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1. Offering flexible working Ia.) Flexible working i) How to improve i) Offering flexible
hours is key to improving a only applicable to company’s diversity and working hours is key to
company’s diversity and certain type of inclusion (D&I) improving a company’s
inclusion (D&I) effectiveness business. effectiveness? diversity and inclusion
– not as a “female friendly” (D&I) effectiveness.
policy just for the benefit of Ib.) Female friendly ii) Does flexible
working mothers, but simply should be working an effective ii) Yes, according to
a “family friendly” one. implemented to cert tool to achieve better professional recruiting
diversity? group Hays plc, who says
flexible working is a
iii) At what stage “highly effective tool” to
flexible working should achieving better diversity
be implemented?
iii) Flexible working
should be implemented
early in the recruitment
In a press release on Effective i) What is the definition This means senior
Wednesday, the group also communication of effective management and business
highlights the need for among the workers organization? leaders should be properly
organizations to invest in is an important informed about what their
effective communication of element to the ii) What are the needs organisation can offer, active
different working practices organization. for organization to promote these options to
among the workforce. invest in effective professionals, and where
Effective communication of possible, led by example
communication different working themselves.
should be practice by practices among the
all level of workforce?
ii) Who should practice
Sandra Henke, Group Head Organization need to What should be
of People and Culture at introduce policies in highlight by Group Head
Hays, highlights the need to order to break down of People to create
create family-friendly bias. family friendly policies?
policies instead of female-
friendly one sin order to What type of policy
break down biases. Such should be implemented
policies would in turn help by organization that can
organisations to achieve break down bias?
greater employee
engagement and retention as What are the effect of
well as gain access to a wider the policies to the
talent pool, she adds. organization?

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