Running Head: Ethylbenzene Production 1

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Running head: Ethylbenzene production 1

Ethylbenzene production


Ethylbenzene production 2


Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3

Objectives of the process ................................................................................................ 3

Process including flow diagrams ..................................................................................... 4

Operating conditions ....................................................................................................... 5

The feed and final product............................................................................................... 6

Different technologies...................................................................................................... 6

Main reactions and main products .................................................................................. 7

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 7

References ...................................................................................................................... 9
Ethylbenzene production 3


According to Liang, Sarsani, West, Mamedov, and Lowrey, (2017) ethylene is one of the

simplest alkenes that consists of double bonds comprising of carbon atoms. Ethylene is

characterized by a colourless flame that is often musky and sweet in their pure form. On

the other hand, ethylbenzene refers to an organic compound -C6H5CH2CH3 -which is

found in natural products which entail petroleum as well as coal (Taghizadeh Damanabi

& Bahadori, 2018). In addition to that, the component is often found in manufactured

products as reflected in the case of paints and insecticides (Haghlesan, Alizadeh, &

Fatehifar, 2016). This article delves into the explanation of the various characteristics

and processes undertaken in ethylbenzene production.

Objectives of the process

As indicated by Ng, Sharma, and Rangaiah, (2017) the production of ethylbenzene is

informed by the various benefits associated with its components.

1. In particular, up to 90%, ethylbenzene is utilized in the production of styrene

monomer. By extension, the monomers are used in the production of polystyrene

as well as copolymers.

2. It is also worth noting that ethylbenzene has proved vital in reducing equipment

corrosion in industries. This is attributed to the fact that ethylbenzene related

products such as the catalysts which are zeolite-based have replaced mineral

acids which have often been used in machines as noted by Ambatkar and Naini,

Ethylbenzene production 4

In addition to that, Ambatkar and Naini, (2013) hold that the production of ethylene has

been motivated by the growth in the polycarbonate expansion across the world. In this

case, the industrialization of various countries such as those in the Middle East has

increased the demand for ethylbenzene (Taghizadeh Damanabi, & Bahadori, 2018).

The process including flow diagrams

Figure 1 Ambatkar, K., & Naini, P. (2013)

As shown in the diagram above, the main components required in the production of

ethylbenzene are fresh ethylene as well as fresh benzene. The two primary components

which are often in liquid form are channelled through reactors which in high

temperatures that enable for the reaction to take place. According to Liang, Sarsani,

West, Mamedov, and Lowrey, (2017) the reactors are also required to operate under

high pressure as a means of ensuring proper reaction of the various components. An

exothermic heat which is generated from the process is released in the form of steam.
Ethylbenzene production 5

The effluent which is generated from the first reactor is channelled into the second

reactor alongside the steam which was collected in the exothermic process (Farahani,

Alavi, & Falamaki, 2017). The utilization of the heat in the second reactor makes it an

adiabatic process. As shown by Ng, Sharma, and Rangaiah, (2017) an adiabatic

process allows for the release of energy in the form of work. In other words, all the

energy released in the process tends to achieve its objectives (Natarajan, Al-Sinani,

Viswanathan, & Manivasagan, 2017). In essence, the process often encompasses

three stages which include benzene alkylation, separation of benzene and finally the

transalkylation of benzene (Ambatkar & Naini, 2013).

Operating conditions

According to the study by Ng, Sharma, and Rangaiah, (2017), the operating conditions

of ethylbenzene production entail, setting the temperatures of the two major products-

ethylene and benzene- at 25 degrees Celsius. In addition to that, the pressure of the

two components has to be set at 2000 kPa. In particular, ethylene has to be comprised

of 7 mol % ethane as well as ethylene which is at 93% (Ghasemzadeh, Zeynali,

Bahadori, & Basile, 2018). In essence ethylene, in this case, makes up the largest

fraction of the mixture that is needed for production (Liang, Sarsani, West, Mamedov,

and Lowrey, 2017).

In regards to stream 3, it is imperative that is set on a recyclable condition of 1:8

ethylene to benzene. The other conditions which have to be met include raising the

temperature of the mixture to 400 degrees Celsius as observed by Ambatkar and Naini,

Ethylbenzene production 6

The feed and the final product

As highlighted above and as elaborated by Yang, Wang, Sun, and Zhang, (2016), the

main components required in the production of ethylbenzene are ethylene and benzene.

This as such implies that the feeds used in this productions process are ethylene and

benzene while the final product is ethylbenzene (Maerz, Chi, & Bhoomi, 2019).

Feed Products

Ethylene Ethylbenzene


Different technologies

There are numerous technologies, as mentioned by Ng, Sharma, and Rangaiah, (2017),

which have been invented in the development of ethylbenzene. As shown above, one of

the common technologies entail the use of reactors which allows for the raising of

temperatures of the various components while maintaining high-pressure conditions

(Liang, Sarsani, West, Mamedov, and Lowrey, 2017). According to Yang, Wang, Sun,

and Zhang, (2016) the other technology which has proved vital in the production

process is the badger technology. In particular, the badger technology encompasses

the combination of ethylene and benzene while relying on the Ethylbenzene alkylation

(EBMax) process (Bustillo-Lecompte, Kakar, & Mehrvar, 2018). Some of the major

benefits associated with this particular technology are the fact that it does not require

special handling or packaging an aspect which improves the ethylbenzene production

process significantly. Ng, Sharma, and Rangaiah, (2017) note that the offsite generation

is often preferred given the fact that the generation of ethylbenzene tend to have a long
Ethylbenzene production 7

cycle. It is also worth noting that ethylbenzene production process has been licensed by

a badger and that the process is significantly energy efficient leading to low production

cost for the involved stakeholders (Yang, Wang, Sun, & Zhang, 2016). In other words,

the combination of various aspects such as energy efficiency and high yield

components makes the badger technology the most viable approach for the production

of ethylbenzene. The approach has also become popular given the fact that they can

produce relatively low levels of by product oligomers. This as such implies that it is

effective in the production given the fact that energy invested in the process leads in the

creation of ethylbenzene. The technology has also proved beneficial based on the fact

that it can rely on rations of ethylene and benzene in the production process (Yang,

Wang, Sun, & Zhang, 2016).

Main reactions and main products

Ng, Sharma, and Rangaiah, (2017) do observe that the main reactions that are

experienced in the production of ethylbenzene involves the combination of ethylene and

benzene to produce the ethylbenzene compound. As highlighted above this reaction

tends to be exothermic which leads to the creation of heat that can be used in the

subsequent stages of production. On the other hand, the main products generated from

the process include ethylbenzene, steam, and heat. The reactions, in this case, entail

transalkylation of the various components, reactions and outcomes that are well

elaborated by Yang, Wang, Sun, and Zhang, (2016).


In summary, ethylbenzene production encompasses the use of two products ethylene

and benzene. In essence, the production process often relies on the combination of the
Ethylbenzene production 8

above-highlighted components in an exothermic reaction. It is also evident from the

above discussion that there various technologies which have been developed with the

aim of improving the efficiency of producing ethylbenzene. A notable example of

technology in this regard is a badger. In particular, this technology has been revealed to

be relatively more energy efficient an aspect which contributes in reducing the overall

costs required in the production of ethylbenzene. The evaluation also shows that the

production process of ethylene requires the utilization of ethylene and benzene as the

two primary products.

Ethylbenzene production 9


Ambatkar, K., & Naini, P. (2013). Aspen Simulation and Optimization of Ethylbenzene

Production. Oxford Publishers

Bustillo-Lecompte, C. F., Kakar, D., & Mehrvar, M. (2018). Photochemical treatment of

benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) in aqueous solutions using

advanced oxidation processes: Towards a cleaner production in the petroleum

refining and petrochemical industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 186, 609-


Farahani, S. H., Alavi, S. M., & Falamaki, C. (2017). Improved performance of HZSM-5

for the ethylbenzene/xylene isomerization reaction under industrial operating

conditions. RSC Advances, 7(54), 34012-34022.

Ghasemzadeh, K., Zeynali, R., Bahadori, F., & Basile, A. (2018). CFD analysis of Pd-Ag

membrane reactor performance during ethylbenzene dehydrogenation

process. international journal of hydrogen energy, 43(15), 7675-7683.

Haghlesan, A., Alizadeh, R., & Fatehifar, E. (2016). Modeling of ethylbenzene

dehydrogenation catalyst deactivation on an industrial scale. Petroleum Science

and Technology, 34(6), 499-504.

Maerz, B., Chi, C. M., & Bhoomi, R. (2019). U.S. Patent Application No. 16/070,585.

Natarajan, R., Al-Sinani, J., Viswanathan, S., & Manivasagan, R. (2017).

Biodegradation of ethyl benzene and xylene contaminated air in an up flow mixed

culture biofilter. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 119, 309-315.

Ethylbenzene production

Ng, Q. H., Sharma, S., & Rangaiah, G. P. (2017). Design and analysis of an ethyl

benzene production process using conventional distillation columns and dividing-

wall column for multiple objectives. Chemical Engineering Research and Design,

118, 142-157.

Taghizadeh Damanabi, A., & Bahadori, F. (2018). Exergy analysis of ethylbenzene

dehydrogenation to styrene monomer. Energy & Environment, 29(7), 1098-1115.

Yang, W., Wang, Z., Sun, H., & Zhang, B. (2016). Advances in development and

industrial applications of ethylbenzene processes. Chinese Journal of

Catalysis, 37(1), 16-26.

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