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SDN Controller with AI 1

SDN Controller with AI (Artificial Intelligent)

SDN Controller with AI 2

Table of Contents

Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 4 ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 5 ......................................................................................................................................... 5

References ....................................................................................................................................... 7
SDN Controller with AI 3


Software-defined networks (SDN) as the title indicates refers to networks which are

managed using software (Sendra, Rego, Lloret, Jimenez, & Romero, 2017). In particular, the

SDNs are normally utilized with the aim of improving the software programmability of the

various networks. On the other hand, artificial intelligence refers to the development of computer

devices with similar capabilities as those of human beings.

Artificial intelligence has become an integral component in various areas of human life.

As indicated by Russell and Norvig, (2016) artificial intelligence has enabled the improvement

of human efficiency as well as the augmentation of human capabilities. With sum an immense

impact it is necessary that studies on the combination of SDN controller with AI are carried out.

In particular, it is necessary to establish how AI can impact various aspects such as routing

protocols. Artificial intelligence is a field that has been characterized by numerous controversies.

As shown by Ghahramani, (2015) several moral issues pertaining to the running of artificial

intelligence has hampered its adoption in various areas of society. Notably, artificial intelligence

has been criticized for its capability of influencing human behaviour and interactions (Latah, &

Toker, 2016). However, it is the concern that artificial intelligence will result in unemployment

hat has created immense criticisms.

As shown above, SDNs refers to the tools used in improving the programmability of the

networks. In essence, it refers to the software component that is used in handling networks (Xu,

Mu, & Liu, 2017). With the improvement in networking over the recent past, it has become

increasingly difficult to control the movement of data as attributed to the increased traffic and

deceives that have to be connected (Al-Jawad, Shah, Gemikonakli, & Trestian, 2018). The

emergence of artificial intelligence as such promises to revolutionize the handling of such tasks
SDN Controller with AI 4

which are proving complex with the passage of time. It is therefore important to determine the

various ways in which Ai can be incorporated in SDNs and the impacts which are expected from

the combination (Rego, Canovas, Jiménez, & Lloret, 2018).

Chapter 1

This chapter will present a brief introduction of the problem as well as the background. In

addition to that aims and objectives of the study will be highlighted in the first section with an

aim of guiding the study towards the achievement of suitable solutions to the problem. In essence

the first chapter will provide a guidance regarding the direction which will be followed by the


Chapter 2

The second chapter will delve into the review of literature concerning:

 An introduction into the performance of SDNs. The section will begin by highlighting

short history of SDNs. In addition to that, the section will entails the evaluation of how

the system performs and the various types of SDNs.

 Some of the challenges experienced in the running of SNDs. In this section, the problems

encountered in the process of implementation will be highlighted.

 The solutions which have been employed in resolving the challenges. This will entail

stating whether the solutions have been success or not.

SDN Controller with AI 5

Chapter 3

The third chapter will delve into the interaction between SDNs and AI. In essence this

will entail:

 The impact of Artificial intelligence in the performance of SDNs

 Managing and handling of networks

 The power of machine learning and artificial intelligence

 Network optimization (Mata, De Miguel, Duran, Merayo, Singh, Jukan, & Chamania,


 Application of AI in path loss prediction in networking (Taylor, & Fokum, 2013)

 Ethical impacts of AI in relation to the challenges experienced in networking such as

breaches and the loss of data

Chapter 4

This chapter will provide a discussion regarding the impacts of AI in the network

management approaches. In particular this will be a comparison between the past and how the

integration has affected the performance. In addition to that the chapter will delve into the

various benefits which can be accrued from the use of AI in line with the discussion in the third

and the second chapters of the study.

Chapter 5

The chapter will contain a conclusion of the discussion. In essence it will summarize

various discoveries made in the study with an objective of making suggestions and
SDN Controller with AI 6

recommendations on the applications of the same. The contents of this chapter will be based on

the discussions made in the previous chapters of the study.

SDN Controller with AI 7


Aldrich, J., Garlan, D., Kästner, C., Le Goues, C., Mohseni-Kabir, A., Ruchkin, I., Samuel, S.,

Schmerl, B., Timperley, C.S., Veloso, M. & Voysey, I., (2019). Model-Based Adaptation

for Robotics Software. IEEE Software, 36(2), pp.83-90.

Al-Jawad, A., Shah, P., Gemikonakli, O. & Trestian, R., (2018). LearnQoS: a learning approach

for optimizing QoS over multimedia-based SDNs. In 2018 IEEE International

Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) (pp. 1-6).


Ghahramani, Z. (2015). Probabilistic machine learning and artificial

intelligence. Nature, 521(7553), 452.

Latah, M. and Toker, L., (2016). Application of artificial intelligence to software defined

networking: A survey. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(44), pp.1-7.

Mata, J., De Miguel, I., Duran, R.J., Merayo, N., Singh, S.K., Jukan, A. & Chamania, M.,

(2018). Artificial intelligence (AI) methods in optical networks: A comprehensive

survey. Optical Switching and Networking, 28, pp.43-57.

Rego, A., Canovas, A., Jiménez, J.M. & Lloret, J., (2018). An intelligent system for video

surveillance in IoT environments. IEEE Access, 6, pp.31580-31598.

Russell, S.J. & Norvig, P., (2016). Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Malaysia; Pearson

Education Limited.

Sendra, S., Rego, A., Lloret, J., Jimenez, J.M. & Romero, O., (2017), May. Including artificial

intelligence in a routing protocol using software defined networks. In 2017 IEEE

SDN Controller with AI 8

International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) (pp. 670-

674). IEEE.

Taylor, V.F. and Fokum, D.T., 2013, April. Securing wireless sensor networks from denial-of-

service attacks using artificial intelligence and the clips expert system tool. In 2013

Proceedings of IEEE Southeastcon (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Xu, G., Mu, Y. and Liu, J., 2017. Inclusion of artificial intelligence in communication networks

and services. ITU J., ICT Discoveries, Special, (1), pp.1-6.

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