Defradar - Data Subject Request Register

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Data Subject Request Register Security Classification: [Insert Classification]
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Last Updated: dd/mm/yy Excel 2007 or earlier, the Excel 2007 or earlier, the Excel 2007 or earlier, the
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By: [Name]

Customer Request Identity Charge

Date of request Title Name Address Type of request Personal data involved Request details Validity assessment Time extensions Action taken Request status Closure date
/account number reason/justification confirmed applied
dd/mm/yyyy Mr John Doe 25 Data Street, 12345678 Automated decisions & Data submitted as part of standard Mr. Doe would like his As per right under GDPR Yes Valid under article 22 of the No None Application assessed Closed dd/mm/yyyy
Rightown profiling application for personal loan application to be subject to GDPR 2016 manually by loan department
human assessment rather than on dd/mm/yyyy

07/09/2019 Page 1 of 2 Confidential

Data Subject Request Register - Completion Instructions
The intention of this spreadsheet is to record details of requests from data subjects with regard to personal data.
See the Data Subject Request Procedure for more detail about the handling of requests.

The intended meanings of the listed columns are as follows.

Column Meaning
Date of request The date that the request was received. This can be important as
there are time limits on responses to some types of request
Title The data subject's preferred title e.g. Mr., Ms., Dr.
Name The first and last name of the data subject
Address The address given by the data subject
Customer /account number If applicable, the reference by which the data subject is known by
our organization
Type of request The type of data subject request. The main request types are:
Consent withdrawal
Access request
Rectification of personal data
Erasure of personal data
Restriction of processing of personal data
Personal data portability request
Objection to processing of personal data
Request regarding automated decision-making and profiling

Personal data involved A description of the personal data that the request refers to.
Please give as much detail as available so that the data involved
can be clearly identified
Request details Details of the request being made i.e. what the data subject is
asking to be done.
Request reason/justification The reason(s) for the request and why the data subject believes
the request is justified
Identity confirmed Has the data subject's identity been confirmed via one or more of
the approved methods?
Validity assessment An assessment by an appropriate person within the organization
as to whether the request is legally valid and should be complied
with. Reasons for validity or non-validity must be stated
Charge applied Was a charge made for complying with the request? If so, state
the amount of the charge
Time extensions Was an extension to the default time available for complying with
the request taken? If so, state the reason(s) and the duration
Action taken State the action taken by the organization with regard to this
Request status request
The current status of the request e.g. open, closed
Closure date If closed, the date that the request was closed

07/09/2019 Page 2 of 2 Confidential

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