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Time : 3 Hours Marks : 80

All Questions are Compulsory.
Each Sub-question carry 5 marks.
Each Sub-question should be answered between 75 to 100 words. Write every questions
answer on separate page.
Question paper of 80 Marks, it will be converted in to your programme structure marks.
Incase of doubt of question, Marathi version will be treated as final.

1. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) Explain the features of Land.

b) Explain the determinants of demand.

c) Explain the law of supply.

KA18-1358 G02/COM106/EE/20180104 : 1 (P.T.O.)

d) Explain the features of a perfect competition market.

2. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) explain the determinants of wages.

b) Write the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation.

c) What do you mean by barter exchange system? Explain the defficiencies of barter
exchanger system.

d) Write short notes on functions of money.

e) What do you mean by industry? Explain the different types of industries.

3. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) What are the functions of a retailer?

KA18-1358 G02/COM106/EE/20180104 : 2
~)state the features of multiple shops.

b) What are the features of the Wholesaler?

c) Explain the need of foreign trade.

d) What is meant by storage of goods? Explain its importance.

4. dm. Solve any four sub-questions.

a) What are the functions of business Correspondence?

b) Explain they types (Events) of business letters.

c) What do you mean by the term tax? What are the different types of taxes?

KA18-1358 G02/COM106/EE/20180104 : 3 (P.T.O.)

S Explain the features of Public Corporation.

d) State the principles of Book Keeping.


KA18-1358 G02/COM106/EE/20180104 : 4

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