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ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... 4

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 5

Background of the Thesis ........................................................................................................ 5

Research Statement................................................................................................................ 10

Purpose of the Study .............................................................................................................. 12

Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 12

Questions ............................................................................................................................... 13

Nature of the Study ................................................................................................................ 13

The Scope of the Research .................................................................................................... 14

Limitations ............................................................................................................................. 15

Significance of the Study....................................................................................................... 15

Summary and Transition ....................................................................................................... 17

Research Organization ........................................................................................................... 17

CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 19

1.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 19

1.2. Current Understanding of DDM ..................................................................................... 19

1.3. Environment and context matter..................................................................................... 22

1.4. Steps that executes Data-Driven business mode ............................................................ 24

1.5. KM and Artificial intelligence ........................................................................................ 28

1.6. Benefits of Data Driven Software Modeling .................................................................. 29

1.7. Data Driven Methods in Design ..................................................................................... 32


1.8. Data Driven roles in Industrial Processing ..................................................................... 34

1.9. Traditional Software Modeling ...................................................................................... 35

1.10. Agile software modeling .............................................................................................. 37

1.11 Conceptual Framework.................................................................................................. 38

2.0. CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................... 40

2.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 40

2.2. Data Collection ............................................................................................................... 42

2.3 Data Analysis and Results ............................................................................................... 45

3.0. CHAPTER 3: DISCUSSION ................................................................................................. 69

3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 69

3.2. People ............................................................................................................................. 69

3.3 Process ............................................................................................................................. 71

3.4 Continuous Improvement. ............................................................................................... 72

3.5 Monitor and Adapt........................................................................................................... 72

3.6 Quality ............................................................................................................................. 73

3.7 Summary.......................................................................................................................... 73

4.0 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................... 74

4.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 74

4.2. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 74

4.3. Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 75

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 77



The purpose of this phenomenological research was to research how software and project

managers’ experience in agile software companies is an equipment to enhance the productivity

of software modeling. The purpose was to demonstrate obstacles to Data Driven usage in

software modeling firms and to recommend some of the improvements on Data Driven software

modeling use in software modeling firms predicated on the results from this investigation and

past researches. The rationale of using phenomenological qualitative methodology was provided

on the basis of a research review methodologies which were used to answer similar questions.

The essential idea of the research was the productivity of software modeling. The aim was to

study their experiences with software development. The participants were chosen predicated on

their usage and understanding of methods of Scrum software development. The size of the

sample for the study was predicated on the IPA with 9 participants, which suggested that amid

four(4) and ten(10) hours of interviews be carried out for the study and that choosing those to

take part in the study from dissimilar groups of users would permit the investigator to explore the

phenomenon under the investigation from numerous perceptions. The three software managers,

three project managers, and agile coaches argued that Data Driven is required to enhance

software modeling production. One agile instructor warned that even though knowledge

management and analytics are valued, data gathering must be part and parcel of the procedure

and in case data gathering is not part of the software modeling procedure and is performed to

meet management or practical goals then it ought to be done. Manufacturing firms need to

acclimatize a sharing culture for successful agile software modeling in industrial process and

firms ought to acclimatize to the sharing culture to effectively construct and transfer active




Background of the Thesis

The manufacturing business is exceptional in numerous ways. It has been existing for

over 100 years and continues to grow, benefiting from every key inventios ranging from RFIDs

for enhancing parts monitoring, progressions in the enterprise-wide miniaturization of sensors,

electronics, and equipment to introduction of the internet and management solutions.

Manufacturing companies today seek operational productivity and efficacy and they are much

focused on the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide effectiveness (Rüßmann et al., 2015).

Manufactures ought to think critically when anticipating to the change their business (Zhong,

Xu, Klotz and Newman, 2017).1 As such, operationally there are few key enhancements that

manufacturers should seek. The first one is to lower the general cost of poor quality and enhance

efficiency of the equipment by digitalizing manufacturing firms -in other words, establishing

smart manufacturing firms (Rüßmann et al., 2015). The second one is to increase the time used

between failures in equipment by employing intelligent resolutions that permit for prognostic

maintenance of the equipment. The last one is to forecast supply scarcities and/or demand spines

to closer to precision using historic data and by influencing unconventional artificial intelligence

(AI) and machine learning techniques (Zhong, Xu, Klotz & Newman, 2017).

Markedly, the manufacturing business as it famously known is enormously cost-sensitive.

Whereas any marginal enhancements in productivity and effectiveness or any reduction in cost

Zhong, R.Y., Xu, X., Klotz, E. and Newman, S.T., 2017. Intelligent manufacturing in the context of industry 4.0: a
review. Engineering, 3(5), pp.616-630.


of poor quality is a much needed, plant administrators are continuously faced with challenges

linked to return on investment when modern or latest technologies are introduced in production

facilities (Jeschke, et al., 2017).2 Based on this, a big part of change begins with bringing data

from storage tower into one platform, looking at existing applications, using intelligence

dashboarding equipment to look for patterns, and lastly trying to figure out relationships using

innovative machine learning techniques. One of the most significant choices for solution

architects possibly is to pick the correct data platform that can deal with the scale of

manufacturing IoT data, together with the capacity to process the data when it is produced

(Hitomi, 2017).3 The soonest the data is managed, the faster the action of the system is likely to


Manufacturing companies trying to modernize their infrastructure are normally investing

in the following main areas: constructing a connected manufacturing firm solution by IoTizing

their tools and developing predictive maintenance plans with best-in-class failure examination

archetypal (Rüßmann et al., 2015).4 Basically, maximizing uptime of the equipment and

decreasing redundant regular maintenance expenses. Augmenting the abilities of their

progression manufacturing software—data acquisition and supervisory control, engineering

implementation systems programmable logic regulators (PLC) and)—to industrialize or

systematize decision-making in the factory facilities (Jeschke, et al., 2017). Lastly, building

Jeschke, S., Brecher, C., Meisen, T., Özdemir, D. and Eschert, T., 2017. Industrial internet of things and cyber
manufacturing systems. In Industrial Internet of Things (pp. 3-19). Springer, Cham.

Hitomi, K., 2017. Manufacturing systems engineering: A unified approach to manufacturing technology,
production management and industrial economics. Routledge.

Rüßmann, M., Lorenz, M., Gerbert, P., Waldner, M., Justus, J., Engel, P. and Harnisch, M., 2015. Industry 4.0:
The future of productivity and growth in manufacturing industries. Boston Consulting Group, 9(1), pp.54-89.


better intuitions and probability or certainty into their supply chain that permit them to

comprehend how best to acquire the accessible raw material and uphold the profit margins.

Software architects and chief executive officers need a platform that is easier to get in progress

with goal to deploy and pilot, and which recompences for itself in the long-term—irrespective of

the cases taken into account.

For example, MapR has become the best platform for producers internationally because

even if it is splitting the on-boarding time for fresh suppliers, permitting Audi to incorporate

existing applications for vehicle analysis development, or up surging the wafer yield for a

wireless chip producer at low price per terabyte.5 This means, manufacturing companies require

a platform that can handle time-series data from instruments, structured data from prevailing

unstructured machine logs and operational applications (Shin, et al., 2019).

The MapR Data Platform provides the flexibility to job across any edge technology, on-prem or

cloud. The platform is likely to handle functioning or operative data (historical and real-time),

permits machine learning and analytics, and easily incorporate with both contemporary

applications and legacy systems. Additionally, with MapR direct admittance NFS permitting the

existing applications to write/read directly into MapR platform as well as the capacity to convey

data from all storage towers into the MapR Database, the platform of the data refutes the

necessity for producers to totally change to cloud (Shin, et al., 2019). These capacities are

instrumental in permitting the producing operations head equivalent construct and CIO an

endways functioning view and change data into action.

Väätäjä, H., Heimonen, T., Tiitinen, K., Hakulinen, J., Turunen, M., Nieminen, H., Paunonen, H., Ruotsalainen, J.,
Oksanen, J. and Lindborg, I., 2016, June. Opportunities and Needs for Logged Usage Data Analytics of Complex
Industrial Systems. In ECIS (pp. Research-in).


Machine learning abilities and Analytics permit architects to test with in-place analytics

at the same time deploy Machine Learning models on target cloud atmospheres devoid of having

to copy data in distinct places for cutting-edge analytics (O’Donovan, et al., 2015).6 MapR Edge

on its part solves the challenges explicit to situations where it is hard to convey data from remote

assets spread across big production site or plant. With dependable replication and small footprint

abilities, MapR Edge is perfectly suited for bandwidth and space constrained production

environments, therefore, addressing matters related to local data gathering very common in

production facilities (Jeschke, et al., 2017). Used in conjunction with the main core MapR

initiative disposition (in the cloud or on premise), MapR Edge permits firms to firmly process

data domestically, rapidly aggregate perceptions on a worldwide base, and eventually push

intellect back to the edge for quicker and substantial business effect (Shin, et al., 2019).7

There is a need to improve manufacturing project success. The approaches of Data

Driven software modeling are created to enhance the success of software project (Sharma, et al.,

2018). Data Driven software approaches are predicated on the Data Driven Manifesto Kiel,

Arnold & Voigt (2017) which states that software modeling ought to concentrate on providing

functioning software; consequently8 (Lee, Kao & Yang, 2014), Data Driven approaches are

planned to offer value to clienteles by iteratively proving functional code to clients. Even though

O’Donovan, P., Leahy, K., Bruton, K. and O’Sullivan, D.T., 2015. An industrial big data pipeline for data-driven
analytics maintenance applications in large-scale smart manufacturing facilities. Journal of Big Data, 2(1), p.25.

Shin, Y.J., Baek, Y.M., Jee, E. and Bae, D.H., 2019, April. Data-driven environment modeling for adaptive
system-of-systems. In Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (pp. 2044-2047).

Arnold, C., Kiel, D. and Voigt, K.I., 2016. How the industrial internet of things changes business models in
different manufacturing industries. International Journal of Innovation Management, 20(08), p.1640015.


the degree of failure for some of the software projects that used outdated software modeling

approaches is 60 percent, the failing percentage for software modeling projects that used Data

Driven software modeling approaches is forty percent.

Data Driven Modeling made a major improvement to organizational productivity by 4

percent; nevertheless, based on the previous articles, few studies have researched the usage of

Data Driven Modeling as a tool to enhance manufacturing industry production in either an

outdated software modeling environment or a Data Driven software modeling environment

(Emerson, Kawamura & Matthews, 2007). Manufacturing industrial processing need to illustrate

analytics since analytics have been described in numerous ways (Lee, Kao & Yang, 2014). Even

though there is a positive connection amid the Data Driven practices of pair programming,

coding standards and collective ownership with the KM (Kiel, Arnold & Voigt, 2017).9 Results

of knowledge making, knowledge preservation, as well as knowledge transference; the

denotation of Data Driven Modeling in the Data Driven software context has not been defined.

The study focusses on Data Driven software organization’s awareness of DDM, which includes

Data Driven software management’s understanding of analytics and the Knowledge Management

procedures of knowledge retention, conception accumulation, as well as transference to improve

manufacturing industries.10 Based on past literatures, a few studies will explore the usage of Data

Driven Modeling to improve manufacturing industry in a traditional software modeling

atmosphere or in a Data Driven software modeling atmosphere (Sharma, et al., 2018).

Kiel, D., Arnold, C. and Voigt, K.I., 2017. The influence of the Industrial Internet of Things on business models of
established manufacturing companies–A business level perspective. Technovation, 68, pp.4-19.

Mageswari, S.U., Sivasubramanian, C. and Dath, T.S., 2015. Impact of size of the manufacturing firms on
knowledge management practices: An empirical analysis. Jurnal Pengurusan (UKM Journal of Management), 45.


Research Statement

Manufacturing processes, systems as well as data are growing and becoming quite

complicated. Manufacturing management choices, engineering as well as product design involve

the consideration of numerous interdependent variables and factors. These interdependent

variables and aspects which are considered to be complex are numerous for the mind of human

beings to cope up with simultaneously. Whether the manufacturing system is an emergency

response system, a room for operation or production line, simulation is an instrumental

equipment that offers the capacity and permits designers to assume latest systems, carry out

experiments to monito behavior, forecast and assess the outcomes of alternate decisions

(Steffens, Lichter & Moscher, 2018).

Simulation can help to research and compare different enterprises or to troubleshoot the

prevailing systems. Nevertheless, there are numerous economic and technical barriers that

hamper the pervasive and widespread usage of technologies in engineering business. The

expenses of executing as well as using simulation technologies is very high. The expenses of

incorporating simulation systems with other engineering applications are similarly high. There is

usually the necessity to share and transfer data between reproduction and other software

applications in manufacturing.11 Custom-built decorum interfaces are very expensive and are

prohibiting users to use technology. With neutral standard interface and growth of reusable, it

would make it quite easy and decrease the expenses related to data exchange and simulation

model construction between other applications of manufacturing software and simulations. This



would make simulation technologies more accessible and affordable to a wide range of industrial


The problem to be investigated was limited information regarding software

administrators who had an experience with Data Driven software modeling in an active software

companies as an equipment to enhance productivity of software modeling. Even though the

failure of software decreased from 50 percent to around 34 percent in the year 2007, the rate of

the software failure is still quite high. Software methods like agile approaches, were created to

enhance productivity of software modeling, nevertheless, the improvement of software modeling

have not kept the pace with growth in hardware (Steffens, Lichter & Moscher, 2018). Data

Driven software modeling was discovered to enhance productivity of the organization by 6

percent predicated on a review of information technology investment and the business practices

of traded firms, might offer software firms with equipment to enhance production, but managers

in charge of software need to brainstorm various ways to apply in Data Driven system to enhance

productivity of software modeling since the technological head do not know how to

communicate with the possible usage of Data Driven system modeling to their support staffs

(Tao, Qi, Liu & Kusiak, 2018).

Even though some investigations have been conducted on the application of knowledge

management equipment and processes to enhance software modeling production in outdated

software atmosphere as well as agile software atmospheres, less study has been conducted on the

usage of analytical equipment to enhance software modeling production in traditional software

surroundings or in active software settings. The study investigated how project managers,

software managers as well as agile coaches used Data Driven software modeling to enhance

software modeling throughput (Steffens, Lichter & Moscher, 2018). Deep understanding of Data


Driven software modeling as equipment to enhance the productivity of software modeling might

inspire software administrators to share and create new approaches to enhance the productivity

of software modeling and might allow future study that evaluates the effectualness of alternative

Data Driven software model to enhance the productivity of software modeling.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this phenomenological research was to research how software managers’

experience in active software companies is equipment to enhance the productivity of software

modeling. The purpose was to demonstrate obstacles to Data Driven use in software modeling

firms and to recommend some of the improvements on Data Driven software modeling use in

software modeling firms predicated on the results from this investigation and past researches

(Tao, Qi, Liu & Kusiak, 2018). During this stage in the study, productivity of software modeling

means up surging the quantity of deliverable software on basis of active principles instead of the

up-surging codes generated every hour. Productivity of software modeling similarly denotes

organizational productivity, team productivity as well as individual productivity. Data Driven

software modeling on the other hand means knowledge transfer, knowledge retention,

knowledge accumulation, knowledge creation and data analytics.


1. The main objective of this study is to explore the experiences of project managers, agile

instructors and software managers’ use of Data Driven Modeling in manufacturing

industries to improve manufacturing productivity.


2. To illustrate impediments to Data Driven Modeling use in manufacturing industries and

to make commendations for improving Data Driven Modeling use in manufacturing

industries predicated on the results from this investigation and literature review.


I. What is the use of Data Driven Modeling software in improving manufacturing


II. How are the managers in manufacturing industry use Data Driven Modeling software to

improve their productivity?

III. How managers think Data Driven Modeling software could be used to improve

manufacturing productivity?

IV. What difficulties do manufacturers, project managers, software managers and agile

instructors think their organization needs to overcome to enhance manufacturing


Nature of the Study

The rate of failure of software modeling is very high and methods of agile software were

produced to ensure software modeling succeed. Even though Data Driven software modeling

can enhance organizational production and output, companies need to define Data Driven in the

problem context. Predicated on previous researches on Data Driven software modeling as well as

active software modeling, the study on Data Driven software modeling as equipment to enhance

the productivity of software modeling is in the first phases, thus, qualitative study methodologies

focus on discovering the meaning of Data Driven software modeling in a software modeling


context. Qualitative study methodologies are used when a lot is required to be investigated about

the topic, when the research nature is exploratory, and during the time there is inadequate data

accessible to create hypotheses. The qualitative study methodologies used for present study are

the interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA).

Qualitative data was gotten by cross-examining or interviewing agile instructors, project

managers as well as software managers. The participants of the study were picked on basis of

their knowledge and understanding of the active software modeling methodologies practices as

software managers, agile coaches as well as project managers as well as their readiness to take

part in the investigation. The interviews were recorded and assessed to categorize exceptional

responses, common responses and major themes to the interview queries. The previous

researches together with interviews served as the base for construal of the phenomenon of Data

Driven software modeling equipment to enhance productivity of software modeling in active

development environment.

The Scope of the Research

The research focused on the in-depth exploration of the phenomenon of Data Driven

software modeling to enhance productivity of software modeling in an agile software modeling

atmosphere. The study encompassed measuring how regularly study participants identify

knowledge management and analytics as a possible equipment for enhancing software modeling

production in every practice or activity of software modeling. The research excluded the

measurement of how well Data Driven software modeling improves production of software

modeling or how effectual Data Driven Modeling improves product expansion or design. The

study outcomes might or might not be generalized beyond the populace under the research.


The qualitative study encompassed study respondents who were employed in software

projects and domestic software projects in the US. The participants were chosen on basis of their

seep understanding of agile approaches in software firms. Even though there are some agile

software approaches apart from the famous ones, Scrum approaches were chosen for the study

because of the fame of scrum. Apart from Scrum approaches, the study participants deliberated

on other software modeling approaches since, Scrum is an agile project management concept

used on in synchronization with Agile procedure or procedures. Scrum approaches are regularly

used with some of the methods of software modeling, which denotes that the study respondents

might have discoursed other methodologies of software modeling.


The questions of the study were limited software managers’ knowledge of Data Driven

Modeling, which encompasses software management familiarity with knowledge management

and analytics to enhance production of software modeling. The participants of the research were

limited to project managers, agile instructors and software managers in India that use Data

Driven methods of software modeling. The usage of analytics as well as joint usage of

knowledge management and analytics to enhance Data Driven Modeling production are

comparatively new and restricted number of researches were discovered on the usage of Data

Driven Modeling to enhance software modeling in agile or conventional software setting.

Significance of the Study

When Data Driven Modeling, methods improve manufacturing industry output and

production then they can be beneficial from a better knowing of Data Driven Modeling methods.


The literature review will indicate that a common definition for Data Driven Modeling methods

does not exist and that the definition of Data Driven Modeling methods heavily relies on the

context. A better understanding of Data Driven Modeling methods in manufacturing industries

could enable industries to find means of improving production. Positive societal transition could

lead to a better comprehending of Data Driven Modeling methods in a software modeling

environment. If Data Driven Modeling methods, which include data, analytics, and KM,

supported software administrators to make right decisions, manufacturing production may be

enhanced, and the industries would manage to participate in a worldwide economy. If

manufacturing productivity is improved, the industries may produce more commodities that gain

from the major developments in manufacturing industries may create more jobs.

Methods of agile software modeling are also pushing some of the changes of software

modeling very fast. In case change is presented very fast by agile software approaches, then agile

software administrators might be required to make choices very fast. Data Driven Modeling

might permit software administrators to make choices with the speed of transformations. In case

Data Driven Modeling enhances organizations productivity and output then the companies can

benefit from an understanding of Data Driven Modeling. An assessment of the previous

researches showed that Data Driven Modeling lack universal definitions and that it is reliant on

the setting or framework. A perfect comprehension of Data Driven Modeling in software firms

could permit firms to find means of improving production and output.

The denotation of Data Driven software modeling might enlarge and develop as software

firms determine the possibility for analytics for software modeling and software commodity

design. Positive societal change may lead to a better understanding of Data Driven in an agile

software modeling atmosphere. If Data Driven Modeling which consist of knowledge


management, analytics and data, legalized software administrators to make perfect choices,

software modeling production might be enhanced, and software firms would be capable of

competing worldwide economy. In case productivity of software modeling were enhanced,

software firms might create more commodities that take advantage of the advancements in

software and hardware firms which produces numerous jobs.

Summary and Transition

The success of software project is supposed to be enhanced if firms are supposed to

compete in the worldwide economy. Software companies rely so much on competent and skilled

persons who have expertise on how to use tools and methods to enhance software modeling

production. Software firms might enhance production by using Agile methods of software

modeling , which were established to advance software modeling production and software

firms might use Data Driven Modeling as an equipment to enhance process of decision making

since Zhong, Xu, Klotz & Newman (2017, p.617) discovered that organizational productivity as

well as efficiency was enhanced when firms used Data Driven as an equipment to improve

process of decision making. Nevertheless, a critical comprehension of Data Driven Modeling in

the framework of agile software modeling might allow software administrators to find different

ways of using Data Driven to enhance software productivity and output.

Research Organization

Introduction: analyses the objectives of the research and a picture of what will take place

within the whole research.


Chapter 1: This is a review of the benefits of Data Driven Modeling methods to the

Manufacturing industries. The chapter provides a well-detailed literature review which is

developed from the previous researches on the subject matter.

Chapter 2: This is a Methodology section that illustrates the methods that will be used to

complete this research. The chapter covers research approaches used to gather data that will be

used to produce outcomes for the research.

Chapter 3: The data that will be derived from the methodology section will be analyzed

and discussed at this stage.

Chapter 4: This final section will give the conclusion and further recommendations of

what will have been discussed within the context together with key issues emerging from the




1.1. Introduction

The literature investigates productivity of software modeling, which comprise studying

the literatures on techniques, equipment as well as processes individuals are trained to utilize in

order to enhance software modeling production. The writings on knowledge management,

analytics, agile software modeling were assessed and reviewed to detect some of the common

themes and the necessity to study further. The main aim of this review was to understand

techniques, equipment, and process used in software modeling. The review of literature

comprises agile and traditional software modeling techniques since agile software was aimed at

improving the success of the project and to enhance the productivity of software modeling.

1.2. Current Understanding of DDM

There are several definitions of DDM according to the literature review. As such, if an

organization want to define Data Driven Modeling it needs to understand that definition of Data

Driven Modeling depends on the context. After defining Data Driven Modeling, companies

including software firms, might be capable of brainstorming different ways of using Data Driven

Modeling to enhance productivity of software modeling.

DDM is defined as the area of hydroinformatics experiencing faster growth. Data Driven

Modeling (DDM) is also a method where components of configurator model are animatedly

inserted into the model on basis of the data resultant from outside systems like Customer

Relationship Management, catalogue system and Watson among others (Zhong, Xu, Klotz &


Newman, 2017). According to Sharma, et al., (2018) the Omni-Configurator machine creates the

components of the model including discretionary programs and alternate objects during runtime

predicated on the service delivery, and peoples linked assets before performing business lucidity

delimited inside the configurator model.12

Sharma, et al., (2018) argued that in manufacturing industrial processing where DDM

technique is used, a modeler can describe a configurator model using visual moderator

equipment with properties of DDM that describes the source of data and criteria of selection for

inserting catalog items into the model. According to Tao, Qi, Liu and Kusiak, 2018), the

information is retrieved from source of data or system by using adapters data sources executed

for every source of data or system. In this case, the corresponding adapters data sources are

triggered to gather data. Kusiak, (2018) founded that the components are dynamically

constructed in the configurator model on basis of data returned by the adapter source of data.

Some of the benefits offered by DDM method over the static model are as follows: it decreases

the time to produce because the model is dynamically updated with different changes in the

catalog system. Secondly, it decreases the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by eradicating labor-

intensive construction of model machineries by the modeler that epitomizes products in

configurator models.

Presently, manufacturing industrial processing in artificial intelligence (AI) is totally

focused on data-driven modeling. The reasons for this are the fast processors, cheap storage of

data and developments in data-centric methods which have enabled the extraction of enormous

Sharma, A.S., Lynch, E.M., Krishnamurthy, V. and Kalnay, E., 2018, December. Data-driven Modeling,
Prediction and Predictability: The Complex Systems Framework. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.


data (Steffens, Lichter & Moscher, 2018).13 Manufacturers can build structures that can help to

forecast productivity based on what has been seen effectively. Their performance is at some time

even better as compared to that of an individual. The concentration of Data Driven Modeling is

that human beings have been able to label data-driven machine learning.

For the purpose of this research, Sharma, et al., (2018) stated that AI is the methods,

practices, and tools that manufacturing industries use to program or systematize processes.

Therefore, the Data Driven AI way concentrates on structuring a system that can help to identify

the correct answer on the basis of training to get the right productivity. There are many different

ways of conducting this, with possibly the most famous being the use of network algorithms in

their many forms (Preuveneers & Ilie-Zudor, 2017).14 The essential ingredients for this method

are an aptly big data set that is similarly properly branded.

There are many areas of overlying areas that contribute to Data Driven Modeling:

intelligent data analysis, machine learning, computational intelligence, knowledge discovery in

databases, pattern recognition, and data mining. Computational intelligence integrates 3 big areas:

evolutionary computing, fuzzy systems and neural networks (Tao, Qi, Liu & Kusiak, 2018). Soft

computing is an area which developed from fuzzy logic, but presently also integrates numerous

methods of computational intelligence. Machine learning purely lies in computer science that was

for a long time regarded as an area of AI that focuses on the theoretic basis of learning from data.

Jeschke, et al., (2017) claimed that knowledge discovery in database and data mining used ML

Steffens, A., Lichter, H. and Moscher, M., 2018. Towards Data-driven Continuous Compliance Testing.
In Software Engineering (Workshops) (pp. 78-84).

Preuveneers, D. and Ilie-Zudor, E., 2017. The intelligent industry of the future: A survey on emerging trends,
research challenges and opportunities in Industry 4.0. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart
Environments, 9(3), pp.287-298.


methodologies and focusses typically at big databases and are related to customer resources

management, financial services, and banking. DDM can, therefore, be taken into consideration as

a method to modeling that concentrates on using computational intelligence (specifically ML)

methodologies in constructing models that could replace or match KD models illustrating physical

behavior (Wang, et al., 2016).15

DDM uses methodologies established in different areas stated above, and modeler’s role is

to finetune them to a specific area of application. As such, modeling emphasizes the fact that this

action is closer in its aims to old-style methods to modeling, and follows the conventionally

acknowledged modeling stages and that it does not consist of the mining or analysis of data only

(Jeschke, et al., 2017). Some of the common methodologies used in Data Driven Modeling

include fuzzy rule-based frameworks, artificial neural networks, and statistical methodologies.

It is significant to note that computational intelligence component and genetic algorithms

are majorly oriented towards optimization that can be used in the model (Wan, et al., 2017;

Herterich, Uebernickel & Brenner, 2015). Model structure optimization and calibration or

traditional water resources optimization challenges such as multi-objective reservoir optimization

were used.

1.3. Environment and context matter

Wan, et al., (2017) carried out a quantitative study using the method of policy capturing

to find out how chief technology managers evaluate, consider and incorporate data for decision

Wang, K., 2016. Intelligent predictive maintenance (IPdM) system–Industry 4.0 scenario. WIT Transactions on
Engineering Sciences, 113, pp.259-268.


making.16 They found out that technology managers used a smaller percentage of data they

believed they could use in making strategic decisions in technology. Nevertheless, more

investigation might be required to determine how manufacturers in industrial process evaluate,

consider and incorporate data for industrial processing. For instance, Zhang, et al., (2017)

explained that some of the manufacturers used heuristics in the software modeling when

computational power, knowledge and time were totally limited.17 The denotation of Data Driven

Modeling totally depends on the context.

The background of this research is software modeling.

Herterich, Uebernickel & Brenner (2015) noted that the rate of failure of software

modeling is very high. Roughly 34 percent of the projects that were surveyed either failed or

were canceled.18 Some of the reasons that caused software projects to fail were lack of proper

management skills, budget scarcities, lack of senior management involvement, requirement

changes and changes in scope. The most challenging problem was software scheduling. Jin, Yao,

and Chen (2017) claimed that management tools, software estimating and scheduling can be

enhanced and techniques are enhanced.19

Wan, J., Tang, S., Li, D., Wang, S., Liu, C., Abbas, H. and Vasilakos, A.V., 2017. A manufacturing big data
solution for active preventive maintenance. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 13(4), pp.2039-2047.

Zhang, Y., Ren, S., Liu, Y. and Si, S., 2017. A big data analytics architecture for cleaner manufacturing and
maintenance processes of complex products. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, pp.626-641.

Herterich, M.M., Uebernickel, F. and Brenner, W., 2015. The impact of cyber-physical systems on industrial
services in manufacturing. Procedia Cirp, 30, pp.323-328.

Jin, H., Yao, X. and Chen, Y., 2017. Correlation-aware QoS modeling and manufacturing cloud service
composition. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 28(8), pp.1947-1960.


1.4. Steps that executes Data-Driven business mode

Digging deeper into the manufacturing industrial process and operations of organizations

reveal that many managers still make choices on the basis of narrow observations and gut instincts

(Davis, et al., 2015). On the other hand, Data Driven Modeling takes the conjecture out of

business strategies. It is imperious that senior managers, middle-level managers as well as lower

level managers exploit data when making crucial choices. To empower Data Driven software

modeling, it is significant to develop a higher sense of transparency. According to Davis, et al.,

(2015) in trying to develop the present climate of every department in a manufacturing firm,

directors permit workers, team leads as well as senior managers to make informed choices on the

basis of the present pulse of the firm.20 Numerous firms are trying to look for software supported

business reporting paradigm. This is a procedure in the digital transformation of a manufacturing


Creating a broad Data Driven method for a company is usually the initial phase in a

production’s digital change. The steps are described as follows: Start with a strategy- transferring

industrial processing to Data Driven firm can be an appropriate yet valued procedure in the long

run. Nevertheless, in case the strategy behindhand the transition is not performed properly it can

lead to continuous increase of priceless points of data. Kusiak, (2018) stated that when assessing

big sets of data, it is critical to set a clear business goal and create a structure outlining the

company’s growth plan.21 This plays a key role for the transition group to concentrate the

Davis, J., Edgar, T., Graybill, R., Korambath, P., Schott, B., Swink, D., Wang, J. and Wetzel, J., 2015. Smart
manufacturing. Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering, 6, pp.141-160.

Kusiak, A., 2018. Smart manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 56(1-2), pp.508-517.


inventiveness on value driven points of data that drive growth in every department of the


Identify major data streams- data is continuously flowing into the manufacturing firm

from all directions, from customer dealings through sale point to the cloud-based platforms used

by internal employees. Herterich, Uebernickel & Brenner (2015) explained that it is necessary to

manage numerous data sources and classify some of the areas that are likely to bring a lot of

benefits. Trying to track the correct points of data in an industrial process can be very expensive.

As such, this permits the managers of manufacturing firm to make Data Driven decisions whilst

intensifying collaboration within daily actions.

Understanding interior data subdivision- Lu, (2017) explained that this stage involves the

manufacturing company looking at the existing data and determining which sources of data offer the

most valued information.22 This plays a critical role in streamlining the data. When dissimilar

divisions use distinct structures, it can result in inaccurate data reportage. The most appropriate

systems can cross-assess data from dissimilar sources.

Subdividing interior data in accordance with the business aims helps to reduce the

expenses of data stowage. Interior data subdivision similarly makes sure that the business is

gaining the most useful and valuable insights as discovered by Wu, et al., (2017). However, a

point to note is that internal data segmentation is totally different from customer subdivision.

Interior data focuses on identifying internal blocks in organizational procedures while customer

Lu, Y., 2017. Industry 4.0: A survey on technologies, applications and open research issues. Journal of Industrial
Information Integration, 6, pp.1-10.


subdivision focusses on identifying the firm’s core customer on basis of behavior, location and

product Hedberg et al., 2017).23

Gathering and evaluating the correct data-to evaluate the data effectually, the

manufacturing firm might need an incorporated system to link all sources of data. Davis, et al.,

(2015) discovered that the skill level needed differ in accordance with what each head of

department needs to examine or/and report on present accomplishment. Simple analytics are

required and some data conception SaaS platforms provide a substantial amount of availability to

allow everybody access data, which connects the whole labor force making for an advanced agile

industrial processing (Francois, et al., 2017).24

Turning insights on quality into actionable rejoinders- there are business intelligence

equipment that work jointly in multifaceted data sets and present it in ways that make perceptions

more palatable for managers. Wang, (2016) explained that it is not only about presenting

multifaceted conceptions; it is about driving truthful worth from the data to allow actionable

rejoinders. Zhang, et al., (2017) supported that manufacturing firms of all sizes have frequently

relied on data. As such, data moves through industrial process in numerous forms like forecasting

future production and revenue, paying sellers and workers, sourcing credit lines and managing

Hedberg Jr, T.D., Hartman, N.W., Rosche, P. and Fischer, K., 2017. Identified research directions for using
manufacturing knowledge earlier in the product life cycle. International journal of production research, 55(3),

Francois, M.M., Sun, A., King, W.E., Henson, N.J., Tourret, D., Bronkhorst, C.A., Carlson, N.N., Newman, C.K.,
Haut, T.S., Bakosi, J. and Gibbs, J.W., 2017. Modeling of additive manufacturing processes for metals: Challenges
and opportunities. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 21(LA-UR-16-24513; SAND-2017-


operations among others (Chen, et 2017).25 Manufacturing companies with bigger plans around

influencing data have continuously experienced a substantial change.

Knowledge management and Data Driven Modeling are related because Data Driven

Modeling needs transfer, retention, accumulation, creation, and retention. Wang, (2016) found out

that manufacturing companies can use overt knowledge since knowledge is collated, which

denotes that knowledge ought to be captured, classified and stored, and easier to retrieve.

Numerous definitions for knowledge management exist in different kinds of literature, but

knowledge management is normally defined as intentional knowledge reuse to enhance

organizational performance and process (Wang, et al., 2016).26 The goal of knowledge

management is to improve competence, creativity, and productivity instead of managing all

knowledge. Lu, (2017) questioned how manufacturing firm could retain exclusive knowledge at

the same time-sharing knowledge in between firms. Knowledge management focusses on

technology and process, thus it is not about constructing a source of knowledge, nevertheless,

smaller manufacturing firms might benefit from KM with other firms by advancing common

sources of knowledge. Khan and Turowski (2016) proposed that smaller manufacturing share

knowledge with other firms to upsurge the available skills.27

Chen, B., Wan, J., Shu, L., Li, P., Mukherjee, M. and Yin, B., 2017. Smart factory of industry 4.0: Key
technologies, application case, and challenges. IEEE Access, 6, pp.6505-6519.

Wang, A., Song, S., Huang, Q. and Tsung, F., 2016. In-plane shape-deviation modeling and compensation for
fused deposition modeling processes. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 14(2), pp.968-

Khan, A. and Turowski, K., 2016. A survey of current challenges in manufacturing industry and preparation for
industry 4.0. In Proceedings of the First International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Information Technologies
for Industry”(IITI’16) (pp. 15-26). Springer, Cham.


Firms can minimalize the danger of sharing information outer the firm by stating that

companies who do not contest or participate in similar geographic place, who lack direct impact

on profitability or who lack profit as motivation (Preuveneers & Ilie-Zudor, 2017). For instance,

non-governmental firms might develop a source of knowledge, human resources individuals could

develop a source of common knowledge or people that share common goal like agile software

modeling techniques might create a source of common knowledge. Some of the writers suggested

knowledge management paradigms with few as 3 knowledge management procedures and 7 KM

procedures. To decrease the misperception between models of KM, a general KM system was

suggested by (Arnold, Kiel & Voigt, et al., 2016). The overall knowledge management paradigm

comprised 10 knowledge management procedures comprising knowledge validation, knowledge

acquisition, knowledge retention, knowledge distribution, knowledge identification, and KM goal

evaluation and knowledge training.

1.5. KM and Artificial intelligence

Kiel, Arnold & Voigt (2017) described a 10-year roadmap for knowledge management,

which projected that AI may perhaps be integrated into knowledge management systems. The

goal for the roadmap was to stimulate the artificial intelligence community to carry out the study

required to integrate KM and AI creativities. Francois, et al., (2017) argued that knowledge

management could exploit some of the teachings learned from AI to enhance knowledge

interference, representation and acquisition. AI might be utilized to enhance abilities of

knowledge management search, intelligent agents, on the other hand, might be utilized to enhance

knowledge notification and retrieval and AI could help to facilitate the execution of disseminated

problem-solving technologies. Structures were planned to offer professional resolutions to


existing problems whilst KM focused on providing individuals with professional and skilled

backing to solve challenges. Even though originally both KM and AI experienced some of the

unmet expectations, Wang, et al., (2018) argued that knowledge management was adopted by

numerous firms. Subsequently, when AI community is capable of developing something valuable

in this area - the killer application for KM- there is a spectator focusing to use it.

1.6. Benefits of Data Driven Software Modeling

Wang, et al., (2018) explained that the data-driven model permits manufacturing

companies to meet the needs of customers now and in the future. It is far-reaching, since

software modeling is normally applied to the whole industrial processing and fleet of

commodities making it easy to identify tendencies in the commodity data that can positively

affect profit margins and future designs. For example, Arnold, Kiel & Voigt (2016) explained

that a producer that supervises practical use of a commodity may notice that specific components

are over-planned for their goal either within a specific geographic location or overall location. In

this case, the manufacturer can utilize the data to restructure the over-engineered machineries

and decrease manufacturing expenses without affect the customer satisfaction.

Data Driven similarly assists manufacturing industries to detect and forecast product

trends. For instance, if the server of computer thoroughly monitors some of the failing trends in

the present product fleet, it can work to eliminate such matters from the future versions, hence

decreasing customer downtime and outage. Data helps the progressive industries to utilize its full

potential of the organization, permitting all segments of the business to make data-driven

business choices, and deliver custom-made digital practices to stakeholders and customers. Tao


and Qi (2017) noted that business that have incorporated Data Driven highly depend on smart

analytics and large volumes of data to bolster and quicken processes of decision making.28 Khan

and Turowski (2016) explained that by implementing prognostic data analytics, manufacturing

companies can have greater data acumens. Superior and smart analytics technology now

empower productions and industries of all magnitudes to embrace data-driven as compared to the


Recently, the world has witnessed an incredible shift in operations of the business and

firms have acknowledged the significance of data as a tangible asset. Wang, et al., (2018)

explained that as firms experience digital change comprising cultural values, even small facts of

the whole business stuff and data are recorded, tracked then leveraged.29 This happens as

numerous decisive data themes make knowledgeable business choices to unlock newer business

prospects, and encourage business development (Gao, et al., 2015).30

Digital data is growing very fast, formulating innumerable possibilities for firms to invent

and offer better services to consumers. However numerous businesses are trying to change their

conventional frameworks and legacy systems into digital innovativeness. On the contrary, Wang,

(2016) stated that they are not deviating from already established legacy but toward something

Tao, F. and Qi, Q., 2017. New IT driven service-oriented smart manufacturing: framework and
characteristics. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, (99), pp.1-11.

Wang, J., Ma, Y., Zhang, L., Gao, R.X. and Wu, D., 2018. Deep learning for smart manufacturing: Methods and
applications. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 48, pp.144-156.

Gao, W., Zhang, Y., Ramanujan, D., Ramani, K., Chen, Y., Williams, C.B., Wang, C.C., Shin, Y.C., Zhang, S.
and Zavattieri, P.D., 2015. The status, challenges, and future of additive manufacturing in engineering. Computer-
Aided Design, 69, pp.65-89.


useful since they worry more about losing control of the industry, unprecedented results and real


The first adopters that are exploiting endwise data acumens are consigned to be at the top

of the competition in the present data global war. Constantly, Arnold, Kiel & Voigt, (2016)

explained that these firms are restructuring their business plans to link and engross consumers

across digital canals to capture unexploited marketplace share and win novel clienteles.

Ultimately, Thames & Schaefer (2016) confirmed being a “data-driven firm” enables the firm to

create lasting worth for itself and also for the clients.31

Boost organizational agility – Data Driven Modeling has made business decisions not to

be made in the dusky or predicated on gut sense. The managers can make the decisions as quick

as possible because meaningful information and insights are acquired. According to Wang, et al.,

(2018) Data-driven manufacturing companies invest in the right persons, infrastructure as well as

governance procedures to allow wide-ranging exploitation of a firm’s whole data set(s). Wu, et

al., (2017) supported that with appropriate procedures in place, data specialists use a little

amount of time physically cleaning and compiling data and spend a large amount of time

producing business crucial data acumens.32

Thames, L. and Schaefer, D., 2016. Software-defined cloud manufacturing for industry 4.0. Procedia CIRP, 52,

Wu, D., Liu, S., Zhang, L., Terpenny, J., Gao, R.X., Kurfess, T. and Guzzo, J.A., 2017. A fog computing-based
framework for process monitoring and prognosis in cyber-manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 43,


Improved effectiveness and efficiency – tight data incorporation and analytics enhance

companies core proficiencies to unlock concealed company prospects causing to become more

effective and efficient. Targeted data analytics play a dominant part in managerial decision

making, and rendering major insights and drive the operations of the business to the highest level

(Zhang, et al., (2017).

Encourages more income- Thoben, Wiesner & Wuest (2017) explained that data has been

proved to be the latest revenue generator in the world.33 Persistent data enhancements as well as

better business forecasts fuel present and future decision making, therefore a data-driven

company can outwit their competitors and advance business invention to unlock novel revenue

channels and increase revenue every year (Gao, et al., 2015).

Digitization has formed enormous data designs, forcing other types of businesses to be

more data-driven as compared to previous years. according to Herterich, Uebernickel & Brenner

(2015), the advantages of being a data-driven organization are quite clear (improved business

performance, organizational agility, stronger innovations as well as more profitability). Despite

the fact they are still limited, they are imperative to business and technical challenges because

they overcome leading to digital transformation and data-driven enterprise.

1.7. Data Driven Methods in Design

Data Driven Models are used in manufacturing industrial processing both with the

analytic goal to forecast the variable’s value and descriptive goal to understand and discover

Thoben, K.D., Wiesner, S. and Wuest, T., 2017. “Industrie 4.0” and smart manufacturing-a review of research
issues and application examples. International Journal of Automation Technology, 11(1), pp.4-16.


patterns existing in data. The necessity to capture and assess data that is able to overcome human

analysis limitation comprehensively discussed in literature Tao et al., (2018), however a few

examples of data mining apps in manufacturing design are introduced.34 Wu, et al., (2017).

suggest the usage of data mining to recognize practical prerequisite paradigms in design. After

that, Yan, et al., (2018) concentrated on hastening the design synthesis by suggesting a method

of observing and examining the impacts of series on ranking the changes and objectives with a

digit of merit.35 With the same goal, Klötzer & Pflaum (2017) used historical data to excerpt

parameter-translating regulations to change the needs of the customer into module characteristics

and design prerequisite.36 Design synthesis was equally in the concentration of O’Donovan, et

al., (2015) whose commendations for manufacturing changes are derived from a database of

manufacturing industrial processing.37 According to Wang, (2016) a case research of Data

Driven model augmentation of annex covers to approximate how the manufacturing time of a

product is affected by single change in value stricture. Moreover, Wan, et al., (2017) used data to

enhance the meaning or description of design strictures.

Tao, F., Qi, Q., Liu, A. and Kusiak, A., 2018. Data-driven smart manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing
Systems, 48, pp.157-169.

Yan, W., Lin, S., Kafka, O.L., Lian, Y., Yu, C., Liu, Z., Yan, J., Wolff, S., Wu, H., Ndip-Agbor, E. and Mozaffar,
M., 2018. Data-driven multi-scale multi-physics models to derive process–structure–property relationships for
additive manufacturing. Computational Mechanics, 61(5), pp.521-541.

Klötzer, C. and Pflaum, A., 2017. Toward the development of a maturity model for digitalization within the
manufacturing industry’s supply chain.

O’Donovan, P., Leahy, K., Bruton, K. and O’Sullivan, D.T., 2015. Big data in manufacturing: a systematic

mapping study. Journal of Big Data, 2(1), p.20.


1.8. Data Driven roles in Industrial Processing

Data Driven design offers a system to optimize the business. Depending on Data Driven

model helps manufacturing companies to set parameters that keep all messaging strategies and

teams aligned. After tapping into a design of the team’s capability to bridge the gap between the

smaller and bigger pictures, there are higher chances the business will see an improved business


Design helps the business to standardize business partiality. It is not a secret that when

managers are so close to the business, they can develop a blind spot to its faintness. Design

teams specifically the ones coming in to consult is capable of seeing hyper-focused business plan

to standardize the common sense of bias in the company.

The design improves the experiences of the customer and UX. Naedele, et al., (2015)

noted that customer-obsessed organization directs its budget, energy and strategy on engaging

with its clients and an exceptional purchaser involvement becomes a more significant for the

product plan.38 Much investment in technology enable the company to collect data required to

comprehend how right experience keep the users or consumers coming back and concentrate on

influencing new technologies that assist the business comprehend the experience of customers to

remain at the top of the competitors (Bahrin, et al., 2016).39 Individuals who need to keep present

Naedele, M., Chen, H.M., Kazman, R., Cai, Y., Xiao, L. and Silva, C.V., 2015. Manufacturing execution systems:
A vision for managing software development. Journal of systems and Software, 101, pp.59-68.

Bahrin, M.A.K., Othman, M.F., Azli, N.N. and Talib, M.F., 2016. Industry 4.0: A review on industrial automation
and robotic. Jurnal Teknologi, 78(6-13), pp.137-143.


consumers engaged and loyal are always asking how insights about the commodity feature its

uses to improve consumers experience.

Data Driven insights and design permit the company to understand the process of

production and how the business evolves its commodities and experience through infusing the

product with insights that offer value to the customers Tao et al., (2018).40

1.9. Traditional Software Modeling

The failure of software project has been too high and productivity of software modeling

does not match with the increment of hardware. Software modeling throughput has commonly

been described as the input ration to outputs, thus manufacturing firms have in the past measured

productivity of software modeling by the code line ratios manufactured to the number of

individual months expended. Yan, et al., (2018) resolved that 4GL languages up surged

productivity and reduced time for software modeling; size of the team up surged production,

ICASE equipment failed to influence production and development time as development time up

surged and as platform intricacy up surged development time reduced. Contrary to Greenland,

Daniel and Pearce, (2016) Yan, et al., (2018) recommended that CASE tools must be

incorporated and to prototype software to enhance productivity of software modeling .41 Thoben,

Wiesner, and Wuest (2017) asserted that Success of software modeling ought to improve and

Tao, F., Cheng, J., Qi, Q., Zhang, M., Zhang, H. and Sui, F., 2018. Digital twin-driven product design,
manufacturing and service with big data. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94(9-
12), pp.3563-3576

Greenland, S., Daniel, R. and Pearce, N., 2016. Outcome modeling strategies in epidemiology: traditional
methods and basic alternatives. International journal of epidemiology, 45(2), pp.565-575.


software study that may lead to an enhanced software success might be beneficial from

continuously distinct terms and continuously distinct connections between components of the

software framework.

Thames & Schaefer (2016) suggested a general software modeling context for

information technology management predicated on their review of the project management body

and capability maturity model. This includes projects in regulated setting, Microsoft solutions

framework, IT infrastructure library. The wide-ranging software modeling concept integrated

stages of project management described by phases of software engineering (Tao & Qi, 2017).

The stages described project management software modeling include commencing, preparing,

implementing and closing. The stages described in software modeling comprise software

deployment and testing, software implementation and software design.

Even though software engineers were capable of improving the accurateness of their

estimations to finish tasks if they were given historic data of the performance, level of

productivity failed to improve (Thames & Schaefer, 2016). The Personal Software Process (PSP)

was established to allow software experts to assess their throughput and the quality of the job.

The engineers managed to decrease disruptions and upsurge the software quality brought whilst

the management was capable of identifying the least trained engineers and eliminate them as

project continued. Naedele, et al., (2015) presumed that the engineers could precisely self-report

using the PSP; though, the PSP might encourage competition instead of the collaboration among

the team memberships.


1.10. Agile software modeling

According to Srivastava, Kapur & Mehrotra (2017), agile software modeling is a

terminology for set of practices and frameworks predicated on principles and values.42 A

manufacturing organization that approaches software modeling in a specific way, is generally

perfect to live by these principles and values and use them in figuring out the correct things to

perform in a particular setting. One thing that differentiates agile from some of the existing

approaches of software modeling is the concentration on people doing the job and how they

collaborate as determined by Tao & Qi, (2017). Solutions change through cooperation between

cross-functional groups exploiting the right practices for their setting. There is an immense

concentration in the Agile software modeling community on self-organizing and partnership team.

That does not signify that there are not administrators. It signifies that teams have the capability to

identify how they are going to approach issues individually.

It signifies that these teams are functional. These teams are not supposed to have definite

roles involved to make it easier for the team to have all the right skill sets (Wang, 2016). Agile

software modeling advocates for continual enhancement early delivery, evolutionary development

and adaptive planning, and it inspires flexible and quick or fast response to change. Kneuper, (2018)

found out that there is substantial circumstantial proof that accepting agile values as well as

Srivastava, A., Kapur, P.K. and Mehrotra, D., 2017, December. Modeling fault detection with change-point in
agile software development environment. In 2017 International Conference on Infocom Technologies and
Unmanned Systems (Trends and Future Directions)(ICTUS) (pp. 303-308). IEEE.


values improves the agility of software specialists, organizations and teams; nevertheless, some

empirical researches discovered no scientific evidence.43

Most methods of agile development break the work of product development into smaller

incremental parts that minimalize the up-front design and planning. Sprints or iterations are

short-range frames, that classically last from 1 to 4 weeks. Each reiteration includes cross-

function working in coding, design, analysis, and planning, as well as acceptance testing (Tao et

al., (2018). At the closure of iteration, a working commodity is confirmed to shareholders. This

reduces general risk and permits the commodity to acclimatize to changes very first. A

reiteration may not add sufficient functionality to permit a market release, however, the main

goal is to release more at the end of every iteration. Numerous reiterations may be needed to

release new features or a product and working software is the main assessor of progress.

1.11 Conceptual Framework

Production might be enhanced if the manufacturing industries define procedures,

establish procedure improve aims, and assess the results. Manufacturing industries need to teach

persons to use methods as well as processes that aimed at achieving the procedure of the

improved goals. On the other hand, the manufacturing industries need to offer persons equipment

together with tools that will allow individuals to accomplish the anticipated outcomes to increase


Kneuper, R., 2018. Software Processes and Life Cycle Models: An Introduction to Modeling , Using and
Managing Agile, Plan-Driven and Hybrid Processes. Springer.


Figure 1: Three critical dimensions (Shull et al., 2010).



2.1. Introduction

The purpose of this phenomenological research was to research how software and project

managers’ experience in agile software companies is an equipment to enhance the productivity

of software modeling. The purpose was to demonstrate obstacles to Data Driven usage in

software modeling firms and to recommend some of the improvements on Data Driven software

modeling use in software modeling firms predicated on the results from this investigation and

past researches. Therefore, this chapter covers qualitative design, the rationale for choosing

qualitative study methodology that helped to comprehend the meaning of Data Driven Modeling

in agile software modeling. The chapter similar covers some of the measures used to upsurge

level trust between the investigator and study participants. Other sections covered include

methods of research sampling, data collection, and data analysis.

2.1.1 Research Design

The study design was predicated on the study questions instead of the familiarity of the

investigator with the investigation method Creswell & Creswell (2017). The questions of the

research together with the fundamental concept of the study were discussed. The rationale or

justification of using phenomenological qualitative methodology was provided on the basis of a

research review methodologies which were used to answer similar questions.

The essential idea of the research was the productivity of software modeling. Productivity

might be improved if the manufacturing firms define procedures, create goals of process

improvements and measure the results. Manufacturing firms must train individuals to use the


methods as well as procedures that aims to attain the procedure enhancements goals and give

people equipment and tools that permit individuals to attain the desired results to enhance

production. The methods of agile software modeling like Scrum are considered to be software

modeling techniques aimed at improving throughput. Firms have used Data Driven Modeling as

equipment to enhance productivity; nevertheless, more information about DDM as equipment is

required to enhance or advance software modeling in an agile software setting. Therefore, this

research aimed at exploring the meaning of DDM in manufacturing industrial processing

atmosphere and to detect how DDM can help to increase the productivity of software modeling.

2.1.2. Rationale

The purpose of this study was to research how software managers’ experience in agile

software companies is equipment to enhance the productivity of software modeling. Quantitative

study methodology might have been used when sufficient data was identified about a

phenomenon; but considering the literature, there is a lot that needs to be identified regarding the

Data Driven Modeling phenomenon as equipment to enhance productivity of software

development in an agile software setting. Qualitative methodologies help to facilitate issues of

research in detail and depths and the intention of the study was to understand more about the

perspectives of software management on DDM.

There is a lot that needs to be understood concerning the usage of DD as an equipment to

enhance decision making in an agile software setting beforehand a model is produced as to how

Data Driven Modeling could help to enhance software modeling production, thus the study failed

to use the model of grounded theory. The ethnographic method was declined because in the

study there was no intention to comprehend the experience of agile software administrators. The


case study method was declined because the study focus was to research the possible solutions to

enhance the productivity of software modeling instead of better understanding the issues and

problems within agile software modeling teams.

The narrative study method was declined because of the study purpose aimed at

understanding the experiences of numerous persons instead of describing a single individual

historic perspective. Therefore, the phenomenological qualitative study methodology was used

for the investigation. The main goal for the study was to illustrate some of the experiences of

numerous, project managers, software managers as well as agile coaches with the Data Driven

Modeling as equipment to enhance software modeling throughput. The hypothesis was that

software managers do understand their experiences with DDM and it was projected that the

DDM in the software context would arise by researching software management of DDM.

2.2. Data Collection

2.2.1. Population

The populace for this research was nine software modeling community. The aim was to

study their experiences with software development. The participants were chosen predicated on

their usage and understanding of methods of Scrum software development. Software groups that

use Scrum software modeling approaches share a communal interest in the usage of agile

software development methodologies, that concentrate on offering software that enhances the

value of customer. Methods of agile software development permit making of decisions by

individuals who understand a lot about the circumstances, face-to-face communiqué to enhance

constant improvement and sharing of knowledge. The agile software modeling society comprises


project managers, software managers, agile instructors, software designers as well as business

analysts employed in small and big firms.

2.2.2. Sampling Strategy

The sample size is determined by 3 strategies: purposeful selection, convenience

sampling as well as probability sampling (Farr, et al., 2017).44 Convenience and probability

sampling is mainly linked to quantitative methodology. On the other hand, purposeful selection

majorly relates to qualitative study methodology. The purposeful sampling approach can be

applied in the qualitative investigation because the participants of the study are supposed to be

familiar and understand research in question in order to inform the research study. A chain

sampling and purposeful snowball strategy helped to determine the members of the agile

software modeling society interview.

2.2.3. Selection Criteria

The participants of the study were picked on the basis of their understanding of agile

software modeling methodologies (Kneteman & Toso, 2017).45 Their knowledge and

involvement as agile trainers, agile project managers, agile software administrators as well as

their interest in taking part in the study. The first communication took place on LinkedIn and was

Farr, M., Eagle, L., Hay, R. and Churchill, M., 2017. Questionnaire Design, Sampling Strategy and Preliminary
Findings: The Wet Tropics region Questionnaire Design, Sampling Strategy and Preliminary Findings The Wet
Tropics region.

Kneteman, N. and Toso, C., 2017. Improving predictive performance of selection criteria for liver transplantation
with hepatocellular carcinoma: combining morphological and biomarker criteria. AME Medical Journal, 2(8).


between the researcher and software administrator, agile project manager as well as Scrum

trainer. The investigator encompassed an invite to take part in this research together with the

official letter of informed consent. The respondents were requested to propose 1 or 2 other staffs

of agile software modeling society that meet the criteria of participation. The researcher

communicated with prospective participants in order to find out if they were interested in taking

part in the research.

2.2.4. Number of Participants

The size of the sample for the study was predicated on the IPA with 9 participants, which

suggested that amid four(4) and ten(10) hours of interviews be carried out for the study and that

choosing those to take part in the study from dissimilar groups of users would permit the

investigator to explore the phenomenon under the investigation from numerous perceptions. This

multiperspectival method enhanced the validity and reliability of the study. The hours used per

interview was roughly 12 hours and the divergent perceptions “provide a more comprehensive

and multi-layered account of the phenomenon. This participants’ number is consistent with

Hartmann, et al., (2016) who believed that a range between of 5-25 participants was acceptable

in phenomenological researches.

The technique used for data gathering was face to face semi-structured interviews for the

qualitative study methodology as suggested by (Kallio, et al., 2016).46 The researcher undertook

field notes during the interviewing process. The partakers were asked to give testimonials or

Kallio, H., Pietilä, A.M., Johnson, M. and Kangasniemi, M., 2016. Systematic methodological review: developing
a framework for a qualitative semi‐structured interview guide. Journal of advanced nursing, 72(12), pp.2954-2965.


documents that explains or support their involvements with diagnostic analytics, descriptive

analytics, prescriptive analytics, or prognostic analytics used in every phase of the software

modeling procedure.

The respondents of the research were similarly requested to give testimonials and

certificates that explain or back their experiences with knowledge formation, accretion, retaining,

or transfer during every stage of the software modeling procedure. Any credential surrendered

was coded and analyzed together with the semi-structured interviews and field notes for their

significance and input to the understanding of the DDM phenomena in software modeling firms.

There was recording of the interviews to make sure that the exact words of an interviewee were


The first interview was programmed 1 hour 30 minutes with every respondent. A

second two-hour interview was planned in case additional time was essential to discuss the

whole queries on the study plan or in case the study respondents had extra information to share.

The respondents of the investigation were requested to follow up queries through email or

telephone if need be or as required.

2.3 Data Analysis and Results

Phenomenological analysis has different approaches and even though the IPA collection

of data and analysis procedure is flexible, the aim was to analytically assess the data as suggested

by (Kallio, et al., 2016). The analysis of data started with defining the investigator's experience

with the study phenomenon comprising a description of perspective, viewpoint as well as


numerous assumptions. For the following steps in data analysis, the investigator followed the 7-

step IPA procedure as proposed by (Alase, 2017).47

In step one text was read and revisited to comprehend the connotation of the entire

interview. Unimportant data was detected and exceptional statements that define how the study

respondent’s experiences about the phenomenon were noted.

In step two, commentaries were made on the content of the interview including remarks

on the etymology as well as the ideas conveyed. In the third step, themes in the interviewing

process were noted. Step four, patterns were detected between the emerging thematic. In step 5,

Steps 1-4 were repeated for the subsequent interviews. In step 6, patterns were categorized in the

interviews. In the last step, the analysis of results was construed on basis of thematic detected,

the commentaries made in every interview, as well as the literature.

Apart from assessing the interview transcriptions, any data given by the respondents was

analytically examined and the thematic were coded for the entire qualitative data all through the

data gathering and data examination procedure as suggested by (Agresti, 2018).48

The data on demographic aimed at anonymously describing the participants of the study on basis

of their experience and background. The data on demographic was examined to define the

respondent’s experience in terms of years and the magnitude of the software projects they

manage. Additionally, the respondents had experience with Scrum and agile software, thus the

respondents were asked to discuss their experience with agile software methodology. Qualitative

data analysis (QDA) investigation equipment makes it very easy to mix a collection of data and

Alase, A., 2017. The interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA): A guide to a good qualitative research
approach. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 5(2), pp.9-19.

Agresti, A., 2018. An introduction to categorical data analysis. Wiley.


analysis of data for a qualitative study. QDA software was used to make sure that the data was

prepared through the gathering of data as well as data analysis procedures to ensure data

accurateness was not compromised.

2.3.1. Demographics

All the respondents in the study were software managers, project managers as well as

agile trainers that had experience in software modeling in manufacturing industrial processing

during the interview. The respondents were required to explain the main role in software

development. Even though 3 of the respondents stated that their major role was an agile

instructor, 3 stated their major role to be software manager and 3 stated project management to

be their major role. 66 percent of software managers as well as project managers had been tasked

to carry out their major role. The three agile instructors responded that they have used software

development for over 5 years, two of the project managers stated to have used agile software

development methods for around 5 years, on the other hand one project manager responded to

have interacted with software development for over 3 years. Two software managers responded

to have used agile methods of software modeling for five years and above and one software

administrator stated to have used agile software development for 3-5 years. Table 1 indicates

years of experience for every respondent’s role.

Table 1: Roles of respondent and Years of Experience

Role Participants’ Number Years of Experience

Software manager 1 3<>5

Software manager 2 >5


Project manager 1 1<>3

Project manager 2 >5

Agile Instructor 3 >

The respondents were requested to define the period they were in software projects, the

magnitude of the software projects as well as agile approaches or techniques used. 3 respondents

outlined the software projects to have been small, 3 respondents outlined the projects to have

been large, and one respondent said to have involved himself in large, medium as well as small

software projects. Software projects that had three teams and less were classified as small for this

study. Software projects that had 5 teams and less were classified as medium, on the other hand,

software projects that had 5 teams and above were classified as large. 5 of the respondents

outlined the period of the project to be over one year and up to 5 years. Table 3 indicates the

respondents by the magnitude of the project.

Table 3: Respondents’ project magnitude

Size of the project Respondents’ number Number of Teams

Large, Small and medium 1 1 ->5

Large 2 >5

Medium 3 <5

Small 3 <3

2.3.2. Research Results

The respondents were asked several questions taking into account study queries. The

answers to the interview queries were evaluated and findings for every study question discussed


in this chapter. The analysis of the interview questions was performed to find out differences

and similarities between responses on the basis of the respondents’ demographics.

2.3.3. Study Question One

The interviewees were asked, “What do agile instructors, project managers, and software

managers think about the use of Data Driven Modeling software in improving manufacturing

productivity?” Even though, two software managers, three project managers, and agile

instructors explained that productivity of software modeling ought to improve, one agile

instructor warned that there is need to balance and maintain the needs between production and

quality same to one software manager. One software manager explained that productivity is a

side impact of effectual software modeling administration. “I always want to control scope hence

I tend not to waste time. I need to identify risk and I am focused to manage it and I tend to think

of it that way. Therefore, even though production is considered to be significant I tend to believe

as a side impact of handling all those tasks effectually.”

The three software managers, three project managers, and agile coaches argued that Data

Driven is required to enhance software modeling production. One of the agile instructors

explained that consumers anticipate to be given dates when work shall be finished, nevertheless,

a continuous discourse is required throughout the process of software modeling to find out

priorities and to set anticipations. The explained that “we have to tell consumers that we believe

it is going to long and bid. Thus, we must produce kinds of estimations for the reason of the

nature of the task that we do right, but our clients listen to these words as dedications and we fear

to make such commitments.


The other agile software instructor highlighted how the level of productivity can be

enhanced when analytics and knowledge management are used to adapt and inspect to make sure

that the correct software product is created. KM is one thing with Scrum and agile that the

company examine and adapt as it moves ahead and by doing so the managers are able to gather

more knowledge of what is successful and what is not working.

One agile instructor warned that even though knowledge management and analytics are

valued, data gathering must be part and parcel of the procedure and in case data gathering is not

part of the software modeling procedure and is performed to meet management or practical goals

then it ought to be done. One project manager similarly cautioned that software modeling in

manufacturing production is not enhanced in case erroneous thing is measured. The critical thing

of analytics is to measure the correct thing. One software manager on his part stated that

analytics are supposed to measure the task in progress and should be actionable; nevertheless, the

actions are supposed to be taken into consideration carefully because numbers do not necessary

mirror the production of an engineer as explained by the other software manager.

2.3.4. Study Question Two

The respondents were asked “how agile instructors, project managers as well as software

managers in software modeling environment presently use knowledge creation, predictive

analytics, prescriptive analytics and diagnostic analytics to improve manufacturing productivity.

The data was evaluated to find out what the respondents stated about their experiences with

tools, process, people as well as methods related to the present use of knowledge management

and analytics to enhance software modeling in manufacturing productivity. Even though the


respondents were requested to explain how they presently use KM and analytics in all activities

described in the study question, the respondents failed to structure their responses on basis of

activities described in the question. The interpretation is as follows.

Present usage of analytics-people. Even though software modeling managers, project

managers and agile instructors stated that persons understand the use of analytics to project, plan

and estimate 33 percent, adapt and inspect 22 percent, and to shift from manufacturing release 22

percent, the software administrators, project managers as well as agile instructors explained that

individuals find it hard to use analytics since they are not aware of using analytics 43 percent.

Individuals presently understand various ways of using descriptive analytics to respond to this

query, “where are we at?” and individuals understand how to view diagrams that indicate the

status of a software project. Even though individuals understand various ways of measuring the

duration it takes a typical installation takes, individuals, lack a common comprehension of

velocity and ways of measuring velocity.

Present usage of analytic- procedure. The themes emerging from data were assessed to

find out how predictive, diagnostic, descriptive and predictive analytics are presently used. The

themes were evaluated to single out the comparations and variances between what every

respondent stated about the present usage of themes and analytics to determine activities where

analytics are presently used. All themes detected by the respondents were encompassed in the

findings, even though some themes were recognized as one study respondent.

Present usage of analytic-Type. The respondents mainly use diagnostic analytics 27

percent and descriptive analytics 56 percent to enhance software modeling in manufacturing


process instead of prescriptive 0 percent or predictive analytics 17 percent as indicated in the

table 3. Predictive, diagnostic and descriptive analytics are used to forecast, plan and

approximate 33 percent. The participants explained that they believe descriptive analytics in

terms of assisting the team to understand what they have done previously is perfect and that they

have used them both in current and past jobs, a predictive model that they made.

Predictive, diagnostic and descriptive analytics are used to adapt and monitor 22 percent.

Diagnostic and descriptive analytics are used to change from software modeling to release 19

percent to enhance quality 12 percent and for continual improvement 7 percent. Predictive and

diagnostic analytics are used to enhance security while descriptive analytics are applied to

improve decision making and managing risk.

Table 3: Present usage of analytics by analytic type

Category Prescriptive Predictive % Diagnostic % Descriptive Total %

% %

Risk 0 0 0 2 2


Decision 0 0 0 2 2


Security 0 2 2 0 4

Continuous 0 0 2 4 7


Development 0 0 2 9 11


to release


Transition 0 0 7 13 19


Adapt and 0 2 7 13 22


Project, plan 0 12 9 13 33

and estimate

Total 0 17 27 56 100

2.3.5 Present Usage Analytics –Role

The present usage of analytics was compared in terms of role. The software managers (27

percent) deliberated how they use analytics to enhance productivity of software development less

that agile instructors (45 percent), and more than project managers at 28 percent. The software

managers, project managers as well as agile instructors explained how they apply analytics to

forecast, plan as well as estimate and to adapt and inspect at 33 percent. The project managers,

software managers, and agile instructors discussed how they analytics to change from growth to

release at 20 percent, to enhance quality at 11 percent and to adapt and monitor at 20 percent.

The project managers, as well as agile, discussed ways in which analytics are utilized in

continuous improvement. Only one agile instructor explained that use of analytics enhances

security effectiveness, only one software manager discussed the usage of analytics for making

decisions and just single project leader talked about the usage of analytics for risk management.


The analytic thematic findings by the agile instructors are indicated in table 4. The analytic

thematic findings by the project managers appear in table 5 and analytic thematic findings by

software managers appear in table 6.

Table 4: Present usage of Analytics- Agile instructors

Category Prescriptive Predictive % Diagnostic Descriptive Total %

% %

Risk 0 0 0 0 0

Decision 0 0 0 0 0


Security 0 2 2 0 4

Quality 0 0 2 2 4

Continuous 0 0 2 2 4


Transition 0 0 4 4 9



to release

Adapt and 0 1 4 4 11


Forecast, 0 7 4 4 15

plan, estimate


Grand total 0 8 20 17 45

Table 5: Present usage of Analytics- Project managers

Category Prescriptive Predictive % Diagnostic % Descriptive Total %

% %

Risk 0 0 0 2 2

Decision 0 0 0 1 1


Security 0 0 0 0 2

Quality 0 0 0 4 2

Continuous 0 0 0 2 2


Transition 0 0 2 4 7




Adapt and 0 0 0 2 2


Forecast, 0 2 2 4 9

plan, estimate

Grand total 0 4 4 20 28


Table 6: Present usage of Analytics- Software managers

Category Prescriptive Predictive % Diagnostic % Descriptive Total %

% %

Risk 0 0 0 0 0

Decision 0 0 0 2 2


Security 0 0 0 0 0

Quality 0 0 0 2 2

Continuous 0 0 0 0 0


Transition 0 0 0 4 4


to release

Adapt and 0 0 2 7 9


Forecast, 2 2 2 4 10

plan, estimate

Grand total 2 2 4 19 27


2.3.6. Research Question Two

The respondents were asked “how agile instructors, project managers, and project

managers think prescriptive analytics, predictive analytics, descriptive analytics and diagnostic

analytics Data Driven Modeling software could be used to improve manufacturing productivity?

Even though the respondents were asked to outline how they might use knowledge management

and analytics in the future in every activity, the respondents failed to frame their answers on

grounds of activities designed, therefore the researcher construed the answers.

Future usage of analytics-persons. The software managers, project managers as well as

agile instructors stated that individuals were required to understand the usage of analytics in

improving the manufacturing industrial process. The individuals need to understand how to

evaluate production in the software modeling environment, which focusses on quality products

to the customer instead of measuring code lines or computing functions themes.

Future usage of Analytics- process. The themes which came from data were assessed to find out

how predictive, diagnostic, and descriptive may be utilized in the future. The researcher analyzed

the themes to identify the comparisons and dissimilarities between what every respondent

explained how analytics might be used in the future.

Future usage of analytic-type. The respondents explained that prescriptive 16 percent,

predictive 21 percent, diagnostic 26 percent, and descriptive 37 percent analytics might be used

in the future to enhance software modeling production as indicated in table 7. Prescriptive

analytics, predictive analytics, diagnostic analytic and descriptive analytic could be used in the

future to enhance decision making at 26 percent. Predictive, diagnostic and descriptive analytics

might be utilized in the future to enhance quality were 26 percent. Descriptive, predictive, as


well as descriptive analytics, could be used to forecast, estimate and plan were 16 percent.

Diagnostic, as well as descriptive analytics, could be utilized in the future for continuous

improvement. Diagnostic analytic might be utilized in the future to enhance security. Predictive

and diagnostic analytics might be used in the future to enhance the transition from development

release and descriptive analytic might be utilized in the future to adapt and inspect.

Table 7: Future use of Analytic-Type

Category Prescriptive Predictive % Diagnostic % Descriptive Total %

% %

Decision 11 5 5 5 26


Security 0 0 5 0 26

Quality 0 5 5 16 16

Continuous 0 0 5 5 11


Transition 0 5 5 0 11




Adapt and 0 0 0 5 5


Forecast, 5 5 0 5 5

plan, estimate


Grand total 16 21 26 37 100

Future Use of Analytic-Type. Total %




Chart representing table 7

2.3.7. Future Usage of Analytics – Role

The role and future usage of analytic were compared. The agile instructors’ 37 percent

and software managers 53 percent discoursed how analytic might be used to improve

productivity software development in the future as compared to 11 percent project managers.

The software managers, project managers, and agile instructors discoursed how analytic might be

used to enhance decision making in the future were 33 percent. The software managers together

with project managers discoursed how analytic might be used to improve quality in the future.

The agile instructors stated that analytic might be used to forecast, plan as well as

estimate at the same time enhance quality. The software managers stated that analytics might be


used in future for continuous improvement, to adapt and monitor and to change from

development release (Nguyen, et al., 2018).49 The analytic thematic detected by the agile

instructors are indicated in table 8, on the other hand for the project managers are indicated in

table 9 and the analytic themes detected by the software managers appear in table 10


Table 8: Future usage of analytics-Agile Instructor

Category Prescriptive Predictive Diagnostic Descriptive Total

Transition 0 0 0 0 0



to release

Quality 0 0 0 0 0

Adapt and 0 0 0 0 0


Continuous 0 0 0 0 0


Security 0 0 5 0 5

Forecast, 5 5 0 5 16

Nguyen, D., Tien, D., Kesavulu, M. and Helfert, M., 2018. Usage analytics: research directions to discover
insights from cloud-based applications.


plan, estimate

Decision 5 5 5 0 16


Grand Total 11 11 11 5 37

Table 9: Future usage Analytic-project managers

Category Prescriptive Predictive Diagnostic Descriptive Total

Transition 0 0 0 0 0



Security 0 0 0 0 0

Adapt and 0 0 0 0 0


Forecast, 0 0 0 0 0

plan and


Continuous 0 0 0 0 0


Quality 0 0 0 5 5

Decision 0 0 0 5 5


Grand total 0 0 0 11 11


Table 10: future usage of analytic-software managers

Category Prescriptive Predictive Diagnostic Descriptive Total

Security 0 0 0 0 0

Estimate, 0 0 0 0 0

forecast, plan

Adapt and 0 0 0 5 5


Decision 5 0 0 0 5


Transition 0 5 5 0 11



to release

Continuous 0 0 5 5 11


Quality 0 5 5 11 21

Grand total 5 11 16 21 53

2.3.8. Future Usage of Analytics –Themes category.

The themes came out from examination of the data on how software managers, project

managers as well as agile instructors may use analytics in the future. Even though the

respondents mainly discoursed various ways on how they could use analytics to enhance quality


and decision making of all themes that came out from an evaluation of data are defined in this

dissertation (Väätäjä, et al., 2016). For instance, even though 1 agile instructor discussed the

usage of analytics to enhance security the theme was encompassed in the findings.

In terms of decision making- the project manager discussed how descriptive analytics

may be utilized to determine what aspects must be developed in the future. A

software manager and agile instructor stated that prescriptive analytics might be utilized to find

out how to build and design the software commodity.

In terms of quality- the software manager stated that predictive analytics, descriptive

analytics, and diagnostics analytics might be used to improve quality in future and a software

manager and a project manager stated that descriptive analytics might be used to enhance quality

in future.

In terms of forecast, plan, and estimate. One agile instructor stated that prescriptive

analytics, predictive and descriptive analytics might be utilized to plan and forecast in the future.

On continuous improvement- one software manager explained that descriptive analytics might be

used to enhance coding production in future, while the other software manager explained that

diagnostic analytics might be utilized to enhance coding production in future (Väätäjä, et al.,

2016). On changeover from development to release. Software manager explained that predictive

and diagnostic analytics might be utilized to enhance changeover from development to release in

the future.

On adapt and monitor, one software manager explained that descriptive analytics might

be utilized to assess the changeover in scope over the duration as well as to assess the delay

expenses. On security, the agile instructor explained that diagnostic analytic might help to

enhance quality in the future.


Future usage of analytic- method, and tools. Software managers, project managers as well

as agile instructors explained how quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as tools, might be

utilized to measure progress in future on software modeling project 66 percent. One project

manager discoursed the necessity for automated user interface testing, on the other hand, one

software manager explained that methods together with tools are essential to assess the success

of every story of the user via Kanban procedure if agile lean software modeling is utilized.

Even though software managers, project managers as well as agile instructors explained

that software modeling firms might better understand the scope of the job to be performed if

proper projecting methods and equipment were accessible, they were suspicious that best-

projecting methods and equipment would be utilized in agile software modeling setting and one

agile instructor explained that even though constant incorporation and automatic test methods as

well as equipment are presently accessible, software modeling production shall enhance till more

software modeling teams use the tools.

2.3.9. Future application of Analytics –Theme Activity.

The respondents principally discoursed how analytics might be utilized in future in the

process of requirement activities 17 percent, manufacturing management activities 17 percent, as

well as the methods and tools 17 percent as indicated in table 11. The respondents similarly

discussed how analytics might be utilized in future throughout process activities 8 percent,

testing activities 11 percent and quality activities 11 percent. For instance, software managers

explained how assessing the duration the software developer devotes on problem vs scripting

code as the means to optimize the time of development in the future.


A few respondents similarly discoursed how analytics might be utilized during

construction activities 2 percent, maintenance activities 5 percent, design activities 5 percent and

configuration management activities 7 percent in the future.

Table 11: Future Usage of Analytics-Theme and activity

Activities Prescriptive % Predictive % Diagnostic % Descriptive % Total %

Construction 0 0 0 2 2

Maintenance 0 2 2 0 5

Design 5 0 0 0 5

Configuration 0 5 2 0 7


Process 0 2 2 5 8

Testing 0 0 5 7 11

Quality 0 2 2 7 11

Methods and 2 5 5 5 17


Requirements 0 5 5 7 17

Engineering 2 5 5 7 17


Grand total 9 26 26 40 100


Future use of Analytics- Themes:Total %




Chart representing table 11

2.3.10 Research Question 4

The respondents were asked “What obstacles do manufacturers, and software managers

think their organization needs to overcome to improve software modeling manufacturing

productivity? Obstacles - Persons.

The agile instructors, manufacturers, project managers as well as software managers

stated that most of the stakeholders are not aware of how practices of software modeling

industrial processing operate in order to make informed choices. For instance, the software

managers explained that chief executive officers disrupt the teams in software development

during iteration to change and add the tasks since the administration does not sufficiently agile.


Project managers on their part explained that conflict and confusion happen when the team in

charge of software development and stakeholders lack similar understanding of agile software

development activities. Even though production might be enhanced if stakeholder fully

understands agile software modeling in manufacturing industrial processing, the software

managers also explained that stakeholders do not continuously want to understand more on

software development.

The manufacturers similarly explained that several members in the team lack of project

management skills and teams in software development lack in-depth understanding of agile

software modeling practices; subsequently, only a few agile activities are utilized hence limiting

some of the gains derived from utilizing agile software modeling technique. One software

administrator explained that production might be enhanced if software teams had alternate ways

to study new procedures, technology, and tools. The project managers suggested that teams in

charge of software development enhance the collaboration and communication with the

infrastructure team to eradicate the difficulties of execution, which cause conflict and confusion. Obstacles - Process

The agile instructors reported that companies’ control and command structures conflict

with usage of agile software modeling practices. Project managers explained that culture

normally clashes with the iterative procedure of agile software modeling, which does not focus

on long term planning as well as the business needs for long term planning. The software

management stated that the culture of the organization does not favor agile software modeling.

For agile instructors as well as software managers, the biggest problem is company culture and


that also includes software. It enormously describes if a person can be innovative and agile or

whether they are putting things out or someone is agile.

The software managers, as well as project managers, stated that developed software

cannot solve the difficulties since it is inadequate comprehending of business needs since some

of the needs are not clearly described (Vogl, Weiss and Helu, 2019).50 One major challenge is

fixing a need and this has been seen every time.

Production is adversely affected if software product roadmap does not exist according to

manufacturing manager and project manager, thus synchronizing the software modeling plan

with the administrative goals might enhance productivity. One project manager stated that if a

company attempt to impose one software modeling procedure on all software development

teams, production is adversely affected. Obstacles –Methods and tools.

The agile instructors explained that computer tools such as excel are inadequate for agile

software modeling since they don’t measure and don’t permit the team to predict. On the other

hand, software managers explained that management equipment and software are immature and

that the software teams do not understand how to use agile equipment.

Vogl, G.W., Weiss, B.A. and Helu, M., 2019. A review of diagnostic and prognostic capabilities and best
practices for manufacturing. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30(1), pp.79-95.



3.1 Introduction

Software modeling production needs to enhance and methods of agile software modeling

were created to improve software modeling production. Most of the respondents stated that

knowledge management and analytics might be used to enhance software modeling industrial

processing (Naedele, et al., 2015). Nevertheless, production must be enhanced by concentrating

on constructing the correct thing instead of concentrating on up surging the number of code lines

transcribed per hour. Even though the respondents warned that there is a need to balance the

needs and maintain quality and productivity, other respondents equated improved production and

improved quality. If there is an improvement in quality, less rework is required to meet the

expectations of customers and maintain the software.

3.2. People

Manufacturing firms need to acclimatize a sharing culture for successful agile software

modeling in industrial process and firms ought to acclimatize to the sharing culture to effectively

construct and transfer active knowledge (Thames & Schaefer, 2016). Companies need to

research various ways of using analytics. In order to enhance organizational production, firms

are supposed to brainstorm different ways to use Data Driven Modeling to enhance software


Agile software modeling firms are supposed to research different ways to use DDM since

individuals need to understand more on what to assess and how to assess production in agile


software modeling atmosphere (Abrahamsson, et al., 2017).51 Agile software modeling and

manufacturing teams are supposed to be trained on how to use agile software modeling

equipment and agile software modeling teams, as well as their stakeholders, need alternate ways

to learn different methods, tools as well as new processes. For example, one respondent

suggested that agile modeling teams take into consideration using mobile technology to offer

knowledge to stakeholders where and when they require it. The understanding of agile software

modeling practice is supposed to be tailored to the stakeholders’ needs. For instance, some

respondents explained that stakeholders do not usually need to fully understand agile software

modeling (Hoda et al., 2017, p.63).

The stakeholders need to know sufficiently about agile software modeling activities in

order to make an informed choice. The agile software modeling teams are supposed to

understand the advantages and drawbacks of every agile software modeling methodologies to

pick the right agile methodologies for any or every project.

Apart from training software modeling team, the stakeholders are supposed to understand

agile software modeling activities to evade adverse effects to production like frequent

disruptions. Production can be enhanced by decreasing disruptions and enhancing the quality of

software produced. Software developers at some point can utilize historical data to enhance

software estimate and to decrease defects (Hoda et al., 2017).52

Abrahamsson, P., Salo, O., Ronkainen, J. and Warsta, J., 2017. Agile software development methods: Review and
analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.08439.

Hoda, R., Salleh, N., Grundy, J. and Tee, H.M., 2017. Systematic literature reviews in agile software
development: A tertiary study. Information and Software Technology, 85, pp.60-70.


3.3 Process

Communication. A large number of the respondents discussed how the transfer of

knowledge helps to store and find content and enhance communication amid stakeholders, just

like Harvie & Agah (2015) discovered, production was enhanced when agile software methods

of communication, as well as transfer of knowledge, were used rather than traditional software

development methods.53 Even though the respondents failed to discuss the dissimilarities

between applying agile software modeling methods on large projects vs small projects, and even

though, Brhel, et al., (2015) argued that agile methods might be used in small and large projects,

managers ought to understand the exponential upsurge in channels of communication as the size

of the increases.54

One respondent promoted the advantages of communicating face to face on agile

modeling projects, nevertheless, firms that make the decision to automatic methodologies to

display and develop story cards might not be beneficial from societal gains of communicating

face to face. A smaller percentage of the respondents stated that knowledge transfer, retention,

creation as well as accumulation are exploited in sharing agile proficiency and one respondent

explained that it could be used in the future.

Harvie, D.P. and Agah, A., 2015. Targeted scrum: Applying mission command to agile software
development. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 42(5), pp.476-489.

Brhel, M., Meth, H., Maedche, A. and Werder, K., 2015. Exploring principles of user-centered agile software
development: A literature review. Information and software technology, 61, pp.163-181.


3.4 Continuous Improvement.

The respondents explained that diagnostic and descriptive analytics are presently used for

continuous enhancement and analytics might be used to enhance coding production in the future.

A small number of respondents discussed how KM is applied in the process of the agile

retroactive procedure. Companies must incorporate knowledge management practice into agile

software modeling constant improvement procedures. KM helps to drive change in the firm

according to one respondent.

The respondent similarly discoursed how knowledge management helps to enhance the

decision making of a team, to pick the correct equipment for the tasks and as a competitive edge.

Nevertheless, agile software modeling teams need to know that knowledge must be changed to

make it more actionable. Extra data does not help in making a decision as well as improved

production lest the data is formatted, assessed and presented in a way that permits decision

makers to right choices.

3.5 Monitor and Adapt

Many respondents discussed how they presently use diagnostic and descriptive analytics

to check the progress and adapt software modeling plan or adapt and inspect (Deng, et al.,

2016).55 Only 1 software administrator suggested that descriptive analytic can be effectual in

Deng, X., Lin, W.H., Tai, E., Eric, K.Y.H., Salloway, M.K. and Seng, T.C., 2016, February. From descriptive to
diagnostic analytics for assessing data quality: An application to temporal data elements in electronic health records.
In 2016 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) (pp. 236-239). IEEE.


future in measuring the transition in scope over time and to assess the expenses for delays to

enhance software modeling production.

3.6 Quality

Quality might similarly be enhanced if agile software modeling teams use the XP

programming. Paired programming helps to promote transference of knowledge. Agile software

administrators should balance the independence of software team and multiplicity to effectively

deliver the functionality that meets the purchaser outlooks for cost, quality, as well as schedule

since agile software need changes which can have adverse and positive impacts on-time closure

as well as on-budget closure.

3.7 Summary

The phenomenological study findings were deliberated in this section. The questions of

the study were responded and evidences were provided to back up the results. The project

managers, the agile instructors as well as the software administrators who were cross-examined

explained that DDM is required to enhance software modeling production; nevertheless,

productivity must not be enhanced at the cost of quality. The respondents talked about the

necessity to encompass Data Driven Modeling in the software modeling in industrial process and

to evaluate or measure the correct thing. The respondents suggested that DDM be utilized to find

out what ought to be constructed since production is adversely affected when the erroneous thing

is built and the research participants recommended that DDM be used to ensure the stakeholders

have a shared comprehending of agile software modeling approaches.



4.1. Introduction

In the fifth chapter, the findings of the study are discussed and construed on basis of

theoretical framework: methods, tools, process and people. Recommendation as well as

limitations of this research are provided.

4.2. Conclusion

Data-driven models are transforming and shaping manufacturing processes, business

models as well as supply chains. This similarly influences the way how knowledge is

administered at the inter-organizational, organizational and individual level. DDM provides

newfangled opportunities to explicate knowledge and information from organization

memberships, offer learning materials, provide personalized decision support and learning

materials during the implementation of manufacturing industrial processes or find an appropriate

partner for knowledge sharing together with creation of new knowledge. DDM similarly entail

some of the risks of up surged knowledge leakage or other knowledge-linked dangers, which

might incriminate that a firm loses its competitive advantage. Therefore, both an enhanced

(knowledge) risk management become critical activities of an incorporated knowledge managing

in linked supply chains that are which are characterized by huge exchange of data and

partnership amongst varied market players. Manufacturing industrial processing need to define

analytics since analytics have been defined in numerous ways. Though there is a positive

connection amid the Data Driven practices of pair programming, coding standards and collective

ownership with the KM are essential in software development. Results shows that the knowledge


making, knowledge preservation, as well as knowledge transference have led to the denotation of

Data Driven Modeling in the Data Driven software context by definition.

4.3. Recommendations

Since the research was limited to India, additional study outside India with dissimilar

operative descriptions for analytics and KM might disclose new acumens into how Data Driven

might be used to enhance the productivity of software development. This study was restricted to

comprehending the experiences of project managers, agile instructors as well as software

managers. As such, it is recommended that extra study that encompass business analysts,

software developers, as well as other agile software modeling team members because it will

disclose dissimilar findings.

Even though some of the respondents defined their projects as a big, medium, others

defined the project as small. It is recommended that, further study that resolutely designate

respondents on the basis of project size because it will increase the knowledge on how DDM

enhances software modeling production in an agile software modeling industrial processing.

Qualitative study is considered to be investigative. Based on this, it is recommended that

further study must be conducted to empirically find out the relationship between software

development production and DDM in an agile software modeling industrial processing. As such,

quantitative study methodologies will help to find out how much production is or is not enhanced

if DDM is used and mixed approaches of study methodologies might be used to understand

better agile software modeling setting and to assess their efficiency on the usage of DDM to

advance software modeling production. Further investigation or study will be carried out to


assess the efficacy of knowledge management equipment that integrates analytics to enhance

software modeling production.

Manufacturing firms should think of commodities and not projects. Too frequently

manager believe software delivery as a project. When the project comes to an end the software

system will have performed its job and no additional work will be essential. Therefore, it is

recommended that managers must adopt product mindset to the software deliveries, incremental

enhancements instead of flop-dead shipping.

The organizations should test very early and regularly with computerization. To enhance

the quality of software, it is recommended to test early as this will make sure that any defects do

not grow into complicated issues. The larger the defect, the more costly it tends to become.

Therefore, the earlier the manufacturing company get testers the better. It is commended to

include testers early enough in the process of software design to make sure that they remain at

the top in handling the bugs or problems as they appear.

Testers regularly need to focus on early espousal of the automatic testing kit. As such, the

organization can begin systematizing non-UI tests originally the gradually upsurge the coverage

to UI predicated tests if the product stabilizes.

Organizations must execute quality controls from the start. Testers might be able to

inspect quality control and partner with software developers to make sure manufacturing

standards are being met during production. quality control begins from the start, which is a

continuous procedure during delivery. A good relation between software developer and testers

can assist the project software program develop efficiently and effectually. An organized method

in quality control can make sure that coding mistakes and problems are dealt with effectually

following structured procedure.



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