Finite Element Analysis of Structures 15cese2001

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M.Tech-15 15CESE2001 M.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST, 2016 Second Semester STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES Time: 3hours Max. Marks: 60 Answer One Question from each Unit Assume any missing data suitably Use of relevant IS codes are permitted 4x15 = 60M UNIT-I 1. a, Derive the equilibrium equations for a three-dimensional stress distribution. 8M b. Explain the various approximate methods of analysis. ™ (or) 2. a. State and explain the principle of stationary potential energy. 4M. b. Derive the strain-displacement relationship for 3D state of stress. 6M c. Explain the following i) Linear Constitutive relations 3M ii) Variational Methods 2M Page 1 of 3 oe b. 4. a. b. aoe Page 2 of 3 15CESE2001 UNIT-IL Derive the shape functions for a LST element. 6M Explain the following i) Static condensation 3M ii) Numerical integration 3M iii) Area coordinates 3M (or) Derive the stiffness matrix of a three noded triangular element of constant thickness ‘t’. 10M Explain the convergence and compatibility requirements ofa displacement formulation. « 5M UNIT-IL Determine the nodal forces equivalent to the distributed loads acting on a three noded triangular element shown in fig.(1). Assume the thickness of the element is 6 mm. 9M 2.6) 15CESE2001 M.Tech-15 Explain the Kirchhoff’s theory and Mindlin’s theory of plate bending. 6M (or) Check the validity of isoparametric mapping for a quadrilateral element with co-ordinates (0,0), (1,0), (2,2) and (0,1). 7™ A simply supported plate of size 3 m x 4m is subjected to a lateral force of 3 KN/m? and uniform tension of 1.5 KN/m along the edges. Determine the maximum stress. Adopt E = 2 x 10° N/mm’, Poisson’s ratio = 0.25 and the thickness of the plate is equal to 36 mm. 8M UNIT-IV Obtain the shape functions of a four noded shell element. 9M Explain the following i) Thin shell theory 3M ii) Degenerated shell elements 3M (or) we Obtain the stiffness matrix of a eight noded shell element. 9M Explain the following i) Different types of shell elements 3M ii) Evaluation of element load vector 3M wee Page 3 of 3

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