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si7r019 Personality Disorders | Boundless Psychology Personality Disorders htpsscourses.lumenlearring.comfbouncless-psychologyichapleripersonaliy-disorders! a1 er019 Personality Disorders | Boundless Psychology Introduction to Personality Disorders The 10 personaly disorders mentioned in the DSM-S involve pervasive _and enduring netzonalty styles that der trom cutural expectations anc ‘cause cistress andlor confit with others. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Diferentiate among mocd cisorders and the three clusters of personality eisorders itentife in the DMS KEY TAKEAWAYS, + Accorcing tothe DSW-5, personaly disorders are characterized by peters of cognition, behavior, and ‘emotion that fe from cultural nerms, 2} cause stress and impairment} apply across many contexts ‘nd over # long period of time, and f) cannot be beter ‘exalained by another mental izorder or by 8 prysical or ‘mecieal condition. + The DSM.S includes 10 ctterent personality esorders, grouped into ree clusters basec on conmion features + Cluster A Pode and eecenivic) includes parancie personaly elsorde, schizoid personaly csorcer, and schizotypal personality disorder. + Cluster 8 reramatc, emotional, or erratic) includes antisocial personally eserder ordetine persendtty sore, histionic personaly disorder, and naressistie personality cisorder. htpsscourses.lumenlearring, comfbouncles-psychelogylchapteripersonaliy-disordors! er019 Personality Disorders | Boundless Psychology + Cluster € Canious of feart includes avoidant Personality eisorde, dependent personality eisorde, and absessive-compulsve personally ésorder Monagement and treatment of personaly eisorders ean bbe a challenging and controversial area since symptoms are long-neting and affect multiple areas of functioning; supstantial seca sigma may also be a barrier to receiving weatment Key Terms + stigma: The ee approval anc judgment ata person oF ‘109 of people because they do not ft their ege-syntonie:A psychological tem refeting to behaviors, values, and feelings that align with an sonality disorder: A state i whieh an inevigual splays patterns of cognition, behavior, and emotion ‘that fer ftom eutural norms, cause estress and Impairment, apply across many contexts, and have been extibted over 2 long curation of tine. + personaly: The set of nung benavoral and mental vats that distinguish an individual Hom other people Defining Personality Disorders Inthe fel of peychology, “personaly” refers to the set of enduring Behavioral ane mental tats that istnguish an inevidual rom other people. According to the DSMS, “personaly csorcer” refers to when an indivcual displays 2 personalty style (Le, pattems of cognition Behavior ane emotion) that 4Leifers signieanty rom the norms and expectations a hel culture in two or more ofthe following areas: cognition, ae, interpersonal functioning, or impulse conto htpsscourses.lumenlearring, comfbouncles-psychelogylchapteripersonaliy-disordors! at

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