q
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Equal Temperature Interval Calculations

Dew Pt. more accurate MTD
less accurate heat
Temperature, T

Bubble Pt.


Out Coolant
Heat Load, Q
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• Dry-wall cooling of superheated vapor uses a gas
• Wet-wall cooling of superheated vapor uses a
condensing coefficient
• Most condensers do NOT have a dry-wall
desuperheating zone
• Tube wall temperature is usually below the dew point
– The coolant has a very low coefficient
– The condensing vapor has a very large amount of superheat

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Desuperheating Zone Analysis

In Dry wall desuperheating

Wet wall desuperheating

Tube wall temperatures

low coolant coefficient
Dew Pt.
high coolant coefficient
Temperature, T

Bubble Pt.

Out Out


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Heat Load, Q In

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• Significant subcooling not recommended for condensing
exchanger. Should be done in separate exchanger
– Low sensible coefficient due to low velocity
– Difficult to predict accurately
– Difficult to control

• Subcooling in condenser sometimes controlled by

holding condensate in exchanger and flooding surface
– Heat transfer would be by natural convection only (low)

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Factors that Effect the VLE Curve

• Non-condensables

• Pressure drop

• VLE Method
• Condensation Methods

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Effect of Non-condensables on VLE

• The presence of non-condensable vapors (vapor which
does not condense in the temperature range for the
exchanger) can significantly effect the VLE curve

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Increasing Noncondensable Concentration

In Dew Pt.

Noncondensables trapped
Temperature, T




Heat Load, Q In
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Influence of Noncondensables
• As the condensable
leaves the vapor state, Tube wall
the mole fraction (y) mole fraction, yc
and partial pressure (p) yni partial pressure, pc
of the noncondensable Condensable
at the interface
increases and the mole fraction, yn
condensable yci
partial pressure, pn
decreases. The net Noncondensable
result is that the
interface temperature
(Ti) in equilibrium with Tg
the interfacial partial Condensate
Temperature profile
pressures is much
lower than the bulk
vapor temperature thus Ti
bulk vapor
reducing the driving
force for heat transfer
Interface of liquid/vapor
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Condenser Venting
• Vents on a condenser allow the noncondensed vapor to
exit the exchanger
• If this vapor is trapped, its concentration in the mixture
will increase and the dew point will decrease, reducing
the heat transfer driving force

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Condenser Pressure Drops

• As pressure decreases (from inlet to outlet of
exchanger), less vapor will condense at a given
• Minimize pressure drop to reduce effect on condensation
• More critical in vacuum operations where vapor pressure
curve slopes are steep and changes in pressure can
significantly change the VLE

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Effect of Pressure Drop on Condensation

Dew Pt.

Isobaric (constant pressure)

Temperature, T

Bubble Pt.


Heat Load, Q
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Variability of Prediction Methods

In Dew Pt.

Equation of State
(SRK or Peng-Robinson)
Temperature, T


Wilson, Van Laar,
NRTL, or Uniquac Bubble Pt.

Heat Load, Q
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Integral vs Differential
• Problem for wide condensing range mixtures

• High boiler will condense and separate from low boiler

• Low boiler concentration increases in the vapor

• Requires lower temperature to condense remaining
• Separation most likely in horizontal shell side
condensers and multiple tube pass tube side condensers
with headers

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Integral vs Differential Condensation

Dew Pt.
(intimate contact of components)
Temperature, T

(separation of components) Bubble Pt.


Heat Load, Q
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Condenser Selection Criteria

• Allocation of vapor and coolant (usually a compromise)
• Condensing side operating pressure
– vacuum operation requires lower pressure drop

• Vapor type (pure, mixture, inerts)

• Desuperheating requirements
• Subcooling requirements
• Coolant application (single phase, boiling)
• Fouling characteristics of fluids
• Vibration
• Fin tubes advantage
• Temperature profiles
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Tubeside Condenser – Horizontal E type shell

• Advantages
– Low cost
– Food for high temperatures,
pressures and corrosive vapors
– Venting of inerts relatively
• Disadvantages
– Possible flow instability
– Shellside cleaning difficult
– Should be inclined for drainage
– Avoid multiple tube passes with
header for wide condensing
ranges (differential

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Tubeside Condenser – Vertical E type shell

• Advantages
– Good for high pressure, temperature, and
corrosive vapors
– Low pressure drop, gravity aided
– Condensate film downflow
– Integral condensation
– Venting of inerts effective
– Good for subcooling

• Disadvantages
– Vertical construction & shellside difficult to clean

• Notes
– In many aspects the most effective condenser

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Tubeside Reflux Condenser – Vertical

• Advantages
– Good for high pressure, temperature,
and corrosive vapors
– Subcooling of condensate minimized
– Handles sensible heat of boiling coolant
– Venting of inerts effective

• Disadvantages
– Vertical construction
– Shellside difficult to clean
– Larger shell to prevent flooding

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Shellside Condenser – Horizontal – E type shell

• Advantages
– Low cost construction
– Tubeside easy to clean
– Variety of baffles available to reduce pressure drop
– High turbulence and high heat
transfer possible
– Low fin tubes may be applicable

• Disadvantages
– Potential for high pressure drop
(delta T penalty)
– Potential for differential condensation
– Potential for inert gas accumulation
– Subcooling difficult to predict

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Shellside Condenser – Horizontal – J type shell

• Advantages
– Very low pressure drop
– Low fin tubes applicable
– Tubeside is easy to clean

• Disadvantages
– Counterflow / temperature cross
not possible
– Subcooling difficult to predict

• Notes
– 2 inlets & 1 outlet: large manifold to divide flow but low vapor entry
velocity and smaller inlet nozzles
– 1 inlet & 2 outlets: smaller manifold for outlet flows but high entry
velocity and larger inlet nozzle

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Shellside Condenser – Horizontal X type shell

• Advantages
– Low pressure drop
– Low fin tubes applicable
– Tubeside easy to clean
– Supports prevent vibration
– Heat transfer and pressure
drop prediction accurate
• Disadvantages
– Vapor distributor usually needed (expensive)
– Low vapor velocity makes it difficult to vent inerts
– Not good for wide condensing ranges
– Not good for temperature crosses or approaches
– Subcooling is difficult to predict

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Shellside Reflux Condenser – Horizontal – J

type shell
• Advantages
– Minimizes condensate
– Tubeside is easy to clean
– Variety of baffles available
to minimize pressure drop

• Disadvantages
– Additional piping for two outlet nozzles
– Counterflow not possible - cannot use with temperature
– larger diameter shell and nozzles to prevent flooding

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Shellside Condenser – Vertical – E type shell

• Advantages
– Good performance in gravity flow (baffles
break-up stream)
– Good for boiling tubeside coolant (1 pass
– Good condensate subcooling

• Disadvantages
– Surface is flooded below
– Condensate outlet
– Tubeside cleaning is difficult
– Difficult to vents inerts

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Props Program
Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium Curve
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B-JAC VLE Program

• Components in stream or physical properties of
– Ddensity, specific heat, viscosity, thermal conductivity, vapor
pressure, latent heat, surface tension, critical temperature and
pressure, molecular wt., and molecular volume

• Operating conditions
– Pressure, temperature, floes, stream composition

• Component interactions
– Miscible/immiscible, ideal/non-ideal, VLE parameters

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B-JAC VLE Options

• Type of Condensation
– Integral
– Differential

• Influence of Pressure
– Isobaric (constant pressure)
– Non-isobaric (pressure is reduced along curve)

• Calculation Methods
– Ideal
– Non-ideal

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VLE Methods (1)

• Ideal
– Ideal gas and ideal solution laws

• SRK and Peng-Robinson methods

• Hydrocarbons, nitrogen, CO2, CO, and weakly polar components

• Chao-Seader
– Petroleum fractions at <1000 psia & > 0 F

• Van Laar, Wilson

– Require binary interaction parameters
– Wilson good for strongly non-ideal mixtures; alcohols and

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VLE Methods (2)

• Uniquac, NRTL
– Require binary interaction parameters
– Uniquac requires surface and volume parameters
– NRTL requires alpha parameter
– Both good for liquid/liquid (immiscibles) and vapor/liquid
– Uniquac good for small and large molecules; including
– Uniquac parameters are less temperature dependent

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VLE Output
• Dew Pt. and Bubble Pt.
• Temp. vs. Flow Rate
• Temp. vs. Heat load
• Temp. vs. Density
• Temp. vs. Viscosity
• Temp. vs. Molecular Weight
• Temp. vs. Specific Heat
• Temp. vs. Thermal Conductivity
• Temp. vs. Surface Tension

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VLE References
• Computer Aided Data Book of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria
(Kodansha Limited Elsevier Scientific)
– Wilson interaction parameters

• Chemistry Data Series: Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data

Collection (DECHEMA)
– Wilson, Vam Laar, NRTL Uniquac interaction parameters

• The Condensed Chemical Dictionary

(Van Nostrand Reinhold)
– Miscibility of components

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Cold Fluid Applications

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Cold Fluid Applications – No Phase Change

• Liquid – Process fluid stays as a liquid phase

• Gas – Process fluid stays as a gas phase

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Cold Fluid Applications – Vaporizers

• Narrow Range Vaporization
– Pure vapor vaporizing isothermally;
– Similar components with vaporizing
– Range <10°F (5°C); linear vaporization

• Multi-Component Vaporization
– Multicomponents when vaporizing range
– >10°F (5°C); nonlinear vaporization;
– Nonideal vaporization

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Vaporizer Application Required Input

• Narrow Range Vaporization
– Inlet, bubble point, outlet temperatures required
– Dew point required if reached
– Inlet, outlet flows required
– Physical properties of vapor and liquid streams

• Multi-component Vaporization
– Vaporization curve required by AspenPlus, by B-JAC, or
inputted by user
– Physical properties of vapor and liquid versus temperature

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Vaporization Options
• Pool Boiling

• Thermosiphon

• Forced circulation
• Falling film

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Theory and Types
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Vapor Generation Bubble growth from cavity


Cavity in
• Vapor growth takes place from preexisting vapor or inert gases in the small
• Boiling occurs from reentrant cavities on the surface. A reentrant cavity has
a small opening which allows an interface to be retained even if there is no
preexisting vapor or inert gas. Such surfaces are basis for enhanced boiling
• Boiling can occur from cavities that are activated during boiling from
adjacent cavities. Bubble growth on the surface fills adjacent cavities with
vapor some of which retained after the bubble departs

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Nucleate and Film Boiling

heating bubbles grow
but do not

bubble so
bubbles numerous they
increase, coalesce
detach to form
and condense continuous vapor
in liquid layer

• The process in which vapor generation occurs by nucleation at the

surface is known as nucleate boiling
• Ultimately the bubbles become so numerous that they coalesce to
form a continuous vapor layer on the surface. The heat transfer
coefficient decreases and the tubes may become very hot. This is
film boiling

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Pool Boilers

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Pool Boiler Flow Regimes

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Pool Boiling – Heat Transfer Rate Contours


Nucleate &



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Pool Reboiler
• Advantages
– Least sensitive to hydrodynamics and
process fluctuations
– High heat fluxes are possible
– Fin and enhanced surface possible
– Efficient at low and high temperature
– Most reliable in vacuum and near critical
– Surface can be very large

• Disadvantages
– Collect dirt on vaporizing side
– Extra cost for large shell size
– Narrow boiling range preferable

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Pool Reboiler Types

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Column Internal Reboiler

• Advantages & Disadvantages same as kettle reboiler
– Surface is limited due to column size
– Dirt collection is not as pronounced
– No shell cost

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Forced Circulation Reboiler

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Vaporization Inside Horizontal Tubes

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Shellside or Tubeside – Forced Flow Reboiler

• Advantages
– Somewhat higher heat
transfer due to forced flow
– Fouling on vaporization side
generally not a problem
– Good for viscous fluids

• Disadvantages
– Expensive to operate
– Total vaporization not
– Not good for vacuum
operation due to pressure

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Vertical Thermosiphons

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• Flow dependent on static head pressure difference
between liquid in column and piping and the vapor/liquid
in the exchanger
• Bubble point in exchanger must be determined at
elevated pressure
• Pressure losses, heat transfer rates, flows, and
vaporization rates must be balanced for a given
exchanger geometry

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Vaporization Vertical Tubes

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Vertical Thermosiphon and Column

Liquid level

Start of vaporization
in exchanger

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Vertical Thermosiphon Pressure vs.

Temperature Profile

Bubble point
Temperature Increasing

Vapor pressure curve

Sensible Heating Vaporization

Bottom Pressure Decreasing

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Flow Direction
• Counter – Current Flow – used when condensing vapor
on shell side
– Condensing vapor enters top of vertical unit

• CoCurrent Flow – used when sensible cooling is on shell

– Maximizes the delta T in sensible zone
– Minimizes possibility of too high delta T in vaporization
– Zone which could cause dry-out, fouling, etc.
– Improves control of process

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Vertical Thermosiphon Temperature Profile

In Cocurrent Counter-Current In

Temperature Increasing

Bubble point

Vapor pressure curve

Sensible Heating Vaporization

Bottom Pressure Decreasing Top

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Good Design Practices

• Use moderate weight fractions vaporized:
– Hydrocarbons 0.1 - 0.35
– Narrow Boiling 0.02 - 0.20 Aqueuos solutions
• Do not specify excessive fouling

• Evaluate circulation rates in clean, dirty, and startup conditions

• Evaluate piping required for placement of unit

• Provide adequate controls for operation

– Orifice plate or valve on inlet piping
– Control on heating medium flow or pressure

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Extreme Delta T Considerations

• Very Low Delta T
– Nucleate boiling coefficient is unpredictable
– Natural circulation of stream is suppressed
– Operation is unpredictable

• Very High Delta T

– Mist flow or film boiling could develop and cause flow instability
– Slight changes in operating conditions can cause extreme
shifts in performance

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Extreme Pressure Design Considerations

• Operation Near Critical Pressure
– Vapor density approaches liquid density and net static head for
circulation disappears
– Pay special attention to physical properties

• Operation in Deep Vacuum

– Sensitivity of vapor pressure curves at vacuum pressures
elevates bubble point
– Instability can be stabilized by control of pressure at inlet of

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Special Design Considerations (1)

• Fouling Factors
– Fouling can add significant area and oversurfacing can cause
operational problems
– Low vapor fractions and a high velocity will minimize fouling

• Very Wide Boiling Range Mixtures

– Boiling point may fluctuate
– Maintain high circulation rates to maintain consistent

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Special Design Considerations (2)

• High Viscosity Liquids
– Nucleate boiling can be suppressed
– Circulation rate will be restricted

• Startup and Control

– At startup, delta T, surface area, or coefficient must be reduced
to compensate for no fouling
– Startup units with a minimum delta T

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Tubeside Vaporizer – Vertical Thermosiphon

• Advantages
– Best reboiler for corrosive fluids
– Type E shell normally used and simple piping is
– High velocity suppresses fouling

• Disadvantages
– Very sensitive to operating conditions
– Maximum heat fluxes are lower than for shellside
– Circulation rates lower than shellside
– Not good for high vacuum, high pressure (near
– Not good for wide boiling range mixtures
– Not good for low temperature differences
– Not good for high viscosity fluids

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Shellside Vaporizer – Horizontal Thermosiphon

• Advantages
– Many shell types can be used
– High heat transfer coefficients due to
high circulation rate
– No problem with wide boiling range
– Low fouling tendency
– Lower static head than vertical
thermosiphon, causing less elevation of
bubble point
– Finned tubes applicable
• Disadvantages
– If fouling does occur, difficult to clean
– Exit piping needs careful design to
prevent flow instabilities
– Danger of vapor blanketing at high heat
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Tubeside Vaporizer – Horizontal Thermosiphon

• Advantages
– Best reboiler for corrosive fluids
– Type E shell normally used and
simple piping is inexpensive
– Lower static head than vertical
thermosiphon, causing less
elevation of bubble point
• Disavantages
– Very sensitive to operating conditions
– Maximum heat fluxes are lower than for shellside vaporization
– Circulation rates lower than shellside
– Not good for low temperature differences
– Not good for high vacuumm high pressure (near critical)
– Not good for high viscosity fluids
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Falling Film Evaporators

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Falling Film Applications

• Coolers
– Cooling process streams

• Vaporizers
– Generating vapor

• Evaporators
– Concentrating solution

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Falling Film Exchanger Liquid In

• Cocurrent Liquid/Vapor



Vapor Out

Liquid Out

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Falling Film Advantages

• Fast-moving liquid film on tube wall

• Low pressure drop

• Low operating costs

• Low fouling
• Short residence time
• No bubble pt. elevation

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Falling Film Flow Pattern



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Film Development
• Minimum flow to develop film
– Function of surface tension, viscosity, specific gravity

• Maintain film at exit of tubes

• Distribution devices
– Chimney type
– Orifice / distributor insert

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Chimney Distributors


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Orifice / Distributor Insert


Tube wall


Liquid Film
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Design Calculations
• Interval analysis
– Hat transfer coefficient
– Pressure drop

• Flow regimes for each interval

– Turbulent – top
– Wavy / laminar – middle
– Laminar – bottom

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Falling Film Exchanger

Vapor Out

Countercurrent Liquid
/ Vapor Liquid In



Liquid Out

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Countercurrent Flow
• Sparging of inerts to lower bubble point

• Potential for flooding

• Lower heat transfer coefficient

• Limits distribution devices

• Susceptible to fouling

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Flow Pattern Comparison

Liquid Liquid

Cocurrent Countercurrent

Vapor Vapor
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Advantages as Coolers
• High heat transfer coefficients

• Low fouling

• Low maintenance

• Low operating costs

• Minimizes leakage to process

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Advantages as Vaporizers
• High heat transfer coefficients

• Low fouling

• No static head to elevate bubble point

• Low delta T – low residence time

• Good for viscous fluids

• Sparging inerts to lower bubble point

• Handles high solids concentration

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Industrial Applications
• Condensing refrigerants

• Process stream coolers

• Food concentration

• Fertilizer concentration
• Stripping dissolved gases
• Water desalination

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Design Considerations
• Liquid Film
– Develop film on tube wall
– Distribution device selection
– Maintain vertical position
– Maintain film to the exit

• Limit delta T (<15C)

• Avoid flooding (countercurrent flow)

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Tubeside Vaporizer – Falling Film Reboiler –

Vertical Liquid In
Cocurrent Liquid/Vapor
• Advantages
– Best reboiler for deep vacuum
– Best reboiler for very small temperature In
– Good for temperature sensitive fluids

• Disadvantages
– Circulation rates lower than shellside
Vapor Out
– Not good for large temperature differences
– Not good for high pressure (near critical)
Liquid Out
– Not good for wide boiling range mixtures

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Common Reboiler Problems

• Mist flow (dryout)
– Low coefficient, fouling, tube overheating

• Film Boiling (vapor blanketing)

– Low coefficient, fouling, tube overheating

• Large sensible heating zone

– Vertical thermosiphons in vacuum, low circulation rate, poor
• Instability of flow (choke flow)
– Usually vertical thermosiphon: two-phase pressure drop
> driving head
• Trace component fouling – corrosion
– Usually kettle reboilers; accumulation of component in pool

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Vibration Analysis
TEMA Method
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Tube Vibration Causes

• High fluid velocities

• Large tube unsupported span

• Tube material defects

• Manufacturing process
• Exchanger design / application

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Types of Flow Induced Vibration

• Tube vibration as a result of motion of the tubes
– Tubes vibrate at their natural frequency as a result of the shell
side fluid flowing over them

• Acoustical vibration as a result of gas column oscillation

– Noise level produced when the acoustic frequency approaches
the tube natural frequency

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Damage Patterns
• Collision Damage
– Impact of tubes against each other

• Baffle Damage
– Tube wall thinning at baffles

• Fatigue
– Tube failure at the tubesheets

• Tube Joint Failure

– Leakage at tube to tubesheet joint

• Tube Material Defect Propagation

– Failure at inherent tube defects

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Areas Prone to Vibration

Shell Outlet


Areas most likely

to have damaging
vibration Shell Inlet
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Criteria to Avoid Damaging Vibration

• Tube Vibration
– Cross flow velocity to Critical Velocity ratio should be <1.0.
– Acoustical to Natural frequency ratio should be <0.8 or >1.2.

• Acoustic Resonance
– Shell frequency to Vortex Shedding frequency should be <0.8
or >1.2.
– Shell frequency to Turbulent Buffeting frequency should be
<0.8 or >1.2.

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Design Solutions – Tube Vibration

• Increase tube diameter

• Go to a rotated square tube pattern

• Decrease unsupported span of the tubes

• Increase the tube spacing

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Design Solutions – Acoustic Resonance

• Increase shell diameter to change shell natural
• Add detuning baffles to bundle

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AspenPlus to B-JAC
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Interface Methods
• Direct Interface using a B-JAC equipment block in an
Aspen Plus simulation file
• Property Interface of a B-JAC design file to Property
• Manual Interface by inputting the VLE curve and
properties directly into the B-JAC design file

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Direct Interface Procedure

• Create a Hetran or Aerotran block in you simulation
• Indicate in exchanger block to create a new B-JAC file, provide a file
name with the *.bjt extension, and indicate to pass VLE and property
information into the file
• Run the Aspen Plus simulation - status will show error message, “No
geometry in B-JAC file” or “B-JAC file not found”. Select “Run / Load
Results” in AspenPlus
• Open the new file in B-JAC and complete the design of the
exchanger. Select “Run / Update Hetran” and then save the results
• Return to the Aspen Plus and run the simulation
• The exchanger performance results will be provided in the Hetran
or Aerotran block

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Property Plus Interface

• Generate the stream property file, *.APPDF, using AspenPlus or
Property Plus programs

• Create a new B-JAC input file

• Indicate hot side and cold side application type. If stream is a mult-
component condenser or vaporizer, indicate curve calculated by

• Indicate in the Property Options section of the B-JAC file to use

Aspen Property database and provide the *.APPDF file name with
the appropriate path to the file location

• Provide the percent/flow rate of each component in the Hot and Cold
Side Composition section

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Manual Input of Properties

• Create a new B-JAC input file

• Indicate hot side and cold side application type. If the stream is a
multi-component condenser or vaporizer, indicate curve calculated
by program
• Indicate in the Property Options section of the B-JAC file to use the
B-JAC Databank. Properties will only be retrieved from the B-JAC
databank if you also provide a composition list in the Hot and/or
Cold Composition section. Note that any properties inputted in the
Hot and Cold Property section will override any properties coming
from a database

• Input the properties required in the Hot and Cold Property sections

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