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The Ethics of Work Discrimination: SD Juara Yogyakarta

Rizka Anindita 16311032
Zada Syahna H. 16311100
Dody Permadi 16311153
M. Farhan Arghuby 16311294

Department: Management (IP)

Faculty: Economics




Job discrimination become one of the main problem that exist inside the organisation
or even job. Recently, in the US discrimination became such a huge amount of cases that
annoyed by a specific minority organisation. This would represent all the cases regarding to
the discrimination that happen in many places especially in work discrimination.
Employment discrimination in the United States historically has been directed at a
surprisingly large number of groups (Velasquez, 2013). These have included religious groups
(such as Jews and Catholics), ethnic groups (such as Italians, Poles, and Irish), racial groups
(such as blacks, Asians, and Hispanics), and sexual groups (such as women and homo-
sexual). We have an embarrassingly rich history of discrimination (Velasquez, 2013). Not
only based on racial, religious, ethnic, and sexual groups but also discrimination appears
when it come with social status that mostly it could happen in eastern countries such as
Indonesia and India.
Thus, the discrimination has several meaning and understanding that has been
distinguishes by some researcher and books writer. Velasquez said that discrimination is the
wrongful act of distinguishing illicitly among people not on the basis of individual merit, but
on the basis of prejudice or some other invidious or morally reprehensible attitude
(Velasquez, 2013). Discrimination create an impact that action and performance are not the
reference for some people to evaluate the performance of job in organisation. While in fact,
people would work differently or even better in term of performance not based on those
discrimination stereotypes.
Discrimination create gaps in society that would grow a mind-set for stereotype thing
and this would create the discrimination in the society. Discrimination places the members of
groups that are discriminated against in lower social and economic positions: Women and
minorities have fewer job opportunities and are given lower salaries (Velasquez, 2013).
Women and minorities are those who are impacted for discrimination inside the society and
this created the gap between minorities and majorities. Gaps between the average earnings of
minorities and of whites have hardly narrowed; minorities earn less than less- educated
whites; percent of minorities in poverty is 2 to 3 times the white percentage (Velasquez,
2013). The gaps between these discrimination impact for those who treated with
discrimination and also this would agitate the work performance and also would impact with
financial condition in meaning of earnings. The earnings gaps are not explained by education,
career choices, preferences, work history, training, or absenteeism (Velasquez, 2013). This
create an ambiguity while in work place people are determined by races or majority and
minority in terms of salary. Salaries of “women’s jobs” are significantly lower than “men’s
jobs” (Velasquez, 2013). This is such an unethical thing that could change the behaviour of
people towards job performance in jobs.
Based on the books of Business Ethics by Velasquez, there are several arguments that
will talk and explain about the argument against the discrimination. These arguments such as
utilitarian arguments, right based arguments and justice based arguments. The first of
utilitarian arguments is the standard utilitarian argument for racial and sexual discrimination
is based on the idea that the productivity of the community will be optimized to the extent
that the work is awarded based on competition especially in work performance or competent
in organisation performance. Utilitarian by Velasquez is discrimination leads to inefficient
use of human resources, but opponents reply that some forms of discrimination may actually
benefit society (Velasquez, 2013). By doing this argument, people have more chance to work
against the discrimination that happen by some people in minorities and women. The second
one is right based arguments. In short, right based argument is the action against the
discrimination with a condition that would choose and select where is right and wrong based
on ethic based on behaviour. The reference related discussion keeps the discriminations
wrong because they did not want to see the actions of those who discriminate. Discrimination
violates basic human rights by holding minorities and women as “inferior,” assigning them
lower social and economic positions; discrimination cannot be universalized (Velasquez,
2013). The third one is justice based arguments. This principle based on the principle of
justice and equality that means people have a justice in forcing their right and has the same
right in any treatment. For example, the discrimination in organisation is not right thing to do
just because they have a different race on in minority position, it should be based on the
performance in job or organisation process. Discrimination results in unjust distributions of
benefits and burdens according to John Rawls, and it violates the formal principle of equality
by differentiating between people on the basis of characteristics that are not relevant to job
performance (Velasquez, 2013).
In certain condition discrimination give a more disadvantages in work process, not
only in job and work situation but also in learning process that also included in work towards
the organisation which is the school itself. In fact, people who are being discriminated would
certainly got lower integration towards their performance. With this condition people in
minorities get lower chance to get more chance to compete with people in majorities and this
increase the performance in competition inside the work and organisation. Minorities are
much more economically and educationally disadvantaged than nonminority, with fewer
work skills, fewer years of formal education, poor-quality educations, and poor or non-
existent English language skills (Velasquez, 2013). And with those kind of different
orientation, the company manages various cultural forces through the education of ethnic
minority cultures represented by employees, and managers are better known to listen to,
communicate and understand people of diverse backgrounds to their employees.
Lower education means that people with a higher economical condition status would
have more advantages in making a higher performance in terms of job performance. This also
impact the education process in school level. A simple argument could be said, richer people
get more advantages to get a higher knowledge through a specific course that would give
more advantages to the wealthy one in terms of performance. In the other hand, people with a
destitute condition would get a lower chance to have a higher education or would have a poor
quality educations compared with the richer one.
However, there is a school that accept students those who are not being able to pay or
it can be said student who has a destitute condition with the family. In this writing, we would
like to make an essay based on a school that recently provide an opportunity with some
people with an unlucky condition in terms of their financial. This school is one of some
foundation school that owned by Rumah Zakat foundation that provide a complimentary
facility for those who are in the real destitute condition. For several years they provide 100%
free of charge for those who is already been selected based on some specifics criteria.
However, started this year this elementary school (based on the foundation order) make a
policy which allowed a regular student to register and learn with a free of charger student. A
regular student means that this student also pays for the tuition fee that provided by school
and they slowly started to combine a free of charge payment and full of charger payment for
those who are being able to pay or it can be say people with a good financial condition.
Obviously, this decision creates a dilemma not only for the student’s parents but also for the
students itself inside the education process of the elementary school. Based on our
hypothesis, we assume that this kind of decision would impact the treatment for students who
are having a different orientation in terms of their parent’s financial condition. Or there will
be a discrimination action in the learning process that determinate student’s race, social
status, religion and gender. We would like to know more about how the treatment or there
will be any consideration for the student’s candidate who are not in the same believe or it can
be say they only accept Muslim students or they accept any kind of religion with the same
treatment. Discriminating among job applicants on the basis of race, sex, religion, or other
characteristics unrelated to job performance is necessarily inefficient and, therefore, contrary
to utilitarian principles (Velasquez, 2013).

SD Juara Yogyakarta was established in 2009 by a charity foundation named Rumah

Zakat foundation. SD Juara it is not the first and the only SD Juara in Indonesia, there are
several schools owned by Rumah Zakat foundation spread in many cities in Indonesia
including in Batam, Surabaya and etc. SD Juara provided a formal education program that
provides a free quality education for the poor community. School activities are designed
according to government standards, and the learning method uses multi-intelligence concepts
to help students explore the various possibilities. In the autonomous prefecture, various fields
from all over the country are carved into real life. Rumah Zakat foundation also provide two
different levels of education which are in elementary school and the middle school. Basically,
SD Juara is an elementary school that aimed for Mustahik (people who are have a right to
receive zakat or infaq/alms). Located inside the Al-Hidayah Mosque complex in the Gayam
street Yogyakarta, SD Juara Yogyakarta have a several achievement including the
successfully receive the A grade accreditation for elementary school grade in 2019. There are
145 (in 2019) students that study in this small school in the middle city of Yogyakarta. With
12 teachers and 101 subjects in every 6 different classes in SD Yogyakarta. The office of
Rumah Zakat itself located in the edge of the town of Yogyakarta city in Veteran street
Umbulharjo Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). SD Juara Yogyakarta, provided a full time
scholarship by some children who are not lucky enough to have a capability to gain an
advantages in school because of unlucky destitute condition with their families. Led by the
principal of the school named Ibu Budia Hadiastuti S. Pd (2009-2017), SD Juara Yogyakarta
received the first brilliant achievement in colouring competition that have been held by Gajah
Mada University Faculty of MIPA at the second place (Rahma Elfitra Sari) in 2010. At the
beginning of their learning process SD Juara already been achieved some achievement
including memorize al Quran competition, Adzan competition, reading Quran competition
and etc.
Lead by the new principal of the school Ibu Lilik Siswatin S. Pd (2018-present), SD
Juara faced many new challenges that have to be faced by both the school itself and the
foundation of Rumah Zakat. In the beginning of 2019 Rumah Zakat Foundation made a new
policy for SD Juara Yogyakarta to accept not only people with a poverty condition to study in
the school but also a usual people who are able to pay the tuition fee that provided by SD
Juara. In the controlling policy and obligation inside the school system, Rumah Zakat
foundation take the responsibility to control and make policies and rules that controlled all
the learning activities inside the school. In fact, SD Juara as the school that owned by a
private foundation have never been involved in making the rules and obligation regarding to
the learning process in the class. Thus, SD Juara and all the teachers that work inside this
school only have a responsibility and right based on everything that have been arranged by
Rumah Zakat foundation.
In achieving their goals as a school that provided by charity foundation, SD Juara has
some criteria’s that allowed people with a poverty condition in gaining the scholarship
program that provided by Rumah Zakat foundation. SD Juara sent their representative to
measure the worthiness for these people who are already registered in this elementary school.
In some cases, there are some people who are really needs more than the others in the real
example there are families in the middle of hutment of Yogyakarta which live in the same
house that lived by 3 families in at just 30 square meters of house. However, in any other
cases they found out there is family that have a capability to fulfil their needs and life
(sufficient) and registered their children to enter SD Juara. Not only provided a scholarship
for their student but also they provided uniforms, bags, and others need for school activity for
their students.
Rumah Zakat foundation has several ways to gain a money to take care all the
responsibility for taking care all the students in SD Juara. All the activities that provided by
SD Juara came from raise funding that has been the objective for Rumah Zakat foundation.
They open the donation for all people to donate their money to the learning process and all
the activities in SD Juara. Moreover, Rumah Zakat foundation also raised some money from
a website that already provided in the internet to make it easy for those who are generous
enough with a sincerity feel to help this foundation that help people in needs to gain their
right to get an education. Rumah Zakat also provided Zakat, Infaq and Shodaqoh to be
delivered into them. Their mission is to build the foundation the value of spirituality into
social piety framed of the movement of this institution as a mediator between the values of
Muzakki (people who are subject to the obligation to pay zakat for ownership of assets that
have reached Nishab and Haul) and Mustahiq (people who has right to get Zakat) interests.
Between giving and receiving, between Aghniya (wealth people) and those who are poor so
that social inequality can be further reduced in distance. Until these days, Rumah Zakat has
been provided so many opportunities for those who are in need not only in education sector
but also in many social sector such as health, education and economic. With a strong belief in
sharing and creating a better global family, Rumah Zakat is empowered to become a leading
organization in the region that ensures effective and sustainable programs in empowering
people to achieve a better life.
Every company generally experiences important events in its operations, both
companies that have been running for more than 10 years or only 1 year. This usually
happens to the decision maker because they have to consider several things so that the
decision can be accepted by all members. In making a decision, it must be based on certain
aspects, such as justice, which make the decision maker doubtful by several things. In order
to gain the confidence of its members, as for what must be sacrificed by the decision maker
and vice versa, members must sacrifice something to carry out the decision.
SD Juara, which has been running for almost 10 years, of course has experienced
several good and bad events. This A-accredited school is formed by 'Rumah Zakat' through
funding from infaq, zakat, shadaqah, and wakaf to accept students who are unable to pay and
also accept students who can pay.
As a school that offers students from 2 circles, of course many students want to enroll
in this school. Selection of student registration is not only determined by a written test, but
the school will also see the applicant's family situation/condition because there are not many
quota that can be accommodated by the school. Students who want to apply to this school
continue to increase every year, and because of the many requests, this makes the decision
maker indecisive in several ways, which will be explained further below;
1. Should the school prioritize accepting students who cannot afford to pay?
The first decision is to prioritize applicants who cannot afford to pay. For
those who cannot afford it is not only people who do not have enough money, but
who are fakir, yatim, piatu, miskin, and others. There are more applicants from this
group, and most of the school students are filled by students who cannot pay. The
school also provides free school fees, free uniforms, some student needs such as free
bags and stationery, as well as school books funded through zakat, infaq, shadaqah,
and wakaf.
All this availability certainly attracts many registrants, especially those who
cannot pay school fees. They have experienced difficulties in their lives, coupled with
the difficulty of finding education which can give them hope. Certainly, the school
also wants to help people who cannot afford to pay to take higher education and build
cadres who are intelligent and independent, because they are the ones who need it.
Activities and lessons in school are also more in the field of religion, to help
those who are hesitating in their hearts. From all these reasons, this decision is there
to help those who are in need and fulfill the trusteeship from the people through zakat,
etc. With all available facilities, Islamic-based education, and other offerings given,
the school is ready to help these people.
2. Should the school accept both group equally?
To avoid any unwanted events, the school also accepts students who are able
to pay school fees. The reason is to support school development regarding the many
requests from applicants to enter this school, and also because most of the funds are to
help people who cannot afford to pay. There are not many applicants from this group,
the reason are this school provides good spiritual education and also accredited A.
Although the applicant can also pay, the registration conditions are also
applied in this group, such as surveying the applicant's house, talking to their parents
about a number of things, and others. School fees are determined through the survey
that has been carried out, and certainly the school not charge excessive fees, and for
uniforms, books, etc. are paid respectively.

From those two decisions, the decision maker chooses the 2nd choice which is they
should accept them equally. Some people disagree with the decision, because this means
reducing the quota for those who cannot afford to pay, basically a school from ‘Rumah
Zakat’ funding is for people who cannot pay school fees and who had gone through
difficulties in his life should be prioritized.
On the other hand, because some people who are able to pay for it are difficult to get
school, so the school accepts this and also because their parents consider this school a good
place for their children, but they have to pay fees which will be determined through a survey.
To compensate for these 2 opinions, the decision maker chooses option 2 to avoid other
dispute of two parties.
In addition besides the dilemmas experienced by decision makers, some teachers also
experience uncertainty in teaching. Sometimes, students who cannot pay school fees are more
active than students who can pay. This makes their homeroom teachers hesitant about what
actions should be applied to them, which will be explained below;

1. Does the homeroom teacher have to give personal motivation to the student?
For those who can pay for their education, it would be good to do the best for
their parents who have paid for it. Compared to those who cannot afford to pay, these
students lead a better life, as food is provided by parents, clothing needs are met, and
sometimes the parent bought toys as entertainment. Therefore, the homeroom teacher
will give his personal motivation to the students concerned with the aim of
encouraging him.
Another thing that is commonly applied to motivate student learning spirit is a
system of reward and punishment. If the student can get a score above the average, or
can collect the assignment faster than others, they will be rewarded. Conversely, if the
student violates the rules such as coming late to the class or noisy in class, then
punishment will be given.
2. Focus on ordinary teaching.
In other words, allowing these students to do what they want. This is because
some teachers consider the laziness that exists in these students is the responsibility of
their parents, and teachers are educators in the academic and spiritual fields. Even so,
the teacher also must be strict with the rules at school. Another reason, as long as the
student does not violate the rules of the school, and does not interfere with other
students then it does not matter.
Educating in this way can bring negative and positive impacts. The negative
impact is that students will act as they wish without parents' obedience, and can make
these students become more lazy. The positive impact is that students will be aware of
their actions after they have scored less, and this will shape themselves to become
more mature.

From the 2 dilemmas above, the teacher chooses to do personal motivation, because
not all elementary students can be mature about their actions, so they need to be reminded by
certain approaches. Providing motivation to students can be regarded as a normal thing, to
form a better person that is useful for the community.
Although most students are those who are not able to pay at the beginning of
registration, sometimes their parents become successful in the following year. This happened
to several students, the family continued to grow and succeeded in having a private house or
private car in the 3rd year or later. This is what makes the school wary of what actions should
be taken to respond to this;
1. Does the school still have to allow this situation?
This is a positive thing for the family because the family is developing to run a
better life. In other words, they can buy something for their children to support the
child's education and happiness. To maintain harmony in the family, the school
provides an opportunity to stay and study until graduated. Even more, the relationship
between the student and their homeroom teacher is very close as well as the other
2. Does the school have to take special action to a family that has developed?
Basically, this family already has enough funds to place their children in
schools that have better quality, and better facilities. Registrants who are unable to
pay school fees have more quota than those who are able to pay, therefore, to increase
the quota of students who cannot afford to pay, the family is better off putting their
children in superior schools.

Of those two choices, the decision maker chooses to allow this situation. Families that
have developed give their children the spirit to be better in the future and also children are
happy about their lives at school because this school provides something that is not in other
schools has. Even though this means reducing the quota of people who cannot afford to pay
school fees, this school has run the system of accepting those who cannot afford the school
fees and those who can afford it. To reduce disputes between the two parties, this choice was
decided by them.

It has been explained beforehand that SD Juara is a school which was established
under Rumah Zakat foundation particularly for students who are from unfortunate family
condition, which operational things are funded from zakat, infaq, shadaqah, and waqaf. Thus,
SD Juara provides free-of-charge education along with several facilities in their school. SD
Juara also accept students who are financially adequate or whose economic condition is
developing, and they could support their peers’ financial condition as well. There were some
establishment of policies which are preceded by several dilemmas that has resolved by
decision making. Dilemmas that appear were faced by school management and teachers of
SD Juara. The writers are analyzing the decisions made by the school as follows.
1. Accept students who can not afford to pay or accept both groups (students who pay
and who do not) equally.
Decision: accept students of both groups equally.
By accepting both groups equally, students could learn to live in harmony and get
along well despite of their differences, in this case their social status. Students whose
family are financially adequate could support those who come from low economy. On
the other hand, from the aspect of students enrollment, potential students who come
from unfortunate family will decrease in number. Since there are students who are
willing to go to school but could not afford to pay school fee, and this type of school
is rarely established in Yogyakarta. According to utilitarian argument of
discrimination, discriminating among job applicants on the basis of race, sex, religion,
or other characteristics unrelated to job performance is necessarily inefficient
(Velasquez, 2013, p. 394).

2. Deliver personal motivation to students or deliver ordinary teaching.

Decision: deliver personal motivation to students.
It was previously mentioned that sometimes students who are in unfortunate condition
appear to be more passionate in learning. The decision made by teachers to approach
students personally is good since teachers will understand students’ personality one
by one and motivate them to learn according to each different approach that they
need. This kind of treatment will add value to the teaching, although teachers might
feel difficult and change treatment to adapt with each of personality at first.
Furthermore, considering that the number of teachers are not proportional to the
number of students (12 teachers to 145 students), it is clear that the school lacks in
teachers, making the personal approach process more difficult to implement.

3. Accept students whose financial condition is developing or take special action to

Decision: accept students whose financial condition are developing.
By accepting presence of students whose financial condition is developing, SD Juara
has recognized their right to study. According to Kantian theory, for example, holds
that human beings should be treated as ends and never used merely as means. This
principle means that each individual has a moral right to be treated as a free person
equal to any other person and that all individuals have a correlative moral duty to treat
each individual as a free and equal person (Velasquez, 2013, p. 395). Thus, SD Juara
could not hinder them to go to their school, since SD Juara will be considered
violating their right. Furthermore, they could also help to fund other students who are
more unfortunate than them, if their family is willing to as well. However, the
drawback of this decision could be the appearance of social jealousy among the
students or the parents.

Mostly, the dilemmas revolve around the different treatment between students who
come from unfortunate family and students whose family financial condition is better or is
developing. This is caused by the new policy that allows potential students whose financial
condition is better to apply into their school. It actually shifts from the initial intention of the
school, which is to provide education for children whose family condition is poor. Because of
that purpose, the school was established and the presence of the children whose family
condition is poor who need education the most become the priority of the school.
With this condition, it is possible for unintentional and institutionalized discrimination
to happen. Unintentional discrimination is a discriminatory act that is not consciously or
deliberately sought, but is the result of unconscious factors such as stereotypes or processes
that have unintended outcomes (Velasquez, 2013, p. 378). That is, the school’s policy
unintendedly could decrease the number of quota that should have been filled with the initial
priority, which is the students who can not afford to pay the school fee. Meanwhile,
institutionalized discrimination is discriminatory act or acts that are the frequent outcomes of
the actions of all or many members of an institution and of the regular processes and policies
of the institution (Velasquez, 2013, p. 378). That is, opening application to regular students
who can afford the school fee is implemented and run systematically because it has become a
policy of the school.
SD Juara is an elementary school as in general, but what makes this elementary
school special is that this elementary school is specifically for children who have a low
economy because the families of students from this school are not burdened with tuition fees
and are even 100% free. This elementary school is under the auspices of the Yogyakarta
Zakat House Foundation. The school's income comes from zakat and donors from the
foundation and also the trustees of capable students.
In the process of new students admission, this school has a rigorous selection of new
students to get free tuition fees. Not only seen in terms of cognitive, but also from the
economic side. Before a cognitive test is carried out, the school sends officers to conduct
surveys directly at the homes of prospective new student participants. Schools can accept
new students and provide cost relief if they have passed cognitive tests and really have a low
economy. On the other hand, if the family economy of the prospective new students has an
economy that is considered sufficient, the school will not accept these new prospective
students because they have sufficient economy. If it is felt that they have enough economic
families, the families of prospective new students can still attend school but with the tuition
fees. With the existence of this policy, where students who have the economy can sufficiently
go to school together with students who have a low economy. This will raise the question can
the school maintain harmony among students who have different economic levels, in other
words can the school maintain an atmosphere in the school so that discrimination does not
occur in the school.
We have made mini observations and conducted interviews with one of the teachers at
this elementary school. The results of our interview have found several dilemmas and found
no discrimination. According to Velasquez (2013) discrimination is a wrong act of
distinguishing illicitly among people not on an individual basis, but on the basis of prejudice
or some other invidious or morally reprehensible attitude. The dilemma of this school has
been explained in the previous section. We did not find any indication of discrimination in
this school at this time but it could be later that discrimination could occur in this school.
After we benchmarked using the Prima Facie Indicators of Discrimination from Velasquez,
the results did not show any discrimination in this school.
From the observations, interviews, and benchmarks that we have done, we have
several recommendations for this school so that there will be no discrimination from the
student and teacher / employee side later. We provide several recommendations based on the
dilemmas in order to avoiding discrimination in SD Juara.
1. According to the decision that SD Juara chose, they are still accepting students who want
to enter the elementary school both from low economical families and high economical
families. Based on the mission of the school, they build the school in order to provide free
education for low economical families. However they still accept students that have enough
economical background, even though the students who have enough economical background
still pay some the fee, the school should priorities the low economical families.
We have recommendation to avoiding discrimination in the future that may can be
happen. The school should priorities the low economical students to have more chance to
get education. Since the school have mission to provide free education for poor, they should
give more chance for the poor to get free education. Perhaps the school creates limitation for
the number of students who have enough economical background and provide more chance
for the poor.
2. According to the second dilemma, our recommendation is the teacher should give both
personal motivation in order to avoiding discrimination for both sides. The teacher can
give personal counselling for both sides, perhaps when the student perform badly, the teacher
should provide counselling that not look from the economic background. When the students
doing bad act, the teacher should solve the problem wisely.
3. In the third dilemma, we agree with the decision that the school took. When the economy
of the students increase and have enough money to pay fee when they are studying in the
elementary school, they school decision is giving tuition fee to the family because they have
enough money to pay. In our opinion, this is the best decision for this dilemma. When the
economy of the students increase during studying in the school, the school give fee for
the students because they already have better economical situation.
We give several additional recommendations in order to avoiding discrimination that
maybe can happen in the future.
1. Providing regular counselling to students about the dangers of bullying
Many students are not aware or not aware that bullying is very dangerous for students'
psychology. Students who become bully victims will feel insecure, be closed, and always
want to be alone, to hypersomnia or sleep disorders. Many teachers fail to supervise their
students in preventing bullying because the teacher cannot 24 hours oversee all his students.
We provide advice on regular counselling to students about the dangers of bullying to their
friends. But not only clarify the dangers of bullying but also open counselling for students to
tell about what happened during the study hours at school. This is important considering that
the teacher cannot supervise his students for 24 hours. With this the teacher becomes aware
of what is happening to his students but what will be a challenge is how the teacher can make
it comfortable when counselling takes place so that students become open to telling the
problems faced at school.
On the other hand, bullying also affects the perpetrators of bullying. Impacts that will
occur on the offender include; the offender will have a strong character because they feel they
have power and have high self-esteem so that they do not have empathy and have emotions
that are not controlled, the perpetrator will not have sensitivity to the restrictions and norms
that apply in society, bullying is also not will overcome the difficulties of building quality
social relationships because they are accustomed to showing aggressive attitude that is
excessive and has no sensitivity to the restrictions and norms that apply in society.
With regular counselling, the teacher is expected to be able to supervise his students
indirectly and get information related to bullying that occurs at school. On the other hand,
maybe if the student has a family problem the teacher might be a place to tell students or
even help to solve the student's problems. If the school is able to distance students from
bullying, the learning process will become healthier and make the atmosphere in the school
more enjoyable. the impact of schools that are child-friendly and far from bullying is that
schools will be seen as good by the community and this will improve achievement and
accreditation from schools where this will be an important point of this school because this
elementary school was built for poor families.
2. Considering open new admissions for all religions
Even though this is under the Islamic foundation (Rumah Zakat Foundation), poor
families do not only exist in Muslim communities. if later this elementary school accepts all
religious groups, until this time it can still use regulations that have been in effect for a long
time or Islamic based regulations if indeed it is very important but on the other hand this will
also be another way of discrimination because this minority student will clearly contrast with
the majority students at school. There are many cases of discrimination in Indonesia because
a majority school based on a particular religion opens up the acceptance of new students with
different religions. However we feel this can be a challenge as well as a lesson for teachers
and students to learn tolerance from an early age. If our recommendations are too
controversial, schools can ignore this recommendation because this is too vulnerable to new
discrimination in the school environment.
3. Provide sufficient salary for all teachers and employees
As we know that this elementary school was built by a private foundation which
means that all funding comes from the foundation. When compared to the salary of PNS
teachers, it will be quite different. This is a challenge for the foundation how this foundation
can maintain the performance of teachers to keep teaching with good performance and good
quality standards. One that can motivate teachers is salary. If the salary is given according to
regulations and on time, the teacher will always be motivated to provide teaching with
enthusiasm. If we look across the country, there are a lot of teachers in remote areas who
have low salaries that do not even meet the standards of teacher salaries.
If the teacher's salary is always given adequately and the performance is well
maintained, surely student achievement will also be good and even increase. In other words,
teacher salaries can also have an effect on student performance because teacher performance
will be maintained and students will improve their performance. As a result, the community
will view this school as a high-quality but friendly school for lower class families.
In the present era, discrimination is an inevitable thing, the thing we can do is reduce
discrimination. Velasquez said that discrimination is the wrongful act of distinguishing
illicitly among people not on the basis of individual merit, but on the basis of prejudice or
some other invidious or morally reprehensible attitude (Velasquez, 2013). Discrimination
create gaps in society that would grow a mind-set for stereotype thing and this would create
the discrimination in the society. Discrimination places the members of groups that are
discriminated against in lower social and economic positions: Women and minorities have
fewer job opportunities and are given lower salaries (Velasquez, 2013).
In certain condition discrimination give a more disadvantages in work process, not
only in job and work situation but also in learning process that also included in work towards
the organisation which is the school itself. In fact, people who are being discriminated would
certainly got lower integration towards their performance.
SD Juara Yogyakarta was established in 2009 by a charity foundation named Rumah
Zakat foundation. SD Juara provided a formal education program that provides a free quality
education for the poor community. School activities are designed according to government
standards, and the learning method uses multi-intelligence concepts to help students explore
the various possibilities. In achieving their goals as a school that provided by charity
foundation, SD Juara has some criteria’s that allowed people with a poverty condition in
gaining the scholarship program that provided by Rumah Zakat foundation. SD Juara sent
their representative to measure the worthiness for these people who are already registered in
this elementary school.
There are few dilemmas that faced by the school;
1. Which student (the poor or the rich) that the school should be prioritized from the student
2. Which student should have counselling with the teacher? The active or the passive students
3. What kind of decision when the student’s economy is increasing during study in the
We have several recommendations according the dilemma that SD Juara face. We try
to give recommendations that maybe can be solutions in the future;
1. The school should priorities the low economical students to have more chance to get
education. Since the school have mission to provide free education for poor, they should give
more chance for the poor to get free education. By accepting both groups equally, students
could learn to live in harmony and get along well despite of their differences, in this case
their social status. Students whose family are financially adequate could support those who
come from low economy.
2. The teacher should give both personal motivation in order to avoiding discrimination for
both sides. The teacher can give personal counselling for both sides, perhaps when the
student perform badly, the teacher should provide counselling that not look from the
economic background. When the students doing bad act, the teacher should solve the problem
It was previously mentioned that sometimes students who are in unfortunate condition
appear to be more passionate in learning. The decision made by teachers to approach students
personally is good since teachers will understand students’ personality one by one and
motivate them to learn according to each different approach that they need.
3. When the economy of the students increase during studying in the school, the school give
fee for the students because they already have better economic situation.
By accepting presence of students whose financial condition is developing, SD Juara
has recognized their right to study. We give several additional recommendations in order to
avoiding discrimination that maybe can happen in the future.
1. Providing regular counselling to students about the dangers of bullying.
With regular counselling, the teacher is expected to be able to supervise his students
indirectly and get information related to bullying that occurs at school. On the other hand,
maybe if the student has a family problem the teacher might be a place to tell students or
even help to solve the student's problems
2. Considering open new admissions for all religions
Even though this is under the Islamic foundation (Rumah Zakat Foundation), poor
families do not only exist in Muslim communities. If later this elementary school accepts all
religious groups, until this time it can still use regulations that have been in effect for a long
time or Islamic based regulations if indeed it is very important but on the other hand this will
also be another way of discrimination because this minority student will clearly contrast with
the majority students at school.
3. Provide sufficient salary for all teachers and employees
If the teacher's salary is always given adequately and the performance is well
maintained, surely student achievement will also be good and even increase. In other words,
teacher salaries can also have an effect on student performance because teacher performance
will be maintained and students will improve their performance
Velasquez, M. G. (2014). Business ethics concepts and cases. Edinburgh Gate, UK: Pearson


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