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Winter 2019
Semester GPA is unofficial if any grades or credits are pending or incomplete. Pass/Fail and Audit course grades
(Community Service, Common Hours, etc.) appear on transcripts but are not computed into GPAs

Date: June 7, 2019

Student: Wei, WeiWei
Student ID: 2281451

Class: 2021
Residence Hall: Hemingway
Major: Music

Course Title: EL Developing: Integrated Skills

Course Number: EL221
Instructor: Stamatakis, Marvine

Absences: 0
Tardies: 0
Semester Grade: A

The students read fiction, focusing on learning about plot and character development this semester. We began by reading A Study in Charlotte by Brittany
Cavallaro, Creative Writing faculty member. One of the assessments was writing a character analysis of one of the main characters. We also read two
classic short stories, The Lottery and Desiree's Baby, focusing on plot development. The culminating project was writing a story based on an incident in
their own lives. They wrote on a variety of topics that ranged from humorous to serious reflections on life experiences.

Wei, you were an excellent student this year. You always completed your assignments and you made a lot of effort to improve your vocabulary and writing
skills which are very good. Your short story at the end of the semester was very well crafted and written. You gave a detailed account of one of the most
difficult times in your life. You had the entire class engaged and intent on learning how you resolved the situation. I was very proud of your work. I hope that
you read books in English over the summer to prepare for going to mainstream classes in September. You could also review grammar and look over some
of your repeated errors on your essays. I enjoyed working with you, watching you make rapid progress due to your own attitude and engagement in the
lessons. I hope you have a great summer. I look forward to seeing you in September.

2281451 Wei, WeiWei Liberal Arts

Winter 2019
Semester GPA is unofficial if any grades or credits are pending or incomplete. Pass/Fail and Audit course grades
(Community Service, Common Hours, etc.) appear on transcripts but are not computed into GPAs

Date: June 7, 2019

Student: Wei, WeiWei
Student ID: 2281451

Class: 2021
Residence Hall: Hemingway
Major: Music

Course Title: EL Developing: Life Science

Course Number: EL226
Instructor: Newport, Mary Ellen

Absences: 0
Tardies: 0
Semester Grade: A

In the Science class for developing English language learners, we spent the last quarter learning about plants. We covered photosynthesis at a very deep
level. Students were assessed for their understanding of the PROCESSES of the dark reaction and the light reaction of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis on
a global scale was linked with carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. We finished the year learning to identify local plants. Because our spring weather
was so cool, we never really got to learn our deciduous trees. Students were quizzed on vocabulary and application of the vocabulary to tree identification.
The students in this class were a wonderful group of young people who grew a lot, and it was a pleasure and a privilege to get to know them. They taught
ME some important lessons in determination, bravery and grit.

Wei Wei is a superior student. Not only is she diligent, hard-working and bright, she is also a JOYFUL learner. Please never lose that, Wei Wei! She has the
maturity of a much older student. She really grew in her ability to "read" her classmates, and to be helpful in their learning. This kind of peer teaching most
rewards the peer teacher! The awards you received are a measure of the respect your teachers have for you. Congratulations on a very fine year!

2281451 Wei, WeiWei Liberal Arts

Winter 2019
Semester GPA is unofficial if any grades or credits are pending or incomplete. Pass/Fail and Audit course grades
(Community Service, Common Hours, etc.) appear on transcripts but are not computed into GPAs

Date: June 7, 2019

Student: Wei, WeiWei
Student ID: 2281451

Class: 2021
Residence Hall: Hemingway
Major: Music

Course Title: Geometry

Course Number: MTH104
Instructor: Hoffmann, Kirsten

Absences: 1
Tardies: 0
Semester Grade: A

The Geometry students finished the semester working in different dimensions. They calculated a variety of two-dimensional areas including regular
polygons, circles, and right triangles using the Pythagorean Theorem. We transitioned into calculating the surface area of three-dimensional solids and then
explored how to fill the space by calculating the volume and the differences between these two calculations. Along with space, the students explored
different chords and angles within a circle. The students finished the semester discovering shortcuts for special right triangles using the Pythagorean
Theorem, a key concept in Trigonometry. The students were assessed on area, volume, and circle concepts and their ability to communicate through
paragraph proofs and applying formulas to unique situations.
WeiWei continued to show a strong understanding of Geometry this semester. She came to every class with her homework completed and ready to listen to
the discussions in class. If she didn't show a perfect understanding on a quiz, she would bring it to office hours to make sure she had it 100% correct.
WeiWei was always for a challenge leaned more Geometry topics such as surface area and volume of spheres, the similarity of volume, and arc length.
During the final test, I was blown away by the accuracy WeiWei showed in her paragraph proofs and combinations of formulas. There were no errors in her
work, and she received a perfect score. WeiWei has agreed to be a Geometry peer tutor next year. Her peers will be lucky to have her! Wonderful job,

2281451 Wei, WeiWei Math/Science

Winter 2019
Semester GPA is unofficial if any grades or credits are pending or incomplete. Pass/Fail and Audit course grades
(Community Service, Common Hours, etc.) appear on transcripts but are not computed into GPAs

Date: June 7, 2019

Student: Wei, WeiWei
Student ID: 2281451

Class: 2021
Residence Hall: Hemingway
Major: Music

Course Title: Private Lesson/Studio: Piano

Course Number: MUS032
Instructor: Coonrod, Michael

Absences: 0
Tardies: 0
Semester Grade: A

Wei has an unusually great talent for music. She is always listening to music, she has creative ideas about how she wants to perform pieces, her technical
approach is natural, and she learns extremely quickly. Although she has goals of achieving knowledge in math/science, her potential in piano performance
is considerable. I am here to help and to challenge her.

Three months of summer vacation is actually 1/4 of a year. I hope she will make the most of it studying TOEFL AND piano.

Wei is a special student--thank you for sending her to Interlochen! And congratulations on her awards. I don't think she attended the Honors Convocation
when they were presented to her.

Dr. Coonrod

2281451 Wei, WeiWei Music

Winter 2019
Semester GPA is unofficial if any grades or credits are pending or incomplete. Pass/Fail and Audit course grades
(Community Service, Common Hours, etc.) appear on transcripts but are not computed into GPAs

Date: June 7, 2019

Student: Wei, WeiWei
Student ID: 2281451

Class: 2021
Residence Hall: Hemingway
Major: Music

Course Title: Theory B

Course Number: MUS104
Instructor: Philipsen, Dane

Absences: 2
Tardies: 1
Semester Grade: A

Excellent work this semester, Wei Wei! I hope that you are looking forward to the more challenging material in Theory C. You are well prepared.

In the second quarter of Theory B, we continued using intervals, scales, chords, and other building blocks of music to develop more understanding of
tonality and harmony. This culminated in an introduction to harmonic analysis using Roman numerals with figured bass.For more information about
individual assignments and progress through the semester, please review comments through the Canvas gradebook.

2281451 Wei, WeiWei Music

Winter 2019
Semester GPA is unofficial if any grades or credits are pending or incomplete. Pass/Fail and Audit course grades
(Community Service, Common Hours, etc.) appear on transcripts but are not computed into GPAs

Date: June 7, 2019

Student: Wei, WeiWei
Student ID: 2281451

Class: 2021
Residence Hall: Hemingway
Major: Music

Course Title: Biology

Course Number: SCI102
Instructor: Scheub, Jenna

Absences: 1
Tardies: 0
Semester Grade: A

The second semester of Biology focused on DNA structure and function, cell division by mitosis and binary fission, cancer, evolution by natural selection
and genetics. The evolution unit introduced students to the process of natural selection through real world issue of antibiotic resistance. In the second half
of the semester, students used models to increase their knowledge of how bacteria can gain resistance to antibiotics. They also conducted labs with live
bacteria and created lab safety videos to illustrate proper lab safety when working with microorganisms in culture.

Wei adjusted to full-level English language Biology as a second semester admit with grace and ease. She quickly proved herself to be a high achieving
student with discipline and a high commitment to learning. In a reflection this semester, she shared that she used an app to review video content played in
class at a slower rate to improve her understanding of the content and the English language! Wei wrote, "The most difficulty for me was the English
vocabulary, but now I feel more confident and have improved a lot. I really appreciate Ms. Scheub for understanding about my challenges with English, I
enjoyed Biology!" Congratulations on a great semester!

2281451 Wei, WeiWei Math/Science

Winter 2019
Semester GPA is unofficial if any grades or credits are pending or incomplete. Pass/Fail and Audit course grades
(Community Service, Common Hours, etc.) appear on transcripts but are not computed into GPAs

Date: June 7, 2019

Student: Wei, WeiWei
Student ID: 2281451

Class: 2021
Residence Hall: Hemingway
Major: Music

Course Title: Vocal Accompanist Community Service

Course Number: CSV242
Instructor: Norris, Jeffery

Absences: 0
Tardies: 0
Semester Grade: P

Great Work - Thank you !!

2281451 Wei, WeiWei Residence Life

Winter 2019
Semester GPA is unofficial if any grades or credits are pending or incomplete. Pass/Fail and Audit course grades
(Community Service, Common Hours, etc.) appear on transcripts but are not computed into GPAs

Date: June 7, 2019

Student: Wei, WeiWei
Student ID: 2281451

Class: 2021
Residence Hall: Hemingway
Major: Music

Course Title: Hemingway House

Course Number: DRM-HEM101
Instructor: Dunham, Amy

We believe that Wei Wei has been doing really well in Hemingway this year. We see her spending time with friends in the cafeteria pretty regularly. While
we do not hear from Wei Wei very much, it is good to see that she seems to be happy and has a good support system. We encourage Wei Wei, if she
returns to Interlochen, to attempt to build a relationship with hall staff. We want to know about her life and be involved! Wei Wei and her roommate Aysu
have been doing well over the past few weeks. They have had a little trouble passing room inspection but it has not continued through multiple weeks. Wei
Wei has done a good job at following residence hall rules as she has not received an infraction since January. We look forward to seeing how Wei Wei will
grow next year as an artist and a student! Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns! (,; 231-276-7553)

Student Behavioral Profile: See

Always Usually Seldom Never Comments

Follows Schedule (quiet hour, sign in and lights out)

Follows Fire Safety Guidelines
Keeps room at an acceptable level of cleanliness
Practices Good Health Habits
Shows Consideration for others
Good Attitude toward community living
Actively Wellness Level programming

2281451 Wei, WeiWei Residence Life

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